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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Third World War OOC
Thread: Third World War OOC This thread is 7 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted May 31, 2008 02:06 PM

Something that might be a little irrelevant, but most forces in the world wouldn't need to spend their time in creating arms now... 'cuz, right now, we have enough weapons in the world to fight more than 10,000 years (I think 44,000 years, but I might be exaggerating a bit) at the rate of WWII(which I suspect is a very high rate of utilising arms)... We also have enough nukes to ehmmm... destroy the world more than enough times... Just saying...
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted May 31, 2008 04:25 PM
Edited by VokialBG at 16:29, 31 May 2008.

Note... Feedback?!

Yep! Time for some notes.

As I see this RP is going well but there some important disadvantages.

No alliances?

Well 1 major alliance Israel, USA and France, but not really another one. Yeah I know Russia and Iran but they are allies only in the basic story, they are not controled by members (players) they are like NPC's controled by the players from the other alliance. If you whant real RP you need the other alliance and his players as well, otherwise this is not even a war...

Hmmm nuclear strike - neutralized?!

Your RP start with it:

Two nuclear missiles are launched from north of Iran to Israel. One of them is intercepted by the Arrow, an Israeli missile against missiles. The second one hits Haifa, a city in the north of Israel. 250,000 citizens are killed immediately.

Interesting but not possible, the nuclear missile will still scatter radiation in the atmosphere and kill millions of people (Same happend after the Chernobyl disaster).

Also I'm not living in Israel, but small country like it... will stand on nuclear missile even one? Remember Japan in WW2? They capitulated immediately. Same will happen with Israel (this is not USA, Russia or China, India they probably can stand longer in nuclear war).

Super powerful army?! Or I can be on every place on this world?!

USA have such a problem in Alaska - "Hillary first sent a large force to protect Alaska." and then they attack Syria (together with Israel) (also remeber that Syria has allies as well and Israel was weaked by nuclear missile, and after all USA have war in north, they cant waste power for Syria, or they have to choose - Alaska or Syria not all of them).


If the war was planed (there are no unplaned wars) Iran will just attack Israel and then after 2 DAYS (OMG!) Korea will aid them Remeber the Cuban Crisis? USSR first set the nuclear missiles in Cuba and large quantity of troops.


More can be discussed...

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Legendary Hero
posted May 31, 2008 07:38 PM
Edited by GenieLord at 19:38, 31 May 2008.

First of all, if you want to help us, just join. Feedback is nice, but what we actually need is more players.

Well 1 major alliance Israel, USA and France, but not really another one. Yeah I know Russia and Iran but they are allies only in the basic story, they are not controled by members (players) they are like NPC's controled by the players from the other alliance. If you whant real RP you need the other alliance and his players as well, otherwise this is not even a war...
Get us some players. This is the best that we can do with the amount of players that we currently have. It's better to RP with a little than to not RP at all.

Also I'm not living in Israel, but small country like it... will stand on nuclear missile even one? Remember Japan in WW2? They capitulated immediately. Same will happen with Israel (this is not USA, Russia or China, India they probably can stand longer in nuclear war).
First of all, check on the map and you'll see that the area that was destroyed by the Nagasaky atom bomb in WW2 is close to Haif+Many nearby cities. Since those area are more dense than Hiroshima and Nagasaky were, more than 250,000 people were killed (while 100,000 were killed in Hiroshima). So it does make sense, somehow.
Second, this is a RPG. It's hard to be accurate in details, but I'm still trying to keep it as realistic as possible. Iran's president has said "Israel should be wipped off the map" and this would be an attempt to do it. So there is a sense here. It's not perfectly real, but still... We do what we can.

If the war was planed (there are no unplaned wars) Iran will just attack Israel and then after 2 DAYS (OMG!) Korea will aid them Remeber the Cuban Crisis? USSR first set the nuclear missiles in Cuba and large quantity of troops.
How can you be sure that the Iranians knew that they would be attack by USA, France and UK? It's like in the WW2, it took some time till Frace and UK announced war on Germany, although it was already in the middle of its conquests. Maybe Iran thought that they would be too afraid of its great power to attack.

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted May 31, 2008 08:00 PM

How can you be sure that the Iranians knew that they would be attack by USA, France and UK? It's like in the WW2, it took some time till Frace and UK announced war on Germany, although it was already in the middle of its conquests. Maybe Iran thought that they would be too afraid of its great power to attack.

Have you ever heard about the Siegfried Line? Hitler was ready for war. Iran will expect attack from USA and its allies (NATO and etc...) so they will first set defs and troop from their allies and then attack if they want to win the war

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Legendary Hero
posted May 31, 2008 08:08 PM

How can you be sure that the Iranians knew that they would be attack by USA, France and UK? It's like in the WW2, it took some time till Frace and UK announced war on Germany, although it was already in the middle of its conquests. Maybe Iran thought that they would be too afraid of its great power to attack.

Have you ever heard about the Siegfried Line? Hitler was ready for war. Iran will expect attack from USA and its allies (NATO and etc...) so they will first set defs and troop from their allies and then attack if they want to win the war

So Korea agreed to send support only if USA would actually attack. After it had attacked, Korea sent it. Sounds logical enough?

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 01, 2008 06:47 AM

There were a few mistakes, but not what you may think.  It was B-52's not 12's.  Note that I sent only fighter jets and bombers to Iran.  Also only stealth bombers to Syria.

There are 1,426,713 active military personel
With 1,458,500 reserve.
The draft was reinstated.

These numbers are from 2005 of course.

54.60 million are fit for active duty. (Males)
54.69 Million females are fit for active duty.
(Again 2005 numbers)

Each single aircraft carrier can hold 85 planes.  Even just sending one carrier to escort the b-52's would suffice.  Counting refueling planes, I could still comfortably have 15 of each (30 f-14s and 30 f-16s).  B-52's are capable of carring 5 tons of bombs.  That's 10000 lbs btw.  Now I only had in mind 3 b-52's.  Would do a great deal of damage with 'carpet bombing'.  So 6 refuelers..3 b-52's..that leaves a possible 76 split between f-14 and f-16.  Leaving 48 to guard the carrier, that is still 14 each f-14, and f-16.  So roughly 30000 lbs of bombs.  With a single carrier.

While most of my ground forces are busy in Alaska that is true.  I don't think I overextended myself.  However, if I am wrong, I will modify my post gladly.

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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 11:13 AM

I think that this RPG has a potential. Let's give it another try. Let's get it revived. What say you?

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 14, 2008 11:14 AM

I'm in.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 14, 2008 11:15 AM

I don't give up easily .  However, we really need some people on the other side.  Either make them NPC's or assign participants one of their countries enemies .
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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 11:20 AM

I don't give up easily .  However, we really need some people on the other side.  Either make them NPC's or assign participants one of their countries enemies .

I know that I'm supposed to be the game master, but... Mytical, can you do what you do on the Gladerion, playing also the enemy character?

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 14, 2008 11:26 AM

Sure, first..I'll need the countries that I will be using.  Russia..Iraq, Iran...what else?
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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 11:28 AM

Sure, first..I'll need the countries that I will be using.  Russia..Iraq, Iran...what else?

I think that that's all.
But it feels like I'm giving you away too much work. Maybe we can devide it between us? I just can't drop everything on you.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 14, 2008 11:29 AM

You're the boss.  Divide it up however you would like.  I'm ok with whatever.
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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 14, 2008 11:33 AM
Edited by JoonasTo at 11:40, 14 Jun 2008.

We really need someone to play russia.

Mytical playing USA and Russia is absurd.

EDIT: You can't do more damage to yourself because you would be Russia and USA. So if you destroyed USA that wouldn't mean you lost it would mean you had won...
and lost. (I'm not good with these scizophrenic ideas.

Post full for the day. GRRR!

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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 11:33 AM
Edited by GenieLord at 11:34, 14 Jun 2008.

You'll be Iran, I will be Russia? Iraq is still rulled be USA, so no need for it.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 14, 2008 11:35 AM
Edited by Mytical at 11:37, 14 Jun 2008.

Hehe I would be doing more damage to myself then anything.  I am harder on myself then anybody.  But it is ok with me whatever GL decides.  I'll do what he asks me to .

Iran it is.

Edit : Hey GL, I'll need you or somebody to decide how successful my sneak attack was..don't want to be unfair about this.
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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 11:48 AM

Wasn't very successful. Iranian and Russian forces were waiting hidden on the shore, and ambushed the American troops coming from the sea (perhaps there was a failure of the intelligence?). One of the F-16 was intercepted by an Iranian missle, but Teharan was roughly bombed. I will make a post for this in a few minutes, on the RPG thread.

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Legendary Hero
posted June 14, 2008 12:40 PM

BTW, if this motivates people to participate:

MightMage told me that if we keep the RPG running he will award some QP's.

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Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted June 14, 2008 12:52 PM

Should never be a motive (though it is always nice) to participate .   However, never hurts.
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Legendary Hero
posted June 16, 2008 10:30 PM

I would like to update you that B-E-T-A has joined as Norway.
Can you please give us a few details about Norway, its army, who are you and your position. Some of the things might be obvious from your first post on the RPG thread, but it will be better if you write them here orginizely.

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