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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Make it Out Alive. (IC)
Thread: Make it Out Alive. (IC) This thread is 5 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT»


The Nothingness
posted October 13, 2012 01:29 AM

Sarah was on the verge of panicking, all her staff exceot Bob and Julio was dead and she had no means of transport out of the city. She checked her purse frantically, trying to find some car keys. Lipstick, sunglasses, glasses, vibrator, chewing gum, cigarettes... but no car keys. Julio steered her left down a corridor. "We have to get out of here quick, that thing might done with the rest. If it comes for us I do not know if I can handle it."

"I know, Julio, we have to get to my helicopter!" Sarah wheeled around, facing him. "We can get out of here within a half hour!"

"It is on the roof, ma'am. We cannot go up there now." Julio answered, then pushed her on.

"I order you to take me back up!" Sarah hissed.

"The streets are safer, your safety is my main concern." Julio answered as they entered the lobby of the hotel.

Everything was chaos, no one manned the hotel anymore and everything was strewn about. Julio pulled out his gun and let go of Sarah, motioning for her to follow him. "If I fall, I want you to keep on running."

"Of course I will, no way I am dying here now!" Sarah said, the panick not gone from her voice.

Julio nodded. "That's the attitude, ma'am. Now let's enter the streets. Bob, stay close. If another of those things appear we might use you as bait."

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted October 13, 2012 03:11 AM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 03:18, 13 Oct 2012.


You easily push past all but the farthest up beggar in your scramble up the stairs. Once you and he are at the top, you can see that there are people lined up outside. People with a whole hell of allot of guns pointed in your direction. The other guy stops dead in his tracks like a deer caught in the headlights and another bum catches up to you. Not looking out, he begins to run to the edge of the wall, vaults over the side and grabs hold of one of the murder holes in it. he slowly begins dropping himself, catching holes as he goes down. Apparently, he was some kind of extreme athlete before he to to the streets.

The guys outside have to be the national guard. Right now it seems like they aren't going to make any moves to help or hinder you, so you have time to do whatever you are planning. The river is about fifty meters to your left and looks quite a bit more clear on this side. The wall curves only ever so slightly, but you can make out the first of the slits easily from where you stand.


There is a hole in the side of your car, and the sounds of death come through so much easier because of it. Nothing to fuel your fear like a high-pitched scream that doesn't sound like it will end, until it finally does when you least expect it, isn't there? Your dog hides as deeply as it can, terrified.

As you drive towards the bridge, something that seems to be just a black blur streaks past your car and perches on the front of the bridge. For all intents and purposes, it looks a blackened steel skeleton. It seems to be oddly at ease, waiting for something. Something burns through the air towards the skeletal-robot-demon and it jumps up, laughing. One of the demons that has been flinging brimstone comes crashing down on the hood of your car as this demon flashes up, catches a ball of fire and vaporizes the top of its head with it.

After murdering its brother, the demon sits down again. Its fingers tap its chin absently, drumming out some tuneless melody that seems to be the beat to be "Faster" by Within Temptation... of course, you being the diva you are might actually recognize that. But the fact that it is beating this out while it looks directly at you and smiles might be a bit of a distraction for what by most accounts is a good song. It seems to be waiting for you to do something...


You do make it out of the front entryway unmolested, it's actually completely empty even when you leave, and the street is filled only with rubble and corpses, all cast in the blood-like glow of the portal. Julio gestured for you to stay back and motions for Bob to move forward. When the man shakes his head and looks like he is going to run in the other direction, Julio grabs his arm and throws him (and your shoes) into the street. When Bob looks up from his cringing position on the ground and remains unmolested, Julio takes two steps out as well, keeping a hand on the pommel of his gun.

The gun comes out as something dives down and snatches him off of the ground, spreading bat-like wings of stone as it begins to fly away. Five shots can be heard before the demon and its prey come crashing down on the ground, the later tumbling until he slams into the side of a building with a "crack."
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted October 13, 2012 09:19 AM
Edited by Geny at 22:29, 08 Nov 2012.

Veronica looked down at the presumed athlete. Normally, she would not let a man upstage her, but this was borderline insane. She looked around, trying to find another way down. There was one, at least on the same level of insanity, but more to her liking. She would need some assistance though. She turned to the shocked beggar besides her,  who was still trying to decide what will he die of first - the fall or the guns.

"Listen." She started talking fast grabbing the man's hand so he wouldn't have the chance to object, "Coming down here is suicide, there's another way, but it takes two to make it there. Come on then, it's our only chance!"

She started dragging him towards the dam, hoping he wouldn't resist too much. And also hoping, that the men with guns down on the ground either wouldn't notice her prison robes or simply wouldn't care under the circumstances.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted October 30, 2012 12:26 AM


The man just follows you in a stumbling half-shuffle, not really resisting in any way. Below the dam, you see that the two prison guards that you left behind are slowly puffing their way towards you, or at least the top of the wall. The guy who is doing the controlled fall is hanging limply about halfway down the wall, apparently resting with his arms in two murder holes. He doesn't look too good, from what you can make out at this distance at least. Then again, considering he was a beggar until just recently that might be natural.

At the dam, you can see that the ever growing mound of litter is only on the city side of the river, the water coming out does so in a raging torrent, dark with the silt and soot that accumulated from the city itself, but trash free otherwise. Your buddy that you dragged along looks sort of out of it at the moment.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Supreme Hero
Basically Smurfette
posted October 30, 2012 02:01 AM

The sounds of hideous screaming echoed within Evangeline's car, frightening Mimi into barking.  Evangeline looked at her fat little companion and was overcome with parental rage.  No one was going to kill her dog!!

Evangeline readjusted her hairpiece (which was currently sitting haphazardly on her head), while staring intently at the demon.  She cracked her knuckles and gripped the steering wheel .... and slammed her foot on the gas.

The Cutlass screeched as its wheels spun for a second before gaining traction on the bloodied road and lurching forward.

At the steering wheel, Evangeline leaned forward eyeing her target.  A look of pure murderous hatred etched across her mascara lined and heavily rouged puffy face.

Meroe is definetely out, sweet
as she sounds sometimes, she'd
definetely castrate you with a
rusted razror and forcefeed
your genitals to you in a
blink of an eye - Kipshasz

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Supreme Hero
Right Back Extraordinaire
posted October 30, 2012 02:10 AM

Bilbo heads down the alley, looking both ways. He felt he was part of some bad horror fiction written by a 14 year old, where all the characters die gruesomely and the bad guys win, and he was one of said characters. Fortunately, he seemed to be having a pretty easy time so far "knock on wood" he thought to himself, and if he could just get out of the city, he would probably be all right.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted October 30, 2012 02:24 AM


Your cutlass is able to move for a few yards, despite the damage done to the hood (and thus the engine). It was a well made car, apparently. But after a second or two, the strain on your pulverized engine proves too much and the mechanics simply break down in a puff of smoke and broken metal. Due to momentum, you wind up rolling slowly closer to the black demon, who is now giving you a concerned look, before your car sputters one last time, exhales a billowing cloud of smoke, and then dies.

The demon throws back its head and laughs.


You apparently did not knock on your mental wood hard enough. Behind you, you hear the sound of quickly approaching footsteps, comfortingly human footsteps, before you also hear the sound of a glass door exploding. If you look back, you will see one of your neighbors running from what looks like a giant black and red centipede. Both of them, unfortunately, are headed your way.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Supreme Hero
Right Back Extraordinaire
posted October 31, 2012 10:25 PM

Bilbo curses, and thinks to himself, "Wow, now as soon as I think I'm safe, I'm in danger? There's a cliche if I've ever heard one. He has always been a fairly fast runner, and the other man wasn't moving that fast. As long as the other man was behind him, the thing would probably go for the easier target. With that in mind, he took off, backpack awkwardly bouncing as he sprinted down the street.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted November 07, 2012 03:31 AM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 03:32, 07 Nov 2012.

((Sorry Vindi, didn't see your post for the longest time!))


As you come to an intersection, you can hear the monster catch the man. His screams are soon accompanies by the sounds of ripping cloth and flesh as the insect like demon tears into him.

From where you stand, you can go left, right or straight. I guess you could go back too, but... that's not recommended. To the left you can see a pile of discarded newspaper, a smouldering pile of rubble and brimstone from the building in front of you and to the left. There is a hole from  this shot large enough for you to climb through. To the right is a dumpster and some abandoned construction work, as well as a hobo's hovel. Straight ahead is perfectly clear, and it leads to the road and a few cars. You can also see a manhole in the center of the road, though it seems to securely fitted in place.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 08, 2012 10:35 PM

Veronica glanced back at the guards. They were gaining on her, but in another minute it wouldn't matter. She would escape them and this hellhole or die trying.

"Look down there." She said to the man she dragged with her, resting her hand on his shoulders, "See those waters? That's our way out! Wait, wait, don't look at me like that. I know it looks crazy at first, but if we had something to break the surface of the water and possibly hang on to while it floats downstream we might make it alive!"

"And what would that be, honey?"

"You, darling."

Before the man could react, Veronica pushed him off the wall and jumped right after him hoping for the best.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted November 08, 2012 10:46 PM


((Perfect. That's the kind of sadism I like to see. ))

It seems that the man breaks the air for you as well, because you quickly find yourself directly above the poor beggar right before a loud "Slap" announces his contact with the water. You land directly on top of him, knocking the breath out of your body, and bounce once before the current begins to sweep you away from the dam and deeper into the water. The blackness of the liquid is rather clear here, and you find that there are rather a few fish ans lots of aquatic weeds, gunk and trash lining the bottom of the river, obscuring your sight from the bottom except on the edge you happen to be closest to. The current is strong enough to push you against the bottom, and you grind to a halt on sharp rock and other rubbish.

From your right shoulder you feel a sharp sting, and you are feeling the need to breath rather sharply now...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Supreme Hero
Right Back Extraordinaire
posted November 08, 2012 10:55 PM

Bilbo, after a second of thought, turns left; there seems to be no way that thing following him could fit through the hole, and he could be safe in there for a little while. If it somehow could fit, he was a fast crawler anyway, and fancied his chances more there then out in the open where it could go full speed and he would have nowhere to hide.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 09, 2012 10:55 AM

That didn't go exactly as planned, but Veronica was well over the wall and still alive. For now. Luckily, the sharp pain in her shoulder did more good than bad at this point, as it focused her senses and forced her to stay conscious. Turning around in the water to put her feet on the ground, she half-swam half crawled to the nearest beach, hoping she'd get there before she runs out of air.

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted November 09, 2012 08:33 PM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 20:58, 09 Nov 2012.


You are able to squeeze through the hole, though you have to take off your backpack temporarily to do so. Outside, the sounds of your neighbor's remains being torn to bloody bits and eaten accompanies the pleased chittering of the demon. It doesn't seem to have noticed that you disappeared yet.

In the building, you see that you are in a room. A small ball of flame is sitting in the center of the floor, actually hovering slightly above it, there is an alarm clock above a fake fireplace, a cold cup of coffee on the nightstand situated next to a very well made bed, a bible and cross on a chair to your right, some jewelry scattered on top of a dresser, a wardrobe in the far right corner and a door just beyond it. Oh, there's also the headless, still smoking, body of a priest slumped against the wardrobe. There is a hole in the ceiling where the brimstone burst through before it apparently killed this man and then blew a hole in his wall.

Light streams through the window, giving everything but the golden cross and some rings a red glow.

((Woops, Veronica's update is coming as well! Hit submit too early))


You barely manage to hold your breath long enough to drag yourself onto dry land, coughing and gasping as you try to escape the water completely. A minute of this passes before suddenly pain rips through your arm as something is not-so-nicely pulled out of your shoulder and a hand presses firmly against what appears to be a gash in your arm. Before you know it, you are wrapped up in a blanket, the wound is wrapped in gauze and you are being brought away from the river by a company of three national guard members. You can see the body of the beggar drifting away before something large and scaled appears for half a second, biting his body and dragging it into the depths. None of the soldiers notice this, but you feel a kind of cold terror knowing that you were in the water with that thing.

As you are almost carried to the line of the national guard, you can see that the other beggar is dragging himself towards you with his leg twisted at an odd angle. He'd apparently fallen, but got low enough that he was still alive. No one is helping him. The soldiers bring you to a tent and walk out, not saying anything the entire time they are around you. Once they go out you can hear some inarticulate mumbling punctuated by a, "Shouldn't have" and "She killed someone!" every once in a while. After a siren call, the voices disappear and the soldiers move away, leaving you laying in the tent injured, exhausted and alone.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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The Nothingness
posted November 09, 2012 09:08 PM

((I apologize late entry, with school and work I am busy 200 hours a month, and on top of that real life takes loads of time. Will finally get down a post at least ))

Sarah ran from the cover of the building with her hands covering her face partially, screaming Oh my god, oh my god[/i. Her feet got all cut up and started to bleed, but with willpower she didn't know she possessed she pushed on, forcing herself to get away. She tried staying as close to the walls as possible, heading away from the source of the light.

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Supreme Hero
Basically Smurfette
posted November 09, 2012 10:04 PM

Evangeline sat, her hands still grasping the wheel as she rapidly blinked, her thoughts circling aimlessly in her brain.  The demon had watched as the car slowly came to halt several metres from it, a look of pure malicious delight on its face.  Its hideous scar of a mouth, like a violent slash across its face, pulling back to reveal digusting bone colored serrated teeth.

For a long moment, Evangeline just sat there.  Then reaching under the passenger seat, she pulled out the baseball bat.  Opening the glove compartment, Evangeline took hold of her Beretta.  Only taking her eyes off the demon for a brief second, she checked the magazine and then took the spare, but loaded magazine from the glove compartment.

Evangeline had decided that she wasn't going to die without a fight, and stepped out of the car.  "Mommy will be back, angel", she whispered to a slumbering Mimi.  Slipping the spare magazine into the side pocket of her generously cut, beige pants (cut to flatter the fuller figure - so the commerical commented), Evangeline took a couple of steps towards the demon.
Meroe is definetely out, sweet
as she sounds sometimes, she'd
definetely castrate you with a
rusted razror and forcefeed
your genitals to you in a
blink of an eye - Kipshasz

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted November 09, 2012 11:53 PM


You run blindly, never quite escaping the light of the portal until you trip over what looks like a giant tail. As you lay on the ground next to something diamond shaped, a deep breath exhales and one large black eye opens up. Bob, who had been following you this entire time, is frozen in his tracks ten meters away from you, trembling as he clutches your worthless shoes desperately in his hand.

The serpent then begins to raise its head, flicking out one tongue as it awakens, giving you one uninterested stare. Then laying back down to go to sleep. Judging by the multiple lumps that go down its green-black body, it's already eaten its fill today.


The demon has fallen on its back while it laughs, breath ragged in its throat. Holding up one claw to signify that it needs a minute, it begins to roll around with its mirth. ((Shoot it! Shoot it in the head! ))
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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The Nothingness
posted November 10, 2012 12:15 AM

Sarah looks back at Bob again. "Bob, it didn't eat me!" she exclaimed with glee. "You lead the way now that I have taken care of this first demon, you take care of the next one."

Bob shook his head, his double chin jiggling beneath it.

"Oh come on, you're smart. I am sure you can talk us out of it, just as I talked us out of getting eaten by the giant snake!"

"If I may point out, ma'am, the snake was probably not hungry. You didn't do much." Bob looked around in fear.

"Well, it doesn't help standing about here. Now lead the way Bob, you go on ten meters ahead of me and I will make sure that no one is following us!" Sarah commanded, her smile winning and reassuring.

Bob grimaced and lead the way, Sarah following. "We need to find a car." he muttered desperately.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 10, 2012 11:38 AM

Thoughts darted through Veronica's head as she slowly regained strength inside the tent.

She made it out of the city. Whatever it was that made all that noise in there, is well behind her. She was free. She was safe... inside a tent of law enforcers. Which is what she was running from from the start. They'll find out who she is. They'll lock her up. She was trapped. She was in danger!

She was also exhausted, but the notion of resting in a prison cell did not appeal to Veronica. She tried to raise herself on her elbows. She cursed and fell back on the bed. Apparently her right shoulder was not the best support for her body weight right now. Clenching her right hand to her chest, the pink-haired daredevil slowly stood up and crept to the tent's entrance. She moved the curtains of the tent just enough to get a peek of the outside world.

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Supreme Hero
Basically Smurfette
posted November 10, 2012 04:57 PM

Evangeline's face turned bright beetroot red with anger.  The demon, taunting her and rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably was too much for Evangeline to stomach.  It reminded her when at school during her sophomore year, while singing 'The Lonely Goatherd', as the lead for the school play, her voice broke and the entire school laughed for the entire summer break.  The humiliation came flooding back.  

Evangeline snapped.  Raising her Beretta, she strode with forceful conviction towards the demon.  She shot once, twice, three times.  The demon had stopped laughing and instead now it was shrieking.  Evangeline, now almost right upon it, continued to calmly shoot.  After emptying the magazine, she quickly released it (it shot out and clattered to the ground) and slammed the second one in place.  This time focussing on the demon's face, she unloaded the entire magazine of seven bullets.  

Putting the gun back in her right pocket, she gripped the baseball bat and began to swing.
Meroe is definetely out, sweet
as she sounds sometimes, she'd
definetely castrate you with a
rusted razror and forcefeed
your genitals to you in a
blink of an eye - Kipshasz

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