Thread: [H3] SoD_SP: a HDmod plugin | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 29 30 31 32 33 · «PREV |

Supreme Hero
posted January 26, 2024 12:33 AM |
igrik said: RoseKavalier, Hi!
There is no extended description of the Sacrifice spell, but would like to.
igrik привет!
Good suggestion, I'll look into it whenever I get some time to revisit this.
edit: bump
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted March 08, 2024 09:57 AM |
In the latest HD-mod update, the numpad stopped working normally (some keys show you a scenario menu). Is this possible to fix it?

Known Hero
posted March 23, 2024 03:17 PM |
VIP said:
Quote: Whatever is open sourced is what I intended to open source at this time.
If It's possible share . I mean higscore days for single player and texts cast spell "G" for dragons -- source code.
[+] Faerie Dragons spell text was hardcoded in English, now modifiable under [lang][combat] (thanks VIP)
[+] Fixed Faerie Dragon's cast spell button appearance when not the active stack (thanks VIP)
[+] Faerie Dragon's description is now shown when the cast spell button is present (thanks VIP)
[+] High Score dialog Campaign tab now shows both score and number of days (thanks VIP)
I renew my request

Supreme Hero
posted March 27, 2024 01:14 AM |
wenwell said: In the latest HD-mod update, the numpad stopped working normally (some keys show you a scenario menu). Is this possible to fix it?
Should be, I haven't taken a look as to why this was changed again. Been very busy!
VIP said: I renew my request 
Same answer
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Known Hero
posted May 17, 2024 08:55 PM |
Edited by VIP at 20:56, 17 May 2024.
I don't know if this is the right topic, but I found a bug in H3API. If I want to use methods to download the current cursor image, it will not work properly (it does not refresh when the player changes the hero's position too).

Adventuring Hero
posted July 17, 2024 11:31 PM |
Is it possible to completely disable the Alt+Right click feature on the adventure map? Yes, I know you can use the Unleashed editor for individual maps, but right-clicking a hero to see all of his/her artifacts, or right clicking a windmill to see if you should bother going to it feels like cheating even on vanilla maps.
"If you get scared of doing what's right you might as well lay down and die" - Wulfstan, Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate

Known Hero
posted August 10, 2024 10:41 AM |
Edited by VIP at 10:55, 10 Aug 2024.
I found bug is SoD_SP.
H3API missing (eSecSkillLevel similar):
namespace NExpertiseEffect
enum eExpertiseEffect : UINT
NONE = 0,
BASIC = 1,
typedef NExpertiseEffect::eExpertiseEffect eExpertiseEffect;
typedef NH3Spells::eExpertiseEffect eSpellExpertise;
Fix Method: SpellbookTextValues
case NH3Spells::NSpells::VISIONS:
c->eax = std::max((int)(spell_power * (spell_expertise == eSpellExpertise::NONE ? 1 : spell_expertise)), 3); //fix: c->eax *= spell_power;
Source: https://heroes.thelazy.net/index.php/Visions
Click 'Quote' - show code with tabs

Supreme Hero
posted August 25, 2024 04:03 AM |
VIP said: I don't know if this is the right topic, but I found a bug in H3API. If I want to use methods to download the current cursor image, it will not work properly (it does not refresh when the player changes the hero's position too).
It's not the right topic, use the Github repository.
DarkAtom said: Is it possible to completely disable the Alt+Right click feature on the adventure map? Yes, I know you can use the Unleashed editor for individual maps, but right-clicking a hero to see all of his/her artifacts, or right clicking a windmill to see if you should bother going to it feels like cheating even on vanilla maps.
No, don't press Alt. It's there to save you the need to save/load to get the same information.
VIP said: I found bug is SoD_SP.
Please use Github in the future and check that your code doesn't introduce another bug 
If I understand correctly what you're writing then there is no bug here. Spell::GetBaseEffect() does the correct calculation because Vision's .spEffect is 0.
VIP said: Source: https://heroes.thelazy.net/index.php/Visions
Just as an FYI, the wiki is not a reliable source.
EDIT: post timed out, editing to show some visibility.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Known Hero
posted August 25, 2024 07:44 AM |
Okay, I will send newest update and bug in github for H3API.
I understand your comment.
What breaks this code?
You mean it's a newer version of h3api inz your sample code?
Why is it bad? I analyzed it and it looks good. The value 0 does not bring anything, as I checked on the map, by default you have a range of 3 to check the vision on monsters. I also ran tests with HotA and they probably have such calculations too.
These calculations are temporary while your flag shows new text next to the RMB or LMB spell window when a given spell is selected. After that it goes back to default from what I can see.
If you can tell me what's wrong, I'd love to find out , but from what I see it should be OK with the calculations from the wiki

Tavern Dweller
posted September 28, 2024 12:27 AM |
Hello! Can someone help me with some advice, please? I have a problem with the AI, from day 1 it has 250-500 level 1 and 2 units and I don't know what's the name of that plugin that gives them armies. I want to disable it, but I don't know the name of it.