
Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 17, 2023 11:58 AM |
I succeeded:
?OB164/64/1; [legion Crystal Dragons]
!!UN 17/169/1; [To delete rock for AI gets hero]
I don't get it why? I copied Remote Mountain II's script worked well, but I tried to test a map, if 3.9.5 version doesn't work.. AI crashed again.. Then I asked script, now I succeeded.. Later on I test Remote Mountain II again, if it works yet, so I can't get it why.. Where from script? Vlaad's map every I played.. Later on I find in ERM help.. If I remember right..
No important! Thanks..
I think resurrection needed ERA.. You say animation needed.. Ok when Antichrist can cast a Implosion, Armageddon, etc Not resurrection?! Ok no worries.. B plan is done! Map becomes very well.. When opening game is Middletown (RoE) by 3DO.. Winner becomes walkthrough and game moves to another variation of the map.. I think players like it now or they don't know anything.. Played only one map, you know Phoenix4ever team..
Thanks again!
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Legendary Hero
posted October 17, 2023 12:43 PM |
The Antichirst doesn't cast Implosion INSTEAD of attacking, he casts it before or after attack, the animation you use is the one used in the attack itself.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 17, 2023 12:55 PM |
I know, buddy.. Sal's script, even if you find in ERM help.. But resurrection isn't listed, so I think ERA.. I've B plan.. I don't miss a resurrection 
But thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 17, 2023 12:57 PM |
True you said.. Now I realized!
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Legendary Hero
posted October 17, 2023 03:02 PM |
How about giving resurrection to the Pit Fiends, instead of summon demons? Then you would have an animation.
Or make the AC summon cloned AAs (like 40% at level 10) and the clones cast the resurrection?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 17, 2023 03:55 PM |
Interesting! The Immortal Battle has 40 att/def, 75dmg, 500hp, 18speed also AI fight and value Antichrist.. You are Castle.. I know stats are strong rather I wanted to see what the game is running.. Summon? I think this thing with.. Ok thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 24, 2023 02:43 PM |
Ok I wrote !#UN:P3/0; [commanders are disabled due to zero value], but I got a message "you have no commander. Do you want to hire one?" I tried to disabled I#UN:P6/0; but it doesn't help.. If you don't know how.. So only unselect all scripts, and my script works well.. Ok is wrong !#UN:P3/0; ?? or what I must to add on script?! Thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 24, 2023 03:01 PM |
Zero value doesn't mean they are disabled. Its what ERM help says to do that disables them.
!#UN:P6/1; [Heroes don't start with Commanders]
!#UN:P3/1; [Disable Commanders]

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 24, 2023 03:26 PM |
I always have problem with ghosts and commanders.. And I checked on script again, when it copied from another my map.. I found and removed two extra old scripts.. Thus I forgot to test 1 value.. It caused I'm confusing with scripts.. Ok thanks Sal! Today I send to maps4heroes.. Only I add on rocks to sand and some to water, and soon map is done..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Legendary Hero
posted October 26, 2023 02:55 PM |
Is there a way to use !!HE: D; to call for a Skeleton Transformer?
I don't really get what it is for...
P.S. My idea was to make a specialty out of it.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 26, 2023 03:21 PM |
So far, HE:D only calls for upgrade box, works like a hillfort.
What you ask could be done in hero screen, by right clicking on specialty (or a new button) then call for skeleton transformer screen. As that is not in my league, you should ask in russian forums. But frankly, a specialty which loses interest once you got town portal is meh, unless the map is role playing driven, no necro town etc.

Legendary Hero
posted October 26, 2023 04:11 PM |
I don't wanted to be very powerful. It's just that I miss the external Skeleton Transformer from HotA...
Didn't you wrote something like that for a mod? The mod isn't yours but there was a thankful note saying you wrote it... But I don't recall the name of the mod. It's from Artu.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 26, 2023 04:32 PM |
If I remember well, it was a simple upgrade of all horses into nightmares or something like that.

Legendary Hero
posted October 27, 2023 08:41 AM |
@Salamandre I wanted to turn the Rockfeller from Adventure Pillars option to make a specialty out of it (doubling the effects of the Brute) but I don't even begin to understand what you're doing.
All I read about it is display messages and play sounds, when I thought it would be about a dozen lines, getting the value of the creature, multiplying for their number and then dividing by two. But I guess it's not what you did...

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 27, 2023 09:42 AM |
Pillars was a mod for random maps, so the total HP was divided only by two, as on randoms you will not find 7x600 mobs, for a custom map you may have to divide it by much more, to avoid overflow.
From what I see, the script is this:
!?BA0&1000; Rockfeller bonus
; Get total health of neutrals
!!BA:M1/x16/?y3/?y4; [If neutrals]
!!FU|y3<0/y4=0:E; [Exit if nothing in slot]
!!MA:Py3/?y5; base HP of the creature
!!VRy6:Sy5*y4; total health for the stack
!!VRy10:+y6; add stack's health to total health: y10;
!!FU&y1<1:E; exit if AI hero
!!VRy1::2; adjust spoils
!!IF:Q1/6/y1/1^Rockfeller bonus: %Z1 managed to pick up %Y1 gold before the monsters could flee^;
I think is better to redo the script from scratch, by using this pattern, as there are pillars references in. Just put as condition your hero ID and give it a try.

Legendary Hero
posted October 27, 2023 12:50 PM |
I guess you wrote the example without looking in the mod. What you used there was not the HP of the creature but his cost... Can I use MA:C just like that or do I need to specify the resource?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 27, 2023 05:21 PM |
I pasted the script from Pillars, my memory is not that exceptional. It uses the HP of creatures then divides it by two to get gold from.

Legendary Hero
posted October 28, 2023 12:12 AM |
Salamandre said: I pasted the script from Pillars, my memory is not that exceptional. It uses the HP of creatures then divides it by two to get gold from.
I know what is different from Brute. It doesn't count the HP of the creatures from the Karmic Battles. I knew it was less then half the total experience but was guessing completely wrong. If it was the cost it would be way, way more. My bad.

Legendary Hero
posted November 01, 2023 07:47 AM |
I'm sorry, it has been a while since I try to code and I'm rusty...
Is it too much too ask for a routine for an object that asks for money in exchange for one primary skill bonus a day, for a week?
When I had the idea I thought there was a blessing for it but its not the case. Indications of a working mod where that is done would be ok too.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 01, 2023 11:07 AM |
What that means "a day, for a week". Unclear request