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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Chess courses with pics!
Thread: Chess courses with pics! This thread is 30 pages long: 1 10 20 ... 22 23 24 25 26 ... 30 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
posted November 14, 2009 06:58 PM

Well, to prevent 0-0-0, Qa4, Qb5 check, Qb7, Qc6 check and Qd3 are the only possible moves for what I can see.

So either the mate in 2 must be accomplished eventhough black goes 0-0-0, or one of the 5 queen moves must be the right approach, but to all these moves, I find Kf8 would ruin any possibility of mating in the next move from all 5 positions.

If black is allowed to go 0-0-0, Qa8 would be a mating move (the only?), but to come there, the Queen must come from either c6 (check, so black can't 0-0-0), b7 (hinders 0-0-0 as well), or a7, to which black either simply can take the queen with his rook (or just move the king in general) and the mate is broken.

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Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 15, 2009 10:02 AM

Certainly for the first move could be the move of King, cause Queen on the a6 also prevents O-O-O but in this situation I also don't see the next move because to mate the second move must be queen on the 8th rank 99%.

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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 15, 2009 10:38 AM

If black is allowed to go 0-0-0,

Do you know how close you are to the correct answer?

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Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 15, 2009 11:22 AM

Ha ha ha!!!!
I got it.
Now is white to move, so previous move was black.
Of course it was not move of pawns because they are on the 7th rank. So the move was either of King either of Rook, so O-O-O is not allowed. Yuupii!
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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 15, 2009 11:34 AM

Well done ihor!

Black can't go O-O-O because his previous move was either a king or rook move. And after this, even if you returned the pieces to their original squares, you can't castle. So our move is Qa1!!

I know that you sent me your solutions via HCM including this Qa1 move, but if I had said that's correct, it would have ruined the puzzle, sorry

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Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 15, 2009 11:36 AM

Nice puzzle. Me likes

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Legendary Hero
posted November 15, 2009 11:37 AM

That's pretty clever, nice.

Buuut what if blacks previous move was to move, let's say a knight to a6, in which white responded by taking said knight?

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Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 15, 2009 11:40 AM
Edited by ihor at 11:41, 15 Nov 2009.

Think again. I also firstly thought about it. Then either the knight would have been on the board, or white makes two moves in a row.
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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 15, 2009 11:44 AM

That's pretty clever, nice.

Buuut what if blacks previous move was to move, let's say a knight to a6, in which white responded by taking said knight?

Then it would be black to move . This is possible BTW, but black has to move after it, reaching the position pictured above and losing the right to castle.

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Supreme Hero
posted November 15, 2009 02:32 PM

I seriously dislike that last puzzle.

And Ecoris. In chess puzzles, we consider the setup to be the original one, so the first move you make is indeed the first.


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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 15, 2009 03:33 PM

Yes, Ecoris, you're right, but that particular puzzle arose from an actual game played between two real players, so it's not just a study or something like that. Actually, I can't mention another puzzle which uses this trick, because there's hardly any more.

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Legendary Hero
posted November 15, 2009 05:08 PM

Requires some "out of the box" thinking. It was great! I saw that a mate in 2 was not possible so I should have expanded my thinking, rather than assuming there is a mistake in the puzzle ;P
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted November 15, 2009 07:37 PM

Well, I prolly sound like a noob but...I don't get half of what your saying cuz I don't understand the code language. What does "O-O-O" means?
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Legendary Hero
posted November 15, 2009 07:58 PM

Some pages back, I believe, all this information have been written down.

But to answer your question anyway, 0-0-0 is where the king and the rook crosses eachother, changing position of both pieces and that's to the long side (the queen side).

Otherwise x means taking a piece, a-h and 1-8 in small letters refers to the board and K,B,R,Q and K refers to the pieces (pawns are refered to by not specifying, I believe).

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Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 15, 2009 08:02 PM

It's called castling.
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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 16, 2009 02:21 PM

O-O: Move the king 2 squares right (left for black) and place the rook next to him, on his other side (moving 3 squares)

O-O-O: Move the king 2 squares to the left (right for black) and place the rook on the other side of the king again (by moving 4 squares this time)

And BTW, Knight is referred to as N, because K is occupied by the king.

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Legendary Hero
Guess Who is Back?
posted November 16, 2009 05:23 PM

Ok. So O-O is castling the short way while O-O-O is castling the long way. Roger that.
There is no good or evil, only madness. The question is "Just how mad are you?"

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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 17, 2009 08:18 PM

Hello again.

I'm currently working on my little chess competition and knowledge test which I'll post here this weekend. You'll be asked to solve 10-15 puzzles, from easy to grandmaster difficulty. Until it's ready here's a warm-up exercise for the competition:

White to play and mate in 2. Remember to HCM.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 20, 2009 12:07 AM

Maybe this is a bit topic but in school we were going to make our own game and my group made Chess with four players and with modern "units"

And we had four factions; The Royalists (yellow), The Republicans (green), The Communists (red) and the Democrats (blue) (if I recall).
Also there was no Queen, so the King would be a very powerful unit but it would still be very risky to use him.

Anyway. Our little "Four-Chess" was really fun to play and maybe I should send the idea to some company xD

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Known Hero
that casts green flames
posted November 20, 2009 08:46 PM bonus applied by Mytical on 26 Nov 2009.
Edited by keldorn at 12:13, 22 Nov 2009.

OK guys here I am with the 20 puzzles-long chess quiz I promised. I intentionally posted it before weekend starts in order to leave you enough time. The rules:

You'll be given 4 puzzles of 5 different types. Your task is to write them down in your HCM message (you can add comments if you want too) and send me 20 solutions in one single message. I'll tell you your score on Monday, by setting up a top list containing all the participants' names and scores. I'll also give the rank of the points.

Please note that I can't answer your messages immediately, because it takes me a lot of time to look through them, as some puzzles may have more solutions, altough your task is to concentrate on the best moves. Alternate solutions worth less points. Also, you can't send me any corrections, so be sure to check what you send. I can only accept one message, containing one solution for every puzzle.

Here we go. Good luck and have fun

I) Mate in X moves:

Points: a)=1; b)=2; c)=2; d)=1  No points for moves that are different from the solution.

II) Material winning

Points: a)=2; b)=2; c)=2; d)=3  No points for moves that are different from the solution.

III) Opening theory

Choose one and only one move from the candidate moves (1 from 4)

Additional informations:
a): Position arrived at after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4. How should white continue? Points=2 or 0
b): Position arrived at after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Nc3 a6 4.Bc4 Bg4. White to move, what should he play? Points=2 or 0.5
c): Position arrived at after 1. d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5.Nf3 O-O. White to play and gain positional advantage. Points=2 or 1
d): Position arrived at after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Nf6 5.d5 exd5 6.cxd5 Bb4+ 7.Nc3 Nxe4. White to play. Points= 2 or 0.5

Candidate moves:
a): d2-d3; Bf1-d3; Qd1-e2; Nb1-c3
b): O-O; Nf3xe5; h2-h3; d2-d3
c): e2-e3; Qd1-d3; Bg5xe6; c4xd5
d): Bc1-f4; a2-a3; d4-d5; O-O

IV) Play like a Grandmaster - Positional play

Choose one and only one move from the candidate moves (1 from 6)
(On the first one it's black to play, on the other 3 it's white)

Points: 2 or 1 for all.

Candidate moves:
a): h7-h6; e6-e5; Nb8-c6; b7-b5; Qd8-c7; O-O
b): e4-e5; d5xe6; Bc1-d2; Bc1-e3; Ng1-f3; Qd1-b3
c): h2-h4; Bc1-b2; Bc1-a3; Bc1-h6; Bc1-f4; a2-a4
d): Re3xe6; Rh1-e1; Re3-e1; Nc3-a4; Kc1-b1; h5-h6

V) Others - The tricky part of chess.

Additional information:
Green is white. In these puzzles "points" refer to the maximum achievable score. You can be given 0-[max] points, including half points.
a): White to play and win the game. What are the first 3 moves? Points=3
b): White to move. What is the best move? Points=1.5
c): White to play and get a draw in 3 moves. Give these moves. Points=2
d): White to play and promote. What is the correct way to penetrate for white and what's black's most difficult defense to refute? Give the move pairs until promotion. Points=3.

+I) Bonus topic - Joker Questions:

These questions about chess all worth 1 point if answered correctly. However, they are not part of the Quiz. They're very difficult to answer (Mater level problems) but you can increase your score a little by solving them.

I) 8 Queens of Death. Can you put 8 Queens on a chessboard so that none of them can capture another? (Send me 8 squares in your message)

II) Game reproduction. You control both White and Black. You can make every kind of (seemingly) random moves that you want, just for the sake of your goal, which is as follows. The game starts with 1.e4 and ends on move 5 which is Knight takes Rook checkmate. What is the game?

III) How can you give double check without moving either of the checking pieces?

IV) True or false? The chessboard (8x8 quares) can be travelled by a Knight so that every square is touched exactly once. The starting square of the Knight is random, but not a corner.

That's the end of the quiz. Hope you had a great time solving. Remember, you have time until Monday, and you can send me only one message. I'll tell you your score, the correct solutions and explanations on Monday as well.

EDIT: I replaced the material winning puzzle pictures because on puzzle c) a Rook was missing from a8. Ihor you can post your correction as well with the +I) topic second question's answer.

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