Thread: Personal attacks allowed on HC? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
posted April 26, 2009 05:54 PM |
Personal attacks allowed on HC?
Recently I followed correct procedure in reporting a thread spamming in the osm feedback. Said thread was cleaned of spam.
Afterward Gootch posted things that had nothing to do with the cleaned thread but instead were personal attacks on me. I'm referring to these quotes.
Quote: Don't let these clowns get you down Corribus.
Quote: I did read the original thread and aside from talking about Heroes V, you've never had a pertinent contribution to any topic.
Do I get my nomination for a -qp now?
Quite frankly yes you do get a nomination for some sort of response. I attempted to follow correct procedure and hcm the mods of the osm. When no response has come forth in 48 hours I'm forced to make a public thread.
These comments were made with the intent of provoking, angering, and insulting me. Others may be content to bear personal attacks by The Gootch in silence but I won't.

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted April 26, 2009 06:34 PM |
I don't see a whole lot of insult directed toward you. Yes, there is a demeaning nature to the comments, but in no way do I see it as a personal attack against you. Its just Gootch being ironic and sharp, which is natural for him.
But, If you feel that this needs to be adressed, an HCM to the corresponding Moderator or perhaps an HCM to Gootch explaining that he insulted you.
Steel Yourself for War
Next Set: Mirrodin

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 26, 2009 07:00 PM |
PR, you're such a cool guy. Teach me to be more like you.
Eccentric Opinion

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted April 26, 2009 09:24 PM |
There have been at least two occasions where you've made sharp, unprovoked, sarcastic comments in my direction. Should I have taken some sort of phony grievance against you with the mods or should I have done what I did exactly in one of those aforementioned cases; that is, responding to you directly.
Are you seriously going to try to pretend you're some innocent and hapless bystander who deserves to be sheltered against hurtful words by the CoC?
Heck with it. If you're hellbent on getting the mods to saddle me with a -qp let me make it worth your time.

Here's a treasure map.
Now go find your sunken chest.
Edit: As to your demand that I apologize, I have two words. Wild horses.

Legendary Hero
posted April 26, 2009 09:30 PM |
Quote: Should I have taken some sort of phony grievance against you with the mods or should I have done what I did exactly in one of those aforementioned cases; that is, responding to you directly.
If you look in the osm feedback thread I clearly stated I was offended with one of your posts and asked for an apology. Ignored I hcm'ed the mods.
This is less about a -qp and more about the language you choose to use. If you are going to call people clowns and make claims about my value as a poster expect a response in kind.

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted April 26, 2009 09:37 PM |
Which I'm perfectly fine with.
What's your issue?

Legendary Hero
posted April 26, 2009 09:45 PM |
Quote: Which I'm perfectly fine with.
What's your issue?
If you use abusive language I'm going to call you on it. If you continue to provoke me against the rules of this forum I call you on it. That's what this thread is about.
Wild horses means nothing to me. You'll have to be more clear. It certainly doesn't sound like an apology.

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 26, 2009 09:49 PM |
If you're too macho for apologizing, then you're too macho for crying about a -qp or a warning too, right? I mean just face it, PR has a point though.
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Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted April 26, 2009 10:02 PM |
I'm more than happy to scrap with anyone here. Feel free to engage me anytime. I'd much prefer that to you trying to run behind the protective screen of the moderators when you get your feelings hurt.
Quote: Wild horses means nothing to me. You'll have to be more clear. It certainly doesn't sound like an apology.
You're right. It isn't.
As for TheDeath, this has nothing to do with being macho. And where the hell do you see me crying? I'm not the one demanding an apology or mod intervention.
And what's the boy who cries foul PR's point? His crying for mod action is bordering on the ridiculous. Scratch that. It is ridiculous, especially where in OSM Feedback he's demanding that Corribus get a -qp for provoking him.
Thanks for opening the floodgates though. I'd avoided engaging you in the past because of your capacity to babble. Now I don't have a choice. Do you really have 6k posts in 3 years?

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 26, 2009 10:06 PM |
I was talking in general. "You" was speaking to anyone who read my post, if they think they're macho. And I never said that PR is "macho" or pretends to be. Where did you get that? I'm absolutely sure you won't 'cry' so it wasn't speaking in your particular case (even though that was a metaphor). This is because I've seen people acting macho when they were warned but crying when they got the penalty.
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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 26, 2009 10:14 PM |
Wait, I can bash all of you?
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

Supreme Hero
Kneel Before Me Sons of HC!!
posted April 26, 2009 10:21 PM |
Quote: I was talking in general. "You" was speaking to anyone who read my post, if they think they're macho. And I never said that PR is "macho" or pretends to be. Where did you get that? I'm absolutely sure you won't 'cry' so it wasn't speaking in your particular case (even though that was a metaphor). This is because I've seen people acting macho when they were warned but crying when they got the penalty.
You were talking in general? Oh, you mean the part where you told me to face it, that PR had a point?
I never mentioned anything about PR being macho. And your telling me to face it, that PR had a point, clearly said that your post was directed at me.
You want to step up to the plate? Don't ever backpedal with me.
Don't twist my words. You will fail. At this point I will assume that this attempt is because of your limited comprehension and not because you make a habit out of parsing other people's words for your own entertainment.

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted April 26, 2009 10:26 PM |
Gootch, pay more attention. This is exactly what I said:
Quote: I mean just face it, PR has a point though.
And "face it" was for anyone who dared to disagree with what I said (i.e act macho when given warnings but cry on penalty -- not YOU of course, since you probably won't cry).
The above post is subject to SIRIOUSness.
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Legendary Hero
posted April 26, 2009 10:55 PM |
Quote: His crying for mod action is bordering on the ridiculous. Scratch that. It is ridiculous, especially where in OSM Feedback he's demanding that Corribus get a -qp for provoking him.
Mod action is not your decision.

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted April 27, 2009 03:38 AM |
I dunno about you, gootchie, but righteous indignation gives me a semi.
When the little flecks of spittle appear at the corner of the mouth, I may just bust.
Drive by posting.

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted April 27, 2009 03:49 AM |
Edited by Celfious at 03:54, 27 Apr 2009.
Pheonix, a lot of umans are gross, period!!!
The species is usualy disgusting. There are few that are above 50% decency. Personal attacksa and insults proove that the attacker is judgemental.
I AM THE JUDGE OF MYSELF, no other comment from other people concerns me. I judge what I do, I judge what and how I say things. I judge how I feel about it afterwards, I dont generaly judge other people, but when they roll their eyes in disgust, or laugh in pleasement, I am not affected..
I say what I want, I do what I want, no person will change me, no self ordained judge throwing barbaric emotional attacks is worth a piece of !!!

Edit: I feel I have not indicated that people with their negative opinions who provoke or just insult, because it feels good, well, they like the feeling of filth and disgust.. Let them have what they want, dont worry if mods condone personal attacking which is an obvious bending of the rules, if not a breaker...
UNESSESSARY provocotive insults, using people like a STEPPING stool, tells you a little about the indivudiuals likeing FILTH
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted April 27, 2009 04:31 AM |
Things that fly over my head make for great incomplete conversations. I see that there's one disgruntled (nothing more) PhoenixReborn and one easily provoked Gootch. I see theDeath trying to make sense of this and help mediate the struggle. What I don't see is the reason to get touchy about such a rudimentary problem. If PR is offended, then he needs to see that you know. You claim it was nothing to get offended about, and PR is getting soft about it. Seems to me that you can agree to disagree and cope to come to a point of grace. Why not just accept the touchiness in Gootch's comments and think nothing more about it. If you can't move a boulder out of your way, just walk around it.
Steel Yourself for War
Next Set: Mirrodin

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted April 27, 2009 06:20 AM |
Edited by Mytical at 06:21, 27 Apr 2009.
Quote: The Foundation: Respect.
* An attitude of consideration and appreciation.
* Courteous regard for people's feelings, opinions and actions.
1) NO insults, abuse, racism or sexism.
Insult is a remark that undermines another person. A simple way to avoid insulting people is to discuss their actions and opinions rather than their personality. For example: instead of saying who they are ("you suck" or "you are an idiot") say what you think about their opinions/actions and why ("Your post about me is wrong because I never said that heroes 4 is a bad game" or "I disagree with your opinion because centaurs have more hit points than gnolls"). This simple rephrasing strategy can resolve many conflicts and fights before they even happen, both online and in life.
Quoted from the CoC, and NO member or Mod is above it.
Message received.

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted April 27, 2009 06:46 AM |
I didn't realize that not replying in 48 hours was forcing anyone to do anything, I thought it just meant I'm really busy with life. My family and my job get to give me deadlines, not so much this sort of thing.
Why didn't I answer?
1) I figured this'd blow over on its own
2) Real me and 'mod Pan' are really butting heads over this, and real me is winning
3) I felt cleaning up in the VW and catching up on my reading was a better way to spend the time I had for the PC.
I don't have the energy for a mod Pan response, but clearly you're expecting that a mod speak up - so here goes.
PR, I'm feeling that you don't like the Gootch - so his opinion shouldn't matter to you anyways. Send him a HCM telling him to suck it and let that be the end of it, he's not going to ask anyone for action against you and who knows, maybe your stock will go up in his eyes for it *shrugs*
I'm sorry - but to my left I have the people yelling "we're not kids, don't treat us that way" and to my right I have the people that want me to step in whenever the wind doesn't blow in their direction.
I know what the CoC says about respect and playing nice, but sometimes I think the grownups here should be able to handle themselves. If he's not a member of your fan club - so what? Do you see him running around handing out roses to everyone but you? The Gootch can be a bit of a bastard sometimes, you can either ignore it, love him for it or get fussy about it - really your call, but I prefer the ignore option if you just can't find the love.
I don't think the clown thing was a direct one at you, and as for your posts having no value - or whatever the quote was - it was no value to him, not to anyone and everyone - and it doesn't mean any more than that unless you let it. Let your HC experience be about fun and friends, and if there's negativity that comes with it - don't let it hurt you, just let it roll off your back, because the words of one person are just that. (the words of one person)
I'm not saying that I condone insults and that it should be open season to flame on wherever you like, but I would really love not to have to be called out when IMO this should have been something you just talk to him about yourself.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted April 27, 2009 07:02 AM |
Hey Acu, something interesting is happening. People are complaining and fighting! Let's throw oil on the fire and see what happens.
Slug it out PR. Slug it!!!!
Go Red Sox!