Thread: [H3] Unleashing the Bloodthirsty Map | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 23 24 25 26 27 · NEXT» |

Tavern Dweller
posted June 20, 2007 11:45 AM |
Edited by angelito at 16:54, 26 Jul 2009.
[H3] Unleashing the Bloodthirsty Map
I've conquered the Towers in the north-west as well as the Barbarian castle underground, beaten the Giants and went to the seers hut behind the volcanoes. What should I do now?

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 20, 2007 01:28 PM |
Maybe this helps?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 20, 2007 09:50 PM |
Well, not really, I'm a little bit further now.
I guess I've done everything that could be done on that snow-covered island, travelled through both monoliths, visited the subterranean gate etc.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 20, 2007 11:18 PM |
So u took the stronghold town in underworld (where u first needed Helm of heavenly Enlightenment to open gate)?
If so, the hero defending that town had 3 arties. One of them was Sword of Judgement. This is needed to open a gate (on sea) south of snow island which will lead ya to another island with 3 stronghold towns to conquer. Be prepared to fight more than 500 crystal dragons before u can reach that area. And each neutral stronghold town there is guarded by more than 5000 Ancient Behemots...
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 21, 2007 10:44 AM |
Thanks, I just haven't noticed that I have this sword. These behemots are unbeatable for me as for now .
Oh, and by the way I'm also stuck in The Empire of the World II. I'm in er... 'Mongolia', and the only way further seems to be water-walking through a water reservoir, bisected by a small piece of land where Cornucopia artifact can be found. However, there is not enough unveiled land to get to the other shore.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 21, 2007 11:07 AM |
Quote: Oh, and by the way I'm also stuck in The Empire of the World II. I'm in er... 'Mongolia', and the only way further seems to be water-walking through a water reservoir, bisected by a small piece of land where Cornucopia artifact can be found. However, there is not enough unveiled land to get to the other shore.
There is hidden passage right at the bottom of those "water reservoirs" where u can travel to the west (a hidden +1 knowledge object has to be visited first to be able to travel further). That way u will reach a new area where u fight fortress towns, and u also will reveal more land to be able to water-walk to the cornucopia then.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Hired Hero
posted November 11, 2007 04:36 PM |
Unleashing the bloodthirsty??? Yes, it is a great map!
Have you ever defeated Sentinel? 3x9999 level 10 dragons; 9999 titans and 9999 archangels! I saw someone do it with 6000 ancient behemoths and a lovely Orb of Vulnerability!!! But... he can't do it by 3000 chaos hydras, 4000 death gorgon and 6000 grand elf! Who can?

Known Hero
Stronghold Warchief
posted November 12, 2007 02:01 PM |
Quote: Unleashing the bloodthirsty??? Yes, it is a great map!
Have you ever defeated Sentinel? 3x9999 level 10 dragons; 9999 titans and 9999 archangels! I saw someone do it with 6000 ancient behemoths and a lovely Orb of Vulnerability!!! But... he can't do it by 3000 chaos hydras, 4000 death gorgon and 6000 grand elf! Who can?
It's a very interesting map by the way i deafeated the Sentinel only with the Cheat
Don't look back because you will...die?

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 12:40 AM |
I have a problem after the rampart castle. I cannot defeat pink (Fortress) because their army and primary skills are much better then mine. I'm already in the fifth month and if I kill one hero of pink, then will the other two hero's crush me. I can't imagine how to survive this without help.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 03:25 PM |
I defeated pink (fortrest), but now I have already a problem. I must seek to the Sword of Judgement, or I must defeat Archangels to get to teal. A green guard stands between me and Tan. I don't know how to get further, Please help me !

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted August 19, 2008 03:31 PM |
Quote: I have a problem after the rampart castle. I cannot defeat pink (Fortress) because their army and primary skills are much better then mine. I'm already in the fifth month and if I kill one hero of pink, then will the other two hero's crush me. I can't imagine how to survive this without help.
Month 5?? Fortress (pink) should be killed between week 3 and week 6. So middle month 2, fortress should be dead. Otherwise they will get too many reinforcements.
You should start the whole game new. You start right from the very first day and follow the road north. You can kill the dwarves guarding the goldmine (a bit tricky fight..) and get the artefact. Don't forget to visit the magic shrine southeast of that goldmine. A volcano is hiding it in the corner...you will learn forgetfullness there. (Means, when u level up, try to get water magic to expert level, so u can cast mass forgetfullness when u attack the rampart town.)
After you flagged the goldmine (should be day 4 or 5 week 1), go back and wait in your town until your reinforcements (cyclopkings) will come to the town. that should be week 2 day 3 or day 4 if I recall correct. Buy all troops and then follow road again. Get the waterwalk boots, kill the grandelves there and then hunt towards the 4 elf dwellings to the east (don't care about the goldmine, not important). If you did right so far, you should flagg all 4 dwellings until day 7. next day you buy all elves from all 4 dwellings again and hunt back to the hillfort. Upgrade all troops and then go for the rampart town.
Battle tactic in that siege:
Protect all your archers in the top corner, cast mass forgetfullness and block gate with thunderbirds. Try to shoot down the grandelves first. You shouldn't lose too much with that tactic. Always look out when forgetfullness spell is gone....when they can shoot again, you are dead meet.
If this worked right, you should have the town and the bonus troops (which join 1 step further...) about week 3 day 2 or 3. Go back with all unupgraded troops to the hillfort and upgrade them, then you are ready for fortress area. Don't take care about anyhting else but the towns and the heroes. If you are able to flagg an enchanter dwelling and buy 2 of them, it would help a bit.
Fights vs fortress are not too easy, but doable. Opponent has lots of hydras and chaos, while you ahve to rely on your shooters. But you should have 500 or more Grandelves at that point...so can shoot down a lot. Always try to let computer cast his spell first (he has mass haste on most of his heroes), coz he casts blind pretty often. Cure your grandies and shoot his hydras down first!
Good luck
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 04:13 PM |
Thanks, but just this morning I did the whole campaign over. And I left my hometown at week three, and I defeated Pink. But after that while you have the ships and the second hero (an old friend), At that point I have problems now. I can't go anywhere. I have no summon ship spell, so if I want to beat Teal, i need that spell, to destroy the Archangel in the southwest. In the whirpools I came nowhere where I needed to be.
The Tower of Tan I can't defeat, because there is a guard tower in the front of it. I can't pass it without the key.
An other option is to go futher by ship, but If I go to the west, I need the Sword of Judgement, and I don't have it.
Sorry for my stupity,

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted August 19, 2008 08:19 PM |
Edited by angelito at 20:27, 19 Aug 2008.
You need to visit the green tent, which is located behind the northeastern fortress town. there was an event which told ya so right when you took that town.
It is very important for you to read all hints, signs and all messages which appear every now and then.
The sword of judgement is held by a hero who guards the stronghold town in the underground. You will get there after you have cleaned the whole snow area and tan.
Two Reminders:
1. Did you visit the seer's hut and the 2way monolith right behind the rampart town? Important!
2. Did you kill the wyvern monarchs on the islands? They did not only guard a gold pile...1 step further you can find an artefact..
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 20, 2008 12:22 AM |
Thanks a Lot !!!
I am so much futher now, however the opponets are realy strong, I must go on and on to get monsters from te castles.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 06, 2009 02:24 AM |
Guidance Please
I am currently playing Unleashing the Bloodthirsty. My current point in the map is I have captured the Rampart and Inferno towns (and, of course, the Fortresses, Towers and Strongholds). I am unable to attack Teal or otherwise explore more of the map because I have not located the Key Masters for the dark blue, purple or white gates. I think I have been everywhere I can without finding those Key Masters or obtaining the Fly, Water Walk or Dimension Door spells. The first Rampart town, "Forest Keep," has a Seer's hut behind it but not a two-way monolith. What did I miss?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 06, 2009 03:35 AM |
The purple keymaster tent is behind the inferno town Arabiastordita.
When having problems finding any object, open the editor/find/object you look for.
Era II mods and utilities

Tavern Dweller
posted January 06, 2009 03:55 AM |
Thanks! I'm off to war again!

Tavern Dweller
posted January 14, 2009 07:35 AM |
I have a question about this map. I assume one must have either Dimension Door or Fly in order to reach the red orb. How is the necessary spell obtained?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 14, 2009 08:18 AM |

Adventuring Hero
posted January 15, 2009 12:17 AM |
You said between week 3-6. Really - between week 4-6.
Whatever, at month 2 AI has 74 chaos hydras and a hero with all stats about 20. First spell is mass haste...then Enchanters cast mass slow and hydras attack grand elves.