Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 07, 2014 11:54 PM |
Why do you insist on polluting mods instructions with your messy instructions?
Here is what I do: I create a mod named "my settings". Inside the folder, there is Data folder, inside Data there is "s" folder. And there is where I put my custom scripts, which I make after the game starts. You want army on someone or dimension door? Tab to desktop, open erm scripter, create script triggering on click (!?CM0), tab back in game then pres F11, click anywhere: the effect is immediate.
By trying to overwrite how mods work at start, you increase chances of screwing them and having bugs later.
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted October 08, 2014 06:54 AM |
Salamandre said: Why do you insist on polluting mods instructions with your messy instructions?
Here is what I do: I create a mod named "my settings". Inside the folder, there is Data folder, inside Data there is "s" folder. And there is where I put my custom scripts, which I make after the game starts. You want army on someone or dimension door? Tab to desktop, open erm scripter, create script triggering on click (!?CM0), tab back in game then pres F11, click anywhere: the effect is immediate.
By trying to overwrite how mods work at start, you increase chances of screwing them and having bugs later.
I wasn't messing with your mod, I did it in mine. I used the !!HE:R instrution to make certain heroes available only for me and the !!HE:H to make them have customized armies but I only get the heroes on tavern because I use the Invite Tavern and I guess it nullifies my instrutions because they appear with the usual army. I didn't even opened that code yet.
With the Striker's mod I simply copied some pictures to use in my own "meus settings", then I call them from the mod, nothing else.
I'm experimenting things acording to what I think would be funny at the moment, I don't have a project and I'm not so motivated to "be at school" as I was one year ago. Yey (surprisingly!!!) I've managed to do a lot of the things I wanted.
But not make the initial armies of the invited heroes to be bigger...
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 08, 2014 11:05 AM |
Looks like I'm speaking chinese.
Days ago you asked me why your army settings instructions do not work in Conquistador. Today you ask me if tavern mod sets armies, as your instructions do not work.
So I tell you to not use instructions but instead use a personal mod which starts on first day, and use click triggers to activate it. In this way, you don't take the risk of overwriting important elements from the mods you' re using.
So when you answer this:
Quote: I've managed to do a lot of the things but not make the initial armies of the invited heroes to be bigger/I used the !!HE:R instrution to make certain heroes available only for me and the !!HE:H to make them have customized armies but[...]
then is clear than I started speaking the Dothraki and I am the only one to understand what I'm writing.
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted October 08, 2014 12:28 PM |
Salamandre said: Looks like I'm speaking chinese.
Days ago you asked me why your army settings instructions do not work in Conquistador. Today you ask me if tavern mod sets armies, as your instructions do not work.
So I tell you to not use instructions but instead use a personal mod which starts on first day, and use click triggers to activate it. In this way, you don't take the risk of overwriting important elements from the mods you' re using.
So when you answer this:
Quote: I've managed to do a lot of the things but not make the initial armies of the invited heroes to be bigger/I used the !!HE:R instrution to make certain heroes available only for me and the !!HE:H to make them have customized armies but[...]
then is clear than I started speaking the Dothraki and I am the only one to understand what I'm writing.
No I'm speaking Dothraki, this is the code I used:
!!HE109:C0/0/136/8/50000/2 C0/1/37/12/50000/2 C0/2/37/12/50000/2 C0/3/150/4/50000/2 C0/4/37/12/50000/2 C0/5/37/12/50000/2 C0/6/136/8/50000/2;
!!HE109:S0/1 S2/3 S7/2 S11/1 S15/1 S16/1 S17/3 S18/1 S19/1 S21/3 S22/3 S23/2;
!!HE109:A1/98/8 A1/70/6 A1/58/1 A1/64/10 A1/125/11 A1/126/12 A1/96/20 A1/156/21 A1/156/22 A1/156/23 A1/156/24 A1/156/25 A1/156/26 A1/156/27 A1/140/28;
!!HE109:R3/1/0 R3/0/1 R3/0/2 R3/0/3 R3/0/4 R3/0/5 R3/0/6 R3/0/7;
!#HE147:H0/0/136/6/8 H0/1/136/4/6 H0/2/136/2/4 H0/3/136/0/2;
!#HE147:R3/1/0 R3/0/1 R3/0/2 R3/0/3 R3/0/4 R3/0/5 R3/0/6 R3/0/7;
!#HE78:H0/0/64/10/18 H0/1/63/20/26 H0/2/154/0/2;
!#HE78:R3/1/0 R3/0/1 R3/0/2 R3/0/3 R3/0/4 R3/0/5 R3/0/6 R3/0/7;
!#HE69:H0/0/64/10/18 H0/1/63/20/26 H0/2/154/0/2;
!#HE69:R3/1/0 R3/0/1 R3/0/2 R3/0/3 R3/0/4 R3/0/5 R3/0/6 R3/0/7;
Is an elaboration of the original Hello World I posted some days ago. Before that I used to manualy opened the maps and change somethings on the edtor.
What I said to u about Conquistador was that I opened the town in the editor, clicked on custom on the garrison page and add 12 monsters of level 7. But I exagerate my own bonus and I was able to defeate all enemies in ten days so I could notice they didn't had so many level 8 creatures (I also put an Hill Fort less then a day from each starting city and I play with "Extended Creatures Upgrades" so they can use it to upgrade level 7 to 8). So I asked if those creatures I add (manualy) would have been removed from the garrison.
Of course, I wont deny that I read others guys code and thatt the Adventure Pillars has been almost a book of reference, cause you have made an event to do almost all the actions I wanted to create, even change the face of my main but besides changing a 4 for a 2 as a divisor on the Random Hero script, I have created independent mods for doing the things I wanted.
I've been using some folders name of the mod -> data -> s for some features I copied from someone else, like the Second Henchman and the Palace of Dreams from TDS for quite sometime but (just by chance) when I decided that I wanted to see if I was able to create an object to sell (or give) commander artifacts (instead of manualy putting an event on the map, removing the "Cancel at first visit" and add them there...) I wasn't even thinking of learning ERM, I just wanted a feature nobody was giving to me so I tryed to made it for myself.
But along the way somehow ERM has been losing his threatning aspect and my head is always poping up with new ideas of things I would like to see in the game. So I've been doing them myself; a concept I believe you, from all the people, must be very familiar with .
Thank you for the time u have been spending helping me.
P.S.: It's not Invite Tavern's fault. I did some tests and with all other necro heroes made unavailable and necro town I mostly don't get them in tavern and when I do they have normal armies.
P.S.S: I finally got it to work, it was bugged !!!
So, if I get the hero first time in tavern he cames with army, if I get him using Invite Tavern he cames with full traditional army, if I get him by hazard in the tavern after first hero hired he cames with one single special unit.
So the Invite Tavern really ignores what I did, as I asked you first.
Legendary Hero
posted October 08, 2014 03:44 PM |
Salamandre said: Looks like I'm speaking chinese.
Days ago you asked me why your army settings instructions do not work in Conquistador. Today you ask me if tavern mod sets armies, as your instructions do not work.
So I tell you to not use instructions but instead use a personal mod which starts on first day, and use click triggers to activate it. In this way, you don't take the risk of overwriting important elements from the mods you' re using.
So when you answer this:
Quote: I've managed to do a lot of the things but not make the initial armies of the invited heroes to be bigger/I used the !!HE:R instrution to make certain heroes available only for me and the !!HE:H to make them have customized armies but[...]
then is clear than I started speaking the Dothraki and I am the only one to understand what I'm writing.
Yeah! You were speaking chinese. You are not acusing me of changing the code with the ERM editor. You are saying the instrutions running crazy when game starts can affect other modders intentions.
You want me to use an object to give the army to the heroes and so on.
Thank you, is probably a good idea.
Adventuring Hero
posted October 08, 2014 07:06 PM |
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 08, 2014 07:27 PM |
Is a photoshopped battle screen, with some of the HoTA earlier creatures + a few I never saw, like the death angel. Not sure 100% where are they from, but sure 100% it is not a mod for Era.
Looks like some evil alternative to castle faction.
Era II mods and utilities
Adventuring Hero
posted October 08, 2014 07:44 PM |
Indeed Salamandre, it is, or at least was a Hota project: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=26298&pagenumber=6
but it seems, that it was never added - tho it looks epic imho.
Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2014 08:09 PM |
Salamandre said: Is a photoshopped battle screen, with some of the HoTA earlier creatures + a few I never saw, like the death angel. Not sure 100% where are they from, but sure 100% it is not a mod for Era.
Looks like some evil alternative to castle faction.
These are Cathedral units from HOTA team. I don't really believe in their words that there are only walking animations for these units. They made them in 3d, so they should be somewhere fully made.
Known Hero
posted October 12, 2014 10:29 PM |
Hello, I was just wondering how can I install mods to Era II? I'm not very technical, so I don't really know how to make anything else but some basic folders :/
Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2014 03:13 AM |
leiah2 said: Hello, I was just wondering how can I install mods to Era II? I'm not very technical, so I don't really know how to make anything else but some basic folders :/
Lucky for you generally is just run the installer inside the heroes folder.
Famous Hero
posted October 16, 2014 01:19 PM |
Questions regarding mods
i have some questions. First about FREDOBJ mod.
1. Some of the objects do not show up in the editor. How can i make them show up there?
2. @Fred: I found that you chose type 40, subtype 0 for all your objects. That makes them indistinguishable with erm. Would you mind if i renumber them? And maybe fix passability? It is true that with editor it is possible to fix passability later on map, but i would think its more convenient if they would have their own passability.
3. There are 2 or 3 creature defs in that mod. Is it possible to make real creature out of these? How?
Next about objects in general:
Where are those object names stored? Is it possible to add more names there? How?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 16, 2014 01:24 PM |
Siegfried, graphical patches are databases for mapmakers. Type 40 is what the object editor gives by default when making a new object, so it does not overwrite vanilla objects. To sum, those are blank objects you must script manually when making your mod/map.
They are not functional in game as they are. Atm we can't have two objects with sames codes and the game to choose from.
Famous Hero
posted October 16, 2014 01:35 PM |
Salamandre said:
They are not functional in game as they are. Atm we can't have two objects with sames codes and the game to choose from.
That is exactly the point. At least one of the points. To make them functional they would have to be renumbered.
And sure, these numbers must not be any numbe used by any other object.
When Fred started with his objects, i renumbered them, and that worked quite well. I could place them with erm, and i could check theit presence. And i could add functionality to them. New functionality. The only drawback was, there was no name in the editor. So i asked if it would be possible to add names there.
Existing maps: Right. That might mean i have to make a mod on its own out of this. But still the questions remain
Ah, and another question: Would it be possible to make another "faction" with a new number (not replacing an existing one) in Era? And if yes, would it be tecnically necessary to add heroes and creatures to it? I'm thinking of kind of "abandoned" castle which act (scripted) like a crypt, and after taken, are converted to a castle of an existing type. I think it would be tecnically necessary to place them on the map as object type = castle, otherwise it would not be possible to get them somewhen as castle. Or is it possible to add a castle via erm?
Those castle ruins in FREDOBJ would make good crypts
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 16, 2014 01:40 PM |
But if you give them a known type/subtype, they will have automatic name. If you take a blank object then give crypt ID (spacebar, change properties), it will display crypt both in editor and game.
Now, if you give them valid ID, as I said, they will overwrite existing objects. If you want to use Fred's crypt, then the vanilla crypt graphics will no longer show.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
posted October 16, 2014 01:45 PM |
Salamandre said: But if you give them a known type/subtype, they will have automatic name. If you take a blank object then give crypt ID (spacebar, change properties), it will display crypt both in editor and game.
Now, if you give them valid ID, as I said, they will overwrite existing objects. If you want to use Fred's crypt, then the vanilla crypt graphics will no longer show.
I know.
For the castle ruins i thought of giving them type crypt and not used subtypes. For the terrain patches i thought of giving them new types and for each new type different subtypes, as i did before.
O.k., some of the patches could receive an already known type, but then new and different subtypes. So they would have their function automatically. If i remember correctly there where f.ex. 2 types of clouds which could still be clouds. The engine only checks for type, not for subtype, to apply function. You need the subtype to place the correct patch with erm.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 17, 2014 05:52 PM |
Hero Advanced Level Up (325 ko)
Author: Igrik
Description: allows your hero to pick both primary and secondary skills when level up (undoubtedly major cheat, enjoy).
Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2014 07:02 PM |
Siegfried said: Hi,
i have some questions. First about FREDOBJ mod.
1. Some of the objects do not show up in the editor. How can i make them show up there?
2. @Fred: I found that you chose type 40, subtype 0 for all your objects. That makes them indistinguishable with erm. Would you mind if i renumber them? And maybe fix passability? It is true that with editor it is possible to fix passability later on map, but i would think its more convenient if they would have their own passability.
3. There are 2 or 3 creature defs in that mod. Is it possible to make real creature out of these? How?
Next about objects in general:
Where are those object names stored? Is it possible to add more names there? How?
sorry, i missed this.
i was following sal's instructions, when he said to leave the objects blank. i've never had any complaints regarding my latest patch until now, so i was unaware of any issue.
i, too, would think it more convenient to have their passability fixed. i think i misinterpreted when sal said, "you should leave the objects blank, so that they can be scripted"; i had taken that to mean that the passability should be blank as well. it was so long ago, that i don't remember the reasoning there.
if you had questions regarding my patch, you should have posted them in my objects thread; i would have seen them sooner, and it would help me address any problems with my patch myself. i intend to make a readme for my patch, as the objects that don't show up in the editor, are creature battle defs(which you would have to place yourself, in your .lod, if you wanted to use them).
i hope this straightened any issues you had out. i'll keep reading the posts here, and see if there is anything else i missed.
i would update my patch myself, but i've been really busy lately. i think a readme wouldn't be too much work to include; i have one made already(i think), that i was using to prepare for my next release.
Famous Hero
posted October 17, 2014 10:08 PM |
Salamandre said: Hero Advanced Level Up (325 ko)
Author: Igrik
Description: allows your hero to pick both primary and secondary skills when level up (undoubtedly major cheat, enjoy).
That would be exactly what i need for development. But i can't download it from that link. There is a download button, and when i click - nothing.
Famous Hero
posted October 17, 2014 10:19 PM |
fred79 said: i've never had any complaints regarding my latest patch until now, so i was unaware of any issue.
That was not meant as a complaint Just ideas for maybe improvement.
The idea to leave them blank so they could be scripted has its pros. I personally think that giving them a default behaviour (at least for those where it makes sense) is better. But that may be a matter of taste. In the editor you could change any of these objects to any other object. With one exception: You can not change them to new object types. I'm not really sure if new types are possible. But as far as i remember it is possible. So for your special terrain patches i would recommend new types. So they can be scripted differently. Currently you can't distinguish them with erm. And that's the problem. You cant' f.ex. distinguish the green toxic gas from the high grass. But obviously both should have a very different impact on battle (and maybe movement).
For example i thought for these 2 of:
Toxic gas: Decrease HP for any living creature on both sides. Decrease less if hero has first aid tent and/or skill.
High grass: Decrease speed of all creatures except rampart by 1 and give +1HP to centaures and unicorns.
Well, things like that. Currently this is not possible, because they all have the same type.