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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG!
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posted February 24, 2004 01:30 PM bonus applied.
Edited By: SillyWabbit on 26 Feb 2004

Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG!

Hello, all.  I have been looking around at some of the RPG games on this site and I have decided to give making my own RPG game here a try.  Before you get too skeptical please read everything through thoroughly before you flame.  After that if you still think it sucks then by all means flame away.  I'm a grown boy =)   But I have an idea for this game. It is as follows.

Trials is a quick, fast, streamlined role-playing game that allows players to do 3 primary things, ROLE-PLAY, BATTLE, CITY BUILD.

I know that we don't have dice or any form of number generator, so I don't want this to get too technical.  Bascially the game works like this.  Players will choose a PREDEFINED RACE, and a PREDEFINED CLASS.  They can name their character whatever they want, but all racial and class stats and abilities will be predefined.  I did this to streamline things, make it fair for everyone, and give everyone a quick reference so things dont get bogged down.  Once they have chosen these, the player will go forth in a new world called Tanaran and carve their own legacy.

First a player chooses a race, then a class.  All races will have 1 racial ability.  All classes will have 8 stats, STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, ENDURACE, AGILITY, WILLPOWER, CHARISMA, INTELLIGENCE, and WISDOM.  These will all be rated on a scale of 1-10.  Then they will have either 3 abilites or 3 spells(This may expand later, we'll see).  I know this is a little limited and linear, but I only do this to make the game less complicated.  I notice most people spend a page making a character then they rarely if at all use their stats.  Each stat will have a VALUE.  This value is what will be used to determine TESTS.  So if your warrior has a strenght value of 8 and he wants to attack someone or lift something, I will keep that in mind when determining how successul he will be.  A high value is almost guaranteed sucess whereas a low value probably wont make it.  Median values are iffy and will depend on the situation.

Yes, in this game players will be able to create their own kingdom if they have the luck and the skill.  All the lands in Tanaran will be divided into regions.  Each regions will have artifacts called CROWNS.  Possessing these crowns allows players to build their kingdom.  They will of course, most times be hidden and guarded.  There will be 6 levels of crowns.  Each allows a player to control a greater township and more followers.  Players can use these followers to wage war if they wish.  I will explain this more later.

Ok, here goes.

1. I am the gamemaster and will determine all sucess and will provide the story.  The players react as they wish.  They can be as active or as inactive as they want.  I determine all success of TESTS.  I will be fair and unbiased.  The game will be totally open and won't depend on a player in order to progress.  Anyone can jump in or out.

2.  Anytime you post, please put your name, race and class ahead of whatever you say or do.  That way we can better keep track of you and what's going on.  This can potentially get hectic.

3.  You can make up your own weapons and equipment as you like.  THere are no die so it doesn't matter, but if somethings seems too powerful or unfair i'll let you know.

4. Anytime you use a spell or ability, please put it in caps.

1. Strenght- hitting damage and lifting
2. Dexterity- aim and quickness with hands
3. Endurace- hitpoints and resistance
4. Agility- running, dodging, acrobatic feats
5. Charisma- influence on others
6. Intellignece- how smart you are, spell sucess
7. Wisdom- increases success in quests, spell sucess, luck
8. Willpower- damage and duration of spells

1. Human- Versatility; they always have better chance of sucess.
2. Gnome- Intelligence; add +1 to their Intelligence
3. Halfling- Swift; add +1 to their Dexterity.
4. Dwarf- Burly; +1 to their Endurance
5. Dark Elf- Hide; they can hide as long as they dont move
6. High Elf- Fair Skin; add +1 to their Charisma
7. Half Elf- Ambiguous; +1 to charisma, added chance of succes, -1 to Endurance
8. Wood Elf- Forestwalker; + better sucess in forests.
9. Infernal- Hot Blood; resistant to fire spells
10. Fey- Float; they float across the ground
11. Gnoll- Keen Senses; keen senses, plus to saves and luck.
12. Ogre- Strong; +1 to Strength
13. Troll- Resilient; +1 to Endurance
14. Undead- Dead; resistent to most physcological effects
15. Catperson- Cat-like; +1 to Agility
16. Lizardman- Resilient; +1 to Endurance
17. Ver-man- a ratperson; resistant to disease

(Again, I ask that you choose from the premade races just to streamline and speed things up.  Also, again for streamline purposes any race can be any class. For example a gnoll paladin is different than a human paladin because he is simply seen as a defender of religion to his gnoll people)

1. Fighter  -STR(8)/ DEX(8)/ END(8)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(4)/ INT(4)/ WIS(4)/ WIL(1)
- Critical Hit- sometimes do lots of damage
- Parry- sometimes block attacks
- Flurry- unleash a bunch of attacks.

2. Paladin  -STR(7)/ DEX(6)/ END(10)/ AGI(4)/ CHA(8)/ INT(6)/ WIS(7)/ WIL(4)
- Lay on Hands- completely heal anyone
- Cavalry Charge- ram into a player on your horse
- Bless- increases your resistance

3.Ranger  -STR(6)/ DEX(9)/ END(7)/ AGI(9)/ CHA(7)/ INT(5)/ WIS(7)/ WIL(4)
- Trueshot- makes an arrow hit target no matter what
- Flame Arrow- ignite arrows and do more damage
- Sprint- Cover ground very quickly

4. Cleric -STR(6)/ DEX(6)/ END(8)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(10)/ INT(7)/ WIS(9)/ WIL(8)
- Heal- Heal a person
- Cure- curse a status ailment
- Attack Unholy- a magical attack that attacks anyone against your religion

5. Druid- STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(4)/ CHA(7)/ INT(8)/ WIS(10)/ WIL(10)
- Summon Wolf- summons a wolf companion
- Summon Bear- summons a bear companion
- Storm Fire- beam of fire

6. Wizard -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(4)/ CHA(7)/ INT(10)/ WIS (7)/ WIL(10)
- Teleportation- teleport to another place
- Arcane Bolt- fires a magical missle
- Chain Lightning- hits a lot of targets with lightning

7. Thief- STR(6)/ DEX(10)/ END(7)/ AGI(9)/ CHA(3)/ INT(5)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(2)
- Pick Lock- opens doors and gates
- Pick pocket- steals items and money
- Stealth- move almost invisible

8. Bard -STR(5)/ DEX(8)/ END(7)/ AGI(8)/ CHA(10) INT(7)/ WIS (7)/ WIL(6)
- Song of Hypnosis- hyptontize some units
- Song of Mirth- increases allies success
- Song of Despair- decreases enemies success

9. Magician -STR(4)/ DEX(6)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(7)/ INT(9)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(9)
- Magic Missle- fires a magic missle
- Summon Golem- summons a golem
- Summon Living Armor- summons living armor

10. Barbarian -STR(9)/ DEX(6)/ END(10)/ AGI(8)/ CHA(2)/ INT(3)/ WIS(3)/ WIL(3)
- Warcry- boots allies success
- Intimidation- Can scare off some enemies sometimes
- Running- increases their movement rate

11. Monk -STR(8)/ DEX(8)/ END(6)/ AGI(9)/ CHA(6)/ INT(5)/ WIS(5)/ WIL(4)
- Dragon Palm- stun an enemy, depends on enemy
- Hurricane Kick- kick all enemies around you
- Mend- heal yourself some

12. Necromancer -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(4)/ INT(9)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(10)
- Summon skeleton warrior- summons skeleton fighter
- Summon skeleton archer- summons skeleton ranged fighter
- Summon skeleton magi- summons skeleton caster- it can cast POISON BOLT( poison damage spell), ESSENCE OF WRAITH (movement buff), RIGAMORTISIS (slows down enemy).

13. Death Knight -STR(8)/ DEX(7)/ END(9)/ AGI(6)/ CHA(4)/ INT(8)/ WIS(7)/ WIL(8)
- Summon skeleton warrior- summons skeleton fighter
- Death Touch- nearly kill an enemy
- Reverse Pain- inflict your pain on others

14. Shaman- STR(7)/ DEX(6)/ END(6)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(5)/ INT(8)/WIS(8)/ WIL(8)
- Fires of Chaos- fire a bolt of fire at enemies
- Bear Totem- makes your allies stronger and tougher
- Panther Totem- makes your allies more agile and dexterous

15. Beastmaster -STR(6)/ DEX(7)/ END(8)/ AGI(6)/ CHA(9)/ INT(5)/ WIS(7)/ WIL(7)
- Summon Canine- summons a war dog
- Summon Feline- summons a big cat
- Summon Reptile- summons a giant basalisk

16. Mageslayer -STR(7)/ DEX(7)/ END(7)/ AGI(7)/ CHA(6)/ INT(8)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(8)
- Desummon- destroy a summoned creature
- Witch Slayer- attacks do more damage to magic user
- Magic Resistant- almost immune to magic

17. Illusionist -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(10)/ INT(8)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(8)
- Illusion- makes you appear to be something else
- Charm- take control of some units
- Mental Javelin- magical bolt that harms the mind.

18. Blight Bringer -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(1)/ INT(10)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(10)
- Putrify- gives target damage over time.
- Plauge Cloud- creates a cloud of disease that damages all inside of it.
- Cripple- weakens an enemy.

(Again the predefined classes are in the intrerest of streamlining.  That way eveyrone has a central reference point if they want to look something up as oppose to flipping through posts trying to find your characters stats)

This game world is divided into regions.  Each region contains crowns.  Finding these crows allow you to build small camps and eventuall turn them into cities.  Note each region can only have 2 cities and only 1 kindom.  I'll explain below.

*Chieftans Crown- there are only 3 of these per region.  They allow you to build a CAMP.  Camps contain about 6 or 7 tents, and 10 followers.  Followers can do anything you wish from fighting to serving your meals.  It gives you a Leader's Key.

*Leader's Crown- Requires a Leader's Key to obtain.  There are only 3 of these per region.  They allow you to build SETTLEMENTS.  Settlments are bigger than camps and they add 10 more followers to your existing 10.  It gives you a Governor's Key.

*Governor's Crown- requires a Governor's Key.  There are 3 of these per region.  They allow you to build a TOWN.  Towns are much bigger, grant you siege weapons and gives you 10 more followers to your existing 20.  It gives you a Duke's Key.

*Duke's Crown- requires a Duke's Key.  There are only 2 of these per region.  They allow you to build CASTLES.  Castles are bigger than towns, grants defenses, siege and add 15 more followers to your existing 30.  It gives you a Lord's Key.

*Lord's Crown- requires a Lord's Key.  There are only 2 of these per region.  They allow you to build a CITY.  Cities are bigger than towns and add 20 more followers to your existing 45.  It gives you a King's key.

*King's Crown- requires a King's Key. There are only 1 of these crowns per region. It allows you to build a KINGDOM and adds 25 more followers to your existing 65.  Anytime a KINGDOM is built, all other smaller towns, settlemetns, castles and cities must either, SWEAR FEALTY, DISBAND, or REBEL  the rule of the new KINGDOM in a war.  Once the kingdom is established, only another kingdom can fight against it.

*Players can only wage war if they have followers.  You must have at least a CAMP in order to have followers.  INFANTRY counts as 1 follower, ARCHERS count as 2 followers, CAVALRY counts as 3 followers and SIEGE counts as 4 followers.  

*Players cannot attack CITIES AND KINGDOMS without at least 1 SIEGE IN their army.

*I decide the outcome of battle based on army strength and players will play a mock game in which they will tell me their unit movements and such.  I haven't figured out the details but i have some ideas.

Not quite.  There is still the setting story to go.  But before the story let me go back over the concepts.  Pick a race, gender, class and the rest is up to you.  You can advenure around, try to build a kingdom, or whatever else you would like.  The game does not revolve around 1 player and moves on its own.  You can jump in or out at your leisure.  Predefined races, skills, classes are made to speed the game up, prevent the game from being bogged down with tons of stats ( we dont have dice or a way to keep record anyways), and to fight frustration from tons of stats.  And lastly to keep players from making "GOD" charactrs.  When you feel like you want to play, just make a post that tells everyone your characters name, class, and you're all set.

A portal to a new world was found by a rouge trader by the name of Madigard.  Madigard owed a humongous amount of debt to leaders of all the great nations such as the elves, the humans, the undead..even the gnoll empire.  He had sailed to many of the unexplored lands but failed to find any form of commodity that could pay off his gigantic debt.  
One day while sailing through the Sea of Turmoil, his ship was caught in a storm and wandered into the path of what seemed to be a magical portal.  With his best seamanship skills he tried to steer his ship clear, but alas he was drawn into the portal.  He and his men beleived they were doomed, but only to find they had emerged from the bright lights of the portal into a calm and peaceful sea of blue waters.  Eventually, his scouts found land and they sailed and touched down.  The new world seemed strange, but was familiar enough to his own world.   There was green grass, tall trees, rivers and mountains.  
Madigard sent his men out to scout and they returned with tales of caves filled with gold, ore and preciouis gems.  Lakes were brimming with fish and there were even pools that flowed the magical substance known as mana.  This was Madigard's way out.  He immediately sent a letter to all the great kingdoms telling him that their fortune awaited them in this new world.  However, each kindgom did not know that he had sent the same letter to everyone else.

This is where your character comes into play.  Because of your great skill, your people have sent you on an exploration ship to lay claim to this new world in the name of your home country.  A ship was dispatched and on the ship you saw hundreds of adventurers from the other races.  Though you were given your orders, you were away from the watchful eye of your king.  You could do as you pleased now.  You could start your own kingdom if you liked and return to rule your prior kingdom.  Or you could carry out your orders with loyalty.  Or you can just disappear in this new world and lay low... taking on challenges as they come.  
Your trip on the leaky, dank and foul ship was horrible.  The trip through the portal was a bit scary too.  Soon, the scout in the crow's nest yells, "LAND HO!".  The ship scuttled up close to the shore and a smaller boat was launched to take you to the shores.  Relieved that your seasickness was at an end, you and hundreds of other adventures hit the crystal white sands of the region known as  Keldoss.....

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Supreme Hero
posted February 24, 2004 01:39 PM
Edited By: doomnezeu on 24 Feb 2004

Character Name: Doomnezeu
Race: High Elf (+1 Charisma)
Class: Monk (STR(8)/ DEX(8)/ END(6)/ AGI(9)/ CHA(6)/ INT(5)/ WIS(5)/ WIL(4))
So, at these stats, my +1 Charisma will get me a CHA 7. Am i right?

Forgot my abilites, lol
1. Grand Persuade - recives a bonus to persuade skill
2. purity of body - 45% chance of resisting poison and deseases


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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 24, 2004 03:45 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 24 Feb 2004

Character Name: RSF(I don't like being creative with names.

Wizard - STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(4)/ CHA(7)/ INT(10)/ WIS (7)/ WIL(10)
- Teleportation- teleport to another place
- Arcane Bolt- fires a magical missle
- Chain Lightning- hits a lot of targets with lightning

Dark Elf - Hide; they can hide as long as they dont move.

I figure if I can teleport and hide in Shadow's, I'll be able to stay away from enemies fairly easily and just reek havoc on them with my powerful spells.

Nice thread you have here. I'm looking forward to it. This thread needs an OOC thread. Especially if it's a complex RPG like this one. Will you be providing some direction for the plot or should we take it upon ourselves to find the crowns.

RSF: "Interesting lands we have here. Good thing I got here soon. I should be one of the first to build my empire. I will rule this entire place one day."
Go Red Sox!

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posted February 24, 2004 07:40 PM
Edited By: SillyWabbit on 24 Feb 2004

OOC: I added some minor changes up above, added the Illusionist class.  I see some of you guys added some skills.  That's super.  If you think the skills provided are too skimpy then go ahead and add a few if you like.  If it gets too powerful i'll let you know.  Oh and wow, only 2 peeps so far. Heh..i guess some did think it sucked..oh well.  And to reply to your question I will be providing most of the plot, but only as guidance and to add atmosphere.  Also, please don't think of this game as a "Crown Hunt" only.  The land is vast and you can do as much or as little as you like.  Yes Doom your racial modifier boots your charisma.  That lovely high elf visage.  

You glance around to your new surroundings and at the massive gaggle of adventurers like yourself that have mottled the pearly, white coastline.  Amongst you, there are all form of adventurer.  Everything from devious looking cuthroats, to nicely dressed mages in fine robes.  During the trip, you had talked with a few strangers about the new land.  This region was known as Keldoss.  It had stretched all the way down the coastline and had spanned many miles; all the way to new regions that were dense with towering pines to the north and low flat plains to the south.  There were rumors that Madigard's men had ran into some nasty locals in this region that seemed to be guarding something valuable deep in these tropical looking surroundings.  The stories call these creatures to be gorillas that walked and spoke just like a man.  They were dressed in very exotic and colorful clothing and it is said that their temples were loaded with gold.    A surprising sound comes from behind you.  The away boats had pushed off and were on their way back to the ship to bring to the shores yet another load of greedy adventurers.  You feel as if you had better get started making your move. As the sands hit grass and treeline, you see a number of various paths along the coastline..  
A strange man in dark robes comes running up before  everyone and begins waving a parchment in the air like a madman.  He goes off yelling, "Join the Arsayl Clan!  The future rulers of Tanaran!  Join Arsayl!"  Though his words seem strangely interesting, most of the other adventurers meerly ignore him...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 24, 2004 08:04 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 24 Feb 2004

OOC: Created some new wizard abilities of my own making.

Summon Giant Spiders - This summons anywhere between 1 to 3 Giant Spiders. Giant Spiders have a 1 in 3 chance of poisoning the opponent upon hitting their opponent. This ability can be used 2 times each day.

Armor: This greatly increased a mages armor giving protection close to that of a fully-equipped knight.

Edit: Removed an ability.

I had an idea. Maybe you could grant your self a new ability when you get crowns.
Go Red Sox!

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posted February 24, 2004 08:35 PM

OOC: I went and made a few other minor changes that mostly dealth with spelling and I adjusted some of the numbers for the followers.  Also, if you want to add more skills/spells then please limit it to just 2 more.  Sorry for the sneaky edits.  Just trying to polish off what I said to make it more clear and sound a bit better.  I will try not to do them anymore.

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posted February 25, 2004 09:08 AM

---------------------------------------------------------Though, most adventurers ignore him, the strange man notices two adventurers who pause in contemplation at his words.  One is a delicate skinned High Elf female.  Though she is quite a beautiful damsel, the chisled muscles on her arms and legs tell this man that she is much more than a helpless female.  Down a few feet away from her is a dark elf wizard whom is speaking to all the other adventureres around him.  This strange man hears him say something about, "he will rule this world."  This is perfect the man thinks.  Anyone with this much ambition would make a great candidate for Arsayl.  IN order to try and get their attention, the man moves closer to them.

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Supreme Hero
posted February 25, 2004 10:32 AM

I notice that the strange man is paying a lot of attention to me (and not only for my looks) and to this other guy, who seems to be a wizard. After what he said earlier, the strange man looked a little creepy. But what the hell, I'm new to this lands, I may as well talk to him and learn more. He may be mad, but, in the same time, he may be useful. I decide to approach him and ask him a few questions, but, in the same time, i decide not to risk being considered crazy by the others. Especially by the wizard, he might be useful as well in the future. From all the others, he seems to be the brighter one.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 25, 2004 05:15 PM

The Strange Man approaches RSF, in hopes of getting such a man to join.

Strange Man: "Hello, good Sir. I couldn't help, but hear your wonderful ambitions. I would certainly think you would be interested in this scroll I have to show you. If you want to rule these lands one day, then you must pay close attention to what information I have to give you."

RSF: "I see. What do you have to offer me?"
Go Red Sox!

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posted February 26, 2004 12:25 AM

I hate to say this guys but it doesn't look like this RPG is gonna leave the ground...hehe.  There are only 3 of us trying this out compared to like a million on the other RPG threads, so I guess i'll leave the chair as gamemaster and take an inactive role in this.  Well at least i'm man enough to admit when something isn't working.  But, by all means please feel free to move the storyline on your own.  I just feel bad with only 2 other people playing along.  I guess the concept did not catch.  So again, if you guys want to keep going then please feel free to do so.  If more people come on later on then maybe i'll jump back in.  I'm not trying to be a jerk here or not finish something I started but with only 2 people it's just not as fun as I had hoped.  Again, very sorry.  I'm me or leave me a message if you want to talk about it.  But it looks like this concept isn'nt appealing to anyone. Oh well, but again, please...players feel free to continue on the plotline as you like if you want.  If you decide to quit also then its ok.  I will understand.  Again, very sorry.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 26, 2004 01:01 AM
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 26 Feb 2004

How about 3 others then?

Name: Xerxes

Undead- Dead; resistent to most physcological effects

Death Knight -STR(8)/ DEX(7)/ END(9)/ AGI(6)/ CHA(4)/ INT(8)/ WIS(7)/ WIL(8)
- Summon skeleton warrior- summons skeleton fighter
- Death Touch- nearly kill an enemy
- Reverse Pain- inflict your pain on others

Description: Very tall and silent, is not phased by much, intimidating presence.

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted February 26, 2004 05:36 AM
Edited By: Dingo on 26 Feb 2004

I'm Dingo.

Undead- Dead; resistent to most physcological effects

Necromancer -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(4)/ INT(9)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(10)

Summon skeleton magi- summons skeleton caster
Teleportation- teleport to another place
Song of Hypnosis- hyptontize some units
Spell Steal - Takes a benefical spell from the enemy and puts it on Caster aka ME.
Black Curse - Take a negative spell from the caster and places it on an enemy.

What spells can the skeleton magi cast?  Is it written somewhere or is it up to me?

EDIT: SillyWabbit said "remember that you can add 2 more spells/abilites of your own creation." So I added 2 spells.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 26, 2004 06:22 AM

Slowly and carefully, Xerxes gathered his belongings, including his trusty black broadsword, and stepped out of the boat. His massive size nearly caused the thin boat to tip as he exited, but he quickly steadied it and continued on away from the coastline. He wanted to be as far from his homeland as he could get.

The landscape was already dotted with adventurers, eager to claim and explore the lush lands around them. It was not natural for an undead to search for a home in a grassland such as this, but Xerxes would not be deterred from claiming these lands as his own. Only then could he put his past behind him.

One adventurer caught his eye. He was undead, a necromancer, yet was here as well looking to settle in these lands. Perhaps an alliance was in order, but that was for another time. For now, Xerxes had to find a place to start his conquest. He wandered about, glancing around at the overenthusiastic clan leaders attempting to recruit members into their armies. Only a fool would forgo his own powers to serve someone else, but such was the nature of politics. Xerxes would not get involved with such rubbish, but would instead lead through fear. Yes, it was a marvelous plan. The death knight continued wandering.

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posted February 26, 2004 08:31 AM
Edited By: SillyWabbit on 26 Feb 2004

GAMEMASTER TO DINGO: The skeleton mage can cast POISON BOLT ( poison damage), ESSENCE OF THE WRAITH, (spell that makes you float slightly and speeds you up), and RIGAMORTISIS ( spell that stiffens and slows down an enemy).  Before you go thinking he has more spells than you, remember that you can add 2 more spells/abilites of your own creation.  And thanks for pointing that out by the way.  I changed it above.  As you can see things are subject to some changes.

The strange man dressed in dark robes is not the only one who has taken the advantage of this gaggle to peddle off his guild.  Others of all the other races also begin crying for guild recruits as well.  Interesting.  They are trying to find someone to be their pawns.  Or perhaps..it is they who shall be your pawns?  But just in the distance their are a number of paths that Madigard's men have cleared.  They all lead to different areas in the first massive region of Keldoss.  You wonder if you should stay around and hear some more of the guild recruiters lamenting or should you explore this new region.  It may be wise to travel in numbers...but then you don't need numbers do you.  
Keldoss, is at a glance, an exotic and tropical land with lush, grass, palm trees and crystal white sand.  You are certain that much more awaits you deep inside it jungles.

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Supreme Hero
posted February 26, 2004 10:04 AM

Nothing fancy to do here, on the shore. There are to many people arround, most of them with greedy eyes and probably no brains whatsoever. I decide to explore the inner region of Keldoss, but still, I have a problem. All I know about this land is what I have heard, mostly gossips and fairy tales. Not like that story with the eight-headed hydra could be true! Or that about the legendary artefacts hidden somewere inside the jungle! Well, first of all, i must find myself a guide. And maybe a companion, travelling arround this place could get nasty. But who?
The strange man dressed in black over there might know some things about this island that no one else does, so it would be wise to ask him for guidance. I approach carrefuly and ask him this simple question:
"Friend or foe"?

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Supreme Hero
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posted February 26, 2004 09:04 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 27 Feb 2004

OOC: Erion Vadskye (either one, not both.)
Thief- STR(6)/ DEX(10)/ END(7)/ AGI(9)/ CHA(3)/ INT(5)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(2)
- Pick Lock- opens doors and gates
- Pick pocket- steals items and money
- Stealth- move almost invisible
Equipment: Dagger, Leather Armor, 10gp, Rapier (Skinny sword, deadly only when thrusting.)

BIC: Vadskye walked along casually.  He found no need to get involved with kingdoms and such nonsense.  Who cares who is king?  Even if I were king, someone'd probably stab him in the back the next day.  Politics!  He spat the word.  RSF was deep in conversation with the scroll-bearing messenger when Vadskye bumped into him.  "Sorry, sorry."
"Eh, that's all right," RSF replied, returning to his conversation.  Soon the question came up regarding payment.  "Sure, lemme just get out my purse."  Searching his pockets, RSF was surprised to find nothing there.  "Why, that thief!  Come back here!"  Vadskye turned, looking at RSF, and ran.  RSF was grumbling as he returned to the conversation.  Later on, RSF absent-mindedly put his hands in his pockets, and found his purse, with a note attached.  "Sorry, just looking for practise.  I didn't think you'd notice; I was going to return it anyway.  No harm done!"  RSF stared blankly at the note a few minutes, making sure he had read it right.  "Hmm.  What an odd man."  Putting the note and purse in his pocket, he returned to business.

Vadskye walked away from the group, deciding that he'd picked enough pockets.  Carefully planning his steals, returning the purse soon afterward to make sure no one knew about it, he had removed 5gp from each purse, a small enough amount that people would pass it off as mere forgetfullness.  After an entire afternoon, however, Vadskye had amounted a nice sum.  200gp might not be a fortune, but when all the practise he got figured in, he figured he came off rather well.  Now he would move on.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 27, 2004 03:10 AM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 26 Feb 2004

The man in the robed uniform continues to explain miscellaneous information about what the guild is all about and all the crap that they tell everyone that's not really true. Guilds are in it for the money or the power no matter what they tell you. Or at least this is what RSF thinks they are for. So RSF just nods his head and asks a question for further clarification every once in a while to act like he is paying careful attention and is actually interested. He doesn't really care much about the guild, he simply feels as though it's a good place to start and can easily gain a reputation in these lands. After all it's who you know, not what you know. The guild is a great place to "know" people.

RSF: Okay now that you're done giving me the BS story that you tell everyone. How do I join?

The robed man smiles at RSF and chuckles for a moment before he begins explaining the process of initiation.
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted February 27, 2004 04:16 AM

Okey dokey, looks like fun, count me in.

Name: Asmodean
Sex: Male
Race: Fey- Float; they float across the ground
Class: Illusionist -STR(4)/ DEX(5)/ END(5)/ AGI(5)/ CHA(10)/ INT(8)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(8)
- Illusion- makes you appear to be something else
- Charm- take control of some units
- Mental Javelin- magical bolt that harms the mind.
Abilities: Blinding Light - I cast an illusion of intense white light, while at the same time floating as high as I can. My enemies are blinded for up to 60 seconds while I casually choose my victim......
Fear: I project an aura of menace that can lower an enemies dexterity 30% in fear, but has a 10% chance of raising their strength 30% in desperation.

I stood on the beach and watched the general activity> It was very interesting. Just to be sure no-one took particular notice of me I made myself look like a nondescript human, with dull grey and green armour.
I noticed a fellow fey obviously picking a few pockets, well obvious to another fey. When he 'casually' bumped into me I allowed him to rob me of five 'coins'. Beach pebbles with a simple glamour that he probably could have detected if he had half the wit our race is famous for.
What had I observed then.
There was an elf to my right, a high elf from the fainess of his face engaged in conversation with a black robed man. Few others are talking on the beach, some are already making their way into the jungle, or further along the beach where there seems to be a large grass plain with strange unrecognisable flowers. The fauna in this land may have useful magical properties, I remind myself to check later.
A death knight and a necromancer give each other a wary glance in front of me, I shall have to be careful around those types, though their eyes may be fooled by my illusions, some of my other tricks would prove...less, than effective, unless I can remedy that.
A wizard to my right is the only other conversant on the beach, with what looks to be a guild representative. I can see neither of their mouths so I can't lipread the conversation but it bothers me little, I have no use for guilds.
I have observed enough and marked out those who seem the most threat, or perhaps the most use for now. I consider approaching the necromancer and striking up a conversation, a necromancer would be a useful ally against other undead foes, while my illusions could thwart those of a more clerical nature, but that is for anothe time.
I make a move towards the grass plain, maintaining my illusion until I reach the tall grass. There is a large blue and red flower in front of me, I cut a sample with my knife, mindful not to let it touch my skin and put it away for safe keeping and later study. This new land has so many possibilities.......

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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posted February 27, 2004 09:13 AM

GAMEMASTER TO DOOMNEZU: Sorry,man thought you were a chick for some reason...im so embarrassed lol. But anyways.

The man in dark robe is , Jezerah, a guild recruiter of a guild known as the Brothers of Arsayl.  They, like Madigard are explorers, exploiters, and traders.  Hes sees the muscular elf approach him and ask him a simple and outright question. Jezerah replies, "Friend.  By all means we are friends to all who would serve our...cause.  In this new land one can only hope to survive by strength in numbers.  Do some things for us and we shall provide you with protection and help.  But when you join you must always keep in mind that everything flows upwards...hehe.  Whatever you find you must allocate a certain percentage to me, which I in turn give to my superior who in turn give to their superiors.  And so on and so on."

Putting distance between yourself and the others who dally around aimlessly at the shore, you come upone the beautiful and yet alien beauty of the jungle.  You see before you a massive maze of trees and colorful flowers.  A number of paths lie before you.  But apparently there is more to this jungle than just bright flowers.  You could swear that you feel the weight of someone's stare.

The plump collection of coins feel good inside your tiny pockets.  But just then you notice two large trolls getting into a heated argument with one another.  One seems to be accusing the other of stealing from him.  Just then a Verman dressed in dark garbs bursts forth and says he too has lost some coin.  The Ver-man looks strangely familiar to you.  You take notice to a pendant on the corner of his hood.  It is a mark of a thieves guild you had once encountered.  The Ver-man intensifies the argument by saying he has lost all sorts of money and things.  Then he pulls from pockets a Fey Friendship Wristband.  This little item is a popular piece of jewelry amongst the fey race.  The Ver-man then shouts, "Egads!  Look!  This was left behind by the guy who robbed me!  He must be Fey!"  The two trolls get angry when they see the evidence that the Ver-man has presented to them.  They huddle up and whisper to each other briefly.  They then begin to look around for any Fey.  The small Ver-man, who stands about 5 feet in height looks at you and snickers!

As the man gave his pitch to the high elf, whom had got his attention first he then turns to you.  "if you did not hear, we of the Arsayl are trying to build a..community...here in the early stages of the colonization an exploration of Tanaran.  We provide you the strength of our guild while we only ask that you give us a small precentage of the loot you may happen to aquire in this land."

The flowers indeed do have magical and wonderous properties.  Even though their pollen andn nectar never touch your body, just by smelling them and being near them you can dectect a hint of unnatural chemicals.  Perhaps mixing these plants with other regeants might produce some interesting results.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted February 27, 2004 07:28 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 27 Feb 2004

"Oh, #@#$."  I turned to run.  What the heck?  I'm not that careless.  Yep, here's mine, still on.  Does that mean there's another thief, less careless?  It must be.  That Ver-man had lots of things stolen.  Unless... Ah!  Vadskye stopped quickly.  He had run into a cliff.  The two trolls advanced menacingly, backed up my the Ver-man.   Our eyes met, and then something clicked.  "You!  It was you who stole from the trolls!"  The Ver-man approached me and we soon were grappling, trying to throw each other the edge.  "And that would have been very clever of me, wouldn't it?"  Taken aback by this, I lost my concentration.  He had anticipated that, and swept me over the edge.  As I fell, I heard the Trolls walking, then thumping something, then the Ver-man fell over the edge too, somewhat bruised.  I had known that would happen.  I immediately stopped falling, standing in midair.  "How-" burst out the Ver-man, falling past me.  "I can float, remember?  Next time you try to kill a Fey, don't throw us off cliffs.  It doesn't work."  I glided down, landing gently in a patch of grass.  I had seen a city in this direction, and so I set out to find it.

Knowledge is power...

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