Thread: H3 in HV | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 05:37 PM |
Sorry, but rescaling would probably not work (well, most likely it would work, but look very weird...). It's a shame because as you say the model would be ideal (and `useless` for most other H3 creatures, significantly the demon).

Famous Hero
Floppy Slayer
posted April 01, 2008 05:51 PM |
Ok. Beta treant would look maybe too bulky. Pit lord could fit without the horns and tail and with better fur.
Help and suggestions needed here.

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 05:59 PM |
Could you use the cyclops for the behemoth, the level 5 orc for the cyclops (change to have one eye), and the demonlord for the ogre? Or something? Don't know exactly what they look like offhand o/c.

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 06:02 PM |
Edited by pause at 18:11, 01 Apr 2008.
2nd Hero - I agree about the demon. A very close model indeed. How Should I change the fur of my behemoth? Should I try to pull a picture of a dogs fur and use the clone tool to transfer it over?
I think all in all I don't have a choice, there is going to be some departure for being exactly like H3 (unfortunately) To address an earlier question about whether or not I'm going to have alt upgrades I guess I've decided why not.. most are already in place. I sappose I look at this project as a Heroes 3 blended with heroes 5. I don't want to mess with the magic system, I can't remove the intiative system, and I don't think it would be wise to remove the many creature abilities that are in place in H5 (unless others think differently).
As we move further thru the project, i see it more as the H4 that would have transitioned H3 into H5, only i would like to try to stay as close to H3 as possible. Wow.. i feel like i've turned the whole thread upside down

Famous Hero
Floppy Slayer
posted April 01, 2008 06:06 PM |
Quote: Should I try to pull a picture of a dogs fur and use the clone tool to transfer it over?
Maybe, and try to to make some differences in the brightness(Darker in some parts where the skin is darker in the original one), so it looks more real.
Help and suggestions needed here.

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 06:09 PM |
Edited by pause at 18:14, 01 Apr 2008.
When I take the horns and tail off, i'm left with big holes. That's why I stuck with the tail and horns. Is there a way to patch over the holes?
I'd also like to remove a couple of the ghosts so that there is only one. I'm curious how that works, but it sounds as tho I just need to start playin around with the granny viewer. A few questions there tho.. when I make a change to a skeleton, will the game know how to apply the texture to the altered skeleton? or will there be holes? Also, when I save the altered files, do I need to save them in the same manner as i do with the texture edits (data/_(model)/creature/etc.... ?

Famous Hero
Floppy Slayer
posted April 01, 2008 06:16 PM |
No, the holes will stay and that's why the pit lord isn't the best model for behemoth. Maybe cyclops would be good. There is always problems when you try to make new creatures from the existing ones.
Help and suggestions needed here.

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 07:17 PM |
which files dictate the skin and how it lays over the skeleton? do we have a way of viewing them?

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 01, 2008 07:22 PM |
Edited by xerox at 19:23, 01 Apr 2008.
Why not make Behemoth the unused Snowape?
It fits more then a demon... and its supposed to have fur.
If we just change the creature line-ups. Im not against this prohect anymore, i thougt this was quicksilver which i dislike but it was not.
Some more suggestions.
1. Pixie - Pixie, im against changing Sylvan to 100%. Replace Sylvan pixie with centuar, if you can make it melee.
Please dont swap Blade Dancers with Dwarfs... please.
2. Air Elemental - Air Elemental, adds titan lightning effects for the upgrade and make it darker.
3. Water Elemental - Recolored Fire Elemental
4. Fire Elemental - Any humanoid creature with LOTS of fire on it.
5. Earth Elemental = Erm... beta Treant? Looks kind of familar.
6. Magic Elemental = That big Ghost model
7. Firebird/Phoneix - Beta Firebird and Phoenix.
1. Centaurs, try to make them melee if possible. Just reskin it white for upgrade.
2. Dwarfs - Im completly against this, LEAVE BLADE DANCERS ALONE!
3. Elf - Arcane Archers, but dont call the creature "elf", makes no sense.
4. Pegasi Rider - HARD! If possible try to give those wings to the Sylvan heroes mount. Or add wings to unicorn and make the Bladedancers mount them, if possible 
Or just make them normal pegasis or keep the druids (my suggestion is to keep druids).
5. Treant - Normal, they were small.
6. Unicorn - Unicorn
7. Green Dragon - Green Dragon, gold dragon could just be a recolor
Please dont change normal orcs to green. Its looks terrible. Brown is nice.
1. Goblin - Goblin, swap weapons if you can. Make them green.
2. Wolf Rider - Mount orcs with swords or goblins with swords on wolfs if possible. If that doesnt work, then add normal wolfs.
3. Orc - Dont call it orc, use the tier 3 orcs if possible.
4. Ogre - the tier 5 big orc unit would be perfect, just make it green.
5. Roc - recolored beta Fire Bird, lightning effects on upgrade but with gold color on it
6 Cyclop - Cyclop, they can just shoot goblins instead of stones
7. Behemoth - Snow Ape, recolored to brown is good
Again, make h3 horned demon to the pit lords!
They look almost like them!
More then trees atleast!

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted April 01, 2008 07:25 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 19:28, 01 Apr 2008.
Quote: Why not make Behemoth the unused Snowape?
Because it has no animations.
Quote: Please dont change normal orcs to green. Its looks terrible.
I disagree.

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 07:35 PM |
Honostly, there's a few things I'd like to change back that were in H2, such as shooting centaurs, druids in the sylvan faction, and mummies in necro.. but i really really really should stick to H3 so I think i'm going to bypass those.
with the snow ape.. i'm guessing we can't finish the job and create animations for it?
Can we move the lizard rider to the pegasi? (I really really need to and can't wait to play with the granny viewer.)

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 08:59 PM |
Right, I think I may give you some help here pause. It sounds like you've got slightly the wrong idea. I think MSN / Live / whatever it's called would work well. You can find me there with the same email address as the one listed in my HC profile. I should be around tomorrow evening or maybe Thursday. Anyone else want to join us?

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 09:41 PM |
Gnoll_Mage - Would love to, but they frown upon the messenger programs at my place of work. Sorry.

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 09:53 PM |
You can't use it at home? If not we can use an online chatroom, would that be okay?

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 09:57 PM |
what time are we looking at? i'm in michigan, usa

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 09:58 PM |
What's that? GMT-6? I'm GMT 0. Do you want it to be in the evening for you?

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 10:12 PM |
GMT-5. Unfortunately I don't have much of a connection @ home (dial up). Let me play with the granny viewer a lil tonite, and then maybe we can make plans if that's ok with you.

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2008 10:22 PM |
MSN will be fine on a dialup.

Known Hero
posted April 01, 2008 10:35 PM |
Edited by pause at 22:46, 01 Apr 2008.
I Sent you a chat invite from my gmail.. looks like we can work it from there. prolly won't be tonite tho.
I'll do some work and post back tomorrow with questions and examples for criticism. =]

Known Hero
posted April 02, 2008 03:05 PM |
Edited by pause at 15:08, 02 Apr 2008.
ar ar arararar *mr crabs laugh*
so.. i tried loading the skeletons & anims with granny viewer and it loads and shows a timer that its running an animation loop.... BUT there's nothing in the viewing box... WHAT!!?! is the meshing of skeletons sapposed be edited thru the text? I'm totally lost. I Spent hours experimenting last night and got nowhere 
I even tried to retexture the Assassin to make the H3 Rogue, and failed. *sigh*