
Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted January 12, 2004 03:42 PM |
Why should we care about what some stupid pendant does? As long as Pyronoia doesn't have it, we're fine. Sacrifice him.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 13, 2004 12:22 AM |
Mvassilev:Give me the pendant!
Lord Woock:No!
Mvassilev:Give me the pendant!
Lord Woock:No!
Mvassilev:I said, give me the pendant !
Lord Woock:Why should I?
Mvassilev:Because if you don't, *a fire bolt appears in his hand* I will kill you.
Eccentric Opinion

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted January 13, 2004 12:30 AM |
Aren't you forgetting something? Equal Mights! You are a lot more powerful than I am and therefore cannot attack me!
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted January 13, 2004 12:47 AM |
RSF: 4 guards come out with a gigantic bath tub. RSF dumps a bucket of water on Mvassilev. It distinguishes the firebolt. The guards grab Mvassilev and pull his arms behind his back. RSF continues to drench the mage with water in case he tries to cast anymore fire spells.
Go Red Sox!

Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted January 13, 2004 12:50 AM |
And suddenly there walked among them a strange and charismatic man. He had one eye of fire and one of frost, for he embodied the two essences of Order and Chaos. He said unto them 'Behold I am the Prophet Of Spam!'
And he smote them round the ears, causing gnashing of teeth and wailings of 'Get off. That really hurts you rotten man'
And he prophesied. 'There will be one among us who shall be Chosen. Chosen to be the new Lord Of Spam in Heaven and on Earth. He shall be as a living God-King and we shall all kneel in awe and wet ouselves in fear. If only I can find the bugger!'
They all looked at him, speechless as they new they were in the presence of one touched by Heaven. And he wandered off to reappear at some other time.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 13, 2004 04:23 AM |
Quote: And suddenly there walked among them a strange and charismatic man. He had one eye of fire and one of frost, for he embodied the two essences of Order and Chaos. He said unto them 'Behold I am the Prophet Of Spam!'
And he smote them round the ears, causing gnashing of teeth and wailings of 'Get off. That really hurts you rotten man'
And he prophesied. 'There will be one among us who shall be Chosen. Chosen to be the new Lord Of Spam in Heaven and on Earth. He shall be as a living God-King and we shall all kneel in awe and wet ouselves in fear. If only I can find the bugger!'
They all looked at him, speechless as they new they were in the presence of one touched by Heaven. And he wandered off to reappear at some other time.
It's me!
Eccentric Opinion

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted January 13, 2004 08:40 AM |
One the Lord of Spam, always the Lord of Spam. Ofcourse it's me!
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Supreme Hero
Back again
posted January 13, 2004 01:24 PM |
wakes up Ooh. My head... What happened? touches the water Ow! That's hot! *remembers* Ooohhh, I was lucky. Now where did everybody go? Hey! They closed the door! Blast. *chants "Blight" for a bit and now there is a bit of light. Still chanting to continue the spell, I opens a bottle and spills it on himself.* There, that's better. *walks through the door* Gotta love that spell. Now where is everyone? *picks up a note in RSF's handwriting* *reads* To whomever reads this: I am at the Chaos base. *stops reading* Well, that settles it. I'll, um, guard the fort, or, uh, something. *shivers* Not that I'm scared or anything...
Knowledge is power...

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 13, 2004 02:24 PM |
Mvassilev starts burning everything in sight, including the bucket. He runs to the lake in the Order fort. He finds Vladskye there.
Mvassilev:Are you all right?
Vladskye:Been better.
Mvassilev:*starts chanting a Heal Wounds spell, but stops when he looks around* This is the cave of the Leviathan! Did you swim in the water?
A huge wave nearly covers them as a giant sea serpent comes out of the waters.
2/11/05 EDIT: Apparently something was deleted that links this post to the last.
Meanhwhile, at the Chaos fort:
Wolfman and Shadowcaster meet up to find Mvass in the war room, sitting beside his mirror with his head cradled in his head. As they approached the doorway, the elemental spots them and, without moving, gathers the energy for a firebolt and warns the duo.
"I can see you."
Eccentric Opinion

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 13, 2004 10:16 PM |
I can see you.
Before the flames reached their target, an earthquake jolted all three Chaos members off their feet. The fireball hit the wall behind Shadowcaster and Wolfman, narrowly missing the surprised mage's head. The resulting explosion knocked a good portion of the thick stone wall above the grounded duo loose, raining shattered debris down on them.
The ground began to shake more violently. "Don't!" Shadowcaster shouted to Wolfman, "You'll destroy the whole fort." Suprisingly, Wolfman's reply denied that he had anything to do with this earthquake.
"Can't you stop it?"
"I'll try."
Concentrating, Wolfman began to oppose nature's course, and the earthquake slowly died away, finally coming to a halt after ten minutes or so.
Shadowcaster slowly rose to his feet, dazed and rattled. The fire mage lay still. The two looked warily at him, remaining ready should he wake up again. After a good while, they presumed him dead. Shadowcaster sighed in relief.
"I'll go check out the damages and repair what I can." Wolfman said as he looked at the shattered wall where the fireball had hit just moments before.
"Why bother? The fort can hold up against anything. I doubt there are any damages, except for that unnatural hole in the wall.
"Yes, but we can't be too careful. Don't worry, I'll be right back." came the reply, "What could possibly go wrong?" With that, Wolfman set off through the layrinth.
Shadowcaster watched Wolfman disappear around the corner, then turned to deal with Mvass's body. He didn't expect it to be standing up and staring at him with an angry sneer on its face.
"I can take one of you on easily enough," said the sorcerer, "and now that your strength in numbers is gone, I will kill you both, one at a time."
"Not if you can't see."

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 13, 2004 10:31 PM |
Mvass:I'll give you one chance to surrender.
Shadowcaster disappeared.
Mvass:I'll take that as a no.
He formed a fireball in his hand and threw it. Shadowcaster ducked, but he didn't need to. The fireball went high over his head and into the ceiling, forming a large hole. Shadowcaster reappeared because of the sun.
Mvass:Now, you die
A fireball appeared in his hand, and the shadow mage saw he had nowhere to run...
Wolfman was checking and repairing the damages easily. However, the earth started shaking again, and this time, it was stronger. Wolfman tried to stop it, but an invisible force threw him down. Then, through the door, he saw a tall shape in the doorway. As it stepped in, he saw that it was a demonlike man in blue armor with a sword in his hand. He said "I have come to announce the end of spam and the begining of the rule of the God of all, ME!"
Eccentric Opinion

Supreme Hero
posted January 13, 2004 10:55 PM |
"Who exactly are you?"
"SCILENCE INFERIOR!" The giant mass of shiny blue metal screamed.
"I'm your inferior?"
"I AM ABOVE ALL, I FEAR NO ONE!" The beast shouted.
"You really should fear me, you know?"
"Are you-"
"Excuse me for talking while you're interupting. How do you think you will do all that?"
"LIKE THIS!" Said the demon as he raised his sword to kill Wolfman.
"Not if I have anything to say about it."
Wolfman rockets a stalagmite at the demon's head, the demon dodges easily.
The demon slams the heavy sword on the ground right next to Wolfman, and quick as lightning, Wolfman rockets another at the demon's head. With the heavy sword in the demon's hand it couldn't dodge out of the way quick enough and the demon's head was torn off. Letting the demon slump to the ground.
"Well, time to take out the trash." Wolfman said as he dug a hole under the great beast, and covered it up.
"Now where did Shadowcaster go?" Just then Wolfman heard the sound of a crumbling wall in the direction of where he came. "Uh oh, Mvassilev might not be as unconsious as we thought"
Wolfman sets off at a sprint in the direction of the crumbling.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 13, 2004 11:46 PM |
"Now you have nowhere to run. Surrender or die!"
"Do I get a third choice?"
With that, the sorcerer charged up a fireball, but as he held the sphere above his head, Shadowcaster released a dagger at his throat. Mvass had no choice but to abandon the fireball and dodge it.
"Ha! You missed."
"Did I?" retorted the shadow mage as he glanced past the sorcerer. He appeared to be concentrating.
Mvass quickly turned to see what he was looking at, but saw nothing except for the dagger. When he turned back, Shadowcaster was gone. He screamed in rage, and began pursuit. The shadow mage could not get to the lower levels or else his shadow would be impenetrable, as no sunlight could ever reach that place. There was only one way to the lower level. He bolted down the hallway, but could not keep up with the shadow mage.
"I WILL KILL YOU!" he shouted, enraged that he had been tricked. He began to attempt to destroy the walls he knew were a hindrance to an otherwise quicker route, but the sheer width of those walls would not allow it, at least not without a significant slowdown.
Mvass turned the corner and entered the long hallway that led underground, and smiled as he spotted Shadowcaster dashing to his escape. He charged up a fireball and began to pursue, but was soon stopped in his tracks by a brand new wall in the maze that blocked the path to the shadow mage. Wolfman stepped out from the shadows behind the sorcerer, hidden by the shadow mage's magic as Mvass had run by.
"Not so fast." commanded Wolfman as the sorcerer turned to face him.

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted January 14, 2004 05:38 AM |
Edited By: Dingo on 13 Jan 2004
Lord_Woock, RSF and Lich_King are trying to get information out of Mvassilev. Dingo enters the room.
Dingo:You'll never get him to talk like that.
Dingo goes up to mvassilev and Slaps him.
Dingo:Start Talking, what does the pendant do?
Mvassilev: It is what keeps me and Mvass alive. We need it to survive. Without it I would lose all of my powers.
Dingo: Ok, thats good.
Dingo gives RSF the pendant and a sledgehammer
Dingo: You know what to do.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted January 14, 2004 05:55 AM |
RSF: I'll take it from here Dingo. Thank you very much. Could you stick around though? I need someone to slap him if he wakes up. So Mvassilev... What happens if we destroy the pendant?
Mvassilev: Mvass turns back into Arthur.
RSF: Who is arthur?
Mvassilev: He's a boy that I turned into Mvassilev. I created this pendant to control Arthur and to hold the curse on him. Without this, the curse would wear off.
RSF: Why would you want to curse a little boy?
Mvassilev: I wanted my son to be all powerful for eternity.
RSF: Then how did you end up in capture by the Chaos Party?
Mvassilev: One day I took the pendant off for a few minutes and Arthur attacked me. He didn't know who I was. He had forgotten who he was.
RSF: Why didn't you just destroy the pendant?
Mvassilev: You wouldn't let me have the pendant.
RSF: How do you destroy the pendant?
Mvassilev: You must freeze the pendant. In order to get the pendant cold you must also make Arthur cold. This will be difficult. Once the pendant is frozen it will break as easy as glass.
RSF: Okay, Dingo. We're done here. Make sure he's good and hypnotized.
Dingo: Slaps him a few more times.
Mvassilev: Drools runs down his cheek.
RSF: Good! Now let's sacrifice this guy. Mvassilev, please get up on the sacrifice table.
Mvassilev: Walks over and does a hand stand.
RSF: Just leave it to Mvassilev to be a wise ass even when he's hypnotized... Lie down on your back on the altar of sacrifice.
Mvassilev: Lies down.
Suddenly the leviathan sticks it's head out into the room and takes eats Mvassilev.
RSF: Hey! That's our mage!
Runs up and stabs the monster in the eye. Groaning with pain, the leviathan spits out Mvassilev, or at least the chewed up pieces of him back on the altar. Dozens of spam elementals attack the monsters head and drive it back into the lake.
We need to make the entrance to the lake a little smaller. Hey, Woock do you think there is anyway that we can still use his pieces as a sacrifice. RSF gags at the site of Mvassilev's remnants nearly throwing up.
OOC: Mvassilev, you cannot control 2 characters at the same time.
Go Red Sox!

Supreme Hero
posted January 15, 2004 01:04 AM |
Before Mvassilev can do anything, Wolfman makes the ground underneath him fall out encasing him in the earth up to his neck.
"Listen here boy! We don't need traitors, and self-appointed lords here. You do not rule the Chaos party, get that trough your head. You are not even a member of the Chaos party anymore. You are no longer allowed in the Chaos fort. Have a nice day. "
Wolfman and Shadowcaster leave Mvassilev buried in the ground and go back into their fort to rest after this oh so tiring day.
*NOTE: Mvassilev cannot move or summon anything while buried in the ground. Just thought I should clarrify that....

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 15, 2004 10:35 PM |
Mvass signaled a fire demon to dig him out.
Mvass:Let's go reconquer the Chaos fort.
Fire Demon kay.
Mvass:There's just one thing I need to do. *Opens a fire gate. 50 fire demons step out of it. Mvass snaps his fingers. 1000 fire elementals appear* Now, let's go.
EDIT: Again, an inconsistency.
Consis the necromancer is introduced and appears near the armies of Mvass. He approaches the elemental with intent of joining him in battle.
Eccentric Opinion

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 15, 2004 11:02 PM |
As Consis walks into a clearing, he watches a battle. Mvass was sending fire bolts at the Chaos fort wall, making it crumble. The Chaos guards were being slaughtered by fire demons. The only thing against Mvass that was visible, was that his fire elementals kept being swallowed by the ground. Wolfman was looking at it. Mvass said "This is a losing battle," and retreated. He noticed Consis watching him.
Consis:Are you a master of fire or are you a fire elemental from the Plane of Fire?
Mvass:I am both. Let me explain. My summoner was a powerful fire sorcerer until he summoned me. I took most of his powers and part of his mind. He got imprisoned by my friends from the Inferno. He fled when Shadowcaster freed him. The Order fort captured him and got the pendant as well. The summoner got eaten by the Leviathan, *shudders*, but they still have the pendant. If you train me to resist the pendant's powers, I will go to your side.
Eccentric Opinion

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted January 15, 2004 11:55 PM |
The day was ending. Wolfman and the guards stood regrouping when Shadowcaster emerged finally from inside the Chaos fort. The structure had sustained a few damages, but nothing that compromised the strength of Chaos's defenses. The shadow mage turned to Wolfman.
"You might want to do the repairs from inside tonight. I've got some hunting to do."
When Shadowcaster saw that everyone was inside and that his shadows would not hinder Wolfman's indoor repairs, he began to spread his shadow across the land. This night was his.
Mvass was blinded, as was apparent when Shadowcaster arrived, as was his army. The sorcerer was shouting orders to his legions, but chaos still ran rampant among the unseeing ranks.
Shadowcaster smiled. This was his biggest catch yet. He crept closer and closer to his target, silently killing anyone that stood in his way. It was only a matter of time.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 16, 2004 12:03 AM |
Mvass starts burning everything in sight, grabs Consis, and runs. He takes out Shadowcaster's dagger from his back and tries to heal him.
Eccentric Opinion