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Thread: Sundered Realms (IC) This thread is 20 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 26, 2021 07:58 PM

Vosh turned around, the look on his face surprisingly relaxed: "We still need nourishment, right?  I'd assume you haven't had anything to eat for a while now.  Besides, a few moments do not make much difference here."
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted April 26, 2021 08:16 PM

"Nourishment? What the f**k?! You think that's more important?", Ivana argued, looking sharply at the wizard. Her blood started to boil as she couldn't accept the fact that she's tied to him until they get home.

"Argh!" Ivana clenched her fist, her arms and shoulder stiff, still holding Vosh's arm. She wanted to hurt him but she knew the consequences very well. She then controlled herself and let off a sigh.

"Go! Be fast!", she told the wizard as she let go of his arm.

And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 26, 2021 08:30 PM

"My expedience would rely on the cooperativeness of this being, but I believe there should not be any hold-ups judging by the way it interacts with the children over there."

Vosh turned around again and continued to his previous destination.
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted April 27, 2021 02:47 AM

Cyrus stood up from his seat and began to follow Corina out of the arena. He adjusted his scaled cloak, making sure it covered most of his body.

He had been trying to subtly poke around in Corina's mind, but, her thoughts were still muddled and abstract. It was irritating. He hated it. Not being able to read someone's mind.

"So, who is this Miss Lana you were speaking too?" He asked.

Might as well try and find out information the old fashioned way.
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 27, 2021 12:20 PM

West Bailey, Thessaloniki, Solun Region

---Outside the Arena---

Corina glanced toward Cyrus for a brief moment as she starts walking away from the Arena, seemingly unphased by the looks she got from the people around them.

"Miss Lana is the city's guardian. And the second most dangerous individual in the city." She glanced at him again "Barring any surprises from you and the other otherworlders..."

---The park---

A soft giggle was heard from a nearby tree ahead of them as Vosh and Ivana started arguing. A few seconds later, two hands would extend from it, each holding an apple, as perfect as those could get. Both hands were clearly human in shape, though covered in green skin.

Should either of them get closer, they would see what appeared to be a young woman, with green skin and hair a pale violet. She was dressed in a white tunic in the local style, albeit an outdated one, with silver ribbons around her arms and legs. Several flowers were poking out of her hair.

She was sitting on the branches almost as you'd expect an aloof or skittish child to do so, ready to dart off at any sign of danger. Despite her demeanour and the wide-eyed innocence on her face, there was something inherently alluring about her, going beyond her already attractive appearance.

---Outside the Arena---

Those that followed the archon would start gathering near the stalls outside. The silver-haired man was sitting on a wall, biting into an apple as men were gathering around him. He had not bothered to put a shirt on and kept his shirt over a shoulder like a towel instead. He would exchange a few words with some of the people there, though it was obvious he dismissed most of them without even assessing their fighting skills.

After a while, his gaze would fall on Tarkas and he would tilt his head slightly, in a decidedly canine fashion. He sniffed the air lightly, then took another bite from the apple before gesturing the man over. The crowd between them parted in response, as people realised who he was gesturing to, allowing the man easy passage. Scav would find it easier to approach as well, as a result.

A bit off to the side, several metres away from the crowd, Corina and Cyrus were walking away, with the woman pausing only long enough to whisper something as she tucked her hair behind the flower over her ear. The otherworlder next to her the only one close enough to hear.

"Master, Miss Lana asked me to inform you that Mistress is entertaining foreign dignitaries. She requested that you return promptly. Preferably in a presentable state." She did not even have to look to know the archon had just rolled his eyes at the news.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 27, 2021 01:54 PM

Vosh reached for the two apples, saying "Thank you" in Graecian.  But instead of returning to Ivana and the issue at hand, he simply stood still in front of the tree, somewhat dazed.  
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted April 27, 2021 05:50 PM

"Geez, I can't believe you! You said nourishment and now you are talking about something else," Ivana told Vosh as she moved her gaze away from him and looked again at the surrounding of the park. "I hate wizards! I really do!", she said to herself in a low voice, cautious that he might hear her.

"The only thing I love about them is their gold," she followed as she crossed her arms across her chest, "I wonder where they get them. They seem to have an awful lot… maybe they can conjure golds!"

Amazed on her conclusion, she then turned back to the wizard only to see him dazed. At first, Ivana thought he's just admiring the thing that he just saw but after observing that Vosh didn't move for a few minutes she began to worry.

"Hey!" She called him several times, trying to get his attention. Surprisingly, Vosh didn't respond. This made the thief irritated, she was fed off with the wizard's delaying tactics . Ivana then impulsively rushed towards him. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the tree, "Hey! I'm really pissed now!"

And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 27, 2021 06:14 PM

For a slightest moment Vosh was shaken from his bedazzled state and came back to his senses, but seemingly unaware of what had just transpired.
"What-what was that?  I was just about to get the-", he stopped as he noticed the two apples he was holding in his hands, "I'm not sure what just happened... Must be that I'm tired, that's it."
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted April 27, 2021 06:27 PM

"Then let's get going! We shouldn't be wasting time." Ivana insisted, dragging Vosh farther from the tree. She made him face the direction where they were headed to earlier and pushed him to walk that way, "Go, go, go!"
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 27, 2021 06:40 PM

"Yes, yes, let us be on our way...", the wizard mumbled, still unsure what exactly happened.  
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted April 27, 2021 07:04 PM

Tarkas saw the people form a corridor between him and the archon. He adjusted his breastplate and moved forward in an almost military walk. After a brief moment he stopped and stood straight before the ruler of the city. His gold colored armor shining in the sun, his helm strapped to his belt, his shield and spear fastened neatly on his back.

"Sir! I was hoping to hear more about what will be required of the companions you're looking for!"

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted April 27, 2021 07:39 PM

If there's one thing Scav knew in his bones, it was how to spot opportunity. Though his original plan had been to observe, he had never been a patient man and this window would not stay open long enough to allow caution. The man the archon gestured to approach seemed the earnest sort, the type that either vanished or became more and more jaded back in the Wastes. He was a rare sort and so would be difficult to read, but Scav had to stand out somehow.

He stepped up to Tarkas and the archon a step behind the former and waited to hear what he archon had to say, close enough to be noticed but not to interrupt. He'd decide what to say from there.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 27, 2021 11:42 PM

West Bailey, Thessaloniki, Solun Region

---The park---

Lana would watch the pair with a vaguely confused expression on her face, though she would respond to Vosh with a cheery "You're welcome! and would wave awkwardly at Ivana. Her voice was youthful, pleasant, and her smile revealed a set of normal human teeth, without the elongated fangs many of the locals seemed to have. She was not particularly tall either, though well-formed.

As soon as they started to pull away, she'd drop to the ground, her bare feet making nearly no sound, and would start following them at a distance of several metres. She kept her hands behind her back and made a very unconvincing show of being inconspicuous, almost like a child playing at being stealthy and definitely not following someone without them knowing about it.

---Outside the Arena---

The archon would watch Tarkas for a brief moment before grinning at the man "well hello there...". He hopped to his feet, then smacked the man on the shoulder "I can tell you're new in town. Find a place to stay, get some food, drink, maybe someone to bang, and make sure your weapons and armour are in top shape by tomorrow noon. Then come to my home.

He glanced at Scav "The same goes for you. You two are responsible for each other until we meet again." He then turned around the crowd, rolling his shoulders "Those of you that were chosen, you heard what to do. Get! ...before you delay any longer and the missus decides to skin my ass."

His tone and the wink at the end made many among the crowd chuckle or laugh, with those that had been selected starting to pair up. Most of them already knew each other, but there were a few introductions taking place. Slipping away from the crowd, he'd put his shirt on, crack his neck, then he would work his way into a run, gradually changing shape until a black wolf with silver highlights was dashing through the streets toward the east.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted April 28, 2021 12:34 AM

Cyrus tripped over his own feet. "O-other otherworlders?"

Every instinct in him screamed to run. They'd found him! They were closing in, ready to drag him back to that infernal machine! The panic crawled it's way up his throat from the pit of his stomach. All he could taste was acrid bile.

Cyrus was planning his escape route and running the numbers when Corina spoke again.

"Master, Miss Lana asked me to inform you that Mistress is entertaining foreign dignitaries. She requested that you return promptly. Preferably in a presentable state."

Foreign dignitaries? Was that what he was? Or was that was his pursuers were? Had they payed this Mistress to collect him? The Institutes reach was long, incredibly long. No doubt they would have been able to pay whatever she wanted, or, procure whatever she wanted. If he could read Corina's mind he wouldn't be having this issue!

The all too familiar crackle of energy surged through his veins and Cyrus quickly snuffed it out, but not before a few sparks danced along his fingers. Making soft popping noises as they fizzled out. An anxious tick that the Institute had tried to beat out of him to no avail.

Underneath his scaled-cloak, one hand rested on the hilt of his dagger. He was trailing a few paces behind Corina now, lagging behind her long stride. While he doubted he could kill her outright, he could at least incapacitate her. Doing so in broad daylight in a crowded street would make his escape more difficult, but it was doable. This Lana, however, would complicate things.

He's escaped under worse conditions.
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted April 28, 2021 06:18 AM
Edited by Geny at 06:19, 28 Apr 2021.

That didn't answer any of my questions. Tarkas thought to himself as he watched the archon disappear in the distance. He is quite rude for a representative of the city. Also, a Wampyr working for a Lycanthrope. The Ancients would have something to say about that... Oh well.

Tarkas turned to the man behind him and smiled a broad friendly smile.

"Hello! My name is Epitheus Tarkas. Just as the archon said, I am new in town, but I'm eager to do good and help people. I hope we can be of assistance to each other!"

With that he extended his hand towards the stranger.

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 28, 2021 11:22 AM

West Bailey, Thessaloniki, Solun Region

Corina paused long enough to glance back at Cyrus, either unaware or uncaring about the shift in his stance. There was a natural sway to her hips that did little to hide the various small curved blades interwoven into her outfit.

"The man and the woman sitting near us in the Arena. They are not from here, though they do not seem to be from the same place you are." She pursed her lips slightly, then looked at him again, slowing down just enough for him to catch up. "Less advanced, I suspect."

She would continue walking, heading toward the South Bailey. As he unleashed that tiny bit of energy she'd glance back at him for the briefest of moments "I would appreciate it if you do not force me to subdue you. You are a guest of my Mistress. The locals take hospitality seriously"
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted April 29, 2021 01:12 AM

This had become needlessly complicated. But Corina's words soothed him, albeit mildly. So those two that were bickering a row behind were in the same boat he was, but from a world less advanced. Seems otherworlders were a common occurrence here, given Corina's rather blasé attitude towards it all. She seemed sure that this was a social call, and not a trap. Maybe he was still safe after all.

"I would appreciate it if you do not force me to subdue you. You are a guest of my Mistress. The locals take hospitality seriously"

Cyrus froze. Stopping in the middle of the street. The world around him seemed to disappear in a haze of black.

He'd heard that before. So, so many times. "Do not resist. Submit. Continued defiance will be met with punishment." The words echoed in his head. Defiance. Rebel. Punishment. Pain. Subdue. Subdue. Subdue. Submit.

Pain blossomed behind Cyrus' eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. The pain continued. He pressed the heel of his left palm against his eye, trying to block the pain out.

Images danced in his mind's eye. Flashing like a slideshow of his past trauma. Blood. Screaming. People just like him being recycled. Mechanical horrors. Dangling corpses. Knives and needles.
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

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Supreme Hero
Well, I'm Ceres!
posted April 29, 2021 07:40 AM

As Ivana and Vosh went their way, the rogue continued to observe the place again. She familiarized herself with the locals. She noticed that there was quite a diversity of race among them but agreed that the one that gave Vosh apples was unique.

It had come to her mind again what kind of capabilities she might possess in the current world she was in. It would be too early for her to know but she could get some clues. The rogue thought she could best figure it out in a fight but a fight would be the least thing she would want to be in. Ivana then turned to Vosh, scanning him from head to toe. She had known him not that long but she can tell that nothing much had changed in him since they left their world. Ivana could still see the same garments and accessories which made her realize that she'd still have the same skills as before. However, she warned herself that anything could possibly happen so she should not settle that easily.

Ivana heaved a sigh. The occurrence of this unusual event was already taking a toll to her body. She then stretched her shoulders to ease it when she noticed the green-skinned lady not far from them. Ivana raised her eyebrow as she witnessed how sloppy the creature was stalking them-if that's what she was trying to do.

She pretended not to see her and allowed a few moments to pass. Ivana thought that they might not be her purpose but her instinct told her they were still being followed. Feeling uncomfortable, the thief looked back again, this time she found her eyes locked on the green-skinned lady who also had her eyes locked on her. She froze at her gaze. Ivana parted her lips to speak but she suddenly realized that her language was foreign. She didn't want her to know she came from another world so she grabbed Vosh's robes and pulled him, still locking her eyes on the stalker.

And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry, as she lay on your lap,
"Nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer."

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 29, 2021 06:59 PM
Edited by Lith-Maethor at 18:59, 29 Apr 2021.

West Bailey, Thessaloniki, Solun Region

Corina would furrow her brows slightly, watching Cyrus for a long moment. She then stepped closer and delicately placed a hand on his arm, looking him in the eye.

"I know that look." When she spoke, her tone was soft, soothing even. "You are safe here. No matter who or what you are running from, my Masters will not allow any harm to come to a guest."

She moved her hand to cup his cheek gently, her lips curling slightly to form a smile many would kill for, their eyes just a bit warmer for a few moments. Then she would pull back, giving him a touch more distance.

"You are free."
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 29, 2021 11:09 PM

"What is it with you and your constant tugging at my robes? This didn't come-", the comment was cut midway when Vosh noticed the green skinned stalker.  Suddenly, a familiar haze came over him and he simply walked in the direction he already came from, approaching the dryad. With a smile on his face he managed to compose a pair of sentences in shaky Graecian: "Do you follow us?  Can I help with something?"
Ghost said:
Door knob resembles anus tap.

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