
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 25, 2021 02:20 PM |
Can the 3 Archery artifacts and the 3 Eagle Eye artifacts be made to work without the skill requirement?
And can the 4 elemental orbs instead require their corresponding magic school to work?

Tavern Dweller
posted February 26, 2021 12:32 AM |
phoenix4ever said:
What I have done though, is improve Ballista, First Aid Tent and Ammo Cart and made it possible to "dismiss" war machines, which is useful when you learn Blind and don't want ballista/cannon to shoot at blinded targets.
Been there. My solution was meteor shower

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 26, 2021 07:25 AM |
You don't always have time for that in a tough fight or have Meteor Shower or mana for that matter.
Would be better if there was a way to make Arrow Towers/Ballista/Cannon not shoot at blinded targets though.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 26, 2021 04:38 PM |
Hi there! I succesfully reverted the nerf to logistics and intelligence thanks to this post.
ionxp said: Here is something that some of you were waiting for:
For restoring Intelligence in HotA back to 25/50/100 change the following in HotA.dll:
At 00178E80 change CD CC 4C to 00 00 80 (for 25%)
At 0017AAC0 change 33 33 B3 3E to 00 00 00 3F (for 50%)
At 001787A2 change 00 to 80 (for 100%)
To restore Logistics in HotA back to 10/20/30 change the following in h3hota.exe:
At 000E4EE9 change 68 EA to F8 E9 (will use Offense pointer values)
And you could probably restore necromancy by reading this post.
RoseKavalier said: Patcher_x86 is a project where you can combine Assembly and modern programming language to change Heroes3.
It's available through baratorch's [url=https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yhsipry44obr52y/AAAS0mykP-q8eKJ0aZ5Blda_a/patcher_x86%204.2.zip?dl=0]dropbox[/url].
I don't know how to use it though 
Sokoro said: Yes, that is what I plan to do, change it back to 10,20,30. Could someone explain how to change the pointer?
See offset in first post of thread - offset: 0x0023e9b8(necromancy)
For logistics (first post): offset: 0x0023ea68(logistics)
Necromancy skill reads %value at memory 0x004E3F56 or E3F56 in hex editor. You can find this with disassembler or hex editor by searching for the offset above by adding 0x400000 (0x63E9B8) and reverse byte order. e.g. search for B8E963
So we just replace the necromancy pointer for the logistics pointer (0x63EA68) and reverse bytes (68EA63). '63' is unchanged so just edit the other two:
Restore 10/20/30% for Necromancy in memory:
0x4E3F59 0x68
0x4E5F5A 0xEA
or in hex editor:
0xE3F59 0x68
0xE5F5A 0xEA

Tavern Dweller
posted February 26, 2021 04:42 PM |
I also wanted to ask for help.
Has anyone managed to revert the nerf to Boots of Speed? I changed the value of Equestrian's Gloves in movement.txt from 200 and 300 and it worked. But when I wanted to fix Boots of Speed, I noticed that there was no mention of them in that file. Does anyone know how to make them give 600 move points again?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 26, 2021 05:33 PM |
Hello Akidson
Thanks, but those are for reverting Logistics back to original values, I wanted some slightly different values, so I need to know where they have Basic, Advanced and Expert Logistics at.
I already know where to change Intelligence. In my game it's 20/40/60.
Boots of Speed is in the same file, but they are called Ring of the Wayfarer here for some reason.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 26, 2021 06:06 PM |
Thank you Phoenix4ever! It worked! It was weird that Boots of Speed were named Ring of the Wayfarer in that file.

Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted February 26, 2021 07:08 PM |
phoenix4ever said: Hello Akidson
Thanks, but those are for reverting Logistics back to original values, I wanted some slightly different values, so I need to know where they have Basic, Advanced and Expert Logistics at.
It looks like HotA is using DWORD pointers to make the changes. Thus, determine the value you want (let's say 50%). Just find any address in H3.exe that has a float value for 50%. We'll just say 63E9F4, which is expert archery. For this, change the DWORD pointer to F4 E9 63 00, and that gives you 50%.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 26, 2021 08:22 PM |
Yes they can probably be changed by changing DWORD pointers, but there is also a specific place for each skill.
And I need to find those specific places, otherwise I can't get the values I want.

Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted February 26, 2021 08:39 PM |
phoenix4ever said: Yes they can probably be changed by changing DWORD pointers, but there is also a specific place for each skill.
And I need to find those specific places, otherwise I can't get the values I want.
Looks like he's telling you right here:
To restore Logistics in HotA back to 10/20/30 change the following in h3hota.exe:
At 000E4EE9 change 68 EA to F8 E9 (will use Offense pointer values)

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 26, 2021 09:31 PM |
But I don't want 10/20/30.

Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted February 27, 2021 12:50 AM |
000E4EE9 is the address of the DWORD pointer for logistics (I presume expert level). F8 E9 is the suggested value that would give you 10/20/30. You're free to change this to anything else you want for another value.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 27, 2021 07:44 AM |
Oh guess I am being stupid.
I am not sure I entirely understand that DWORD thing.
In HotA Logistics is 5/10/20, I think 20 is fine, but I absolutely despise the non-linear progression. So I want it to be 6,67/13,33/20, any idea what to write then?

Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted February 27, 2021 02:55 PM |
Edited by BTB at 14:59, 27 Feb 2021.
A DWORD pointer is simply a pointer to an address in the code that has the relevant data. It seems rather inane in a case like this where it would just make more sense to have the float value instead of "here's an address in the code - use the float value there", but that's coding for you.
As for ideas... I just go with 10/15/20, personally.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 27, 2021 05:07 PM |
Yeah that's what I suspected.
I don't like 5/10/20 and I don't like 10/15/20, so I guess I am stuck.
But thanks for trying BTB, it's just me being stubborn that's all.
I might change it back to 10/20/30 and just change the 3 Logistics specialists instead...

Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted February 27, 2021 05:42 PM |
You could also do 5/10/15

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 27, 2021 07:01 PM |
Yeah that might be a bit too weak.
If Logistics is supposed to be nerfed, you could also ask if Navigation should get the same treatment, as it also get some pretty insane bonusses. But it will probably become obsolete sooner or later no matter how big the bonus might be.
There is one hero in HotA that starts with Advanced Navigation and specialise in Navigation and that is a bit too much imo.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 28, 2021 02:09 PM |
The last thing I need to unnerf is Slow. I partially restored it thanks to this post.
ionxp said: You can partially restore Slow by setting 49 and 49 for Advanced and Expert in SPTRAITS.TXT, this will half the speed of even number speed creatures but uneven numbers will still be rounded up (for example 8 will become 4 but 21 will be 11).
Does anyone know how to make Slow work like it did before 1.6?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 28, 2021 08:11 PM |
Ehm you kinda already quoted the solution yourself.
Don't you think Slow is OP enough in HotA?

Tavern Dweller
posted February 28, 2021 08:57 PM |
Tbh I am satisfied with the way I made it work. But I'm afraid that some challenging maps made for older versions of HotA became impossible to complete because of that nerf. Sometimes even 1 speed can matter. And it would be a bummer to find that out after hours of playing a map.