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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Let's have War
Thread: Let's have War This thread is 54 pages long: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 20 30 40 50 54 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
posted January 03, 2004 11:45 PM

Who should be elevated to such a position?  

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 03, 2004 11:52 PM

"I don't think anyone should be elevated," said the shadow mage, "Nobody fits the bill, from what I've seen. Perhaps we will have to outsmart them rather than match their power."

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 04, 2004 12:38 AM
Edited By: mvassilev on 4 Jan 2004

Well, my fire elementals can make sure they can never leave their fort. Will that help?
Eccentric Opinion

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 05, 2004 06:15 AM
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 5 Jan 2004

"Don't bother. One rainstorm and they would become obsolete. Besides, we've already determined that brute force is not the way to win this war. Our recent fruitless invasion of the Order fort serves as proof of that; what we need is a strategy."

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted January 05, 2004 11:54 AM

In Dragon Slayers search for sacrifices he stumbles across a little village. The village is empty but he can hear yelling in the distance. He traces the sound to a large circle of people. In the middle of the circle were 4 people fighting. In an attempt to find out whats happening, DS talks to one of the village people.

DS: Whats going on here?
Person: Once every 6 months the strongest vilagers battle to see who is the strongest.
DS: Strongest hey, hehehehehe...

The battle ends with one of the more stocky vilagers being victorious. DS follows him to his hut. He must have been tired because he fell asleep straight away. Once he was asleep DS pulled a large sack out of his backpack and forced the vilager into it. DS made a knot at the top of the bag and began draging it. The vilager was yelling and squirming so DS found a wooden pan in his hut and smacked him with it.

DS: Its a long walk home even without him moving. Hope this helps Wook.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted January 05, 2004 03:09 PM

RSF decides to go check up on Dragon Slayer.

RSF: You want some help with that? I'll go get a cart to help carry the body.

RSF returns about 20 minutes later.

Sorry I couldn't find a cart so I had to make one. I'd bring you back as well in my speedy time flow, but I can't affect beings of life any higher than bacteria or small insects in that manner.

And so the two venture back to the safety of their underground fort.
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted January 05, 2004 07:43 PM

*Vadskye appears nearby* "Hey - aren't we supposed to be the good guys?" *Vadskye levitates the body to help anyway*
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted January 06, 2004 04:06 AM

Dingo goes to RSF

Dingo: Hey I found something follow me

Dingo and RSF go to a very small closet, Dingo Lifts a very small rock.  A door opens in front of them.

Dingo: Did you know about this?  I went down it and a very far distance down there is a underground lake.  Maybe we could use it as a secret passage if it goes anywhere or we could make a hose and kill all those Fire Elementals.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted January 06, 2004 10:04 PM

Hmmm.  I have a fish-transformation spell to explore the laks.  Who wants to go first?  *waits for a bit* Okay, me first then.  I should be back in an hour.  Watch out this door doesn't close, ok?  Bye! *turns into a fish and swims away*
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted January 07, 2004 06:25 AM

After an hour or two the water cools back down to normal temperature. Fortunately, our mage found another way out of the before it got too hot.

RSF: Boy that Mvassilev is sure a great guy. Our water was getting kind of dirty and that really cleaned it out good. I'll have to rememeber to boil that lake every couple of months. This is the best water I think I've ever had here.
Go Red Sox!

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 09, 2004 05:03 AM

As mvass watches the procedings with anger from one of Wolfman's magic mirrors, a gate of fire opens behind him. Two fire demons from the Inferno walk out of it.
Fire Demon:Lord Mvass, we have bad news. Your summoner has... escaped from our prison.
Mvass:Then go and find him, you idiots!
Fire Demon:We have more bad news. The pendant is missing.
Mvass:I WILL KILL YOU ALL! No, g-go, find them. You may reedeem yourselves. Don't come back empty-handed. If the Order guys find any of them, you will die.
Eccentric Opinion

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted January 09, 2004 07:10 AM

DS walks outside for some nice sunshine. In the distance he see's a shiny metallic object.
DSWhat could that be?
DS walks over and picks it up.
DSWow! what a magnificent pendant! I wonder how much this would fetch at the market. I gotta go show RSF!

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 09, 2004 07:51 AM
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 9 Jan 2004

As Shadowcaster watched Dragon_Slayer pick the pendant up from inside some brush, he sighed in relief. He thought that nobody from the Order fort would ever find the pendant. His plan was finally falling into place.

That fire sorcerer kept ruining the element of surprise for the Chaos party, and proved more of a liability to them than an asset. He could not be controlled and needed to be dealt with quickly, before that weakness in the Chaos ranks was exploited by the regrouping Order party.

Now all he had to do was deliver the old man.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 09, 2004 02:28 PM

Suddenly, the two fire demons surrounded Shadowcaster.
Fire Demon:So... it's all your fault. You will be punished. We will bring you to Lord Mvass to decide what to do with you.
Shadowcaster:I had a good reason-
Fire Demon:Silence!
Fire Demon2:Wait! He may know the whereabouts of the summoner!
Shadowcaster:I won't tell you.

Meanwhile, in the Order Fort, Dragon Slayer shows his pendant to RSF. An old man in black robes walks in.
Old Man:I am Mvassilev. Give me my pendant.
RSF:You're not Mvassilev. Mvassilev is an annoying Fire Elemental.
Old Man:He stole my identity when I summoned him. Let me tell you my story. *everyone sits down* I was once a famous fire sorceror, and I had very powerful fire elementals. However, I wanted more. I attempted to summon a fire elemental that could summon copies of itself and be intelligent. When I finally summoned it, I was drained of my energy, and he had my mind. He imprisoned me in the Inferno for 5 years. Then, a kindly shadow mage came to visit me once. He helped me escape behind his shadow. Now, please give me the pendant.
RSF:I don't quite believe you. I have a compromise. How about you join our side?
Mvassilev:This war is meaningless.
Eccentric Opinion

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 10, 2004 01:33 AM


Suddenly, the two fire demons surrounded Shadowcaster.
Fire Demon:So... it's all your fault. You will be punished. We will bring you to Lord Mvass to decide what to do with you.
Shadowcaster:I had a good reason-
Fire Demon:Silence!
Fire Demon2:Wait! He may know the whereabouts of the summoner!
Shadowcaster:I won't tell you.

"...I do, however, know where they are." The shadow mage grinned as he said those words. "I am the only one who knows, and if you do anything to me, you'll lose your only chance to find out what has happened to him."

The first demon scratched his head, and both looked confusedly into the air as they pondered the mage's words.

Shadowcaster jumped at the chance and dashed away, but was no match for the demons in the speed department. They were soon upon him. Shadowcaster cursed the sunlight, he needed a new plan. He suddenly noticed a figure on the horizon behind the demons and grinned at the welcome sight.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the demons buckled, binding them to the spot. The earth gaped wide and devoured the demons whole.

"That takes care of the burial," said Wolfman as he approached Shadowcaster, who was short on breath, and helped him to his feet.

The mage replied, "Thanks, I owe you one."

The summoner in place, the duo headed back to confront the now-weakened fire god at the Chaos fort.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 10, 2004 02:56 AM

Mvass was pacing back and forth worriedly. He had just seen what happened through Wolfman's magic mirror. He was hoping that somebody, somewhere, would remain true to the cause. He summoned 1000 fire elementals, but they attacked him. He destroyed them.
Mvass(thinking):They must have control of the summoner. He made them attack me. Curses. At least they don't know the power of the pendant... Then there's the Inferno. I could always get its army to attack. But, I could always retreat there.
Lith and Romana walk in.
Mvass:Will you please help? Shadowcaster and Wolfman betrayed us.

Meanwhile, in the Order fort...
Mvassilev:Ha! He won't summon anything for a long time.
Lord Woock:Good job!
RSF:Now, tell us about this pendant.
Eccentric Opinion

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted January 10, 2004 02:35 PM

Unfortunately, RSF was wrong.  I had no way out of the cavern and so I am now unconsious at the bottom.  (A normal fish would have died, but I put a few weak magical protections on it.)  Unable to do anything, I drift along and suppenly find myself washed up on shore.  The shock of lack of water jumpstarted my system, and with my new strength I transform.  I collapse unconsious at the door, inside the cavern.

OOC: I did this so Chaos wouldn't have such a disadvantage, so how about someone resues me as soon as Mvass (and Mvassilev) are gone.
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 12, 2004 12:38 AM
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 12 Jan 2004

As Shadowcaster and Wolfman approached the Chaos fort, the guard to the front gate ordered them to halt as if they were hostile. He then approached as if he was going to attack.

"Halt, traitors! Do not move any closer."

"Why do you call us traitors? We have done nothing but serve the Chaos party of SPAM as loyal supporters of the old spam. Why now, do you think our loyalties have wavered?" the shadow mage said as he and Wolfman stood ready, should the guard attack.

"You betrayed Mvass, you weakened the Chaos ranks by making him powerless to control his own summons. I should have you both arrested for being double agents." The guard charged as he finished.

Wolfman prepared to counter, but Shadowcaster stopped him. "No, it's my turn now."

"Have it your way."

With that, Wolfman stood back and watched as Shadowcaster attempted to lure the guard out of the sunlight, but the guard was no fool and would not follow. He could not, however, stop the shadow mage from entering the shadows himself.

Stepping back, the guard watched from a safe distance to make sure he was not caught by surprise, but it was no use. A dagger flew from the darkness, which the guard dodged as it flew through the air and imbedded itself into a nearby tree. He turned back to watch the fort, and was suddenly stabbed in the back by the mage who had snuck behind him and hidden in his shadow while he was distracted by the projectile.

"Bravo," Wolfman said with a yawn as Shadowcaster began his victory dance.

"See," the shadow mage replied, blissfully unaware that he was being made fun of, "I'm not completely helpless."

After the mage had finished celebrating, the two entered the fort, which the crafty fire sorcerer had likely turned against them, and split up to find him more quickly within the now dangerous labyrinth of the Chaos fortress.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 12, 2004 04:33 AM

Wolfman was running until he ran into a gate of fire. Fire demons were coming out of it. They all attacked him. He trapped them underground and kept on running.

Shadowcaster was running until a fire demon stopped him. He raised his sword, but Shadowcaster became invisible. However, the demon jumped and slashed a hole in the roof, letting the sun in, and making the shadow mage visible. However, Shadowcaster raised his dagger, and stabbed the fire demon as he fell. He kept on running.

They met right in front of the door of their planning hall. Mvass was in there. He was talking to some fire demons. He seemed mad. The demons left. Mvass turned around and whispered "I can see you." He fired a fireball at the surprised Chaos members.
Eccentric Opinion

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted January 12, 2004 06:22 AM

Mvassilev: This pendant grants power of complete control over Mvass to whoever wields it. However, while taking control over the pendant you will be burnt. Touch it.

RSF: Touches the pendant OW!

Mvass: Hot isn't it?

RSF: So how does that help us?

Mvass: It doesn't.

RSF: Thanks a lot...

Mvass: The important thing is that he doesn't have it so it takes most of his powers away. For example, he can no longer set water on fire or make fire elementals appear out of nowhere and jump into lakes that are supposed to be secret.

RSF: Well that's good to know. So can we destroy it? What happens when we destroy it?

Mvassilev: You don't wanna do that.

RSF: Why what happens?

Mvassilev: Trust me you don't want to...

RSF: That doesn't answer my question.

Mvassilev: All that matters is you don't want to.

RSF: Sounds suspicious. Snaps his fingers. A few spam elementals and a mean looking guy in full armor carrying a sword walk in. We're going to do some information extraction...
Go Red Sox!

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