
Undefeatable Hero
posted April 11, 2016 11:49 PM |
alright. i'll give it one last try for today. then i'm going to have to get off my computer and take a break from electronics for awhile.

Famous Hero
posted April 12, 2016 03:41 AM |
Sal, so I've replaced all my variables as you suggested, using z938 to z957. (i hope i didn't miss any lol). But every time I start a battle with my hero, there are a ton of error messages that pass through before the battle begins. Yet, during battle, the artifacts work fine. This only happens when the artifacts are equipped. Here's the latest map version:

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 12, 2016 04:37 AM |
Well, you replaced z vars, but what about functions? You use FU34 which is also used in 3 wog secondary skill text.erm, FU1 which is used in almost scripts (that was obvious), FU64 and so on. Choose a range of 1000 functions which you will use, for example FU9782311 to FU9782411 then stick to it.
Also remove all scripts from map then add them in an external file, then make era mod. There is no purpose using Era if you stick to the old format which makes any real time debug impossible.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 13, 2016 01:48 PM |
Salamandre said: I don't think it depends on version. Just don't add anything to it, create mod, snd lod into mod/data, s folder in Data, add script, test. It works here, all sharp sounds are changed.
Install this mod
Download then install and activate. Remove all your mods except wog then try sharp. Should work.
i followed your instructions, and it doesn't work.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 13, 2016 07:55 PM |
Hi. Is it possibile to add HD edition textures to moded Heroes of Might and Magic III? I have HD mod + Era II + WoG 3.58f + couple of smaller mods and i would like to play with high resolution textures.

Famous Hero
feanor on DF2.ru
posted April 15, 2016 07:26 AM |

Legendary Hero
posted April 15, 2016 10:01 PM |
Is there a reason not to use a !?PI instrution in a generic mod ment to work with other mods on random maps?
I not sure if this can conflict with other scripts, I seam to recall it can but I looked in the Help and didn't found the awser.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 15, 2016 10:09 PM |
PI is telling only when your script is activated, before map load (!#), after map load (PI), on a specific day (!?TM) so it can't conflict with something. Only values can conflict, like vars and functions.
@edit: typos, bought the "super gamer keyboard", where some smart ass thought changing keys pattern will improve typing speed. Along with errors, nothing is where it should be.

Legendary Hero
posted April 15, 2016 11:34 PM |
Salamandre said: PI is telling only when your script is activated, before map load (!#), after map load (PI), on a specific day (!?TM) so it can't conflict with something. Only values can conflict, like vars and functions.
Sorry, I didn't expressed myself clearly, what I ment was I wasn't sure if several !?PI instrutions could coexist, in diffirent scripts activated at the same time.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 15, 2016 11:42 PM |

Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2016 12:08 AM |
Salamandre said: Well, you replaced z vars, but what about functions? You use FU34 which is also used in 3 wog secondary skill text.erm, FU1 which is used in almost scripts (that was obvious), FU64 and so on. Choose a range of 1000 functions which you will use, for example FU9782311 to FU9782411 then stick to it.
Also remove all scripts from map then add them in an external file, then make era mod. There is no purpose using Era if you stick to the old format which makes any real time debug impossible.
Oh wow! I've really been out of time. Ok, so now I realize what those other items on the ERA menu are for lol
I don't have a membership with mediafire, so I uploaded the map and the ERM script separately. I also replaced the !?FU commands as you described. I know it won't make for an official 'mod' but I hope that can still be used to help me

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 16, 2016 01:09 AM |

Legendary Hero
posted April 16, 2016 01:04 PM |
I want to create an object that provides for a battle and offers a reward and then desapears.
For this I'm (for now) using the barrels (TCs 6) and I want then to have a fixed value. But you (Sal) reminded me of the importance of keeping these fights and rewards up to date with other mods and increasing the number of guardians with time.
So this is what I have at the moment:
[Searching for objects to replace with TCs type 6]
[these are the same variables JV uses for TC 5, I saw them used in more then one similar functions
so I'm presuming I can also use them here]
!!UN:U101/6/?v951; [count number of TC6's]
!!VRv952:S-2; [Initialize v952 to last object for faster UN:U format]
!!DO99998/1/v951/1&y3=1/v951>0:P6; [do a loop for each object]
[Function to replace the selected objects with TCs 6]
!?FU99998; x1=TC subtype
[Function to apply fixed values to each box]
!!FU&x1<>6:E; exit if not TC6
!!UN:U101/x1/-2/v4; [get x/y/l of yellow square of object into v952-v954]
!!VRy2:S1 R10;
!!VRy3:S1 R6;
!!VRy4:S1 R6;
If I'm not making any logical mistake, I think I have enouch information in this three variables to immediatly set the guardians and the rewards for each box, so allowing for the script that increases the number of creatures guarding objects to act over their numbers and also any scripts that read information from objects like cons and pandora boxes to read it.
But I never tried to go this way, what else do I need to change to make it work with the WoG scripts? I know you already did it like this but I can't recall where I saw it and if it used the WoG scripts, custom versions or independent code. I know all your maps aren't Wogified, tough.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 16, 2016 03:50 PM |
I think you overcomplicate there. Don't set in stone pandoras on day 1,just place them. Then on visit trigger, script the instant battle. You still have to find a way to keep AI safe of that, for example disable boxes if AI picks (&999) or give him reward without any fight, I would use first option.

Legendary Hero
posted April 16, 2016 04:49 PM |
Salamandre said: I think you overcomplicate there. Don't set in stone pandoras on day 1,just place them. Then on visit trigger, script the instant battle. You still have to find a way to keep AI safe of that, for example disable boxes if AI picks (&999) or give him reward without any fight, I would use first option.
What I'm thinking is giving AI a plus to prims or simply let them be normal treasure chests (is JVs choice but I think these will be rare enouch to give AI something better them 1000 gold).
About the "set to stone" just think of the advantages; if you installed mods that give extra info would you prefer to have that info about a new mod/object you are now installing or not? If you choosed an option that makes creatures in banks grow over time, would you prefer for it to follow the trend or be a completly random thing with coded stereotyped battles?
I have no doubt this is way more complicated but since what I am offering to player is nothing new, I also have little doubt about the necessity of it to merge the scenario. I don't want an object that behaves completly different from anything around, I want something that merges and yet complements the enviroment with some innovation.
You know the feelling, you already excelled in that too with the Adventure Pillars.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 16, 2016 05:42 PM |
Adventure pillars have dynamic pattern, they get more interesting stronger the play is. I mean what we seriously lack in H3 is interesting challenges or rewards for both early and late game, a quest giving 20 gems when you produce 30 a day isn't interesting, while it would even break the game if given day 1.
So my opinion is that everything in H should be modular and dynamic, AI power, neutral monsters, quests and rewards should follow your heroes progression. Then harder your selected difficulty is, better the bonuses should be, or even unique, as in tew3 and 4 where only selecting the hardest settings give access to kick ass abilities. Otherwise the player just think is harder but has no supplementary fun into beating it.
So if it was me, I would set those pandora both to negative and positive outcome, if game is <200%, set a random curse + reward. If game at 200% then reward + special abilities etc. Something which gives to the player the feeling he is rewarded for taking a supplementary challenge.
Era II mods and utilities

Legendary Hero
posted April 16, 2016 06:52 PM |
And you say overcomplicate? The only way I see for that to be acchivable is if I include hero vars in the routine and calculate a challenge based on what I assume to be beatable with just "what he is".
That following my until now unique preference to always play with Second Henchmen will have one of three consequences:1. make Second Henchmen and Adventure Pillars very suitable with the mod; 2. create REALLY challenging battles to all stubborn enouch to continue playing without commander and henchmEn; 3. be so completly ignored as all my other attempts to make a successfull mod.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 16, 2016 06:55 PM |
I don't think is complicated, those are routine scripts, and now SN:W can successfully replace hero w vars.
But first you must have an idea precise of what you want, and then start script, then show it for corrections, if necessary.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted April 16, 2016 07:42 PM |
Salamandre said: So what you need now? Problem solved?
No it doesn't seem to work. Now its not recognizing the scripts at all. I changed the VU values as you said
Can I test these ERM scripts to see if they work using the "old ways" of putting the script in Timed Events. If I make a MOD out of it, will the functions not affect regular game play as well? (random map generated). For example, can you make specific ERM scripts for specific maps generated without them overlapping?

Legendary Hero
posted April 16, 2016 08:16 PM |
I have a very concrete idea of what I want. I want "consummable" battles (customized with all the flavors WoG can offer me, after a large period in the dry land of HotA environment) that put different types of challenges and rewards.
I was initially more inclined to just have fixed levels of difficulty for each box but you convinced me of one thing: it doesn't matter what else do I use, each box will have to take in consideration the hero openning it.
That way if you go there with a level one hero and 1 million dragons you will face a small army and recive a small reward, if you go with The Immortal Hero with a couple of imps you will still face pretty much the same battle then if with full army.
This with fixed seeds will be pretty much cheaters prove (and I am a good one).