
Tavern Dweller
posted April 27, 2020 04:45 AM |
RoseKavalier said:
bestban said: Small problem: If 'Z' key is pressed, the focus is moved to the Heroes; eventually it gets stuck at the very last Hero. After this, the standard key 'H' does not work on any Hero; no Hero selection. I was unware of this 'Z' key, but it was pressed unexpectedly.
Not part of SoD_SP.
It turns out this is by design, given in official manual. Not a problem.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 28, 2020 11:29 AM |
Edited by bestban at 11:56, 28 Apr 2020.
Skeletons cannot be Auto-upgraded in town with left-click+A hotkey somehow, or this is just for the scenario I'm playing. Auto-upgrade with left-click+A works for others. For example, in the save below, the Wights work with Auto-upgrade while the Skeletons do not: [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1buqpLM1fuxvl0jOV5QMW6JX9AuMBoKfv]Save[/url]

Supreme Hero
posted April 28, 2020 04:08 PM |
bestban said: Skeletons cannot be Auto-upgraded in town with left-click+A hotkey somehow, or this is just for the scenario I'm playing. Auto-upgrade with left-click+A works for others. For example, in the save below, the Wights work with Auto-upgrade while the Skeletons do not: Save
This is by design. When you play random maps as Necromancer, you don't usually want skeletons to be upgraded automatically because money is tight.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2020 08:04 AM |
Edited by bestban at 08:04, 29 Apr 2020.
RoseKavalier said:
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JlQ6TC97d_Bb1g_sDRpxTvkKHtyXgZ3qORG5LJS8tp8/edit#bookmark=kix.cs9stswco52z]This[/url] is by [url=https://github.com/RoseKavalier/H3Plugins/blob/master/SoD_SP_Public/Hooks/igrik/TownUpgradeHotkey.cpp#L24]design[/url]. When you play random maps as Necromancer, you don't usually want skeletons to be upgraded automatically because money is tight.
Thank you for explanation and sharing the source. Could in the future this restriction on Skeleton being made configurable in SoD_SP.ini for example?
The map I'm playing is a downloaded map. The map designer purposely put an Imp Crucible near a Necropolis town. This results in weekly recruiting Imps there, bringing them to the town, transforming the Imps , and upgrading the Skeletons; plus other Skeletons from kills. Every clicks saved do help. Thanks.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 03, 2020 01:15 AM |
Edited by bestban at 01:35, 03 May 2020.
RoseKavalier said:
[url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JlQ6TC97d_Bb1g_sDRpxTvkKHtyXgZ3qORG5LJS8tp8/edit#bookmark=kix.cs9stswco52z]This[/url] is by [url=https://github.com/RoseKavalier/H3Plugins/blob/master/SoD_SP_Public/Hooks/igrik/TownUpgradeHotkey.cpp#L24]design[/url]. When you play random maps as Necromancer, you don't usually want skeletons to be upgraded automatically because money is tight.
My apologies if my initial report was unclear. I was specifically using auto upgrade on one stack while rarely using auto upgrade all stacks until late game. From igrik's [url=https://forum.df2.ru/index.php?showtopic=30848&st=20&p=743178&#entry743178]post[/url], an English translation shows
igrik said: (English translation by Bing) "LCM"A on the icon of the hero (or flag): improving all the creatures in this hero/city. Exceptions: Skeletons in Skeleton Warriors, Corsairs in Sea Wolves (for HotA), specialist creature improvement specialists (e.g. Jelu);
- "LCM" on the stack: improving the selected stack. Exceptions: Corsairs in The Sea Wolves (for HotA), substance improvement specialists (e.g. Jelu);
One stack auto grade was supposed to work. His original source code also confirms one stack upgrade on Skeletons.
igri said: (English translation by Bing)
/ Improvement of all stacks at the hero or in the city of "bool" Y_AutoGradeMonInTownFunc ("Town' town, char type o_GameMgr)
if ( GetCreatureGrade(hero->army.type[i]) != -1 && hero->army.type[i] != 158 && hero->army.type[i] != 56)
improvement of one stack at the hero's Y_AutoGradeMonInTownOne_H ('Town' town, char type, char i o_GameMgr)
if ( GetCreatureGrade(hero->army.type[i]) != -1 && hero->army.type[i] != 158 )
I don't know if there are later updates or not. The source link was given in TownUpgradeHotkey.cpp. Feel free to point out my misunderstanding if any. Thanks.

Supreme Hero
posted May 03, 2020 03:52 AM |

Supreme Hero
posted May 05, 2020 09:49 PM |
DOWNLOAD (exe installer)
DOWNLOAD (zip archive)
Version 1.18.9
[ ] HD.BattleQueue can be used with SoD_SP if the latter's is disabled
[-] Fixed issue recently introduced with dialog checkboxes
Thanks to ngoncom for reporting these issues.
The first modification overwrites HDmod's block on its own BattleQueue if SoD_SP is present; but only if SoD_SP's BQ is itself disabled.
The second fix comes from my experimenting with H3API Dialogs to make them easier to make and forgetting I'd messed with that... so yea.
I know I've typically introduced a bunch of new stuff in previous minor versions, and with being at 1.18.9 might indicate new things are coming... but truth is I do have plans for future things but just no time to develop them for the moment.
As a result, 1.19.0 will likely be another set of minor bug fixes together with a revision of how versioning is done for greater flexibility.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted May 10, 2020 07:21 PM |
Edited by Nmesa at 19:23, 10 May 2020.
RoseKavalier said:
[ ] HD.BattleQueue can be used with SoD_SP if the latter's is disabled
Hm... HDmod BattleQueue doesnt work even with BattleQueuePanel = 0. Am i doing something wrong here?

Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2020 11:26 PM |
Nmesa said:
RoseKavalier said:
[ ] HD.BattleQueue can be used with SoD_SP if the latter's is disabled
Hm... HDmod BattleQueue doesnt work even with BattleQueuePanel = 0. Am i doing something wrong here?
HDmod saves the BQ state (enabled/disabled), so old saves aren't able to enable it. Start a fresh map and check again - that's shown to be the issue so far.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted May 11, 2020 06:14 AM |
Edited by Nmesa at 07:09, 11 May 2020.
RoseKavalier said: HDmod saves the BQ state (enabled/disabled), so old saves aren't able to enable it. Start a fresh map and check again - that's shown to be the issue so far.
I did it from the beginning - no BQ even on a new map. I even installed fresh HOMM3 with only HDmod and SODSP - same result. I am using WinXP, probably thats the case?
Turns out the problem was with resolution. For some reason BQ appears with 1152x864, but not with anything lower, unlike HDmod BQ version where it works even with 830x664.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 14, 2020 07:51 AM |
Edited by wenwell at 07:56, 14 May 2020.
Found one more 


Hired Hero
posted May 21, 2020 02:01 AM |
I have found an interesting bug with quick spell feature of SoD SP. If you lock spell on an enemy creature (case in question: Disrupting Ray) and the target has Magic Mirror on it - quickspelling will bypass Magic Mirror effect and will always work. Casting spells manually will be affected by Magic Mirror chance

Supreme Hero
posted May 21, 2020 03:32 AM |
Machberet said: I have found an interesting bug with quick spell feature of SoD SP. If you lock spell on an enemy creature (case in question: Disrupting Ray) and the target has Magic Mirror on it - quickspelling will bypass Magic Mirror effect and will always work. Casting spells manually will be affected by Magic Mirror chance
Ah you're right, it is currently skipping that portion of the code. I'll look into fixing that for 1.19 which should be relatively soon.
Thanks for notification!
Fixed, thanks again 
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted May 21, 2020 04:03 AM |
Edited by wenwell at 04:04, 21 May 2020.
Small but nasty bug - if we block creatures tile in WoG editor (yellow tile to red tile) this could cause a crash after alt + RMB click on this creature and opening hero window (also, info dump in log is present). Save: https://mega.nz/file/1VICRQZR#uDxbbPG0HtXwCAuttIbVjAGmSsHPK-sCndYNpeh1C1I

Supreme Hero
posted May 21, 2020 04:13 AM |
I'm not getting any crashes but it causes some other issues with adventure map coordinates, gonna fix that too.
Advanced Dialog no longer shown on objects with removed entrances.
Text buffer now correctly reset for these objects to prevent buffer overflow.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted June 03, 2020 10:39 PM |
One more bug with monsters hostility displaying: https://mega.nz/file/YBp3HDLR#q4yKgMwfjKGqR-IAZdTRe-aYib5x5PlaZQ8J0yQTwvc

Supreme Hero
posted June 04, 2020 06:07 AM |


Hired Hero
posted June 07, 2020 12:05 AM |
I am playing Metataxers Revenge once again and I noticed that my animations are much faster if I am playing the game in a window, instead of full screen (case in question - first siege against rust dragons). Is this a issue with my PC or something within the game itself?
EDIT Not a bug, but a curious behaviour. I noticed that AI in this battle cast Slayer on Rust Dragons when there were 3 of them left BUT there was no way he could attack me (and at this point I was managing the battle myself to avoid AI making room in the castle).

Supreme Hero
posted June 07, 2020 05:30 AM |
DOWNLOAD (exe installer)
DOWNLOAD (zip archive)
[+] BattleQueue now highlights the creature under the mouse cursor, if any
[+] BattleQueue now supports the setting of Quickspell targets
[+] Implemented 10 different battle speeds (adapted from igrik)
Note: Turbo Speed option remains in use for spell animations
[+] Imported some bug fixes and improvements from WoG 3.59 source
Correction of Def type 1 parameters
Correction of a possible endless loop
Event message length no longer capped at 65,535
[+] H3's text buffer is reset to prevent gibberish from being shown if hovering over an object with removed entrances
Also prevents buffer overflow with Adventure map coordinates
[+] Quickspell panel can now remove assigned spells (ALT + Left-click)
[ ] New versioning format; added timeout on version check
[-] Fixed issue with BattleQueue that prevented First Aid Tent from being displayed
[-] Fixed width calculation of Advanced Dialog for a few scenarios
[-] Advanced Dialog is no longer shown from objects with removed entrances (thanks wenwell)
[-] Fixed improper determination of diplomacy factor in Advanced Dialogs (thanks wenwell)
[-] Quickspells no longer ignore Magic Mirror (thanks Machberet)
[-] H3.LodTable updated to fix handle leak
[-] Several code enhancements and small bug fixes
The links in the first post will be edited shortly. Skip to SOURCE if you're not interested in versioning info.
New version format is essentially the same as before, it just gives me more flexibility as I was previously stuck on A.BC.D format with no way to have more than 9 subversions per minor version increment. With this format I have virtually unlimited increments.
With that in mind:
Major version (1) : this is the least likely to change, unless some huge change or reorganization occurs.
Minor version (19) : this indicates a fairly large number of changes, such as this update
Revision (0) : the normal version increment when new things are added or old bugs patched
Build (0) : this will be mostly reserved to fix bugs in the current version. For example any reports of what wouldn't work as expected with the new release would increment this.
TL;DR: version format will be the same but with clearer indication of changes. I can patch bugs faster now.
I will update some SoD_SP source code in the coming days on my H3Plugins Github repository. There are a number of other changes coming to that repository as well.
This should cover most of the new stuff. For more images, see previous posts since 1.18.9 where some bugs were patched.

I would like to remind visiting heroes that this thread is for things related to SoD_SP... I will no longer be replying to off-topic posts.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted June 09, 2020 04:06 PM |
Small graphical glitches when cursor slides between SoD SP Battle Queue and the actions tab. https://imgur.com/a/8NHOywq
The turquoise lines disappear from wait/shield buttons after any action, but fragments of lines between battle queue and the battlefield still remain. And they reappear again if I slide the cursor between them.