Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 25, 2016 10:08 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 22:31, 25 Jul 2016.
on emerald:
doesn't work...
PS: alphase crashes th game if notdisabled, maybe I need to enable it, and install something more?
EDIT: plz code for disabling monster power premmy
doesn't work for me also
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 25, 2016 10:31 PM |
Is not the wand the problem, but the others. Combo can't work with ID>160
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 25, 2016 11:10 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 23:51, 25 Jul 2016.
game crashes with emerald on.
works fine withemerald off.
it crashes every time when trying to save with ctrl+s
Is it possible I use outdated version?
EDIT: it was bad version :|
Famous Hero
posted July 26, 2016 12:33 PM |
Edited by Orc at 13:31, 26 Jul 2016.
and I thought 3.58 is the last version -__-
anyway then I will have to look for 3.59 i guess
Edit: maybe I should just download Era II?
it said on that site that era 2 contains up to date wog
I am installing Era II now, I hope it will work xD
Edit: meh, I could only load game, but when I click new game, the game crashes
anyway while we are at it, why dont we make sub forum for erm help instead of this mega thread? I feel its a little hard to keep track of discussions here :/
maybe I should write this somewhere in some suggestion forum
Known Hero
posted July 26, 2016 12:51 PM |
Orc said: and I thought 3.58 is the last version -__-
anyway then I will have to look for 3.59 i guess
Edit: maybe I should just download Era II?
it said on that site that era 2 contains up to date wog
Install this. (Requires: SoD/Complete, NOT WoG)
Famous Hero
posted July 26, 2016 01:33 PM |
Edited by Orc at 13:46, 26 Jul 2016.
igrik said:
Orc said: and I thought 3.58 is the last version -__-
anyway then I will have to look for 3.59 i guess
Edit: maybe I should just download Era II?
it said on that site that era 2 contains up to date wog
Install this. (Requires: SoD/Complete, NOT WoG)
I will try this one too. both links have the same file name (2.46.exe) but I couldnt start new game on the prev one
maybe because I instal it on hota?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 26, 2016 01:46 PM |
Maybe because your didn't rtfm.
Famous Hero
posted July 26, 2016 01:49 PM |
Edited by Orc at 13:52, 26 Jul 2016.
its the same file. game crashes with same message saying [attempt to read inaccessable data at 0x000000 (i dont know how many zeroes)
and then it showed me the latest executed erm reciever (long code)
it still works on load games, but it crashes when I click new game
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 26, 2016 01:54 PM |
Install Era on SoD or Heroes Complete edition.
Famous Hero
posted July 26, 2016 02:00 PM |
thats what I did and it didnt work
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 26, 2016 02:12 PM |
Then it means either the game or Era aren't properly installed. Heroes 3 should go on C:heroes 3 or whatever but NOT Program Files as the default install suggest, then when Era asks you where to go, you write the exact path, for example C:Heroes 3. Not data or other subfolders.
Famous Hero
posted July 27, 2016 07:38 AM |
Edited by Orc at 08:03, 27 Jul 2016.
Salamandre said: Then it means either the game or Era aren't properly installed. Heroes 3 should go on C:heroes 3 or whatever but NOT Program Files as the default install suggest, then when Era asks you where to go, you write the exact path, for example C:Heroes 3. Not data or other subfolders.
I am pretty sure I installed on exact path of a copy of my heroes 3 complete :/
here are my paths
for Heroes complete
C:/Users/User/Games/games/PC/PC/Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete
for era 2 (which was exact copy of heroes complete before I install)
so it must be something else.
unliss it is because I didnt install hereos 3 on cprograms? ummmm, is that why some data cannot be accessed?
you know what, I will try to start the game as admin and see what happens
Edit: nah, it still gives me the same error
so I will copy era 2 into programs directory and see what happens
Edit: even this does work
i noticed that SoD works but only h3era doesnt worrk
maybe HotA screwed my heroes 3 complete, so I should get new one? (although I did un install it before I install this era 2 file)
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 27, 2016 09:23 AM |
Why HEroes 3 became C:/Users/User/Games/games/PC/PC/Heroes_Era_II after Era install? Did you change manually the name?
Also better reinstall H3 and clean after removing Hota. Also the paths are unnecessary complex but I am not expert at that, just a guess. And yes, for win7 and more you need administrator rights to run everything.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
posted July 27, 2016 05:08 PM |
Isn't it possible to just make some trigger work in my WOG 3.58?
Salamandre said: Why HEroes 3 became C:/Users/User/Games/games/PC/PC/Heroes_Era_II after Era install? Did you change manually the name?
Also better reinstall H3 and clean after removing Hota. Also the paths are unnecessary complex but I am not expert at that, just a guess. And yes, for win7 and more you need administrator rights to run everything.
1. yes I manually changed the name of directory
2. I took heroes 3 complete from some link I forgot and it did not require instalation (just unzip and thats it)
3. it is complex because when I formatted my computer made (Games) folder and then by mistake I copied the (games) folder and made it inside the other folder I made, and when I realized I was too lazy
to move all my game files one directory above. maybe I will fix it later when format my computer
4. I upgraded from 8.1 to win10 recently (few months ago). ummm dont know, but wog and SoD do work without (run as admin)
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 28, 2016 06:50 PM |
what is difference between plugin.dll and plugin.era?
Known Hero
posted July 29, 2016 08:53 AM |
majaczek said: what is difference between plugin.dll and plugin.era?
in plugin.era you can call erm functions:
ExecErmCmd("HEy2:Fd/d/?y3/d S14/?y4;");
but really, plugin.era it's just a renamed file plugin.dll
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted July 30, 2016 04:48 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 07:47, 03 Aug 2016.
//Storing data
RegisterHandler(InitData, "OnAfterErmInstructions");
RegisterHandler(StoreData, "OnSavegameWrite");
RegisterHandler(RestoreData, "OnSavegameRead");
//опосля выделения памяти под динамику
RegisterHandler(ReallocProhibitionTables, "OnAfterCreateWindow");
//RegisterHandler(LoadConfigs, "OnBeforeErmInstructions");
RegisterHandler(LoadConfigs, "OnAfterCreateWindow");
//основной патчинг
RegisterHandler(Emerald, "OnAfterWoG");
//RegisterHandler(Emerald, "OnBeforeErmInstructions");
Emerald have to have to be "OnAfterWoG" else it would not load fully
I see no problem with
RegisterHandler(InitData, "OnAfterErmInstructions");
RegisterHandler(StoreData, "OnSavegameWrite");
RegisterHandler(RestoreData, "OnSavegameRead");
so the problem is with:
//опосля выделения памяти под динамику
RegisterHandler(ReallocProhibitionTables, "OnAfterCreateWindow");
//RegisterHandler(LoadConfigs, "OnBeforeErmInstructions");
RegisterHandler(LoadConfigs, "OnAfterCreateWindow");
Problem cause seems to be memory corruption...
Anybody help?
PS: I tried only WoG and emerald, it also crashes
EDIT: crash occcur when saving game buut before StoreData trigger.
it seems all events are okay
so only one possible guilty:
void __stdcall ReallocProhibitionTables(PEvent e)
int base = *(int*)0x699538;
//memcpy((void*)(save.used_artifacts), (void*)(base+0x4E224), 144);
//memcpy((void*)(save.allowed_artifacts), (void*)(base+0x4E2B4), 144);
int used_artifacts_references[] =
{0x4BCC98, 0x4BCCC8, 0x4BE1BB, 0x4C0776,
0x4C07E9, 0x4C91B5, 0x4C91ED, 0x4C9237,
0x4C9252, 0x4CE084};
for (int i=0; i!=sizeof(used_artifacts_references)/4; i++)
emerald->WriteDword(used_artifacts_references, (int)(save.used_artifacts) - base);
//*(int*)used_artifacts_references+=(int)(save.used_artifacts) - base - 0x4E224;
int allowed_artifacts_references[] =
{0x4BCC8C, 0x4BCCBC, 0x4BE1A8, 0x4C0767,
0x4C21A2, 0x4C21EB, 0x4C2299, 0x4C24B1,
0x4C24F7, 0x4C4BB7, 0x4C91E4, 0x4CE093,
0x5701C4, 0x574AB2, 0x574FD4, 0x714EF5,
0x714F6F, 0x74E7BF};
int allowed_artifacts_end_references[] =
{0x4C076D, 0x4C229F, 0x4C23DC};
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C21B3, NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT*0x20);
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C2306, NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT*0x20);
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C21E0, NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT);
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C2279, NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT);
emerald->WriteDword(0x44D1AA, NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT);
for (int i=0; i!=sizeof(allowed_artifacts_references)/4; i++)
emerald->WriteDword(allowed_artifacts_references, (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base);
for (int i=0; i!=sizeof(allowed_artifacts_end_references)/4; i++)
emerald->WriteDword(allowed_artifacts_end_references, (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base + NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT);
const int max_art = NEW_ARTS_AMOUNT;
//emerald->WriteDword(0x4C076D, max_art + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base);
//emerald->WriteDword(0x4C229F, max_art + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base);
//emerald->WriteDword(0x4C23DC, max_art + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base);
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C9248, max_art);
emerald->WriteDword(0x4C91C2, max_art);
/**(int*)(0x4C076B+2) += 188 + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base - 0x4E2B4;
*(int*)(0x4C229D+2) += 188 + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base - 0x4E2B4;
*(int*)(0x4C23DB+1) += 188 + (int)(save.allowed_artifacts) - base - 0x4E2B4;*/
//*(int*)0x4C9248 = (int)188;
//*(int*)0x4C91C2 = (int)188;
it seems I missed the part that don't work sadly
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted August 12, 2016 11:15 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 23:19, 12 Aug 2016.
igrik said:
majaczek said: what is difference between plugin.dll and plugin.era?
in plugin.era you can call erm functions:
ExecErmCmd("HEy2:Fd/d/?y3/d S14/?y4;");
but really, plugin.era it's just a renamed file plugin.dll
okay but what plugin.era cannnot which plugin.dll can?
when ERA Events are fired? both my versions of emerald and original one doesn't work (crashes on savegame). I believe it is enough to fix events in dllmain.cpp ... or something
EDIT: could anybody explain me era events?
also please help me here :|
Fixed Emerald
How to make DD teleport more times daily?
I want to give it to new combo (angel wings + boots of levitation + pendant of negativity) which is already in Amethyst Upgrades Mod
(please just the code for the times, rest I would do myself)
Supreme Hero
posted August 15, 2016 03:30 PM |
Can somebody help me with this script? I want to give a new lineup for a hero in one of the campaigns. So I added this script in the scenario map:
**Set new hero Troops**
It works OK I think but I have two questions about it:
First, is the syntax of the trigger right as it is? Does it need editing or something?
Secondly, I use the TM2 trigger in my script as well. Is that OK, or should I use different triggers? What I mean is, will the fact that I used TM2 trigger again, interfere with the general changes of my mod?
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted August 16, 2016 08:09 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 09:09, 18 Aug 2016.
Hey! I want to create spellcaster creature... but special!
it should do different thing on ally and different on foe.
I tried a few times, but it seems either I do it wrong, or I lack triggers for it :(
EDIT: I think this line is faulty
I did it!
line was faulty, it should be y1 instead y14
How to create buttton for town screen to coat 3 town butttons on the right? I want it as workaround, since CM:R0 doesn't want to work for me ...
Okay I did it:
Quote: Town;NoTownSwitch;NoTwnChg.def;744;415;50;125;You Cannot Switch Towns;You Cannot Switch Towns;