Thread: H3 in HV | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted March 28, 2008 03:55 PM |
Quote: Cepheus - oye.. I'll try! 
Gnoll_Mage - In all of the modding theory that I've read, I thought it was impossible to cut and paste/resize parts of one creature to the other. Are you speaking of splicing models, or simply copying and pasting the textures? I really really like your idea of the beard as tentacles. Almost creepy tho..
Check out my Planeswalker and Sun Warrior NCF creatures. The Planeswalker is a modified Necromancer on a modified Hell Charger; the Sun Warrior has the Angel's sword. They work in different ways, but the general conclusion is that combination is certainly possible, and resizing too, BUT within certain limits. If you want more of an explanation, well firstly look at the modfiles and also read the respective NCF threads for the two creatures. There are other examples around too (e.g. Templar iirc).

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2008 04:19 PM |
Edited by pause at 16:57, 28 Mar 2008.
then why couldn't we split the rhaksasha with the fire element to make a naga? and the looks of your planeswalker makes me think we'll be ok for a wolf rider.. and a wizard hero on a horse for the nomad? 
I found some of your theory on such info nothing on the planeswalker though, but the NFC showcase thread where you show off all the good stuff you've made was impressive.. and I see a lot of creatures that would be needed for h3. How opposed are you to lending copies of those to this project? Of course I would give the necessary credit to those who deserve it (not like i'm gunna make money on this )

Supreme Hero
posted March 28, 2008 05:04 PM |
Well the Rakshasa face is a bit wrong for a Naga, but it could work. Also, it could be tricky to get the Goblin actually riding the Wolf.
As for using NCF creatures, you'd need to ask the respective creators for permission. (Which were you looking at? The Basilisks? The Thunderbird?)

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2008 07:33 PM |
Edited by pause at 19:43, 28 Mar 2008.
With the Naga, i'm not so purist as to deny a male version tho the H3 is female.. As I suggested with the Pitlord, why couldn't we use a female (shadow witch or succubus) for such a creature, after all, as stated by Led Zeppelin, "Soul of a woman was created below"
disclaimer: JUST KIDDING!
is there a specific list of these creatures that are completed and their creators? (other than the phonebook?)
is there a specific program that i would need to use to splice said creatures together? or does photoshop cover that? (i don't see how it could) I'll try to mess around with the beard/eye after i put together a behemoth if i have the right tools. 

Adventuring Hero
posted March 28, 2008 08:00 PM |
If you want help I could do the Pit Lord. Just tell me and I will start making it.
Academy to Covenant
mod under

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2008 08:14 PM |
go for it my friend! Personally I'm torn.
Succubus - Good: Horns & Hoofed feet, bad: no whip
Shadow Witch - Good: Whip, Spikes on head (hornish), bad: boots, not hooves
whichever you think is best. I won't be able to check back to monday, so take your time. =]

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2008 08:59 PM |
Edited by pause at 21:00, 28 Mar 2008.
Oye.. i'm afraid this granny viewer might be beyond me, But is it such taht i can load two models, splice them, then save them?
soz for the dbl post

Supreme Hero
posted March 28, 2008 11:48 PM |
Heh, if only there were... nope, everything has to be done by hand. The granny viewer isn't hard to use really, what did you manage to do with it?
Also, tell me which NCF creatures you'd like and I can try to get hold of the creators.

Adventuring Hero
posted March 29, 2008 07:24 PM |
Here is my Pit Fiend:
Click it
The hair won't go off because there's no alpha channel in the texture 
Academy to Covenant
mod under

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 29, 2008 07:34 PM |
Im against these projects but here are some suggestions.
Imp - Imp
Gog - Succubus
Hell Hound - Hell Hound, but maybe change it to black
Demon - resized pit lord/pit fiend is perfect (if you can resize)
Pit Lord - Shadow Witch
Efreet - Recolored Djinn
Devil - Devil or maybe even Sovereign, since Kha-beleth looks very much like a H3 devil.
Gremlin - Gremlin
Gargolye - recolored imp to fit more with H3 style
Golem - Golem
Mage - Mage
Genie - Djinn
Naga - Fire Elemental with "humaoid" body if it works.
Titan - Titan
Gnoll - ???
Lizardman - Sylvan Archer reskin???
Serpent Fly - ??? flying water elemental? 
Basilisk - change to normal raptor?
Gorgon - Orcs mount
Wyvern - reskined Wyvern
Hydra - green hydra
Trogolyte - ToK Trogdolyte
Harpy - Blood Fury with wings?
Beholder - ??? ToK one
Medusa - Same as naga
Minotaur - Minotaur, swap weapons if you can
Manticore - Manticore
Dragon - Dragon
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill

Known Hero
posted March 31, 2008 02:16 PM |
Edited by pause at 17:41, 31 Mar 2008.
Ulfara - Very nice!  Don't Worry too much about the hair. Just a few changes. I was thinking of a creature less human. Can you make the skin a Dark greyish red w/ cracks (rock like) and put some clothes on her?  
Gnoll_Mage - I've tried playing around with the Granny viewer a bit, but can't find any files that it will load. What file extensions work with it? Also one more stupid question; I just can't get effects to transfer and its frustrating the heck out of me. I followed thru with the wiki, and i understand it, but when i go to the map editor to view my changes i get nothing.. Do you have any tips that might help me?
oye vey. Lots of hours this weekend. 'er goes:
Wight - No Jaw!!  


Ghost - Not done.. I want to make 50% transparent.. getting there


Ancient Behemoth

Sacred Behemoth

as always.. please critisize! =]

Known Hero
posted March 31, 2008 02:36 PM |
Edited by pause at 14:57, 31 Mar 2008.
Xerox -
Gog - Succubus - not a terrible idea! I could give her fur like i did the behemoth
Demon - resized pit lord/pit fiend is perfect (if you can resize)
Pit Lord - Shadow Witch - agreed!
Devil - Devil or maybe even Sovereign, since Kha-beleth looks very much like a H3 devil. - also a great idea
Gargolye - recolored imp to fit more with H3 style - agree
Naga - Fire Elemental with "humaoid" body if it works.
Gnoll - I was thinking Furry Goblin
Lizardman - Sylvan Archer reskin - good point
Serpent Fly - ??? flying water elemental?
Trogolyte - ToK Trogdolyte
Harpy - Blood Fury with wings? can't wait to play with granny viewer
Beholder - ??? ToK one - workin on one 
Medusa - Same as naga
Thanks for some great ideas!
(am I gunna get banned for these double posts? I just can't stand to have a post that's 3 miles long...)

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 31, 2008 04:01 PM |
the behemoth is a pit fiend?

Known Hero
posted March 31, 2008 04:38 PM |
Edited by pause at 16:47, 31 Mar 2008.
I would like scale it larger, but its the closest thing I can think that looks like a behemoth.
Seriously tho, I'm not sure what the community as a whole thinks of my re-textures.. I think they're awesome, but then again, i hate them. Whats good? what needs improvements? should i have used a dif model for the behemoth?? 

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted March 31, 2008 05:15 PM |
The Behemoth is excellent. Top-notch job

Adventuring Hero
posted March 31, 2008 06:26 PM |
Edited by ulfara at 18:31, 31 Mar 2008.
Quote: Ulfara - Very nice! Don't Worry too much about the hair. Just a few changes. I was thinking of a creature less human. Can you make the skin a Dark greyish red w/ cracks (rock like) and put some clothes on her?
OK, I'll try. I'm not sure what clothes I'll put on the Pit Fiend. Any suggestions, because I don't think bikini fits with my Pit Fiend. Btw very nice Behemoth. I didn't think it was possible to make a Behemoth from a Pit Lord...
Is this mod going to have alternative upgrades?
Academy to Covenant
mod under

Undefeatable Hero
posted March 31, 2008 06:32 PM |
imo it doesn't look enough like the behemoth from H3.
but renaming it and giving it the abilities and stats of the behemoth could work.

Supreme Hero
posted March 31, 2008 06:59 PM |
I'd probably make the old Wight and Wraith by resizing the new ones...
Behemoths look good but might be a bit small maybe. I posted a bit about them in BJ's thread I think.
@Ulfara: if there isn't an alpha channel you can usually just create a new one.
Granny viewer loads files from the bin/Skeleton(s?) folder.
But: the Planeswalker method is probably more useful than the Sun Warrior one. I'd love to explain more if you're struggling (MSN maybe, since it's a two way thing really), but atm I can't do too much typing so I wouldn't really be able to.

Known Hero
posted March 31, 2008 08:53 PM |
Edited by pause at 21:08, 31 Mar 2008.
Ulfara - Nice work on the eyes! Make it look as tho she forgot to shave her legs... for a couple hundred years! With the red skin, no top would be needed, it'll be "barbie dollish" i sappose.. like the succubuss. See below for skin tone ideas
Keep up the good work! : 

Gnoll_Mage-How to resize? do i use granny?
Quote: But: the Planeswalker method is probably more useful than the Sun Warrior one. I'd love to explain more if you're struggling (MSN maybe, since it's a two way thing really), but atm I can't do too much typing so I wouldn't really be able to.
I hear that.. I'm still stuck @ work feel free to email me if you have a few spare moments. i'd really look forward to that! msn might work, tho i'm stuck w/ dial up at home. I just can't figure what i'm doing wrong. Should I be using the map editor to view my changes? Is there a certain mode i need to be in while in the map editor? Is there any know glitches in the walk thru on the wiki?
Thanks everyone for the kudos!

Famous Hero
Floppy Slayer
posted April 01, 2008 05:33 PM |
Those behemoths could look much better if you would made the fur differently. And I think beta treant or a resized horned demon(if it's possible) with fur and without horns would look better. Horned demon's pose and body fit the behemoth.

Look at them,they look very similar...
Help and suggestions needed here.