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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 19, 2025 08:13 PM |
Poll Question: Resistance VS Interference
I am NOT asking which skill is better, I'm asking which skill concept you like most?

Adventuring Hero
posted March 20, 2025 05:35 AM |
I would rather they changed Resistance to just reduce the damage of spells and number of rounds of debuffs instead.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 20, 2025 06:55 AM |
Is'nt that the way Interference works right now?
Ahh I see, so only for damage spells and debuffs.

Supreme Hero
posted March 20, 2025 03:48 PM |
I think both have their place, but overall Interference feels better implemented.
The Resistance trigger can be pretty brutal; you can only cast once spell each turn and the spells have very decisive element in them. How you're using your spells is the core element of Homm3 gameplay and choice making. I think the problem with Resistance in Homm3 is that the skill doesn't do anything before the final battle, which is basically the climax of the whole game. Then, the Resistance just adds another layer of luck to game. Now, I'm not personally against luck and like the overall RNG elements in the game. However, I would really want the most decisive battles to be as luck-free as possible, as the game more or less just ends after that. Basically, I want the feeling that I was able to beat the other guy fair and square, and if I had lost, I would want want the feeling that the battle was won because the other player managed to play better.
Designwise, Resistance is at it's strongest, when the ability is put on specific creature. Crystal Dragons are a type of creature where you really want to see this type of ability, as they're a real threat, but they're also really hard to obtain. Having this type of defensive layer on them is a good insurance. Then there are the Unicorns, that provide the aura of magic resistance. Whereas it can provide protection for any creature, the Unicorns themselves don't have resistance and therefore there's always an option to kill the Unicorns fist, if you don't was to risk getting screwed.
Dwarf resistance on the other hand usually isn't very valuable, and adds only slight inconvenience in PvE battles. In hero vs hero scenario, they just aren't the most threatening powerstack. There's another target should be deal first, so Dwarfs are usually only "targeted" with Expert slow, and if they didn't get affected, well, it's not a big deal.
Interference is by no means my favorite skill, but I feel Hota managed to create pretty good and balanced tool against magic.

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 20, 2025 04:12 PM |
I think I prefer Resistance, but I don't really like either skill. Both have the Eagle Eye problem where they are only useful for Hero Vs Hero combat.
While I don't play Jebus cross style maps so the "final battle" problem isn't one, there is still only so many hero fights in a game and not all of them will involve spells.
The bigger problem though is that they are the only? skills (tactics I'll give a half point) which actively take away from your opponent's gameplay. You go into a fight expecting to be able to do certain things and suddenly your spells only last 1 turn, or your mass slow does nothing. At least with Resistance you can still buff your own troops.
On the other other hand, magic does need something to reign it in, but maybe that should be on an all of magic overhaul rather than taking a skill just to annoy an enemy hero.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Known Hero
posted March 20, 2025 04:40 PM |
phoenix4ever said: I am NOT asking which skill is better, I'm asking which skill concept you like most?
So, what skill (concept) is better?
Yeah it's frustrating because it's an anti= so it doesn't do anything unless there is something to oppose.
I'll use interference with resistance as a unit spec.
re: Lord Cameron
units can have magic damage resistance of lvl*7 otherwise you're ALWAYS hitting the higher lvls, or a low level=innate magical resistance.
I'm sure the designer intended unit levels to actually have a purpose but forgot.
edit: forgot why are we even using either/or in the first place?
Interference for artifacts only, resistance for unit abilities.
Don't you feel better now forgoting to have to worry about something so stupid?
edit2: you do feel kinda sad Ignatius has lost his specialty nostalgia.. i dunno
solution: interference as a hero spec. NOT available as sec.skill

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 20, 2025 05:17 PM |
Yeah I kinda agree both skills have their place.
The problem with Resistance is that if you want to resurrect Gold or Black Dragons, you need Orb of Vulnerability and that artifact makes Resistance skill and specialty completely useless. (3 Rampart heroes, outside HotA, start with it and 1 Dungeon hero.)
The problem with Interference, is that it does'nt protect against Slow, Berserk, Blind etc., making these spells even more OP.
And Giselle seems pretty broken, as she can easily reduce enemies Power to 1!
If you talk about "reducing luck of the gameplay", should morale and luck also be removed then?

Supreme Hero
posted March 20, 2025 06:46 PM |
Phoenix4ever said: @Hourglass
The problem with Interference, is that it does'nt protect against Slow, Berserk, Blind etc., making these spells even more OP.
And Giselle seems pretty broken, as she can easily reduce enemies Power to 1!
You're right about Berserk, Resistance does indeed help against it, whereas Interference does nothing. Personally I think this is even a good thing, as by side effect, Fire magic becomes slightly better than it was originally.
The duration decrease isn't indeed super valuable, but does occasionally come into play. Whereas Resistance fully protects against Slow, the usual outcome is that a single unit in your army doesn't get debuffed. As the spell is usually cast to gain speed advantage, as long as the fastest creature doesn't avoid the spell, the Slow cast basically does what it's supposed to, and then the Resistance isn't actually fulfilling the niche it's supposed to.
On the other hand, Interference helps against resurrection and summon spells, the latter being one of the more bigger selling points of the skill.
Phoenix4ever said:
If you talk about "reducing luck of the gameplay", should morale and luck also be removed then?
Well, as I said earlier, I'm not against luck elements in the game. I think morale especially makes the game really interesting, many battles - especially those fought against normal enemies in the wild - would become way too straightforward, if morale was not a thing.
What I really meant is that I don't really like unnecessary layers of luck it the final battle-type of scenario. Resistance just adds that; 95% it doesn't serve a purpose, and just adds luck element to the final battle. And the effect is like super hard to balance - it's either the worst or best skill you have. Sure, having constant morale procs would also be pretty lame, but I don't see morale, luck or any other type RMG as unhealthy for the final battle as resistance provides.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 20, 2025 07:38 PM |
Cool, always nice to hear your opinion.
The impact of even 1 out of 7 units resisting Slow can be pretty great though, it might prevent you from getting completely bum rushed by the opponent, as the unit that resisted will get it's turn faster, allowing you to get initiative and perhaps cast Mass Haste, Mass Slow or something else sooner.
So I don't think Resistance is to be underestimated, although it is completely random and unpredictable.

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 21, 2025 03:10 AM |
purerogue3 said:
solution: interference as a hero spec. NOT available as sec.skill
Now this is fun.
What are Homm Songs based on?


Hired Hero
posted March 21, 2025 09:27 AM |
I think is it good to have both. Resistance isn't very useful for random MP but Interference is.
On the other hand I played some custom maps where the strongest AI heroes had resistance (plus the arti-combo). That made fights harder than just mere primary skill boosts.

Known Hero
posted March 21, 2025 03:53 PM |
LordCameron said: Now this is fun.
Thanks! Made my day.
Estates is another one where this works, as having it as a sec. skill encourages hero-farming, whereas if it scales with lvl you cannot milk it through Unis/witch huts.
What version do play? If you hex edit I can share with you the changes when I have done them.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted March 21, 2025 03:57 PM |
To the people that says they like both Resistance and Interference, do you guys allow both skills then?
Does the heroes that start with Resistance or Interference start with Resistance or Interference then?
Also what about Giselle, is'nt she extremely OP?...

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 21, 2025 05:01 PM |
Would Interference be better or worse if it increased spell costs instead of decreasing Spell Power?
Was trying to thinking it through this morning.
What version do play? If you hex edit I can share with you the changes when I have done them.
I play everything. ERA, HOTA, MOP, SOD, SOD with plugins, AH3M.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Known Hero
posted March 21, 2025 05:27 PM |
Do you implement your ideas in Era (or any other platform)?

Known Hero
posted March 21, 2025 05:32 PM |
LordCameron said: Would Interference be better or worse if it increased spell costs instead of decreasing Spell Power?
One reduces knowledge..
That could be another ability, or the same

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 21, 2025 09:19 PM |
purerogue3 said: @LC
Do you implement your ideas in Era (or any other platform)?
I'm not good at any of the skills, so a tiny tiny bit of hex editing for Hota, and then a bit of Era scripting, a bit of using the text editor program for SOD which doesn't come to mind at the moment, and then house rules for the rest where I can.

Legendary Hero
posted March 22, 2025 05:12 AM |
LordCameron said: Would Interference be better or worse if it increased spell costs instead of decreasing Spell Power?
Define better. Unless you're fighting tons of exhaustion battles, it would have almost insignificant effects.

Known Hero
posted March 23, 2025 10:19 AM |
I'd think an other solution would be to "mix" effects : Lets call it "Resistfance" or "Interstance"... or "this skill"
- If spell is a damaging spell, decrease the damage by the % of "this skill"
- If the spell is a "non damaging spell" you have a % to resist depending of %"this skill".
So lets say you have 30% on "this skill" :
- You'll or resist with 30% chances to any slow or curse spell. And then I suggest it also works on "petrify" or "age" or other passives from creatures (to make the skill a bit of use out of fights against other heroes because I find unfair to get skills only of use in very few fights on entire game when offense for example helps you all the time)
- You'll have a 30% golem type protection from damaging spells (so no total miss for a "fail chain lightning" for example).
I suggest then for the actual golems it cummulates (you'll have -50% for your golems and -30% on the reduced damage to them, no add [50%+30%] to get the bonus or golems will be soon immune to magic)
Just to be cautious to not let "this skill" to approach the 100% in combination with skill, artifacts and speciality... If so, you'll be immune to spells.
Have fun in modding.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted March 23, 2025 10:45 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 10:56, 23 Mar 2025.
I like more H4 style..
In H4 Resistance decreases spell damages also Slow, etc
And then Protection from the Water, etc against Ice Bolt also Prayer in the same 50%.. Yes it gives less 50% damage from alliance, an example Water is Castle, so Inferno casts Protection from the Water.. It also works against Faerie Dragon's Ice Bolt..
But terrible OP, when Counterstrike, Fire Shield, etc your fear has diminished..
Earth = Mass Order Ward causes all friendly targets to become 50% resistant to Nature spells, and increases their Melee and Ranged Defense by 50% against Order-aligned opponents.
X Magic Resistance gives the hero the ability to resist hostile spells x% of the time.
Fight MWMs - stand teach