Famous Hero
posted February 23, 2014 12:52 PM |
RMZ1989 said: Hey Red, could you link your Seria? Creature recursion with Fortunes Seria was probably my favorite deck that isn't playable in BS1, so I would like to see.
I got some ideas, wonder if yours would be the same as mine.
Hey RMZ, for sure will post up link for my seria bs2 or send you pm with build
Famous Hero
posted February 23, 2014 12:53 PM |
The_Polyglot said: My spin on BS2
What do Y'all think?
hey poly dave and i have been testing a lot on bs2 and i think his yukiko build although similar to yours has some good surprises, you should give him a shout and vibe with eachother!!
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 24, 2014 07:17 AM |
The_Polyglot said: My spin on BS2
What do Y'all think?
Looks good.
No Coral Priestesses? You might need more Outmanouevre for Unmei Kami to hit enemy heroes more effectively...
And I prefer Sayama Champions over Shinje Warriors....as will work nicely with Ice shell...
Famous Hero
posted February 24, 2014 07:39 AM |
Poly and i tested this deck yesterday, it actually has a great lock which will be formidable for most decks... other than the one which cannot be spoken about.
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 24, 2014 08:13 AM |
My opinion on Poly's deck
I actually think it will be more functional theny mine, but also more fragile to some strategies. It's not that complicated, more direct and rush-ish. But as Red said, It lacks the "surprise" cards i put in most of my decks.
For example, I don't see any option how to deffend against target abilities. For example spitters, or other outmanouver decks.
I also miss the "right" kami. I'm more of a Mizu then Unmei person.
The last thing I'm surprised to see, is that Poly did not put in Shi-no-shi and time of need.
Famous Hero
posted February 24, 2014 08:16 AM |
Dave_Jame said: My opinion on Poly's deck
I actually think it will be more functional theny mine, but also more fragile to some strategies. It's not that complicared, more direct and rush-ish. But as Red said, It lacks the "surprise" cards i put in most of my decks.
For example, I don't see any option how to deffend against target abilities. For example spitters, or other outmanouver decks.
I also miss the "right" kami. I'm more of a Mizu then Unmei person.
The last thing I'm surprised to see, is that Poly did not put in Shi-no-shi and time of need.
poly needs to upload his latest build, where surprisingly enough that little combo rears its really ugly head
ps... i have a few spitters for that combo poly
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 26, 2014 06:50 AM |
Well played against Red's "Serias" deck (necro fort) and it does seem quite OP...spitters and banshees with seemingly limitless recursion so just saw 1,000's of spitters spitting poison! I tried my Garant Gate deck and even getting a Worm on turn 3 didn't help, he just broken bridged him out the way...got him down to 5 health, but after turn 10 you are toasted against this deck...
I really don't think Broken Bridge should be part of BS2...
Famous Hero
posted February 26, 2014 08:08 AM |
DoubleDeck said: Well played against Red's "Serias" deck (necro fort) and it does seem quite OP...spitters and banshees with seemingly limitless recursion so just saw 1,000's of spitters spitting poison! I tried my Garant Gate deck and even getting a Worm on turn 3 didn't help, he just broken bridged him out the way...got him down to 5 health, but after turn 10 you are toasted against this deck...
I really don't think Broken Bridge should be part of BS2...
yup the garant gate has posed the best surprise factor, unfortunately with my legion of spitters and the odd crazy banshee, the game after about res8 is completely under my control.
@rmz, i tried the shi no shi - but as suspected this card is too fat for my build - there is no need for him nor time of need
@double broken bridge is insane - and against a garant gate - HARD counter.
the only way to stop this deck is to nerf it, nec may have to take one for the team.... as i have told everyone though, i love playing nec and will be sad to get punched in the nuts again
Supreme Hero
posted February 26, 2014 10:10 AM |
Edited by RMZ1989 at 10:12, 26 Feb 2014.
It seems that my predictions(that Necro will be by far the strongest faction in BS2 because of Banshees, Spitters and Atropos) are being true. What would you know? Huehuehue.
You were talking about Dhamiria Red, but to be honest Dhamiria's only counter was Necro recursion, Adar-Malik etc. I know that I had 100% win rate against Dhamiria with my Seria even in BS1. If she isn't going for some build that is especially made against Necro, when you reach the Banshees it is really hard for her to keep up. And now in BS2 she is missing a lot of important cards, she will still be on the top, sure, but I don't think that any other deck will be even close to Seria and Ariana.
At least for now, we still have to see what next expansion will bring.
About the nerfing, they shouldn't nerf the Necro, but they should give other factions answers to it, and by answers I don't mean silver-bullets or hard counters, but just something that will strengthen the other factions against Necro.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Famous Hero
posted February 26, 2014 10:15 AM |
RMZ1989 said: It seems that my predictions(that Necro will be by far the strongest faction in BS2 because of Banshees, Spitters and Atropos) are being true. What would you know? Huehuehue.
You were talking about Dhamiria Red, but to be honest Dhamiria's only counter was Necro recursion, Adar-Malik etc. I know that I had 100% win rate against Dhamiria with my Seria even in BS1. If she isn't going for some build that is especially made against Necro, when you reach the Banshees it is really hard for her to keep up. And now in BS2 she is missing a lot of important cards, she will still be on the top, sure, but I don't think that any other deck will be even close to Seria and Ariana.
At least for now, we still have to see what next expansion will bring.
About the nerfing, they shouldn't nerf the Necro, but they should give other factions answers to it, and by answers I don't mean silver-bullets or hard counters, but just something that will strengthen the other factions against Necro.
you are correct, i honestly thought dharm would be the leader, that being said i havent come up against a strong dharm build, who makes use of discard - i am wondering since my deck is based on fortune, if dharm hit these fortunes with ability then tough game!!
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 26, 2014 11:24 AM |
I suppose bringing broken bridge back in does help add options to deal with creatures that spells cannot touch...
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 28, 2014 06:47 AM |
Does anyone know what's in that Gazal pack on special in shop?
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 28, 2014 07:28 AM |
If you click on the the deck there is a list of whats in, befor you buy it.
From what I saw only Void rippel and Gazal HoTV are worth it
Famous Hero
posted February 28, 2014 03:22 PM |
dare i say i've created an even stronger necro deck - any challengers??
prepare for flame on
Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2014 03:55 PM |
RedEmperor30 said: dare i say i've created an even stronger necro deck - any challengers??
prepare for flame on
Card list? And how do you know that it is stronger?
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Famous Hero
posted February 28, 2014 03:57 PM |
RMZ1989 said:
RedEmperor30 said: dare i say i've created an even stronger necro deck - any challengers??
prepare for flame on
Card list? And how do you know that it is stronger?
lets call it a hunch, winning battles in turn 8 vs winning in turn 14, nec on steroids
Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2014 07:34 PM |
RedEmperor30 said:
RMZ1989 said:
RedEmperor30 said: dare i say i've created an even stronger necro deck - any challengers??
prepare for flame on
Card list? And how do you know that it is stronger?
lets call it a hunch, winning battles in turn 8 vs winning in turn 14, nec on steroids
With what, Plaguebearers?
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Famous Hero
posted March 02, 2014 03:27 PM |
ive made some new 1600 friends ^^ followed by some flame around my ariana build
im adjusting to make it even more insane but i think its pretty much there, have pwnd garants gate, dharm, takana has proven to be an interesting match, faced an alt ariana came down to the wire 2 - 2 life - all in all some really exciting, sometimes tough duels, but most of the time domination ariana style - that little snow
ps i started my whole doc career with ariana - seems fitting to be abusing her now again
Famous Hero
posted March 02, 2014 05:11 PM |
Beat the Jackpot FINALS LIVE
En - http://www.twitch.tv/duelofchampions
Pl - http://www.twitch.tv/jkkkk89
Uplay: ZergRusher | H6: Thoughts on duels | DoC: Cassa
Famous Hero
posted March 02, 2014 06:14 PM |
Good luck Zerg - take it down!!!!