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Heroes Community > Heroes 7+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: A Swamp Faction
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Tavern Dweller
posted September 18, 2020 01:29 AM
Edited by KobaltM at 20:08, 12 Oct 2020.

A Swamp Faction - Concept art with H3 nostalgic twist

Exile - Lizard Folk – The Marsh Dwellers
(Heroes 3 Fortress based faction for the world of Ashan)

This series of images are a sort of love letter and thanks to all Heroes fans who welcomed the idea to bring these creatures back to the spot light and encouraged me, through their kind words and support, to continue doing this. A blend of old and new... and a most sincere and warm thank you! I really hope you enjoy!

"In recent history house Chimera Managed to create Lizardmen though it is unknown if they came up with the idea or if they are trying to recreate something already seen.

Like the Nagas, the Lizard folk are a people of their own.
I imagined this faction to be very reclusive and stuck in their ways with a history shrouded in mystery and savagery. Stories are told of a Witch King that managed to conquer the warring tribes of this region, some say only with the help of Shantiri magic that such a thing was possible. Through bloody conquest could the deltas and peninsulas of The Unknown East be tamed and united. Even if the few texts found on the matter seem to indicate such events did take place they never agree on the dates… All scholars agree though it must be somewhere in the distant past as the few documented customs seem primordial in nature.
Time seemed to have passed differently for them. With a very tribal culture they are similar to the Orcs but in comparison they had little to no contact with other races. The only exceptions are the Nagas and even then it is the case of outcasts and fugitives of the Lotus Empire. Their religion and magic are syncretic and Shamanistic – predominantly worshiping animal shaped primordial spirits from the spheres of Earth and Water. They tend to ignore the Dragon Gods completely rather acknowledging the concepts and elemental power they represent. Another aspect of magic that is second nature to them is a variant of the school of Dark Magic making them masters of curses. The use of spells and incantations is a practice they call Vo’dou and usually involves blood sacrifice.

Throughout the ages they have welcomed very few in their territories and even then it is unknown if these “guests” remained of their own will. Some have however and they contributed to the development of this isolated society. Most noteworthy are a group of Human Wizards from house Chimera that fled the Civil War with the Necromancers. How they got so far east is subject of speculation and some say it was either a spell that went horribly wrong or that their ships got sucked in a whirlpool... Whatever the case they brought, among other beast-men, the Gnolls which seemed to have captured the interest of the Swamp Witches. Some of them even reached key positions such as chieftains. Some say another human brought the first siege weapon to the Marsh Dwellers, a ballista.
Only fragments of written text mention their existence and most are considered stories, not facts. Other common sources are port taverns where between the loud singing and clinking of mugs one hears descriptions of creatures seen nowhere on Ashan or sometimes they resemble documented species and yet they differ, either in behavior or appearance.

Tracker/Gnoll Marauder

When Crimson Wizards first stumbled upon the marshlands of the Far East they did not come alone. Though most of their beast-men servants did not survive the journey or the encounter with the Lizard Folk, the Gnolls did. Adapting and multiplying now they are used by the marsh dwellers as shock troops and trackers. Some carry locks of hair or fur from slain pray as the scent reminds them of the thrill of that particular hunt.

The Swamp Witches were intrigued by the beast-men and since their arrival they’ve been experimented on through rituals involving infusions of unknown plants aiming to “better” the Crimson Wizard’s creation. Considered a success, the Gnoll Marauders must be subdued by will altering charms or risk flying into a fit of rage harming both friend and foe. The link between them and the witches take form of bone charms painted with the blood of the one they must obey. A Gnoll Marauder might be released from such spells just for their masters to enjoy the following slaughter. (Berserker Rage – H5?)

Stalker (Lizardmen)

Even a young Lizardmen’s skill in stalking its pray is only matched by their savagery when catching it. Armed with crude longbows they wreak havoc among the ranks of those bold enough to enter their territory.  It is believed the symbols adorning their longbows are scratched after dipping their claws in their prey’s blood.

Headhunters (Lizardman Warrior)

This elite cast of Lizardmen are sometimes sent as assassins, other times as commandos to bid their master’s wishes. The ferocious Headhunters employ various venoms to debilitate their pray. They also display a sick pleasure for gathering trophies. Some “worthy” opponents remain at their executioner’s side forever in the form of shrunken heads…
(Crippling shot – H6, Those who fell before – creature’s morale never drops below 0)

Serpent Fly

Like the Griffins, they are a result of spontaneous magical fusion between snakes and swamp inhabiting insects.
For their speed and agility, the marsh dwellers use these creatures as scouts. While facing these beasts spell casters find enhancing their allies’ abilities extremely difficult as the powder on their wings seems to disrupt the flow of positive magic.
(Dispel Magic)

Dragon Fly

In time Serpent flies become faster and stronger. Their nasty bites deliver a toxin that weakens their pray leaving them less capable to defend themselves. The powder on their wings and tail can be occasionally shed as a burst that will dispel any low level magic in the immediate vicinity.
(Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic burst x1 per combat, Weakening Venom)


Scholars have seen some specimens being ridden by goblins among the ranks of the Sahaar Orcs. This however is an entirely different breed. It is unknown how the Beastmasters of the swamps managed to tame these creatures as their vicious and impulsive behavior would imply such a thing to be impossible. The most common and dangerous trait among Basilisks is their petrifying gaze which they will use any chance they get.
(Petrifying gaze)

Barbed Basilisk

Larger and more dangerous, the Barbed Basilisk’s gaze is even more powerful. The creature displays spike like bones protruding from their bodies. A wound dealt by these spikes will deal massive bleeding to the unfortunate victim. It is believed a secretion covering the spikes acts as an anticoagulant but it has not been confirmed.
(Petrifying gaze, Vicious Slither - Wheeling Attack H5 + additional dmg over2 rounds instead of instant - bleeding damage)


It is believed these predators came to being in the Ancient Age as Shantri texts describe a similar creature by the name of Khalkotauroi. Despite their form they are reptiles, not mammals. Although very thick, their scales are not made of metal as the bronze patina would lead many to believe and their corrosive breath can lay waste to most known materials. A formidable beast indeed.
(Toughness –reduced damage, acid breath (earth)25% dmg x 2 turns)

Mighty Gorgon

As they evolve, the Gorgon's scales become even thicker and behave like metal; in the process they gain a dark-silvery color. The fumes the creature releases are so concentrated that a spark would ignite them instantly and by grinding its teeth the Mighty Gorgon achieves just that. It is unknown how but sometimes these creatures inspire such fear in the living that some have died merely by looking into their eyes. (One theory claims it is their hissing that reaches a certain frequency which will trigger such fear that some might die of bad heart. Others suggested it might be an innate psionic ability which overloads the victim’s brain (…)All research has proven inconclusive so far)
(Toughness –reduced damage, fire breath (fire)25% dmg x 2 turns, Death Stare)

Bog Wyvern

Ashan is littered with many species and sub species of Wyverns. This breed prefers to strike at their unaware targets with teeth and talons, from tall trees of damp forests. Common through most species is their fast metabolism allowing them to regenerate faster than other creatures.
(Flying, Regenerate)

Wyvern Monarch

As they age the Bog Wyverns grow in size and strength. Evolving they will grow a poisonous Stinger at the end of their tail with which once struck, the pray will succumb to a slow, painful death. Extremely territorial these bests will defend their own with unnatural ferocity. In response the younger specimens display obedience to these Alphas. Skilled indeed must be the Beastmaster who manages to gain the trust of these creatures.

(Flying, Regenerate, Poison)

Swamp Hydra

Born in the Mythic Age there are many types of Hydra throughout Ashan. They vary in how many heads or limbs they have, what environment they inhabit and what properties, if any, their bites possess. The most important factor however is the dragon blood involved in their creation. These, as the name suggests, dwell near marshlands, swamps and bogs. As such they developed a natural tolerance to both earth and water magic. Its three heads can strike at different targets simultaneously and contrary to common belief they seldom bite preferring to slam their spiked heads crushing their prey. This might also explain the Gnoll Marauder’s weapon of choice being the 3 headed flail. Alas, as impressive as these beasts may be they appear to have a weakness against fire, an element frequently used by the Beastmasters to subdue them.
(Multiple attack, Regenerate, Earth & Water resistance 25%, Fire vulnerability)

Chaos Hydra

Not much is known about the Witches and Beastmasters from the Far East. One thing is certain, among them there has to be some truly powerful magic users as proven by the existence of the Chaos Hydras. The bizarre habit of slamming their heads when attacking led some to speculate it is reason why very few, more evolved specimens are seen... To fill their ranks with even more powerful beasts, the Marsh Dwellers employed unknown methods to fuse the very dangerous essence of Chaos to Swamp Hydras. Whispers say they might have access to deposits of crystallized Dragon Blood… Urgash’s blood. The result is something house Chimera would be jealous of. This new creature spawns two more heads and its body generates boiling tar which in time coats and crystallizes on its thickened scales. Each time they attack, their pray is engulfed in the spewing matter harming them even further.
(Multiple attack, Regenerate, Earth & Water resistance 25%, Fire vulnerability, Boiling Tar - 25% DMG x 2 turns, Tar trail – reduce enemy movement?)

Will-o-wisp/Ignis Fatuus

The marshes are home to innumerable amount corpses, still decaying under its motionless waters. Sometimes the emanating eldritch energy concentrates and manifests itself as floating lights. It is unknown if they act on will or pure instinct but what is known is they are drawn to the living and once in their presence the wisps will do all they can to lure their victims deeper into the marshes depriving them of their vital force. Those who try to fight them will find it quite difficult as striking them feels like hitting air and death magic seems to have no effect either. Light magic might prove useful if one is fast enough to cast it. Somehow the Swamp Witches managed summon and subdues these elusive creatures to their will.
(Incorporeal, Immaterial, Immune to death spells, Photophobia)

Ignis Fatuus
If the will-o-wisp remains in the material plane for too long its appetite will grow and the light emanating from its body will be even brighter, trying to lure as many living as it can. Such is the case of the Ignis Fatui which sometimes may mesmerize its pray leaving them defenseless. It also appears that with time Light magic will affect the creature less and less.
(Incorporeal, Immaterial, Immune to death spells, Lesser Photophobia, Mesmerize – lose turn)

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Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted September 18, 2020 01:52 AM

Sorry but as you can see here on page 153 section 4 line 2 of Lore(TM) we cannot have any factions that don't worship the dragon gods except those pre-approved by the holy spider.

Joking aside, this is a cool way to implement Fortress into Ashan's lore. My only criticism is that the line-up is exactly the same as H3, while some of those creatures are already pretty solidly affiliated with other factions in Ashan ie Gnolls, Hydras, Wyverns.

Most of the faction could stay though, and there's plenty of room for innovation in those other 3 slots.

Some ideas from my proposal draft-

Carnivorous Plants
Fungi Monster

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 18, 2020 02:11 AM

Rimgrabber said:
Sorry but as you can see here on page 153 section 4 line 2 of Lore(TM) we cannot have any factions that don't worship the dragon gods except those pre-approved by the holy spider.

Joking aside, this is a cool way to implement Fortress into Ashan's lore. My only criticism is that the line-up is exactly the same as H3, while some of those creatures are already pretty solidly affiliated with other factions in Ashan ie Gnolls, Hydras, Wyverns.

Most of the faction could stay though, and there's plenty of room for innovation in those other 3 slots.

Some ideas from my proposal draft-

Carnivorous Plants
Fungi Monster

Hehe, you got me there! This started so long ago and its a homage to H3, that's why the line up is identical. My aim was to dress the H3 units in Ashan skins. I'm just thinking that with all the complex fauna this beautiful world of Ashan has to offer, variants of apparently similar creatures may be found. I did my best at writing something that might context and reason as to what they are doing in the swamps of the Far East. That aside of course there is room for a lot of other creatures... and I might just have some Thank you kindly for your comment.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 18, 2020 02:15 AM

Yup, would add suggestions:

* Will O'Wisp (Gnoll)
* Kappa (Gnoll
* Wendigo (Wyvern)
* Coatl (Hydra or Wyvern)

Unless you plan providing new units to the other factions where those three units ended.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted September 18, 2020 06:13 AM

Your welcome

And PandaTar, funny enough I did also have will-o-wisps on my list, the issue is just that they also work well in several other factions so I couldn't decide where to put them. I also thought about putting them in Abyss(Dark Elf Dungeon), Conflux, and Necropolis.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 18, 2020 07:53 AM

My general opinion is that more factions is a good thing, but involving Ashan isn't. Seriously, Ashan lore reads like it was written by an unimaginative teenager.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 18, 2020 11:06 AM

Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 18, 2020 04:21 PM

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Will-o-whips should be in a swamp themed faction imo,it is their natural habitat in most folklore. Parasitic fungi should also, nature gives us so many examples in real life. Wendigo and Coatl are good calls too. I don't entirely agree however Ashan lore is all bad. I like how they expanded upon the creatures and which faction they fit in with in H6, not so much in H7 though.

I guess we all have our ideal line up for this faction. What I did here was redesigned the creatures from H3 in the style of the later games trying to scratch an itch of nostalgia. How would the fortress lineup look like today. Again, thanks for taking a look at this guys.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 18, 2020 05:54 PM

Oh, but visually, they look nice. ^_^ Apologies for not mentioning.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 18, 2020 06:42 PM

KobaltM said:
....trying to scratch an itch of nostalgia....

Bruh, it's not even nostalgia for many, tbh.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 18, 2020 08:44 PM

FirePaladin said:
KobaltM said:
....trying to scratch an itch of nostalgia....

Bruh, it's not even nostalgia for many, tbh.

Was talking for myself up there but what did you mean by that?

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 18, 2020 08:45 PM

PandaTar said:
Oh, but visually, they look nice. ^_^ Apologies for not mentioning.

No worries at all, many thanks for that

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 18, 2020 09:15 PM


I might have seemed to be a bit rude in my last post. No offense, lol.

Anyway, there's a chance I misunderstood what you mean, but I was just saying not all people like H3 for the nostalgia or have an actual nostalgia for it.

And yes, I will find myself some time to read your essay about the swamp faction, and then give my feedback. I think you could post in the faction contest when Fortress/Swamp faction comes up.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 18, 2020 09:58 PM
Edited by PandaTar at 22:00, 18 Sep 2020.

KobaltM said:
A Gnoll Marauder might be released from such spells just for their masters to enjoy the following slaughter. (Berserker Rage – H5?)

About this, I was remembering about H4's squire unit, from Haven town. He carried a flail too and could stun foes. If it wouldn't feel too overpowered, you could consider for the regular Gnoll the Stunning chance, and the other, Stun + Rage/Berserk. Stun is only triggered when gnoll ranks outnumbers foes, and chances increases as the gap increases (with a cap of 25% chance, for example).

Stun mechanics could be something like this:

* Sets foe's speed to 1 for 1 turn.
* Creatures who were Waiting, lose their current turn. Slowest unit on the battlefield loses their current turn when stunned.

Technically, if the target is already the last one to act, decreasing its speed would not really show any sort of effect. Instead, one would lose their next turn. Stunning fast units would make them act last instead, before those who are waiting, but they would not lose a turn, per se. And if that unit is already waiting, it would be considered past the slowest unit, so they lose their current turn too. Units that have already acted, but which are not the slowest ones, will have their speed reduced to 1 the next turn. It's not a magical effect, so it cannot be dispelled.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 19, 2020 10:21 PM

No worries man, none taken. Wanted to understand what you meant. Sure thing when you have a chance have a read through, this project was actually made for people that enjoy H3/Fortress.

That's a pretty cool mechanic. If it fits in the overall game without being to powerful for a tier one creature than I'm all for it!

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted September 19, 2020 10:44 PM

Welcome back Kobalt, and thanks for sharing the finished lineup!

You really give justice to H3 Fortress here

PS: To show images instead of links, is right-clic=>copy image location and not just the image's url.


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Tavern Dweller
posted September 21, 2020 11:39 PM

Galaad said:
Welcome back Kobalt (...)

Galaad, long time indeed. It's good to "see" a familiar face. Good to be back and thank you for the pro tip. Real glad you like the line-up.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 22, 2020 12:37 AM

Yo, Kobalt, you can check the work of the artist who is designing for the Dinasty MM game, which is a replication of H3 line up as well.


I personally like Troglodite and Beholder.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted September 22, 2020 12:00 PM

What do you guys think about having the occasional animal in the lineups? Thinking of the Heroes 2 wolf or the Heroes 4 white tiger, I think those can make for a really cool addition to the mix.

Especially already extinct animals can be rather cool, like what they did in Skyrim with cave bears, mammoths and sabre tooth cats.

As an example, there are tigers that can swim really good with pranks that are evolved for swimming (sumatra tigers I think). I could imagine those in a swamp faction. Leopards or jaguars would go really well too I would think.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 22, 2020 01:09 PM

Animals are cool IMO. Hells, there's a ton of monsters in D&D that are plain animals, animals with a few differences, hybrid animals, etc...

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