Thread: Do you think that there is going to be MMH7? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
posted February 08, 2012 12:08 AM |
Poll Question: Do you think that there is going to be MMH7?
Do you think that there going to be MMH7? After many people saying how bad MMH6 has turned to be?

Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2012 12:23 AM |
Most of the time, that tends to be little more than a question of numbers.
How well has MMH6 sold? Has it been a more-or-less profitable venture for Ubisoft?
The question seems quite premature at the moment, because expansions would be released first to gauge the strength of continuing interest in the franchise, and we may still be a ways off from the first of those.
Plus, I'm still trying to get settled on this one, I don't want to start thinking about the next one already.

Known Hero
posted February 08, 2012 12:57 AM |
How things are going, and how fast the price of the game has droped, i think wee wont. But then again, maybe expansions will change the situation.

Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted February 08, 2012 11:11 AM |
Quote: Most of the time, that tends to be little more than a question of numbers.
How well has MMH6 sold? Has it been a more-or-less profitable venture for Ubisoft?
The question seems quite premature at the moment, because expansions would be released first to gauge the strength of continuing interest in the franchise, and we may still be a ways off from the first of those.
I fully agree with this.
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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted February 08, 2012 11:53 AM |
I do believe there is going to be a HoMM 7 eventually,
but I sincerely hope Ubisoft has sold the franchise rights to someone else by then.
We have Ubisoft, with their draconic DRM schemes, ineptitude in the ways of feedback and customer support,
community management that probably involves lurking the official forums and occasionally twitter or post a facebook comment,
inability to spell check the official HoMM website,
art contests where they end up reusing a lot of H5 nival fanart,
weekly server problems, the list goes on.

Legendary Hero
posted February 08, 2012 12:31 PM |
Why there is no "I hope not" option?

Known Hero
posted February 08, 2012 01:10 PM |
I'm certain that a MMH7 will eventually emerge. Even if Heroes VI sells bad Ubisoft will just switch the developer or the producers - Might & Magic is a very powerful and an immensely profitable brand, and Ubisoft wouldn't leave it aside just like that.
There are at least a few other games in the franchise, ones that have been released, ones that were discarded, and maybe ones in the making - even if Heroes VI doesn't succeed it's not important, nor is it crucial for the title. It's just one out of many, not to mention that Ubisoft is stretching the limits of financing a game project with Heroes VI. There was minimal input, so the expectations are "reasonable" at best.

Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 08, 2012 01:23 PM |
I think ubisoft will use HoMaM as unesceseraly larg flagship for the franchise, but the income from the brand will come from other games (like CoH, Kingdom and some other new things they come up with)
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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 08, 2012 01:31 PM |
I voted 50/50. I must admit that I think the developement Heroes 6 has taken will discourage UbiSoft from continue working on the series. Of course I don't know what sales numbers are, and I guess they don't consider it a failure themselves, but for me, they completely blew the perfect opportunity to make a great game.
I guess they could sell the whole brand if they don't want to pick up on it themselves, so even if I guess other producers would think twice if Heroes 6 does indeed turn out a commercial failure, that would be my guess for most likely source of a Heroes 7.
But yeah, I do hope someone will pick up where Heroes 5 left and make the game Heroes 6 imo. should have been.
What will happen now?

Supreme Hero
The One and the Prime
posted February 08, 2012 01:48 PM |
Quote: ...Even if Heroes VI sells, bad Ubisoft will just switch the developer or the producers...
hehe, the quoted part is what I first read in Dexter's post
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"to lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose"
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Legendary Hero
posted February 08, 2012 01:50 PM |
Edited by Zenofex at 13:51, 08 Feb 2012.
Quote: Even if Heroes VI sells bad Ubisoft will just switch the developer or the producers - Might & Magic is a very powerful and an immensely profitable brand, and Ubisoft wouldn't leave it aside just like that.
They certainly are not treating it as such or are hoping that the name will compensate for the overall cheapness of the game. The fact that they keep hiring small developers and spend almost no money for advertisement and marketing in general speaks for itself.

Supreme Hero
Fear me..
posted February 08, 2012 01:52 PM |
i think there will be Heroes VII
i am actually sure about it..
but think with different developer (maybe Russians again)

Known Hero
posted February 08, 2012 02:20 PM |
The game has been out for less than half a year and has lost a third of its cover price even before sales. It isn't just getting really bad word of mouth (although it is), it's getting dumped by retailers. The industry turns over fast, but not that fast.
Unfortunately, I really doubt that Ubisoft is going to learn any of the right lessons from this. That perhaps releasing an unfinished product with draconian DRM, limited content, apparently no playtestingm and a buglist that is literally longer than the feature list would alienate customers and potential customers. My hope is that it makes them decide that the franchise isn't worth much so they sell it to someone who can do a better job. And let's face it: almost every publisher in the industry could do a better job.
It's a turn based strategy game, it doesn't need a powerful physics engine or a hefty graphics library - it just needs someone who cares to sit down and write up a hundred monsters and a publisher willing to sit on it while playtesters go through to make sure all of them work and none of them are grotesque balance outliers.

Known Hero
posted February 08, 2012 03:23 PM |
Edited by Naki at 15:23, 08 Feb 2012.
Wait for the 2 (or at least 1) expansions first!!

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 08, 2012 03:41 PM |
Edited by Cepheus at 15:48, 08 Feb 2012.
I might add that if the Might and Magic franchise ever objectively bombs under Ubisoft production and is then silently shelved, there is not really any chance that its rights will be sold off to somebody better. That would be a miracle. I can't think of many, if even any, examples of Ubi selling off failing or stagnant IPs. Rayman, Warlords, The Settlers, Prince of Persia, Rabbits, Silent Hunter, Far Cry, Tom Clancy, Driver, Brothers in Arms and other brands have all had their share of crap or poor-selling games over the past decade, and some stay dead, some are revived for better or worse, but not one of them has left Ubi's possession. Even their one series which came to an "end" and was very successful, Myst, hasn't been sold off for cash (unless you count the online spinoff).
If Might and Magic collapses, the much more likely scenario is that Ubisoft will sit on the IP in silence for years and do nothing with it. There's always a small chance they'll try to reboot it yet again with a different team someday and pump more money and talent into getting it right, or that a bigshot developer who's made a name for themself and happens to be a big fan will offer to help revive it. If the entire company collapses - not so likely, at least for a while - we still end up in a 3DO quandary again where we cross our fingers that someone benevolent buys the IP. Even on the off-chance that a company well known for strategy development like Activision Blizzard or 2K Games decides to buy it, there's still no guarantee they'd do anything with it until long after we're all dead. If they do something with it, there's still no guarantee it will be good or at all recognisable as MM.
I don't have a very strong opinion either way. I would definitely like to see many more Might and Magic games being released within my lifetime, but I would definitely not like to continue seeing them being released as rushed trash, developed by cheap eastern studios or underfunded and forced into premature release by Ubisoft's inscrutably-stupid bureaucrats.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Known Hero
posted February 08, 2012 04:15 PM |
I don't think it's fair to blame "Eastern" studios. Sure, Black Hole Entertainment is from Hungary, and Hungary is a festering swamp that is currently doing its level best to get kicked out of the EU for fascism of all things, but there are lots of studios in "the East" that produce good work. Katauri is in Russia, and you can't get much more "East" than that, and their King's Bounty work has still been awesome.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 08, 2012 04:23 PM |
I don't blame eastern studios at all. I blame cheap eastern studios.
There's a nuance.
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Legendary Hero
posted February 08, 2012 04:25 PM |
True that, there are good Eastern developers who come up with quality products (another example is GSC Game World - no matter how buggy the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games are, there's still nothing around which comes even close to their atmosphere and world design in general, as well as the Polish CDP and The Witcher). The key word here is "cheap" I think - like Ubisoft are holding a reversed auction and whoever agrees to be paid the least gets the job.

Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted February 08, 2012 04:54 PM |
Edited by Avirosb at 16:55, 08 Feb 2012.
Don't forget that Ubi is partly to blame for a lot of game design decisions, like letting you choose one out of two heroes for every faction, the downgrading of the town screens and keeping what is essentially World of Warhammercraft light as a setting (subj. opinion, but still).

Adventuring Hero
posted February 08, 2012 05:23 PM |
Quote: I don't think it's fair to blame "Eastern" studios. Sure, Black Hole Entertainment is from Hungary, and Hungary is a festering swamp that is currently doing its level best to get kicked out of the EU for fascism of all things, but there are lots of studios in "the East" that produce good work. Katauri is in Russia, and you can't get much more "East" than that, and their King's Bounty work has still been awesome.
I don't see the connection between Hungarian politicians and Hungarian game studios. Your post is unnecessarily offensive.
Katauri's first King's Bounty was boring, I've never finished it.
Haven't tried Armored Princess though.