Thread: What HotA must have an ERA MODs | |
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 18, 2022 02:54 PM |
Poll Question: What HotA must have an ERA MODs
HotA is super easy, but what you think reasonable to add a HUMAN AI or Difficulty MOD? Yes only one MOD.. I recommend Difficulty MOD.. So mapmakers stories will end too.. I know well.. When Challenge, and many players beat the mapmaker's Challenge.. I don't like.. Thus I never gave star or played maps.. No sense.. But our GM+ RerryR is cool man.. He created Difficulty MOD.. So he knows better than me.. Why I don't choose a HUMAN AI? When Mysticism, etc are also good, but AI never picked Mysticism.. Easier abuse AI.. But if nice enabled and disabled MOD too.. It depends on much maps.. In the WoG/ERA can realized.. What about you? Maybe Russian HotA bogeys watch us.. And they think if add on HotA too.. Depend on you..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Supreme Hero
posted October 18, 2022 03:35 PM |
I rather stay with ERA than play with modded HotA.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 20, 2022 05:35 PM |
Good answer, avatar, thus mastered WoG/ERA players than novice HotA played Challenge maps.. An example H4 A GRANDMASTER'S CHALLENGE map.. Is impossible or he beat the map and called GM himself and shared other.. I mock.. I don't play them.. But HotA should be hard-core version for on the way to MP.. A very good 3 voter said Difficulty MOD One yet.. My map reads "And very difficult as other kingdoms and countries, we need the elite hero to overcome.." just sometimes.. Later on WoG/ERA.. When everyone version is one.. Now's only you find my H4WoW and H3 HotA..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Legendary Hero
posted October 24, 2022 10:08 PM |
Its easy. Always we can have great unifiaction. If we not have completly opposite mods eg. two different kinds of city modifiactions we should have all in one place.
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted October 25, 2022 11:50 AM |
Edited by RerryR at 11:53, 25 Oct 2022.
HotA could do many things, the problem is, they just don't. All suggestions are in vain.
Good that we have Berserker and a great community that created and pushed ERA to a level that it can function as a full modding platform, giving the modders all tools they need.
I don't think a platform that provides the advantages of both ERA and HotA will ever exist. And if it exists, the amount of work to bring it on level will be too much to handle, so it would be stuck somewhere in the middle.
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 12, 2022 01:30 PM |
Other things.. WTF AIs have more than 50 Primary Skills, one AI has 80 Defence.. My stats are in about 20.. I'm playing Insane lvl and ACM.. Payday is always 1.. Should I take Water or Fire? My hero is Elementalist.. I'm waiting for Offense and Armorer.. and alliance is Neutral..
Yes HotA.. Not needed MOD but add on difficulty lvl.. And then if some beat the Extreme, for example, and it opens to Insane.. I remember that some games can't play maximum difficulty lvl before beat the lvl.. Ok players can show their difficulty lvl for Elite..
I talked about Difficulty MOD..
Fight MWMs - stand teach
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 14, 2022 05:36 PM |
I be able to Extreme in Giant maps.. Not Insane.. So I test lesser maps with Extreme lvl now.. Insane and Giant map, I won two times.. Now's Extreme things.. It after Insane, my practising.. NB! I'm playing ACM, so different Diplomacy.. I know 100% Illusion world II, so I'm very undefetable.. Even if I'm not young now.. An old stats are 2-4 months o beat the map in the RoE.. Now's Insane lvl plus AI stack experience and Human AI.. It can't play free.. You must always play Green flag, because of Green AI crashes the game.. Ok Illusion world II is saved now.. Later on I play then..
I want be HotA changes difficulty lvl.. They add on
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