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Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted May 02, 2001 08:13 PM |
Total Tactics
I dunno if this is total tactics, cheap tactics or what but I want a little input on everyones thoughts on some example situations. Maybe (most likely) these are very ingenious tactics and it is the humiliating feeling of being on the receiving end instead of delivering the death blow.
1) blinding opponents troops and killing em off 1 by one while opponent cannot react (for that big group, you may have to throw about 20 disrupting rays, slow and reblind a time or 2)
2) having ballistics and attacking a castle. first putting a group in front of door so that defender cannot exit castle. then killing off flying creatures so opponent can do nothing but sit in castle while you slowly take out his ground troops with magic and fast flyers that can wait, hit and fly out every time b4 you move (you pass every turn with ballistics so walls are never removed and the defender never gets a chance to exit castle)
Winner or Whiner?

Known Hero
posted May 02, 2001 09:09 PM |
Tactics.. those all sound like very sane plausible battle tactics to me. I have had the creatures blocking my ability to exit my castle before, although not too often. I think only in certain situations would the attacker not want the defender to come over the castle walls. I have no problem with this tactic.
The blinding tactic sounds very smart to me, i have not had it done to me yet and if i do i will not have any problem with it. It is just another great battle tactic in my opinion, and there are many.
Why would any of these tactics be considered cheap? Is cloning Arch Angels to ressurect cheap? Is summoning massive amount of elementals cheap? I dont think so. I would not consider any of the tactics you mentioned cheap at all, they are just tactics.

Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted May 02, 2001 09:14 PM |
i never said they were cheap, I have actually used the blinding tactic myself, and was the receiver of the second tactic yesterday by one of the masters of heroes (Flamingo) I just wanted opinion. I think its just standing there knowing U cannot defend it with the tools you have at hand at that moment is very frustrating.
Winner or Whiner?

Adventuring Hero
posted May 02, 2001 09:26 PM |
I think these tactics are awesome, not cheap . I had a game vs comp where i think it glitched and comp had army of 14,400 hydras compared to my 100 archangels. Thanks to the power of exp fire magic, blind, about 20 disrupting rays and 900 spell points i won the fight. Blind can be absolutely devastating if used properly.
Trapping your opponent in castle is fun. Especially if you have chain lightning, but that can be countered if you have exp tactics, which further proves how effective tactics are.
How about this one, i had a game recently where my opponent had isra with 1600 skels and 11 dread knights on a random map compared to my 2 angels, 2 red drags, 90 harpy hags and about 40 evil eyes. The battle screen appears and it's the terrain with a huge ridge in the middle. I force fielded both sided of the ridge and slowly picked off those skels and dreads with the harpy hags renewing the force fields when necessary, considering i always got to go first. My opponent got furious, conceded and dropped from game very angry. Does anyone think that is cheap?

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2001 09:32 PM |
force field is good
I've used it some times, and sunday i was playing and totaly forgot about it. Now you remind me - that I was having greater chances in beating the computer if I was using force field in one battle - it was some hydra I didn't want he to move.
Force Field runs only for about 1 or 2 turns, right?
I think there have to be some special artifact or hero special ability for SPELLS that don't depend on POWER - like this one.

Famous Hero
posted May 02, 2001 11:43 PM |
Well actually Ive used the blinding tactic myself, but if other guy got cure or dispel its very hard to play.
Funny thing is if other guy doesnt see it coming and wham hes down 
Trapping creatures in castle is very effective, specially if ur fighting against stronghold creatures. Ive had that one done to me, damn I was sulking seeing my ancients being cut down by spells, when they where just sitting behind a wall 
But basically I like both tactics, but hey Im the one who is impressed by a guy who pulls of H&R effectively, prolly coz Im to stupid to do it myself 

Known Hero
posted May 03, 2001 12:54 AM |
Both valid tactics IMO...
I have had blind used on me before and i felt pretty crappy. But hey it was a learning experience and I got to use it too eventually.
I was a necro army with 1200 skels fighting against a met shower specialist with Inferno with army 2x that of mine. I berzerked his Arch devils few times and then mixed my troops with his as much as possible while being showered on.
And then with most of his and my creatures gone i kept teleporting my skels after his archdevil while killing off the remnants of his army. And those poor skels were going down fast with his resurrection healing more damage then i was dealing. And defeat was looking me in the face. Until I killed of the last of his other units then blinded his ADs.
And then proceeeded to summon earths in decent groups. My best raw damage spell was lightinig and no animate dead. So i called lots of earths then made sure they will all get a move before him and finished those fiends off 
I am sure it felt pretty crappy to lose that way but you should not leave yourself open to this tactic.
The other one is a bit nastier, and i havn't had it done to me yet but i have used it b4. And again there is not much to do once you in a town and your opponent gets 1st move, but who told you to sit in a town with a superior open field army? 
I say bring them on they are all good

Known Hero
posted May 03, 2001 02:18 AM |
all tactics possibilities
Well, I don't see much diffence between being bested by the above mentioned tactics or hit and run. All of them are valid and yet they all stink to be on the receiving end of also.....most humbling.....I just kiss it goodbye when the shalacking starts and look for some means out, but generally have to walk away just being bested/luckeded.

Supreme Hero
posted May 03, 2001 02:21 AM |
I had an endgame battle with lilac baeron recently, where exactly that happened. I had her mighties and flies blinded while I preceded to haste my stacks so they would all hit first, then reblind them when it is my slowest stacks turn(faster than hers of course). I did this for probably 4 rounds, then stopped it because I thought it was real snowty, and I could tell she was getting pissed off too, so I stopped. I explained to her that I could have gone on like that for ages...I had no lack of spell points, but it just wasn't any fun. Dont get me wrong, those tactics are part of the game (just like H/R) and if someone chooses to use them, well good luck.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it

Adventuring Hero
posted May 03, 2001 09:13 AM |
I don`t see the problem in these tactics at all. As the game is buildt up with all these possibilities, they should be used. Everyone should use the tactic that fits them the best. OK, it`s not fun beeing beaten through such tactics, but is it fun to be beaten at all?

Tavern Dweller
posted May 03, 2001 10:14 AM |
what about catapult?
one of (maybe cheap) tactics i'm missing here...destroying the enemy catapult during siege of castle...i like it esp. against stronghold troops...but some players feel offensed by that tactic...
my opinion is, that it's a way h3 was designed for...using special tactics in underdog situation to change the odds of the battle...like the tactics described above (blinding and keep defender in castle)...
whats your opinion about that?

Known Hero
posted May 03, 2001 11:28 AM |
It is war or combat .... right?
Thus, do what you gotta do within the bounds of the game rembering that winning is what the goal of the game is. In trying to win we experience all sorts of what I consider great things (friendship, thrill, comraderie, learning, sense of power, etc.), and unfortunately some evil too. Don't spare me any punches if we ever play. I take no pride in a win that I could have lost if someone wanted to put together a combination of something to foil me even if I had been seeming outplaying in some huge army and stat respects.

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2001 07:30 PM |
It is nice to see all these intelligent people here.
When someone gets beat by something it is easy to try to find people to agree that the tactic was cheap and make themselves feel better.
If they gather enough people they even infect that idea so deeply on the masses that it becomes the sick norm.
It is nice to see so many people out there actually like this game and don't seek to keep conforming it to suit their own dislikes.
We know if we let some of these people they would label anything they couldn't control then and there as cheap.
Truth is they are just sore losers.
Anything can be stopped but you have to plan.
A player cannot just start defending at the moment of attack.
Every game I lose I can go back and at some point say "I could have done this if I had ANTICIPATED.". That "I'm helpless" argument is an endictment on bad planning by the plaintiff.
Sometimes the things you can do are not clear even after the game. When I have been blinded that way I have reviewed every save and looked all over the map and built artifact merchants and everything and couldnt find the pendant of second sight.
So what could I have done?
Sometimes the answer was one I would have had to take action on from day1. Like getting a faster unit and trying to win the game through hitting and running.
Sometimes it was abandoning my main town and building up necropolis or dungeon to avoid the spell.
Sure hindsight is 20/20 but the reason why we lost to that is because our opponent had 20/20 foresight and we got "blind"sided by it.
Nothing is indefensible on a good map.
If he got dimension door then you LET him build up too long.
If he has 2 of the same town then we must rush him if we don't or it is OUR fault when he has twice as many troops.
If he has Castle and we have a slower town it is our fault for not securing a faster unit or superior logistics if we get hit and ran.
I know many would rather make excuses but if you accept responsibility then you have a chance to learn from it.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 03, 2001 10:09 PM |
Preach on brother Mocara .
It would be nice to hear some more cool tactics that people have encountered in their heroes games that some of us might have not thought of.
I had a game recently where i my opponent had a very powerful implosion spell and i was necro with a slightly superior army, but easily defeated by the spell power. I had infinite funds and i haven't bought wights since week 1. I think to myself, hmmm got an idea, but i won't hear the end of his complaining. So i bought new heroes, but a stack of 1 wight in each slot and hit and surrendered him about 30 times fully draining his spell points to 0. Then coming with main army and fairly easily defeating his force. And again they complain about hit and run. I wasn't even attacking anyone, yet always the infinete excuses.
When will people learn to stop leaving their armies close to enemy cities. Bad thing happen. I certainly learned that the hard way myself.

Known Hero
posted May 03, 2001 10:12 PM |
There is no need for anything so drastic as changing towns to avoid blinding. All you need is not to be left with 1 unit. So if you opponents blinds one of your units then make sure to cure it or dispel. If you are being close to being down to last powerful stack then retreat and come back with more support.
If you opponent needs to resort to blind then it's more then likely you were ahead in that battle. And sure lost exp and units hurt, but losing your main and arties ends the game in most cases 
Same think for catapult, if you know you cannot breach the walls before your catapult gets dispatched DON'T attack him in town. IF you have no earthquake or Exp Teleport don't even think of going in there with an army low on fliers and magic. If your catapult gets smacked, and you lose you were asking for it.
Well what if your opponent knows that too and will not face you in open field. Then you better make sure that sitting in that town is going to cost him. Take all his mines, visit all his locations, threaten something he considers vital. Taunt him if you must, but get him out of the town or make sure u will have a way of getting past that wall

Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted May 03, 2001 10:33 PM |
This is what I wanted :)
Tanx guys for the recent responces, the initial post was to get a discussion of "total tactics" going, I know it is not fun to be receiving, I have dealt and received plenty, the last few post are getting it going I do think it is funnny tho when U kill the guy standing in front of your castle door, you still cant open the door and exit.

Famous Hero
posted May 03, 2001 11:43 PM |
Well Phantom, I knew of that tactic, my question is why in all the world did he let his main be consumed by ur scouts packed with wights??? 
Actually Lews told me about that one when i was still a newbie, damn I laughed my ass off. Guess I love when people pull those stunts off. Gives TOH a whole new dimension, and at the same time silence all the people who says HoMM3 is all about luck 
Well I wished I had some new kewl tactic to tell about, but I guess u guys keeps beating me to it. Prolly why I always forget to employ them 

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted May 05, 2001 06:21 PM |
AAAK! The wraith bomb... Not saying anything against anyone who'd use it, but that one sure sux to be on the recieveing end, i know the one time i was hit with it the draining process took an hour! Each wraith waited, then defended.. and it went on and on and i'm still having nightmares!!
I think a lot of these tactics really depend on the situation, if its clearly an opp's only way to win then cool, but sometimes these tactics are used when they're not neccessary and to me that can be a little aggrivating.
I think certain people just play for the sake of enjoying the game, and with those types i'd never do such a thing - an example being Zud, i know why he's playing and i wouldn't like myself at all if i did something to make his don't play list. That doesn't mean i'd let him win to keep him happy, it just means i'd use other tactics to try to beat him
On the flip side to that, if i know i'm playing someone who wouldn't hesitate to use any trick in his arsenal against me- then i'm willing to play the same right back at him 
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Adventuring Hero
posted May 06, 2001 12:14 AM |
Maybe it's the contrarian in me but I tend to look for things people say suck or are no good and try to develop surprising tactics with them (I think I was one of the few early Inferno and Fortress supporters). Anyway, one spell I've found very usefull in late game combat situations is Quicksand - especially with Devils (and to a lesser extent Harpy Hags). As long as your opp doesn't have expert dispel, four-five castings of this spell are usually enough to create "force fields" all over the battlefield that allow you better tactical planning in combat. Again, Devils and Harpy Hags can become essentially untouchable in later rounds and many opponents then realize their superior troops are going to do nothing but get slowly whittled down.
As far as keeping your catapult working, Airshield and either Anti-magic or Protect from Air or Earth usually keep it untouched. Most people, even those intent on destroying your catapult, won't then waste spells or shots trying to hit it.

Known Hero
Computer Puppet
posted May 06, 2001 04:00 AM |
Nice post moc. but i think sometimes u cannot defend against things... hit and run for example sometimes camps dont give u a faster eroop, or you never get offered logistics or find movement artifacts or speed bonus arts. or even the other towns you find do not have a faster troop. Like arch angels...they arent too easy to be faster then the the next fastest creatures to arch angel (non ab/sod) is arch devil..they need +2 speed to be faster...
"I Don't Cheat, I Just Interview Incase The Relationship Doesn't Work Out."