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Heroes Community > Summoners Academy > Thread: New Non-Legendary Creature Ideas
Thread: New Non-Legendary Creature Ideas This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Shaper of Lore
Community Manager, VCME
posted August 16, 2017 02:51 AM

New Non-Legendary Creature Ideas

Hey guys! Over here at VCME has been pretty crazy lately. We have an update coming up and we'll be launching some more info on that soon.

For now I'm curious if you guys have any ideas for non-Legendary Creatures. Are there any Creatures that you particularly like and you'd like a similar one in a different color? Do you have an idea for a completely new concept of Creature? Please allow this Topic to be an info dump. Haha.

Before I step any further, I wanted to let you guys know that we're always thinking about what Creatures we can add to the game. With us getting everything ready for Kingdom Mode and everything else, it's on the back burner, so don't expect new Creatures like... tomorrow, but it's something that we're thinking about.

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Hired Hero
posted August 16, 2017 04:16 PM

Hanzo said:
Hey guys! Over here at VCME has been pretty crazy lately. We have an update coming up and we'll be launching some more info on that soon.

For now I'm curious if you guys have any ideas for non-Legendary Creatures. Are there any Creatures that you particularly like and you'd like a similar one in a different color? Do you have an idea for a completely new concept of Creature? Please allow this Topic to be an info dump. Haha.

Before I step any further, I wanted to let you guys know that we're always thinking about what Creatures we can add to the game. With us getting everything ready for Kingdom Mode and everything else, it's on the back burner, so don't expect new Creatures like... tomorrow, but it's something that we're thinking about.

I would like to see creatures with completely new abilities.  Particularly small/medium creatures that would add new layers to defense teams in the dungeon.  Some examples would be:

-Mana Drain
-Allow team members to randomly get an extra attack (probably as a passive ability)
-Stop attacked creature from gaining mana for 1-2 turns
-randomly change targeted creatures (and adjacent creatures) combo dot colors for 2-3 turns
-change color weakness of attacked enemy (think a blue creature that changes any attacked enemy to a blue creature for 3 turns).  Would be interesting combined with a mostly yellow wave.

In general we just need more abilities that are different from standard do x% power, luck, attack, etc damage or standard boost some stat(s) by x%.

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Famous Hero
Dragon of justice
posted August 16, 2017 05:34 PM

Good question! Some ideas:

-Assasin: tries to hit creature with lowest hp, no matter the color

-Protector: creature special selects another creature and protects (read, takes damage himself) that creature from the next targeted special.

- a creature that transforms after using special (humanoid to werewolf) unlocking special bonuses the next time he uses special.

To be continued

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted August 17, 2017 12:00 PM
Edited by Bragjul at 12:07, 17 Aug 2017.

I. I also support the idea of Mana draining small/medium units. Some ways in which the units can drain mana:

- tanky unit with low damage, but when dying it will explode draining mana: player will have to make a choice - 1) either to focus first this unit and kill it. However since is gonna be a tanky unit, it will need several strong hits before dying and in the meanwhile other creatures can deal high amounts of damage. 2) ignore the unit and kill it only after you destroyed the damage dealers - the drawback of this is that you will risk to finish the round with low amounts of mana since after exploding, your mana will be depleted but no other creatures left to attack in order to fill it back.
- units with special attacks that will drain mana of the targeted creature
- units that will cast a buff on friendly creatures; the buffed creatures will explode when dying, draining mana

II. Fix poison and burning mechanics - Currently it is pointless to use a creature that can detonate if it will also apply his own poison afterwards. Usually creatures that can detonate apply a weaker poison, so this will give immunity against any stronger poisons, since poison does not stack.

- add detonate ability to creatures that apply burns, currently there is no small/medium creature that can burn and detonate

- also detonating should be a much more common ability, in my opinion it should be included for all the existing creatures that can burn/poison: if two burns/poisons overlap - detonate the previous and apply the new one. Simple as that!

III. Aura creatures - the auras should work the same as the buffs/debufs, with the difference that it is applied at the moment the round starts, they will not need a special attack to trigger them.

- Imagine a 2nd dungeon wave  with a creature that provides a huge debuff resistance -> all creatures will be almost immune to stuns/silences/ debuffs
- Creatures with decay aura, that will apply a fatigue and ATK debuff on the enemy creatures, etc the possibilities are many

IV. Add at least one or two new medium units with stun ability, curently only yellow and white have medium stunning creatures. What about a black medium unit with stuning ability?

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Supreme Hero
posted August 17, 2017 07:27 PM

I would like something in the idea of berserk, a special that would do more damaged if the creature's HP are low (the attacking one I mean).

I like the idea of mirrors, not only resisting debuffs but also sending them back to the enemy.

The sacrifice, suiciding a creature to resurrect another that would be available like a final step of awakening.

Mana drain is good, mana transfer would be great too. And something like what the white chubby guy does, dying and giving mana, but with HP instead.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted August 19, 2017 12:43 PM bonus applied by Galaad on 05 Oct 2017.
Edited by Bragjul at 15:12, 25 Aug 2017.

Small creatures that should be added:
- flying stunner
- flying/ground fatigue debuffer (different colors)
- flying silencer
- ground resurecter
- flying detonator

Medium creatures that should be added:
- ground aoe stunner
- flying single target stunner
- ground silencer
- flying with detonate ability
- add more with detonate ability   ground and flying

New special attacks:
- invisibility/invulnerability for X turns; casting the special attack while already invisible/invulnerable will deal +X% PWR dmg
- mana draining mechanics
- damage mitigation: any damage taken by the addiacent creatures will be transfered to the creature in the midle
- TAUNT -> when casted it will force the enemy creatures to attack only the taunting unit, the other creatures can't be targeted

Skills triggered when dying:
- explode on dying dealing AOE damage
- Explode with AOE healing
- trigger an event when dying(ex: if creature x and creature Y die, a new creature Z is born)
- explode casting a buff/debuff/mana drain
- explode reviving a dead creature

Passive skills: could be integrated in tomes, tome effect could apply also to special attacks
- auras: self explaining
- berserker pasive: receiving any damage will add +X% PWR, this will force the enemy to try and kill in one hit or else PWR will quickly add up
- dodge pasive / evasion mechanics
- damage return passive
- stun passive: gives a X% chance to stun on normal/special attacks - could be combined nicely together with creatures that attack multiple times (ex: 9 tails white fox attacks 8 times)
- +% critical chance passive: increasing the critical strike chance on normal/special attacks
- +% critical damage passive: increasing the critical strike damage
- rage passive: adds +X% PWR after each successful normal/special attack
- increase attack speed passive(dungeon defense only): will behave like an extra dot
- silence passive: gives a X% chance to stun on normal/special  attacks
- life steal passive

Familiar creatures - creatures that don't fight but they stand next to their master providing different buffs/power ups

Unique Creatures with random special attacks, allowing the player to reroll the special attack resulting in random effects/values. . Rerolling the special attack should be something really unique, like for example stun AND +%LUK. Unique special attacks should be a combination of two regular special attacks that would take otherwise two different creatures to fulfil the role. Players will be allowed to use in dungeon defense only one unique creature of  each size(small, medium and large)

* I used PWR stats as the only one in my descriptions, but of course this could be replaced by any other stats

I'll add more if anything else will come up. So many good ideas I'm giving you, damn you should hire me! lol )

**edited: Increase the values for the fatigue debuff, I think this is a powerful debuff that is totally under rated currently. It could counter a bit the power of resurecters.

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Supreme Hero
posted August 20, 2017 05:24 PM

Animated spellbook/grimoire
Panther non humanoid
Stingray or manta
Non humanoid Mantis
Trapdoor Spider

I give better answer soon.

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Adventuring Hero
posted August 23, 2017 01:21 AM

A creature that takes away mana

A creature that hits 1-4 times depending on the amount of dots it has. The element of each hit is based on the element of the dots

A creature with taunt so you have to kill it first before other creatures.

A creature that can redirect an attack to one of your own.

A creature that speeds up defender timer by 1

A creature that explodes and causes damage when it dies

A creature that gets stronger the more colors there are on the other team

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted August 25, 2017 03:55 PM

Can you(or anyone else who has the rights) please also create a new Thread about adjustments and balancing for the existing creatures?

Some units needs to be buffed and maybe some other ones need to be nerfed (like it was the case for draconic templar and lightning elemental).

Let's keep out the legendary creatures from this, so my proposal is to have a thread for adjustment/balancing/rework for non legendary creatures.

Before going through the trouble of adding new creatures, let's take advantage of what we already have. Some creatures are forgotten somewhere in a corner really deep in the shadows and I'm sure with small adjustments, they could get useful and people will start using them .

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted August 25, 2017 04:05 PM

Bragjul said:
Can you(or anyone else who has the rights) please also create a new Thread about adjustments and balancing for the existing creatures?

You can, go ahead.

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted August 26, 2017 09:16 AM

Galaad said:
Bragjul said:
Can you(or anyone else who has the rights) please also create a new Thread about adjustments and balancing for the existing creatures?

You can, go ahead.

I don't see anywhere the option to create threads....

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted August 26, 2017 09:26 AM

Look for "New Topic" at the bottom of the page.

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted August 27, 2017 08:11 PM

LizardWarrior said:
Look for "New Topic" at the bottom of the page.

damn I didn't saw it ) thanks mate!

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 01, 2017 09:36 AM

I saw this thread a while back and have been compiling this list since. It's not gameplay or mechanics focused, but I thought some of these creature ideas could be great additions to the game. Some may overlap a little with existing creatures in their conception, but I didn't include anything that couldn't be done in a unique way. Of course, my notes on what tier or colour the creatures could be is just my own way of organising the list. Hope it helps!

Creatures from fantasy, legend, folklore:
(I checked and each of these has a wikipedia page so should be easy enough to find more info about)
Carbuncle - Red, Yellow, White
Chupacabra - Black
Drop Bear - Green, Black
Muscaliet - Red

Bunyip - Yellow, Blue, Black
Enfield - Green, Yellow, White
Kappa - Blue

A set Nymphs: Lampade (Red)/Oceanid or Naiad (Blue)/Nymph or Sylph (Yellow)/Dryad or Oread (Green)/Asteria (White)/... maybe Orphne for Black to make it a full set?
Akhlut - Blue
Belu - Yellow, White, Black
Faun/Satyr - Green, White
Hippocampus - Blue
Ichneumon - Any
Kinnara/Kinnari - White, Yellow
Manaia - Blue
Omukade - Yellow, Black
Pixiu - White, Yellow
Poukai - Red, White, Green, Yellow
Raiju - Yellow
Taniwha - Blue
Underwater Panther/Mishipeshu - Blue
Vanara - Green, Yellow, Red, Blue
Veo - Green, White

Ammit - Black, Yellow
Berunda - White, Black, Yellow
Cherufe - Red
Dingonek - Blue, Green
Diwata - Green
Tennin - Yellow, Green, White
Yuki-Onna - Blue, Black

Khepri - White Yellow
Ninki Nanka - Blue, Green
Rainbow Serpent/Wagyl - White, Yellow, Green
Rakshasa - Yellow, Red, Black
Wendigo - Black

Real animals that could inspire Common or Rare creatures:
Axolotl, Badger, Cassowary, Chameleon, Dodo, Echidna, Flamingo, Glaucus antlanticus, Horseshoe Crab, Hummingbird, Lobster, Kiwi, Koala, Komodo Dragon, Meerkat, Numbat, Pangolin, Peacock, Platypus, Porcupine, Seahorse, Snail/Slug, Thorny Devil, Thylacine, Vulture, Wombat, + a few well-known dinosaurs that haven’t appeared yet for legendaries, such as the triceratops, pterodactyl or ankylosaurus.

Random Ideas:
'Jaguar' Warrior, Sting Ray/Dragon ("Manta Drake"?), Magical octopus/squid (Blue Ring Octopus?), a flaming/sun chariot, enchanted suit of armour, lab rat scientist, a Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer (for Christmas?).

So... there is a bit of overlap even within my list (for example the Drop Bear and Koala). But I think it'd be great if we kept seeing creatures from more and more cultures added in! Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying the game.

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted October 02, 2017 09:24 AM

Methven said:
Creatures from fantasy, legend, folklore:
(I checked and each of these has a wikipedia page so should be easy enough to find more info about)

You should add a small paragraph for each of your creatures, saying a few things about the creature lore could really sparkle the imagination . I personally would like to see that
In case this list will reach the right person, he will definately prefer to read a bit right here instead of google for each name.
Just saying..

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Tavern Dweller
posted October 02, 2017 12:49 PM

Bragjul said:

You should add a small paragraph for each of your creatures, saying a few things about the creature lore could really sparkle the imagination .

That's a good idea! The thought kinda crossed my mind but I wasn't sure I have that much free time at the moment. Hopefully I'll have some time on the weekend to get a start on it. I might have to prioritise the ones I feel are better suggestions.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 03, 2017 05:35 PM

Check my mythology Pinterest Page for more inspiration for Mythology monsters, from all over the world and beyond.

Pinterest Page Full of Mythology Monsters

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted October 04, 2017 08:37 AM

Rakshasa92 said:
Check my mythology Pinterest Page for more inspiration for Mythology monsters, from all over the world and beyond.

Pinterest Page Full of Mythology Monsters

Nice collection

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 05, 2017 10:56 AM

Bragjul, for being consistently constructive in your contributions to these forums, I have decided to award you a +QP. Keep up the good work!

TAUNT -> when casted it will force the enemy creatures to attack only the taunting unit, the other creatures can't be targeted

I see you're not the only one suggesting this, but I am not very convinced that's a good idea. I mean, isn't it already the case with rezzers, and depending on your team there will always be the off-color threats you need to prioritize on (for instance Mummy vs Astral, Hyena vs Siren etc). If ON TOP of these you add taunt creatures, some defenses might become definitely impossible to beat (Kingdom boosts are already making a HUGE difference).

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Adventuring Hero
aka Titanu88
posted October 05, 2017 01:01 PM

Galaad said:
Bragjul, for being consistently constructive in your contributions to these forums, I have decided to award you a +QP. Keep up the good work!

Thanks mate! But what does it mean "+QP" ? lol

Galaad said:
If ON TOP of these you add taunt creatures, some defenses might become definitely impossible to beat (Kingdom boosts are already making a HUGE difference).

It seems now we are careful to not turn dungeons into overpowered impossible to pass puzzles, but before kingdom our concern was about how weak they were

We need to find the path between but still, I think taunt can be a nice addition to attack team and why not, also to dungeon defense teams. If you use a taunt creature, you sacrifice a damage dealer creature for it, if the taunt will not be triggered in time, then you wasted a creature space for nothing.
It's a gamble and I like the ideea(overpowered or not )

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