
Known Hero
posted September 14, 2018 01:02 PM |
Edited by daemon_n at 13:05, 14 Sep 2018.
Would to say that in russian traslation wrong description of killed creatures.
KillRange = "из"; it means "from" on russian;
Better use this:
KillRange = " - " ( i use it myself)
KillRange = "от" X "до" Y - if it possible to use words two times
unfortunately here doesnt see Cyrillic words((
HoMM3 Launcher

Supreme Hero
posted September 14, 2018 01:39 PM |
daemon_n said: Would to say that in russian traslation wrong description of killed creatures.
unfortunately here doesnt see Cyrillic words((
Yep, forum platform says "Back in my day, we didn't have fancy features!" a lot 
You can always use the 'quote' button to see what is written:

Regarding the issue... I have no idea since my russian is 100% Google/Yandex Translate. igrik was kind enough to translate everything, maybe ask him?
Any improvement is welcome of course...
...but it will have to wait at least a week because I am again heading out of town.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Known Hero
posted September 17, 2018 01:40 PM |
Edited by igrik at 13:40, 17 Sep 2018.
RoseKavalier said: igrik was kind enough to translate everything, maybe ask him?
Yes, I was mistaken in translation.

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted September 23, 2018 08:29 PM |
Edited by Maurice at 20:30, 23 Sep 2018.
RoseKavalier said: I am considering whether to finish and release a set of new right-click on adventure map dialogs specifically meant for Single Player with the objective of reducing the need for save/load.
I am wondering what's the general feeling towards this - yay/nay/ ... Like most other features of SoD_SP, they would naturally be disabled in multiplayer but it is still a major concern that it might be used nefariously.

(Not yet done, but in the works

Did you ever get around to any of these? I've just installed 1.15c but I see they're not part of it. Is it something you still plan on doing, or did you decide to keep them out of the game?

Supreme Hero
posted September 25, 2018 01:48 PM |
What you see has been done since it was originally posted (plus Trainer is done), but there was very little to no feedback so I left it out. Personally it feels no different as save/loading to see what's around, or using nwc cheats / peeking at mapeditor to see what's where but some people might disagree.
Anyhow, they are not really in a finished state and as I said, little to no interest shown.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted September 25, 2018 02:33 PM |
Edited by Maurice at 14:34, 25 Sep 2018.
You can at least write my name down for the first four . Not sure what the Hero Trainer is supposed to do?
But I understand when you don't wish to develop functionality that doesn't have a large demand.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Adventuring Hero
posted September 27, 2018 07:11 PM |
Edited by Nikos at 19:12, 27 Sep 2018.
RoseKavalier said: I am considering whether to finish and release a set of new right-click on adventure map dialogs specifically meant for Single Player with the objective of reducing the need for save/load.
I am wondering what's the general feeling towards this - yay/nay/ ... Like most other features of SoD_SP, they would naturally be disabled in multiplayer but it is still a major concern that it might be used nefariously.

SoD SP Plugin has really made the a players' life a lot easier.
If one plays the game without the SoD SP plugin or even the HD mode, will understand how much time used to be spent on calculating, checking, clicking, saving, loading etc.
So, I also think that these right-click on adventure map dialogs would be useful.
These features could be something like the FindMe feature.
One can find various items using the mapeditor but with FindMe is a lot easier.
By the way, what do 32.8K ballistas are supposed to mean?!

Supreme Hero
posted September 28, 2018 05:32 AM |
Those are the guards of that artifact, rounded nearest hundred.
32,767 -> 32.8k
I'll think about releasing these. They would need some polishing but my first priority is wrapping up my current plans for 1.16, I've been away or busy lately so no progress made.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted September 29, 2018 11:06 AM |
Edited by Nikos at 11:23, 29 Sep 2018.
Yes, but is it possible to set ballistas as artifact guardians?!
And what's more, 32,800 ballistas?!!!

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 30, 2018 11:20 AM |
Edited by NimoStar at 11:21, 30 Sep 2018.
I would like the HD mod to display the descriptions when heroes visit places.
You know, like "You train with the veterans at the camp" instad of just a lame icon of +1 attack; also when searching graves "Such as despicablke act has ruined your army's morale", etc.
I miss the descriptions very much, yes I also want to be able to play the game at my native resolution...
If you dont want an "annoying" popup, why not include them in the text bar at the bottom, or in the status square?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 30, 2018 11:22 AM |

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 30, 2018 11:25 AM |
Ah, thanks, now I see.
I had checked the launcher settings, but not the imagem setting.
Anyways I think in the no dialog version they could still be added to the status bar below ; )

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 30, 2018 11:27 AM |
Nothing was removed, all in is launcher settings. Messages are removable for MP, time saving.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 30, 2018 01:42 PM |
Edited by NimoStar at 13:42, 30 Sep 2018.
Its not in launcher settings, it is in ingame settings and disabled by default.

(to note that you don't get access to this menu unless you are already playing a game)

What I mean is you don't lose time if it appears in status bar below (no popup).


Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted September 30, 2018 02:08 PM |
By launcher i mean the box hd mod uses to set and launch the game. The correct column would be then "tweaks"
And btw wrong thread, this is not main hd mod but only a plugin.

Tavern Dweller
posted December 08, 2018 12:53 PM |
How to make a colored text like in Deeply Induated Dungeon map?

Supreme Hero
posted December 08, 2018 02:34 PM |
I fear the answer is not too pleasant for now.
Colors are done through hex codes representing ascii characters for now.
Basically works the same as '{' to make text slightly highlighted. Use '}' to reset.

Most of these will be invisible when looked at through the map editor, or through some text editors.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted December 08, 2018 10:16 PM |
Tried a lot but without result . Do I need "Alt"+"00xy" or "Alt"+"xy"?
Do I need to enter them in editor or use another program and then copy+paste?

Supreme Hero
posted December 08, 2018 10:50 PM |
As I wrote, at least on every keyboard and computer I've tried.
Try Notepad++.
E: Usually you have to use Numpad digits for this, just in case.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted December 09, 2018 10:48 AM |