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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: How to edit HotA?
Thread: How to edit HotA? This Popular Thread is 118 pages long: 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ... 98 99 100 101 102 ... 110 118 · «PREV / NEXT»

Tavern Dweller
posted April 10, 2022 05:32 PM
Edited by Brand at 18:03, 10 Apr 2022.

Can someone explain how to load plugins in HotA? I see above that wojtulace managed somehow. Do I need an older version of the HD mod? In that case which one is the latest version to allow the use of plugins?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I just realized that I started page 100 so I wanted to take the opportunity to say that this thread is pure GOLD. I've been using the information here a lot in the past even if I haven't posted before. A sincere thanks to all contributors!

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 13, 2022 05:25 AM

Is there an easy way to edit Hota, with HD running, in the following ways:

1) Change necromancy skill to what it is in Complete edition? Meaning, 10% instead of 5%.

2) Give Galthran two special abilities? His current skeleton-boost ability + Isra's necromancy ability?

How does one do this? Thank you very much.

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 14, 2022 09:46 PM

Does anyone know how to fix the Counterstrike bug? (Even after it's dispelled, the spell still works for the current round.)

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Supreme Hero
posted April 14, 2022 10:05 PM
Edited by AlexSpl at 22:33, 14 Apr 2022.

You have to change the Dispel apply-function, so that it could remove additional retaliations. In the original game it doesn't do it until the next round. Can be done via hex-editing as well, but that will require of you some "jumping" to a free space and back.

I recommend to write your jmp here -

.text:005A1915 0BC call    void combatManager::ShowSpellMessage(int,int,army *)

1. You jump to your favorite free space
2. You decrease army retaliations count
3. You call combatManager::ShowSpellMessage() function, erased with your jmp
4. You jmp back @5A191A or to the default case @5A2368.

See, too much work in hex for anyone to want to fix it

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Famous Hero
Moist & Creamy
posted April 14, 2022 10:46 PM

Fixing it is on my eventual to-do list. I realized that the counterstrike level for a unit is set at x494 in the stacks data, so you can check that against how many retaliations the unit has and take the appropriate action.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 14, 2022 10:50 PM
Edited by AlexSpl at 22:57, 14 Apr 2022.

See the full structure. Actually, it's a class, but you don't need methods to do it.

#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct army
 bool bShowAttackFrames;
 bool bShowRangeFrames;
 char iShowAttackFrameType;
 char iNextFrameType;
 char iRemainingFrames;
 int iDrawPriority;
 bool bShowTroopCount;
 int groupToAttack;
 int indexToAttack;
 int attackLimit;
 int targetCellIndex;
 bool bShowPowEffect;
 int iMirrorSourceIndex;
 int iMirrorDestIndex;
 int iRoundsLeftBeforeVanish;
 bool IsMoving;
 char LetsPretendImNotHere;
 TCreatureType armyType;
 int gridIndex;
 int currFrameType;
 int currFrameIndex;
 int facing;
 int walkDirection;
 int numTroops;
 int numTroopsToShowOverride;
 int numTroopsBattleResurrected;
 int residualDamage;
 int origPos;
 int origNumTroops;
 int origSpeed;
 int origWalkCycleTime;
 int origHitPoints;
 int iLuckStatus;
 TCreatureTypeTraits sMonInfo;
 bool show_fire_shield;
 bool bSomeUnitsDamaged;
 bool bAllUnitsKilled;
 SpellID iPostPowSpellToCast;
 bool hitByCreature;
 int group;
 int index;
 unsigned int iLastFidgetTime;
 int ySpecialMod;
 int xSpecialMod;
 int bPowSequenceComplete;
 int yModify;
 H3MonsterAnimation sMonFrameInfo;
 CSprite *stdIcon;
 CSprite *missileIcon;
 int image_height;
 unsigned int armySample[8];
 unsigned int expected_move_order;
 int numSpellInfluences;
 int spellInfluence[81];
 TSkillMastery spell_level[81];
 std:eque SpellInfluenceQueue;
 float PaletteEffect;
 int retaliationCount;
 unsigned int blessFactor;
 unsigned int curseFactor;
 int antiMagicSpellLevel;
 int bloodlustBonus;
 int precisionBonus;
 int weaknessPenalty;
 int toughskinBonus;
 int disruptiverayPenalty;
 int prayerBonus;
 int mirthBonus;
 int sorrowPenalty;
 int fortuneBonus;
 int misfortunePenalty;
 int slayerLevel;
 int joustBonus;
 int counterstrokeBonus;
 float frenzyAdjust;
 float blindFactor;
 float fire_shield_strength;
 float poison_penalty;
 float protectionFromAirFactor;
 float protectionFromFireFactor;
 float protectionFromWaterFactor;
 float protectionFromEarthFactor;
 float shieldDamageFactor;
 float airShieldDamageFactor;
 bool residualBlindness;
 bool residualParalyze;
 TSkillMastery forgetfulness_level;
 float slowPenalty;
 int tailwindBonus;
 int diseaseDefensePenalty;
 int diseaseAttackPenalty;
 bool OnNativeTerrain;
 int DefendBonus;
 int faerieDragonSpell;
 unsigned int backlash_chance;
 int iMorale;
 int iLuck;
 bool reset_this_round;
 bool is_area_effect_target;
 std::vector bound_armies;
 std::vector binder;
 std::vector aura_clients;
 std::vector aura_sources;
 unsigned int AI_expected_damage;
 army *AI_target;
 unsigned int AI_target_value;
 unsigned int AI_target_distance;
 unsigned int AI_possible_targets;
#pragma pack(pop)

I can provide specific offsets, if you need any particular ones.

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 15, 2022 01:35 AM

Brand said:
Can someone explain how to load plugins in HotA? I see above that wojtulace managed somehow. Do I need an older version of the HD mod? In that case which one is the latest version to allow the use of plugins?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I just realized that I started page 100 so I wanted to take the opportunity to say that this thread is pure GOLD. I've been using the information here a lot in the past even if I haven't posted before. A sincere thanks to all contributors!

Ok I discovered how to do it if anyone else is interested. This way it works with the newest versions of HotA and HD mod:

So what you need to do is to download a loader. You can find it here (download "loader.zip"): https://handbookhmm.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=947  
Unzip it. There are two files called Loader.asi and patcher_x86.dll in the zip, as well as a folder called Plugins.

The folder is where you put your selected plugin files (duh).

Copy the files and the Plugins folder to two locations:
1. the main Heroes 3 folder (probably called "HoMM 3 Complete" or something).
2. _HD3_Data (a folder within the root folder).

The patcher_x86.dll should already in both locations if you have the HD mod. Do NOT replace the files. I replaced them at first when asked. But then I couldn't start the game. Luckily, I had made a backup of the original files.

Thatīs it!

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 08, 2022 11:10 AM
Edited by Kertra at 12:08, 08 May 2022.

Good morning!
I found an offset to correctly center the text in the boxes!

0x0F6666 - 14 > 19

0x0F6436 - 14 > 19

If someone has a different version of the binary file, search the hex editor for: FD FF FF 14 00 00 00 and replace 14 with 19


And here is the comparison of the screenshot of the Fort description without my correction:

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted May 08, 2022 01:22 PM

what is the darker interface mod you are using?

Great, H3 hex modders find text ofsets, in H4 w canīt even find creature spells...

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 08, 2022 01:37 PM
Edited by Kertra at 13:44, 08 May 2022.

NimoStar said:
what is the darker interface mod you are using?

Great, H3 hex modders find text ofsets, in H4 w canīt even find creature spells...

Yes is Darker Interface Mod
LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bnx6247m6k699yk/players.pal/file

And copy file to data folder

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 24, 2022 05:11 AM

Mental said:
Thank you, but I don't understand how this can be done. I have already studied hota.dat, but could not find anything that could help me. Would you mind explaining the details? And another question, I use EditPlus to open the hota.dat file, is this correct?

Hi, I know this post is 1.5 years old, but since I know the answer to this question I think its worth responding to, especially since I have seen similar questions go unanswered elsewhere in the thread. I wish someone had this information for me when I was first trying to edit HotA creature stats! I figured it out in 2019, forgot how to do it in the 3 years since, and just had to figure it out again. Hopefully this information can be passed to anyone else who wants to edit creature stats in the future.

The stats for the HotA added creatures are indeed located in HotA.dat. I used the program HxD (Linked at the bottom of this post) to hexedit the HotA.dat file to reduce the cost of all the HotA/Cove creatures. EditPlus should be able to work as well, but I found it difficult to use and prefer HxD, which I know 100% works fine for editing HotA.dat.

For example, in my copy of HotA.dat, using HxD, the creature stats for the "Nymph" creature are located starting at the address line 000040E0. You can also search for "Nymph" using Text-string and will eventually find this section of the file. The rest of the Cove creatures are located nearby and should be easy to find, as are fangarms, satyrs, and leprechauns.

It's not obvious which of the hex code values is associated with each stat. I had to convert the decimal stat values to hex and check the hex code in each creature stat area to find the right value to edit.

PLEASE NOTE - I am currently using an old version of HotA, from before the wasteland terrain update. I haven't updated my game yet as I don't want the new terrain until the Factory town is released. In the most updated version of HotA the addresses are probably different, but you should still be able to find the creatures in HxD using the text-string search method. Hope this helps.


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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted May 24, 2022 08:29 AM
Edited by Phoenix4ever at 08:35, 24 May 2022.

^^ Editing HotA creatures is pretty easy, but still a good post.

I would like to know where to edit Coves spell probabilities and if it is possible to disable Accurate Shot from Sea Dogs though or maybe disable Sea Dogs entirely...

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2022 04:25 PM

AGiantPie said:
Mental said:
Thank you, but I don't understand how this can be done. I have already studied hota.dat, but could not find anything that could help me. Would you mind explaining the details? And another question, I use EditPlus to open the hota.dat file, is this correct?

Hi, I know this post is 1.5 years old, but since I know the answer to this question I think its worth responding to, especially since I have seen similar questions go unanswered elsewhere in the thread. I wish someone had this information for me when I was first trying to edit HotA creature stats! I figured it out in 2019, forgot how to do it in the 3 years since, and just had to figure it out again. Hopefully this information can be passed to anyone else who wants to edit creature stats in the future.

The stats for the HotA added creatures are indeed located in HotA.dat. I used the program HxD (Linked at the bottom of this post) to hexedit the HotA.dat file to reduce the cost of all the HotA/Cove creatures. EditPlus should be able to work as well, but I found it difficult to use and prefer HxD, which I know 100% works fine for editing HotA.dat.

For example, in my copy of HotA.dat, using HxD, the creature stats for the "Nymph" creature are located starting at the address line 000040E0. You can also search for "Nymph" using Text-string and will eventually find this section of the file. The rest of the Cove creatures are located nearby and should be easy to find, as are fangarms, satyrs, and leprechauns.

It's not obvious which of the hex code values is associated with each stat. I had to convert the decimal stat values to hex and check the hex code in each creature stat area to find the right value to edit.

PLEASE NOTE - I am currently using an old version of HotA, from before the wasteland terrain update. I haven't updated my game yet as I don't want the new terrain until the Factory town is released. In the most updated version of HotA the addresses are probably different, but you should still be able to find the creatures in HxD using the text-string search method. Hope this helps.


Greetings to all! Thank you for your explanation, now I understand everything. But I have another idea that haunts me, I want to do one-slot combo artifacts, for example, the Power of the Dragon Father occupies only the torso slot, the remaining slots (head, weapons, etc.) are available for equipping other artifacts. This way I can equip Power of the Dragon Father and Angelic Alliance at the same time.

I have already studied the material from a BTB at the link: btb2.free.fr/misc/h3_hacking.txt (Link taken from one of the pages of this topic) But I didn't find the answer to my question.

How can this be done and does it require hex editing?

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Known Hero
posted July 06, 2022 12:44 PM

Hello Mental,

First, welcome here !

Just to make answers more easy to read, please, don't "quote all" the previous messages, it increase the size of message "for nothing".

That being said, the combo artifacts "are placed" on one slot but still takes "all pieces of items" slots. You can change the pieces "place" (if you make in text [artraits.txt if you extracted it] files some "helm" to be an "amulet" instead for example) but all pieces of artifacts shall still be taken.
Changing this is greatly problematic as when you change back a combo artifact to its "pieces" all of them are placed to their slots (and opposite).
So if you want some combo artifact to be "compatible" with an other, you can change the slots of the combo "pieces" to allow it (and eventually decrease the number of items required).

If you want to make "combo artifact" just "need one slot" ; I think it can't be done (or at least it will be hard to and will probably be game breaker).
Your sample is "the worst" because you want to equip "the best and massive needing pieces" wombo-combo artifacts and make them work together...

Maybe someone can find a way to do it but I don't.

If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

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Adventuring Hero
posted July 06, 2022 02:12 PM


I have been playing H3 for about 20 years. Game has some problems and I would like to mod a game according to my ideas.
Sadly there is over 100 pages here, and also mostly text with some screens only.

Can any of you create tutorial in video form and post it on youtube? Some basics like :
- do I need external programs?
- how to modify unit stats / secondary skills / spells - mostly numbers cause I assume its easiest , also interested in moving spells from 1 magic to another (town portal from earth to water)
-also how to edit hero speciality
-building costs

Ofc with examples how you do it

I am more a visual learner and seeing it in motion would make it easier for me to understand. Also I think that it might increase amount of people  who know how to mod a game - more mods for our favourite game.
Thank you in advance

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted July 06, 2022 03:09 PM

Hi shev441
Why don't you start with BTB's excellent guide:

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Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 06, 2022 10:22 PM

shev441 said:

I have been playing H3 for about 20 years. Game has some problems and I would like to mod a game according to my ideas.
Sadly there is over 100 pages here, and also mostly text with some screens only.

If you want to customize your game and start modding, I recommend to switch to ERA platform. It was created for modders.

Hota is modder unfriendly :/ but you can try ofc

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Known Hero
posted August 21, 2022 08:41 PM
Edited by FfuzzyLogik at 12:38, 23 Aug 2022.

In BTB's guide who wrote most things are known about hex editing... I haven't seen how to change a bit the "sensivity" from spells and the % of "hate".
Its well known for selecting the spells affected by the ability or who hates who but... I find "dobling the damage" is way too strong... The first who hits does insane damage...
Q1 : I'd like to change both to +50% damage from those spells instead and samely the "hate" adds 50% damage (and not doble).
I wonder if someone knows how to change this. I fear its not trivial but if it is, I ask.

Q2 : Also I noticed the Water/Ice elementals are vulnerable to armageddon and Earth/Magma are immune to this spell... But haven't noticed armageddon immunity/sensibility are coded. Maybe someone knows too ?

Ah some other question came to mind. As I noticed expercience from battle depends on HP of creature I found its not really "fair".
Ex : Do you prefer fight XX Dwarves or Battle dwarves ? Same XP (because same HP).
Ex2 : Do you prefer fight 30 Pikemens or 10 Zealots ? Same XP.
Ex3 : Do you prefer fight 1 Azure dragon or 100 Pikmens...
Answers are obvious, if you have not enough army, its far easier for one than other.
So the idea was "why not use fight value instead" or "AI value" ?
I searched a bit to see how its used. AI value is used as % comparison so that's ok. Then just divide all AI/fight value by something nice to get the "basic creature" bring decent experience and the "strongest" not too much.
Then fighting "strong creatures" will really be more intresting than farming lower ones to get XP.
Reading the tables dividing values by 20 looks to bring basic creatures quite the same XP and the strongest 2 times more... And 2500 XP for one Azure dragon is not that much... Could divide by 10 maybe... Only problem is for catapult/tent/ballista who have very low fight values for IA don't attack them too much. But if those don't brin too many XP from battle that's not good but far less unlogical than the very few XP bring in normal game from extreme strong creatures I find.
So the question is : Someone knows how to change the function who calculates XP from battles to use the Fight value instead of HP value in table ?

Anyways, have a good evening,

If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 23, 2022 12:53 PM

Creatures spell immunities are mentioned in BTB's guide as well. I have experimented with them myself and changed Gold and Black Dragons immunities.

He might also mention how the "hate" is coded, I agree 100% is a bit extreme for the elementals, 50% should be enough.

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Hired Hero
posted September 11, 2022 03:32 PM

Hello everyone! I would like to ask for some help. During the siege of the castle, the parts of the castle walls and towers have coordinates in the exe. I'm looking for the line in the exe where the pieces of the "dungeon" and "stronghold" castle walls begin. Thank you very much!

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