
Supreme Hero
I am. Thusly I am.
posted May 26, 2009 10:57 PM |
Nice! I'm no longer half-neutered!

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted May 26, 2009 10:58 PM |
Have I given you permission to speak, Baldrick?
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
I am. Thusly I am.
posted May 26, 2009 11:01 PM |
Please forgive me, Sire! My puny soul is not worthy of your forgiveness, but if your Humbleness will grant me this divine gift I would be fore ever thankful... Sir!

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted May 26, 2009 11:05 PM |
It would be a pity if our friendship ended like that, Baldrick. With me cutting you into thin strips and tell the Moderators that you walked on a razor-sharp grid wearing a extremely heavy hat, that is.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
I am. Thusly I am.
posted May 26, 2009 11:08 PM |
Well I DO have a solid golden hat in my closet, but I'm not sur 87 kg would be enough.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted May 26, 2009 11:10 PM |
Great. Now all I need to find is the cattle grid...
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
I am. Thusly I am.
posted May 26, 2009 11:12 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted May 27, 2009 03:16 AM |
Quote: Asheera deserves an SRT for that.
For what? My suggestion overall or not knowing if he was so funny that he deserved a peanut?

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted May 27, 2009 03:36 AM |
I'll throw some Ramey's off the train
Dreaming of a Better World

Legendary Hero
posted May 28, 2009 03:07 PM |
No Azagal doesn't deserve a SRT for that.
I completely disagree with his sentiment though (even though the thread was a joke).
I wouldn't feel sorry for the girl at all and I thought that the whole making her feel bad was not only funny but also warranted. 
In the lyrics of Chris Cornell: "that ***** aint a part of me!"
John says to live above hell.

Legendary Hero
posted June 02, 2009 05:26 AM |
Mytical is due for another SRT for a post made along time ago that snuck by me.
I never bothered to open and read her thread Where do we draw a line? because I could never decide on a good smartarse comment to make in response to the thread title (on a piece of paper, perhaps?)
Until now. This SRT is awarded for the following quote, which is not only ridiculous in itself, but is also a repeat offence.
See Mytical's previous SRT for reference.
Quote: This may be possibly the most contriversal thread in the OSM, even more so then the "I gave up believing in god." thread.
If anyone needs the reasoning behind firing a SRT for this quote, they themselves deserve a SRT.
If you are so confident in your ability to start controversial threads, at least spell the word correctly. But let's not dwell on the minor details; I also fundamentally disagree with you.
I would say that the most controversial thread in the OSM would be "Stem Cell Research, Abortion, Censorship and God with Racism and Iraq Politics, the benefits of Capitalism in the Big Bang and conscripting the homeless, Barack Obama's dog, why the Twilight series is so good and why Fortress is the best town."
But until that thread is made I am confident that Mytical will keep striving to create increasingly controversial threads and aim to break her current record.
Enjoy, Mytical. 
John says to live above hell.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted June 02, 2009 07:24 AM |
Sweet Rammy Testy
Dreaming of a Better World

Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted June 02, 2009 10:40 AM |
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted June 06, 2009 10:13 PM |
Time to use this thread the way it's meant to be
Read all his posts in that thread, please and tell me that that isn't worth a testicle.
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted June 06, 2009 11:18 PM |
Nobody bothers with reading anything written by Xerox...
Except you.
I think that deserves an SRT... giving Xerox attention and a public, just drives him to post on...
Beat that!
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted June 06, 2009 11:19 PM |
I haven't responded to him (more than the ordinary man), nor did I quote him, unlike others I could name.
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted June 06, 2009 11:20 PM |
You mention him.
That's as bad as that. 
(I'm joking of course... but I just like being a jackass, jackass)
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted June 07, 2009 06:01 AM |
Dreaming of a Better World

Legendary Hero
posted June 07, 2009 08:45 AM |
Hey Dagoth, here's a SRT for insinuating that this thread isn't used properly.
Seeing as this thread was made up entirely by TNT and he makes up the rules, there really is no improper way to do it, as by definition, it's meant to be used however TNT wants it to be used.
And since TNT is absent I temporarily take the mantle of SRT firererer (technical term).
I'm assuming you've read next to nothing of this thread, and based on that alone unqualified to make statements such as yours, but you'll find that we do what we want, when we want.
We could give a SRT to RSF just for having no other defining attributes after which to name his account other than his baseball fandom.
We could give a SRT to Samuel L. Jackson for being black or Bill Gates for being white or Snoopy for being a dog or Cat Stevens for changing his name to include Islam in it or Yoko for breaking up the band or Hitler for being German and no one could even THINK it was controversial because around here, we do the implying.
In fact, I would go so far as to say it's some kind of anti-controversial.
Yes, it's possible.
John says to live above hell.

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted June 07, 2009 12:21 PM |
Ah, then this thread IS useless and only for in-jokes. Thank you for teaching me this. I'll just find another way to get him penalised, then. Also, you're siding with xerox... Think about this for a while... Contemplate...
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.