
Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 08, 2021 11:57 AM |
I say neigh...
CountBezuhoff said: Excellent. Now I just have to think up an alias for my horse.
The Count
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Nihil sub sole novum
posted March 08, 2021 12:25 PM |
Bear. Bear! Run, you stupid piece of filth!

Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted March 08, 2021 01:11 PM |
for HC will be entertained with great boobies stories!
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted March 08, 2021 02:54 PM |
I probably won’t join this as it seems about as organised as celfius so I’ll just leave this here for posterity that I can blame I didn’t do it.

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 08, 2021 02:56 PM |
Is that a good or bad thing?
And do feel free to join, nothing stops you from doing so mid-play.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted March 08, 2021 03:34 PM |
I believe Lith is a Master RPer. I trust him.
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 08, 2021 06:52 PM |
And we're off...
Geny and Count, feel free to post.
NoobX, you'll know when.
Galatea... check your PM.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted March 08, 2021 08:39 PM |
Lith-Maethor said:
Oddball13579 said: So before I start on my character, they can basically be anything that you can imagine, and can even be from another world and planet? Am I understanding that right?
That, my odd sir, is correct.
Okay, I am starting on my character right now. I'll send you a PM in a bit!
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 08, 2021 08:42 PM |
PM away!
Or catch me on the discord server, whichever works better for you.
...it seems I will have to use the cattleprod.
...or are you gentlemen just waiting for Galatea?
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Nihil sub sole novum
posted March 09, 2021 11:26 AM |
Not really, I'm just taking my time.
The Count

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 09, 2021 12:54 PM |
Let me knock the rust off my boots and see if I can still do this...

General Information
Player: Shadowcaster
Name: Scavenger (Scav, for short)
Concept: Born in the pre-sundering era, he disappeared off the grid when the sundering happened and all details about his past, including his name, vanished into the chaos the followed. Like many, Scav turned to picking at the carcass of before society to survive, eventually gaining a reputation as a treasure hunter for hire. One fateful job into the ruins of a secret laboratory hidden underground near Thessaloniki saw him and his infiltration team locked into a mysterious quantum stasis field for over 200 years. His first memory upon waking was seeing his entire team dead around him, the stasis field dissolved through unknown means, and the lab picked clean of valuables. He emerged to a world vastly changed around him. All his contacts now long since dead and his caches long since emptied, Scav now seeks to rebuild his reputation as a treasure hunter in an unfamiliar world.
Species: Human
Race: Sapien
Aspect: Specialist
Persona: Explorer/Pragmatist
Bearing: Rebel
Agility: 3
Awareness: 4
Charisma: 2
Intellect: 2
Resilience: 4
Strength: 2
Vitality: 2
Wits: 4
Collects coins. Has various prized coins on his person but would never sell them.
Scav values utility over loyalty and tends to appraise people in a way that makes alliances far outweigh true friendships. This lack of connections made him a difficult target to attack indirectly through friends or family, and he is all but untouchable in that regard now that everyone he knew is long dead.
He prefers to avoid fighting but is adept at using the environment to his advantage, utilizing his agility and ability to understand how things work. Though he was often able to avoid a fight by being useful to everyone that could pay and always making it about business, never personal, the unfamiliar setting throws him off in this regard.
Resources and Equipment
No credits. Scav hadn’t grabbed anything at his last job before he was frozen, and so only has his collection of prized coins with him. He would never sell any of these, so he has nothing of real value to sell.
Combat Equipment
Clothing and Armour: Scav wears a thick leather duster lined with Kevlar along vital areas and sewn with countless pockets, many of them hidden. He has a favorite pair of traveling boots that he has repaired countless times over the years, and a durable pair of trousers. He wears a pair of goggles and a gas mask as the environment requires, but these will not be as needed in this time period. A leather hood and leather fingerless glove, both reinforced with steel plates, complete the ensemble.
Melee Weapons: Carries a pair of stun batons he can use to escape a hairy situation if needed. These can be magnetized to redirect bullets (if made of magnetic material) in a pinch. Currently has no way to recharge once the batteries are dead, as he did not have that equipment on him when caught in stasis and his caches had all been long emptied, so will use these sparingly.

Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted March 09, 2021 01:20 PM |
Ohhh, I see we have a newbie new recruit here...
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 09, 2021 01:38 PM |
Shame on you, Galatea.
The proper term is fresh meat.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted March 09, 2021 03:06 PM |
That's so funny, Lith! 
Although I'm just kidding. I think I've seen Shadowcaster somewhere here so I know he's quite experienced.
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted March 09, 2021 03:29 PM |

Who used the Resurrection spell?
Ghost said: Door knob resembles anus tap.

Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted March 09, 2021 03:42 PM |
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 10, 2021 04:19 AM |
Posted! Wanted to reassure everyone my posts won't all be novels (like they have been in the past). I just want to get the introductions done so I can join up with my new pals that much sooner.

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted March 10, 2021 09:00 AM |
Location map
This is where the characters are at the moment:
* Tarkas: Entering the city through the west gate.
* Dragan: About to reach the west gate
* Scav: On the way to the city
* Vosh: Somewhere in the city
* Oddball: Somewhere in the city
* Ivana: Not yet introduced
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted March 10, 2021 11:55 AM |
Ivana is having some fun somewhere.
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

Supreme Hero
Nihil sub sole novum
posted March 11, 2021 03:51 AM |
Oddie has a novel to post as well, lol.
The Count