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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Wake of Gods] - Introduction/Modding/Scripting
Thread: [Wake of Gods] - Introduction/Modding/Scripting This thread is 33 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 29 30 31 32 33 · NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted March 04, 2010 04:03 PM bonus applied by angelito on 05 Mar 2010.
Edited by gnollking at 16:09, 08 Nov 2010.

[Wake of Gods] - Introduction/Modding/Scripting

             ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
            (¸.•´ (¸.•( -Welcome-

"Heroes of Might and Magic III - In the Wake of Gods" is many different things to many different Heroes 3 players (WoGify scripts, new features, custom WoG maps, new monsters, new objects and new artifacts), but first and foremost it is a highly-customizable toolbox for both map makers and players alike.
Here are short descriptions of WoG features:

ERM Scripting Language: ERM (Event Related Model) is an extensive and powerful scripting language. ERM scriptwriters can simulate new objects, artifacts, creature abilities, rules of play, and so much more. ERM can be used by map makers to create story-driven adventures, or by players to create and share global scripts that may be used in every game they play.

WoGification: WoG Team members have already written dozens of complex scripts using ERM that may be individually turned on or off for a given game. Existing Heroes maps, including random maps, can be "wogified" to include these scripts chosen by the player, some of which may even add new scripted objects or artifacts to the game. No two WoG games ever need be the same with the thousands upon thousands of script combinations available.

New Monsters, New Artifacts and New Objects: WoG includes about two dozen new hard-coded monsters (although many are currently based on existing creatures) and several new unique objects (such as preprogrammed riddle Sphinxes) and new artifacts (like the new combination artifact know as the Barbarian Lord's Axe of Ferocity) as well as a selection of new "blank" objects and artifacts, ideal for scripting.

New Features: WoG includes many new and exciting hard-coded features such as Commanders (a battlefield creature that gains experience and player-selected skills, and can even use special Commander Artifacts), Town Demolition (rebuild it into another town type when it's fully destroyed), Arrow Tower Experience (defend a town long enough and its towers will be truly formidable!), Creature Stack Experience (every stack will accumulate experience from battle and advance in ranks, gaining higher stats and new abilities), and even more! These hard-coded features may be selected in the same way that WoGify scripts are chosen or they may enabled by map makers for custom-created maps.

Join thousands of excited Heroes III WoG players and explore with us the Wonderful World of WoG!

As it has beed said before, WoG brings a lot of new features to the game. The purpose of this thread is to teach people how to use the possibilities. Anyone, who knows anything about Modding or ERM Scripting, or can do something special, that affects the game, is free to post his/her guide here.
On this first post, you can find the Index of the thread, witch I update very often. Then there are Links to other modding/scripting threads here in HC. Also, you can download the latest and best modding tools for WoG right here. And then start the guides. There are quite a lot of guides, and the amount just keeps growing.

So, have fun with modding/playing WoG  


Reserved Variables For Custom Map Makers - Page 1, Post 1, (e)
Links to other great modding threads in HC - Page 1, Post 1, (u)
Download WoG Modding Tools - Page 1, Post 1, (u)
Text File Information - Page 1, Post 1, (u)
Useful Tricks - Page 1, Post 1, (u)
How to Make a Def - by GnollKing - Page 1, Post 1
Wog file deeply explained - Page 1, Post 5
Making a Map Animation for a Creature - by GnollKing - Page 2, Post 5
List of all useful Defs - by NMN - Page 3, Post 2
Assignments of colours of the graphic palette of HoMM 3 files - by FCst1 - Page 3, Post 5
Making a .wog File - by GnollKing - Page 3, Post 8
Changing the creatures summoned by the "Summon - Elemental" -spell - by OxFEA - Page 3, Post 10 (e)
How to make an artifact with ERM - Part 1 - by GnollKing - Page 3, Post 15 (e)  -Primary Skill Bonuses.
How to make an artifact with ERM - Part 2 - by GnollKing - Page 3, Post 16 (e)  -Morale, Luck, and Spell adding.
How to make an artifact with ERM - Part 3 - by GnollKing - Page 4, Post 1 (e)  -Secondary Skill adding.
How to make an artifact with ERM - Part 4 - by GnollKing - Page 4, Post 10 (e)  -Give resources each week.
How to Edit Creature Stats - by GnollKing - Page 4, Post 13
How to change towns line-up only for one map - by LizardWarrior - Page 5, Post 20 (e)

Note: the "(u)" means that the guide/info will be updated from time to time, and the "(e)" means the guide/info is an ERM guide/info.

Reserved Variables For Custom Map Makers

Flag 500-599
Dialogs 50-59
ERM Numbers 800-899

You can use these variables without a fear that your script wont work with other pre-made WoG Scripts.

Links to other great modding threads in HC

WoG battle guide for Dummies - (ERM) - by Salamandre
Guide to create unique abilities for your creatures - (ERM) - by Salamandre
Bigjockers creature changing tutorial - by BigJocker
EliteKills Photoshop Monster Making Guide! - by EliteKill
Modify a creature and make moving animation - by Dmad
Editing creatures with 3Ds MAX, improving geometry and rendering - by Vladud2000
Convert Age of Mythology units to Heroes3 using 3DS - by Itsjustme
Creature&Animation Making Guide - by LizardWarrior

Download Tools for WoG Modding

Text Edit - Edit Heroes III Text files.
Def Preview - View all kinds of Defs.
DefTool - Create all kinds of Defs. Latest version is v.3.2.1.
ResEdit 2 - Open HoMM 1-4 resource files (in Heroes 3 they are lods).
HoMM3 Palette - Standard Palette for Heroes 3.
ERM Tools - ERM Scripter and ERM Script Master.
MMArchive v.1.0.2 - You can use this tool instead of ResEdit2 when opening Heroes 3 files. Great tool by GrayFace.
-Original thread by GrayFace here.

Purposes of Text Files:

ARRAYTXT.TXT - Many purposes. Hero, creature, town, etc..
ARTEVENT.TXT - Messages that are displayed when you pick up an artifact.
ARTRAITS.TXT - Artifact names, positions on the hero (head, torso..).
BLDGNEUT.TXT - Some buildings' descriptions (mage guild, town hall..).
BLDGSPEC.TXT - More buildings' descriptions.
BUILDING.TXT - The cost of all special buildings in all towns.
CRANIM.TXT - Some important creature text file (I have no idea ).
CREDITS.TXT - Credits.
CRGEN1.TXT - Creature Dwelling names (on the adv. map).
CRGEN4.TXT - More Dwelling names..
CRTRAITS.TXT - Creature's names and stats.
DWELLING.TXT - Creature Dwelling names (on all towns).
GENRLTXT.TXT - "Miscellaneous and Unorganized Game Text".
HCTRAITS.TXT - Hero Class names, etc..
HEROBIOS.TXT - Hero Bios .
HEROSPEC.TXT - Hero Specialties (only names and descriptions..).
HOTRAITS.TXT - Hero names, starting troops, etc..
MINEEVNT.TXT - Messages, that are displayed, when capturing a mine.
MINENAME.TXT - Mine names..
RANDSIGN.TXT - Random sign texts.
RANDTVRN.TXT - Random tavern rumors.
RESTYPES.TXT - Resource types (names).
SPTRAITS.TXT - Spell names, what magic type they belong to, etc..
SSTRAITS.TXT - Secondary Skill names, descriptions..
TOWNNAME.TXT - Town names.
TOWNTYPE.TXT - Town types.

ZCREXP.TXT - Stack Experience text file (names, etc..).
ZCRGN1.TXT - WoG Creature Dwelling's names (on the adv. map).
ZCRTRAIT.TXT - Creature's stats and names (including WoG).
ZMESS00.TXT - All the new WoG messages.
ZNPC00.TXT - Commander text file.
ZNPC01.TXT - Commander names and biographies.
ZREDITS.TXT - WoG credits.
ZSPHINX0.TXT - Sphinx questions and answers.

Sure there are more, but these are the most important ones..
To edit these files, you need the Text Editor, to get the files, you'll need the ResEdit and open h3bitmap.lod.

All the WoG text files names' start with a "Z", so they are in the end. If you edit text files, that will not start with a Z, you will edit also the original game.

When you have finished editing a text file, you don't need to get it back to the lod, just place it to /data folder and it works. More information on the next part (below). You can explore all the text files and change anything you want. Just by removing them from the folder returns the files to normal .

Some useful tricks you should know:

When you have took text files from h3bitmap.lod with ResEdit, and edited them with Text Edit, you don't have to get them inside the lod for them to work. When placing the edited text files to /data folder, they will work. When you take them away from data folder, they will stop working.
It works also for sounds and bitmaps, under a few constraints:

1) Hero portraits bitmaps, use same name but change format to pcx. It will work from /data
2) Combat sounds: same name, but change manually extension to .82m. It will work from /data
3) Adventure map sounds: not need to change anything, place the new LOOP[...].wavs in /data. It will run from there.
4) City internal buildings: same name, change format to .pcx. It displays from /data
5) Battlefields: same as above.

How to make a Def using the DefTool

Well, first, you will need the DefTool.
Then we can begin.

When you open the tool it looks like this:

As you can see, there are many different types of Defs. In this tutorial I'll explain how to make a creature.
Okay, now we move to the "Frames" section:

Okay, I chose the moving bitmaps and added them to "Moving" part on the left. When all of these are done (get hit, die, defend, attack up, and so on..), we move to the "Shadow" section:

By clicking "Generate" - the tool automatically generates the shadow for all of the frames .
Then we go back to the "General" section. When everything is done (all frames, the shadow), you have to choose the path to you def:

You could also add the path to a .lod file - so it would go straight into the h3sprite.lod.
The final step is to click the "Make def" -button:

And the def is complete .
Very simple, when you know how to .


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 04, 2010 04:11 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 16:16, 04 Mar 2010.

Very good and long waited, hope it will get rid of daily thousand questions about how to do it. Maybe this can be stickied?

I would add:

When writing defs or bitmaps names put them in vertical order:


Note that those text files read the spaces as letters, so select all your text (will be highlighted in blue) and check if some "spaces" are included in it, delete them with "delete" key, otherwise install will pop an error.


Era II mods and utilities

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Supreme Hero
posted March 04, 2010 04:19 PM

Yes, that is one reason to use the Text Edit - it will not create such spaces.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 04, 2010 04:38 PM

Now that you added it is required, I have no more objections
Era II mods and utilities

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 04, 2010 05:41 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 17:45, 04 Mar 2010.

Wog file deeply explained (russian forums source)

Files. Wog - it is renamed files. Rar. You can use any level of compression in WinRAR. Inside can be any files, but should contain the following control files:

List of files to insert in h3bitmap.lod, each following file on a new line

List of files to insert in h3sprite.lod, each following file on a new line

In some archives have VIDEO.txt. it is not required, but, apparently controls files VIDEO.VID, in the same manner as h3bitmap.txt and h3sprite.txt.

sections contain the names of files to be unpacked first, and contain the files of pictures and background music, respectively.

On the new line is the file name under which it will be displayed during installation

The new line is more information - usually information about the author and a brief description. Linefeed should not be, otherwise the text on a new line is ignored.

ERM Help & Scripter

Packed on 25.08.2004

Used to modify the registry.
On the first line is the path to the key. The key is created inside the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Then comes the list of assigned attributes like "attribute" = "value" for string keys, and "attribute" = dword: value for the numbers.
It seems possible to create only one key and the parameters within it.
Software\New Life of Heroes\Heroes of Might and Magic III\3.5

There are commands like:
XXXX "parameter" W + "option 2"
XXXX - team.
W + means that the operation is performed in a folder of Heroes. Some commands support other  folders:
P + menu "Programs" in the "Start"
I + desktop
If none of the above is not specified, the operation is performed in the temporary folder.

VERS "option"
Unknown. Perhaps the version of syntax. Typically, you use the "C" or "A".

DELL "File" W + "Folder"
Removes the file (s) in the folder. Under "file" you can specify any mask.
DELL "*.*" W+"erm_help\images\"

You can delete folders:
DELL "format" W+"erm_help\"

UNRA "File" W + "Folder"
Extracts a file from the archive into a specified folder. If the folder where to copy does not exist, then it is created.
As the parameter "file" may go some masks, for example, "*.*"
Note: Not all masks are supported, for example, the UNRA "script *.*" W + extract all the files, not just those that begin with "script".
UNRA "Mapmaker Tools.txt" W+"erm_s\"

EXEC "File" W + "Folder"
Runs the specified file from the specified folder. Under "file" you can specify a mask.
Note: files are run at the end of the installation, so you can not delete files after a running start.

CMPC "files" W + "Folder"
Copies files in a folder. Under "Files" you can use a mask. It should contain the full path to the directory of Heroes.
Warning: copy does not occur if the folder where to copy does not exist.
CMPC "erm_help\*.*" W+"erm_help\backup\"

SRCH "File" W + "message"
Checks if the specified file. If the file does not exist, displays the specified message. Can search for files by mask. If at least one file matching mask, the message is not displayed.
The message can consist of several lines, but instead of a newline should be written @ @.
All existing wog-file is used simply to display messages.
SRCH "--------.---" W+"ERM Help and Tools are installed successfully"

MDIR "folder name" W + "path"
Create a folder in the specified location. Supports and W +, and P +, and I +.
MDIR "New Life of Heroes" P+

ICON "name tag" I + "path"
Creates a shortcut. Supports only the P + and I +. Creates a shortcut in the specified command in the directory.
MDIR "New Life of Heroes" P+
ICON "ERM Script Editor for Heroes III In the Wake of Gods" P+"erm_s\erm_s.exe"

Here are some of the commands in the file action.txt:

COPY "The name of the copied file" "name copied (output) file"
This command copies the file, and copying occurs in the same folder and copying the file name changes.

UNR2 "File Name" W + "Folder \"
This command retrieves the file only if file with that name is not in the directory where the file should be removed. If such a file with that name already exists, then the file will not be extracted from the WoG files.
By Demiurg, Bes, sergroj, Black Phantom, Michaniki
Era II mods and utilities

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Famous Hero
posted March 04, 2010 05:41 PM

Great guide, Gnollking! Even though I won't be using it in near future, it will only be a matter of time til I finally decide to try and mod a bit
I say give a QP to the man!

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Supreme Hero
posted March 04, 2010 05:48 PM

@Salamandre, I've seen that thread on the Russian forums, good thing you added it here, I didn't have time to add it, and the Google translator doesn't translate so good, so it's sometimes hard to understand, but anyways, .

Great guide, Gnollking!

Thanks, it was Salamandre who suggested me to do it, so it could be stickied, and every single people could just check here instead of creating new threads with the same questions all the time .

It will only be a matter of time til I finally decide to try and mod a bit

Great! There's always room for new modders .

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 04:01 AM

-When you have took text files from h3bitmap.lod with ResEdit, and edited them with Text Edit, you don't have to get them inside the lod for them to work. When placing the edited text files to /data folder, they will work. When you take them away from data folder, they will stop working. This works for text files only, not for defs or bitmaps, only text files.

It works also for sounds and bitmaps, under a few constraints:

1) Hero portraits bitmaps, use same name but change format to pcx. It will work from DATA
2) Combat sounds: same name, but change manually extension to .82m. It will work from DATA
3) Adventure map sounds: not need to change anything, place the new LOOP[...].wavs in Data. It will run from there.
4) City internal buildings: same name, change format to .pcx. It displays from DATA
5) Battlefields: same as above.

Did I forget something?
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 04:58 AM
Edited by sheldenzaire at 05:35, 05 Mar 2010.

i tried to make a wog file using the new artifacts made by astaroth

heres the LINK

i followed ur tut but stil it gives me an error =(

these is what i did, pls check if i have done wrong in my procedure:

i made this 5 txt files as needed:



H3BITMAP.TXT -> i leave it blank since there are no bmp files needed to be superceded

H3SPRITE.TXT -> i put the names of all defs (names of Artifacts) that to be replaced

New Hero Artifacts (optional)

Ver 3.58f



then i packed them to rar together with the defs/msk/msg files.. and named it to .wog.. then i when i tried to installed it says its broken =(

i guess its in the ACTION.TXT part that i get wrong.. dont really understand what to input there..

sorry for my english..  im only a 14 yrs old asian...

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 05:13 AM

The file you posted is not in wog format. Then I don't see the text files inside.

Add inside the text files, then rename it to anything with .wog extension at the end.
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 05:32 AM

the link that i posted is not actually my wog file, ^^

i only got that file in this thread:


u also said there "No matter what is the compression, you can open it and see that there are defs/msk/msg files inside. Rename the extension to .rar, unrar it, voila, you have the artefacts"

so thats what i did, i extracted defs/msk/msg files inside then i make the 5 txt files needed then packed them again to rar then renamed it to wog...

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 05:40 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 05:41, 05 Mar 2010.

sheldenzaire, UPLOAD the wog file you made and you will be told what is wrong.
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 06:06 AM
Edited by sheldenzaire at 06:07, 05 Mar 2010.


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 06:08 AM

Check previous messages:

Now open your h3sprites.txt and get rid of the space at the end of the list. Other that, I think it is correct.
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 06:43 AM

still error, heres screenshot of what is in H3SPRITE.TXT

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 06:57 AM

In Heroes folder, open woglogs folder, then the last WoGDebugxx.txt, and paste it here.
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 07:03 AM

InstallShield Ver 2.65
Lang.: 00000409
Time: 1:38:42 PM
Freespace: 11151843328
Installpath: D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\
Programs: C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Start Menu\Programs\
Desktop: D:\Desktop\
Language file was found
Check Unrar.dll version; Vesion=3
Start searching for multilanguage files
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog - OK.  size of file: 166396
Extract Information File  - OK
 General label was found  - OK
 About label was found  - OK
Extracting complete
Stop searching for multilanguage files
Choose companents for install
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog is checking
End of Choose components for install
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogInstMult.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogExtract H3bitmap.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogADD H3bitmap.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogExtract H3Sprite.txt - OK
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\Data\H3sprite.lod Size = 87206228
Critical error in file D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\InstallWoG\ZART152.DEF , install aborted
Erro in action: Create file
End installing with error

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 05, 2010 07:08 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 07:12, 05 Mar 2010.


Critical error in file D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\InstallWoG\ZART152.DEF , install aborted

As I told you, there is a space between ZART152.DEF and the ",". Use "delete" key to get rid of it. It can be clearly seen, even here.

HERE is the corrected H3sprite.txt. Replace yours with this one.
Era II mods and utilities

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 07:12 AM
Edited by sheldenzaire at 07:13, 05 Mar 2010.

fixed! yes its finally installed thnk u salamander for help and patience  ^^

InstallShield Ver 2.65
Lang.: 00000409
Time: 2:12:24 PM
Freespace: 11151822848
Installpath: D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\
Programs: C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Start Menu\Programs\
Desktop: D:\Desktop\
Language file was found
Check Unrar.dll version; Vesion=3
Start searching for multilanguage files
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog - OK.  size of file: 166393
Extract Information File  - OK
 General label was found  - OK
 About label was found  - OK
Extracting complete
Stop searching for multilanguage files
Choose companents for install
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog is checking
End of Choose components for install
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wog
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogInstMult.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogExtract H3bitmap.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogADD H3bitmap.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogExtract H3Sprite.txt - OK
D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\Data\H3sprite.lod Size = 87363795
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogADD H3sprite.txt - OK
Installing is D:\Lee\HOMM3 test\UPDATE\Arts.wogActiont.txt - OK
End installing without error

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Adventuring Hero
posted March 05, 2010 09:15 AM

can u also teach us how to make "Units on a Map" using the pre-made defs.. coz i downloaded some defs HERE but a lot of them dont have a defs for map.. what are the tools we need except photoshop coz i suck with it...

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