Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 06:20 PM |
Ok now i get what you were trying to say. I didn't realize that was the way the hero portraits command worked. Thanks for your patience
I will work this out. Maybe i will make the sea creatures Conflux creatures. I don't know. It's a shame though, i did like the idea of the war machines having their own blacksmith background (like in the pic i posted on my previous post). Maybe in the future the ERA team will unlock the faction number and make it possible to add more to it (like i heard they did with the heroes classes).
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 05, 2011 06:29 PM |
At last instance, it can be done with DL trigger. The image you need to extract is CrStkPu.bmp, paste it in a template, and add manually the background and war machine stats. When click on war machines, bring this dialog instead of regular. With GrayFace dialog tool, it is not hard to make such.
Era II mods and utilities
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 07:08 PM |
No, because then it wouldn't be homogenous and the war machines animation wouldn't be shown as in all the other creatures.
Never mind, i will find a solution. Maybe i'll just go back to the original neutral background.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Famous Hero
posted October 05, 2011 07:25 PM |
I modded the exe to accept four more backgrounds. I hope that will be enough for you (I tried to make a *.bin patch, but it didn't work for some reason). The backgrounds are changed everywhere except in castle window however if you are going to use it for war machines and neutrals, this will not be visible.
Below is a table of creature subtypes and filenames.
Subtype Image file name
10 CrBkBlk.pcx
11 CrBkSea.pcx
12 CrBk012.pcx
13 CrBk013.pcx
Somewhere inside the code there's a check for creature number and if you set alignment of a creature that's recruited in town to new value, ERM error message will pop up after building its dwelling, but it can be ignored
Report if you encounter any bugs.
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 07:37 PM |
Edited by Bersy at 19:39, 05 Oct 2011.
cd "c:\Era\Tools\BinMagic 1.0\"
diff.bat "c:\h\h3Era.exe" "c:\Phoenix\NewCrBkgs.exe" res.txt
; Applies to = Memory
; Generator = BinMagic
00400318 142A6800042A6800F4296800E42968...
00449650 1C0340
00550012 1C0340
00551E38 1C0340
005F5453 1C0340
Enlarged array + fixed references?
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 08:21 PM |
Wow, wait... The exe will replace the original one? And the pcx files are to be placed in the Data folder, or to H3bitmap? And then must i have the war machines assigned to the new factions (11-14)?
Furthermore, in ERA the war machines act as recruitable creatures (there is a plugin that allows all war machines in any blacksmith and i intend to use it). So will that be a problem?
Are you answering for the same problem? Because if you did i didn't really understand what you were suggesting.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 09:06 PM |
Edited by JimV at 20:18, 03 Nov 2011.
Meanwhile, on the minor issue of changing a battle stack's town type, as I suspected it can be done with UN:C pokes. The following demo script works for Era 1.8 and WoG 3.58f on a Windows 7 system and WoG 3.58f on a Windows 98 system (after revising the address).
* StackTownType, JHV, Oct. 5, 2011
* change Town Type (MA:O) of a stack after battle starts
* uses v32 and v33 as permanent variables
!#VRv32:S-1; Town Type, starting as Neutral
!#UN:C6919200/4/?v33; block address
!#VRv33:+21824; full block address + offset to stack 0
* fill seven defender stacks with 1 Pikeman for demo
!!BA:M1/0/0/1 M1/1/0/1 M1/2/0/1 M1/3/0/1 M1/4/0/1 M1/5/0/1 M1/6/0/1;
!?BF; after stacks set, change Town Types to v32
!!DO999/0/41/1:P; do stacks 0-41
!!VRv32:+1; inc. town/faction type for next battle
!?FU999; x16=stack #, v32=town type
!!BMx16:B?y1; y1=number in stack at start
!!VRy2:Sx16*1352+v33; address of stack Town Type
!!UN:Cy2/4/v32; set Town Type to v32 (Neutral in battle 1, Castle in Battle 2, etc.)
I have not done a lot of testing, just five Heroes starts (to get different block addresses), and three or four battles per start, but so far it has worked every time on my system. I added the script to my "XFiles Test" demo map, for (local) testing.
Update - I moved the two VRv32 commands from the end of the BF trigger to the end of FU999, so that the seven stacks of Pikemen defenders would each have a different town type in battle. (I believe that this will not affect their morale bonus which is set at the beginning of the battle, but only their background pictures.) The version of the "XFiles Test" demo map with this script has been added to XFiles.zip at http://www.box.net/shared/1n069e3vc5vixc8l1zk5 - again, this package requires Era, and was tested under Era 1.8.
Update Nov. 3, 2011 - The UN:C address given previously only works on certain systems. The revised address (above) should work on all systems. {I learned about the problem with dynamic addresses yesterday from Bersy.)
Famous Hero
posted October 05, 2011 09:19 PM |
Enlarged array + fixed references?
Wow, wait... The exe will replace the original one?
This exe is to be used instead of original exe. You may rename it whatever you like, H3HoL.exe for example.
And the pcx files are to be placed in the Data folder, or to H3bitmap?
Both ways will work
And then must i have the war machines assigned to the new factions (11-14)?
Change the factions of war machines to 11 and the file CrBkBlk.pcx will be used for background. Use faction number 12 for Your new sea creatures (background file name CrBkSea.pcx). The faction numbers 13-14 are there just as a reserve: you may use them later if you need more special backgrounds.
in ERA the war machines act as recruitable creatures (there is a plugin that allows all war machines in any blacksmith and i intend to use it). So will that be a problem?
Works fine. Tested. Only minor error message after building blacksmith
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 09:22 PM |
Still as i said the modification won't be homogenous as they won't be shown as a castle creature for example at all times. Only in battle.
I will try out Solitaire's exe. Hope it works because enabling more factions is actually cool to have (not only for the War machines but in general).
My only concern is that the factions have some characteristics. For instance they can be Good, Evil or Neutral. They also have a plus bonus to a certain terrain. Finally, they lower morale when with other factions. Are all these requirements met?
Works fine. Tested. Only minor error message after building blacksmith.
That doesn't seem to work fine to me but still i thing i can work this out by letting the War machines belong to faction 10 (as before) and make the Sea creatures a faction 11 (and since they are not recruited in towns i guess there won't be a problem). Or does the same problem occur on external dwellings as well?
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Famous Hero
posted October 05, 2011 09:45 PM |
My only concern is that the factions have some characteristics. For instance they can be Good, Evil or Neutral. They also have a plus bonus to a certain terrain. Finally, they lower morale when with other factions. Are all these requirements met?
The morale penalty for mixing troops of different factions with those already present is applied. The alignment (good, neutral or evil) doesn't seem to be applied (I tested in combat on holy ground, evil fog and clover field and no bonus was applied). Also value returned when getting creature alignment is 8 (as for conflux). They also give each other bonus for "troops of the same alignment"...
Does the same problem occur on external dwellings as well?
Game crashes when entering dwellings. I don't know why. I'll try to fix, but the solution doesn't look as obvious as simply replacing the array with image filenames.
EDIT: I tried to reproduce the crash with debugger attached and it didn't happen. Weird.
Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2011 10:59 PM |
I tried the exe you posted and it doesn't work. I replaced the old one and when i double click on it the game doesn't start at all.
It doesn't really matter though because i think i found a problem that doesn't seem to be fixable. Using this command:
!!MA:O170/10; [Neutral]
The creature is set to Conflux. In fact i think whatever number you set that is larger than 8 will set the creature as Conflux by default. I know this because when i want to set a creature to neutral i use this command:
!!MA:O170/-8; [Neutral] (Note: -8 not 9 which should be the 10th faction)
And it works. It sets the creature to the Neutral creatures faction. So i guess adding pcx files for the factions 11, 12 etc won't matter because they will count as Conflux creatures and so you will be changing Conflux's background.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2011 02:09 PM |
This is era 1.91 executable. It requires some more DLLs than 1.8
I don't think I'm changing conflux's background. I'll check this when I return home.
Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2011 02:23 PM |
Well i don't have ERA 1.91 if you can share a download link then i can try it again.
But even if it doesn't change Conflux's background you said that it crashes when a dwelling is visited. So...
I think it crashes for the reasons i said in my previous posts. The factions have a more complex way of working and since the system doesn't have more than 10 it will be dificult to add more than that. Still, if you manage to find a solution i am willing to try it.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2011 07:05 PM |
Oops. I messed the array with data pointers so conflux's pointer was set to the new one.. The new alignment was not applied at all... In ERM code there was a check if applied creature number is over 8 or less than -1 and sets it to 8 or -1 respectively..
I changed this limit and it now seems to work. I'll now check for crashes and upload it if it works fine
EDIT: download Era 1.9 here. Open this file with any archiver and extract angel.dll and era.dll from it to your WoG folder.
I have redone my modification of creature backgrounds. Crashes don't seem to occur, however if some occur, please tell . The backgrounds filenames for towns are:
TownType Background
09 CrBkgBlk.pcx
10 CrBkgSea.pcx
11 CrBkg011.pcx
12 CrBkg012.pcx
13 CrBkg013.pcx
14 CrBkg014.pcx
15 CrBkg015.pcx
16 CrBkg016.pcx
Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2011 08:10 PM |
I hope it does. The Era you posted says ERArus which means it is in Russian right? Or it doesn't matter? I have the english and don't want to mess it up.
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Famous Hero
posted October 06, 2011 08:12 PM |
If you extract only those two files, they won't change your language.
Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2011 10:21 PM |
I did as you told me but the exe still doesn't work.
It seems to have some problems with the dll files you send me. The game crashes when i enter a map. When i replaced them with my previous ones (thank goodness i had some backup) it works ok.
Look, it's no big deal i'll just use the original background.
Thanks for your time and i hope your effort won't be in vain. It will be nice for all modders to be able to have more factions. I think if you manage to work it as a dll (like an ERA pluggin) it would work better (and then you won't have to mess with the exe).
Anyways, i hope you work it out. If you do, i think you definetly deserve another qp for your achievement
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Known Hero
posted October 07, 2011 12:19 AM |
hello i have a doubt, i don't know the answer because i don't remember the situation before i had modified the heroes multiple times.
when you retreat in a battle, the defeated hero in the tavern will have 1 monster. this happens since shadow of death..and wog/era too, but in the first heroes 3 doesn't happens... is possible to change the situation to restoration of erathia,?
the second question is , and i wonder because only now i saw that the third hero that you recruit in a simple map in a tavern, also has only 1 monster
First hero: the starting hero
second: one of two available in the tavern
third: the next one.
I thought that is a error or a bad code in erm. but it's hard coded
so how i change those "problems", to original restoration of eratia system?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 07, 2011 01:09 AM |
All players requested for this patch, as it made ridiculously easy the first day when starting with tower, Ivor, Bron, Shakti etc. You can set tavern heroes army by simple script (OW:V) but you will encounter many problems, along with totally breaking the balance.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
posted October 07, 2011 05:02 PM |
The game crashes when i enter a map
Could you post the error message you get? The new backgrounds work fine here and nothing crashes in my test map
Anyways, i hope you work it out. If you do, i think you definetly deserve another qp for your achievement
Thank You
EDIT: Uhh... The game crashed when I entered a town that had everything build with wogminastirith cheat code. I'm now looking for particular building that causes the crash.
EDIT2: And it didn't happen. I builded up ALL towns, revisiting them after each building built and no crash occured.