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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG!
Thread: Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG! This thread is 6 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted April 06, 2004 12:38 PM
Edited By: Dragon_Slayer on 6 Apr 2004

OoC: I have only written Asmodeans update as i need RSF to reply before i can do Dingo or Vadskye. Because you are all together i cant let one of you to far ahead.

There were 80 Wyverns in total but as you noticed earlier not all of them could bear the weight of a rider. When you call, the other 45 deer men come out of the woods and you begin to examine the wyverns. Just as you suspected, only 45 wyverns including the queen were fit to carry a rider. That meant that five deer men would have to stay behind and guard the Wyvern nest while you were gone. The wyverns are restless from your invasion and the other deer army would not have reached the town walls yet. You decide spend the rest of the day planning, and resting for the great ordeal that is to come.

During your wait you decide to stay with the Wyvern Monarch, in an attempt to control her better. You spend the rest of the day battling the queen and practicing flying on her back. By nightfall, you feel like a professional. You sleep well that night, for someone who about to face the greatest ordeal in his life.

You awake the next morning feeling refreshed. It is 6 am but it seems the deer men have been up for much longer. They had already prepared their armour, weapons and wyverns. They have prepared you a hearty breakfast of meats they had brought with them in their supplies casket. After you are done, you depart for the Evree base. The deer men had brought with them specialised saddles that allowed them to ride the wyverns as if the had two legs. You on the other hand had to ride without one, but this did not matter as the queen’s spinney back acted and a chair. You take flight, with your legion behind you. You fly high on the clouds, where no human eye can reach. As you draw closer, you begin to lower in altitude, flying below the clouds now. You can now see the Evree base, it is a large castle but the roof is modified to allow wyverns to land.

You see Agorln below and give him the nod. His army charges at the wall of the castle, using specialised war ladders to climb over the walls. The Evrees panic in the confusion and begin to create illusions of ox warriors. It instantly becomes apparent that these are more than illusions, they can attack and cause physical damage as if they were real. This looks much more difficult than you thought. You and your army swoop down and attack. The Evrees are caught completely off guard; they probably have never experience an attack on two fronts. Half of your army go and pick off the ox warriors and Evrees along the wall while you and the other half fly into the nearby forest and grab large logs and rocks. The other half of the wyverns pick off the archers so you can come in. Your wyverns fly in and drop the logs and rocks on the guard towers. As you drop a mighty rock onto the main tower you lose your grip and fall, luckily you float down to the rooftop. Waiting there is Obelisk; shooting down deer men with is bow.

Asmodean: Dam my infernally weak grip! Obelisk, turn and fight me like a man!

With those words, he dropped his bow and drew his sword. His muscles are large and he looks much fiercer than the other Evrees. He wears a crown on his head. It isn’t very elaborate or large but it looks like solid silver. He lunges at you, slicing the side of your armour. He is strong and fast, but his magical skills are strong too, you can sense them. You cast mental bolt on him, he falls to the floor where you begin to lay into him with the staff you borrowed from Agorln. Obelisk is barely phased; he gets up and rams you with his shoulder in your chest. You double over, unable to breathe. Obelisk walks over to you and raises his sword; you can feel your death is near…

You hear a loud bang and a painful scream, causing you to look up. The wyvern monarch has dropped a log onto Obelisks chest. She begins to rip away at him, tearing at his flesh. Once Obelisk is dead, the castle disappears, as do the rest of the Evrees. It seems they were also created by Obelisk. Amazing! His magical powers must have been amazing, but they did not stop his death. You rally your troops and tend to the wounded. Agorln walks to you and presents you with Obelisks crown. It is a Chieftains Crown and allows you to begin building a camp.

OoC: Read the first page to see what you may do with the crown.


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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted April 06, 2004 01:26 PM

When Agorln presents me with the crown I take it from his hands and place it on my head. A shimmering light appears in front of me in the outline of a key. I reach out to the light, which solidifies into a Leaders key.
I had no idea that these artifacts existed in this new world, but I know what they're for.

Agorln and Ayelk approach.
Agorln: The Evree threat has ended, and Obelisk is dead. We will depart now in peace, with many thanks for your help. Before we go we allow you to have the pick of our troops for your followers.

Ayelk: And for your help we will spread the word of your bravery, and any of our people you meet in the future will help you if you cross paths in the future.

The formalities ended I inspect the deermen ranks. I choose two archers and six infantry from the most likely candidates, and before all of the deermen have departed we begin to build our camp.

For her faithful service I allow the Queen to return to her nest, but keep one of the male wyverns with me as a steed. I do not disslove the charm I laid on her as I may have need of her later, but she must return to the nest or the younglings left behind will scatter without her to lead them.

I name the wyvern I kept Slash, and name the camp Obelisk, as a reminder to myself not to repeat his mistakes. He was blinded by his own Illusions, I shall not be.
After a few hours the camp has 7 sturdy tents and I send one of my Archers up on Slash to see the lay of the land and where the nearest town is.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted April 06, 2004 02:46 PM

RSF decided to eat at the barbeque that was going for the tournament. There were plenty of meats to choose from. However the animals were much different in these lands. One man was wrapping a skinned animal in rawhide. It seemed a bit redundant to RSF but nonetheless he watched carefully to see what the cook was doing.

RSF: "What kind of meat is that?"

Cook: "That is tream."

RSF: "Tream?"

Cook: "Yeah it's our local domesticated animal. It has a pretty generic flavor, but it's way more tender than any other meat you've had."

RSF: "Can I have some?"

Cook: "Absolutely. We have some already simmering right over there."

The cook was finished wrapping the animal in rawhide and throws it on top of a pile of coals. He mounds the coals over the carcass and walks over to another pile of coals and fishes through the coals uncovering another animal. He cuts through the rawhide and cuts off a chunk of lean meat. He hands puts it onto a plate and hands it to RSF.

Cook: "Careful. It's hot."

RSF: "Mmmmmm. Looks good. Smells good. Thank you very much."

RSF eyes the meat carefully as he goes back to the fighter ring to meet with Dingo. Along the way he sees a cloud of smoke coming from the town. It's far too much smoke to be just a small fire. Something must be burning. RSF calls out to everyone about the smoke rising back in town.

After a bit of commotion, one mage dressed in blue comes out and asks where the smoke is coming from.

Mage: "I can put out the fire."

The two teleport over to the tavern and find Dingo staring at the burning building. The building is already halfway burnt to the ground. No one could have survived. The mage casts a spell that blasts the building with water. After a few seconds the building has stopped burning.

Mage: "There might be some people in here that might be able to be able to be brought back to life, but I doubt it."
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
posted April 06, 2004 02:50 PM

Doomnezeu carrefully puts the poisoned dart and the tube in his backpack, then sets off to find some civilisation, and maybe a clue or two about what happened and why he cannot remember much. He sets off through the woods, in hope of finding some people, but stumbles into some dense vegetation that forbids him further advancement. Just when he decides to go back the road he came, a strange hiss can be heard from the bushes:
"What are you doing here? Move away, while you still can stranger!"

"And why should i do that?" doomnezeu answers, "this is a no man's land, isn't it? I go where I choose."

"A bit courageous for a helpless little monk, are you, hehe. Maybe you are not as dumb as I thought. Maybe you could prouve yourself useful"

"Useful in what?"

"Well, for starters, I can sell you stuff. You know, adventure stuff, you need it on your journeys. Like potions, armor, weapons.."

"I'm a monk", doomnezeu reluctantly replies, "i wear no armor and I use no weapons. I rely only on my knoledge of chi"

"Well, since you put it this way, i DO have something for you, and it's quite cheap."

"Well come out if you want to do buisness, let mee se who you are."

From the bushes appears a strange looking creature, with black features, an arm missing and a red robe around his body.

"Well", he hisses, "surprised? Thought you're gonna see some big hunk of meat?"

"No. Now speak quickly, i am in a hurry."

"Well, here, i have a pair of bracers from the finest leather. I got them from a monk a couple of years back. For you, only 50 pieces of gold and a favour."

"What kinda favour?"

"well, if you happen to stumble over a dude named *DS, insert name here*, you should let me know. Or better yet, I will let you know what to do with him."

"Hmm, that does not sound too legal to me."

"There is no law in these parts. Stick with me and i will make you worth your while"

"Very well then, let's see the gloves"

Doomnezeu aquires a pair of shiny new gloves, witch are strangely glowing with a white, cold light. The strange man takes his money, and then dissapears.

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted April 08, 2004 02:05 PM

Indeed, it would be wise to get away from the fire. Witnesses will be looking for a culprit and if you are spotted, it may end your tournament hopes. You teleport beside RSF, almost scaring the life out of him.

RSF: You fool I almost dropped my tream!
Dingo: Huh?
RSF: This stuff is great! Was that you who started that fire?
Dingo: Uhhh, no…
RSF: ok good. Anyway, we should get back now; they will be waiting for us.

You make your way back and you hear your name being called out.

Man: Dingo and Mative, step up to the arena.

You get into the arena. The mage is wearing a blue robe, must specialise in water or ice magic. The fight begins and the mage casts fire bolt and hits you in the chest. The mage tricked you; you were completely caught off guard. The mage then casts fire ring. A ring of fire appears around you, you cannot escape it without suffering major damage. You summon three skeleton mages. They all cast poison bolt on the mage. The mage is hurt and drops the fire ring. The blue mage jumps past your skeletons and bats you across the head with his staff. You fall to the floor and he casts another fire bolt on you. You are badly wounded and are unable to move. The mage dispatches your skeletons easily and walks over to finish you off but stops in his tracks. He falls to the ground, and dies.
You are declared the winner. The medics rush over to heal you immediately. Once you are healed, you go to inspect your fallen foe. There is a tiny pinhole in his back, with a green fluid running out. Someone must have poisoned the mage before the match. You search the mage some more and find a scroll. You study the scroll and learn how to cast fire bolt. The mage is carried away and it is then you realise it. Someone wants to win this tournament, even if he has to cheat his way through it…

You are worried about your match. Dingo’s opponent was poisoned; you may have the same fate. You had better watch your back. You step into the arena and bow to your opponent. He is in a brown robe and seems to be meditating. The fight begins and the mage does not move. He is woozy, almost drunk looking. You cast arcane bolt at the mage and he falls. He is slow to get up and when he does, he tries to cast an energy beam at you but stumbles and shoots into the sky. You wonder what is going on. Is this some sort of act, is he trying to confuse you? Suddenly he falls to the floor. He can barely breathe. You inspect him and notice the same pinhole in his back, this time with a blue fluid coming out. The medics rush to help him. You look over to Dingo, he looks at you. You both better find out who is behind this, or both of you may not live through this tournament.

You walk over to the medics were they heal your wounds. You will now have a 30-minute recess as unlike the other fighters, you entered in the second round. You walk over to the snack bar and grab a pizza, like grabbed it out the back of the stall… You decide to watch the mages tournament, as you intend on winning the fighters tournament and fighting the strongest mage. You eat your food and walk back to the mage tournament. They are all there. Two catch your attention, a necromancer and a wizard. It is odd; you do not usually see those kinds of people together. You watch as the necromancer gets into the ring and fights. He wins his battle, but oddly. The other mage was winning but then suddenly stop fighting. You then watch the wizard battle. His battle was won easily, too easily. The mage the wizard fought seemed tired. You had better watch out for these mages, they might get in your way… You look around and see a man in a black cloak running away. He drops a dart shooter behind him. You run and grab it. It is excellent quality so you put it away for later.

Tidor… that name sounded familiar. The man reappears and says that if you have any information on Tidor to come back to this exact spot, and tell him all you know. You pull out your map and mark this spot on it. The gloves you have acquired give you the ability to heal wounds on yourself and others much better than you could before. You continue walking through the woods and eventually reach a clearing. You look over the plane and see a town. It is a very small town, buzzing with activity. It seems to be a main centre of trade. You decide to go check it out.


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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted April 08, 2004 02:25 PM

Vadskye figured that he would have to talk one of those mages.  Vadskye thought that they could have poisoned their opponents.  Which one to confront?  The wizard would probably be best; that way if things started to go wrong he could always slip his dagger into his chest.

Vadskye: "Ho!  You won that fight handily!"

RSF, still thinking about who poisoned his and Dingo's opponents, said nothing.

Vadskye: "Hold up there!  I want to talk with you!"

RSF walked over to Vadskye and waited, still focusing on the culprit.  Vadskye pulled out a dart thrower.

RSF: "You're the one who poisoned them!"

Vadskye: "Whoa!  I just picked this up from your acccomplice!"

RSF: "You liar!  Don't accuse me to hide your own guilt!"

Vadskye: "This isn't anywhere.  Goodbye."

RSF: "Goodbye!"

As Vadskye walked away, he realized that it was almost time for the next fight.  He hurried over to the fighting arena.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted April 08, 2004 03:51 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 12 Apr 2004

RSF decides that he must make sure that he will not be poisoned like his opponent. He walks over to Dingo and tells him that something strange is going on. The two of them agree that they must find the culprit.

RSF: “This man will definitely go for us as we move on in the tournament.”

Dingo: “Well he certainly helped me out.”

RSF: “Uh huh. That’s because he knew the blue mage was really strong so he sabotaged him. He’s picking off the best mages one by one. This is either of the other mages, or it’s one of the fighters. I think we should watch the next matches very carefully. After all, these are our opponents at the very least.”

The two walk over the ring and see a mage dressed in green and another dressed in white. The white mage casts a spell that creates a bright beam of light directed at his opponent. The green mage is temporarily blinded, but still manages to summon a small tree about 4 feet tall with several thorny vines attached to it. The white mage casts a golden aura around himself. He walks up to the green mage and touches him. The green mage is severely shocked and falls to the ground. The vines grab the white mage and wrap themselves around him. They wrap around his neck and the thorns give him scratches. The green mage casts another spell creating a small treefolk sapling. It runs over and bashes the white mage. The white mage casts a spell that damages any summoned creatures. The treefolk stays alive, but the vines go limp and drop the white mage to the ground. The white mage casts another aura around himself this time being more of a bluish tint. The green mage casts a magic missile spell at the white mage. The aura dissipates and reflects the missile back at the green mage. The green mage is badly injured and casts a spell that turns his arm into several branches full of thorns. He swings them at the white mage and throws numerous thorns that pierce his skin. The white mage tries to duck out of the way but he is filled with a dozen small thorns. The green mage continues to throw thorns at his opponent. The white mage is losing badly, but the green mage mysterious falls to the ground again. Must be the poison.

Dingo: "It must be the white mage."

RSF: "No, it could be one of the mages from the next fight making it look like everyone is poisoning each other. Or maybe one of the good fighters is planning on knocking off all the good mages. I'm gonna go check out the white mage."

RSF hides in the shadows and snoops on the white mage. He follows him around the arena checking to see if there are any accomplices. RSF watches for several minutes before he feels a hand grab his shoulder.

Man: “Don’t move unless you want to be poisoned. I have an offer to give you. How would you like to win this tournament…”

OOC: I thought I’d let you go along with what happens next. In the end, I will refuse any offer he makes. However I may pretend to go along with it and then teleport behind him and try to kill him.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted April 14, 2004 02:41 AM
Edited By: Dingo on 13 Apr 2004

RSF:  I'm gonna go check out the white mage.

RSF went away.  Dingo thought he would entertain himself by watching the fighters tournament.  We started heading towards the fighters area.  Then he heard the words “That’s the one!”  He turned around to see a peasant covered in ashes with two knights.

Peasant:  That’s the Necromancer that burnt down the Tavern!

Dingo quickly realized that this wasn’t good.  One of the knights took out a whistle and blew hard into it.

Knight:  We found him!  

Dingo could feel eyes burning into the back of his skull.  Everyone was staring at him.

Dingo:  I would never do such a thing!  I was doing something else.

Knight:  Likely story.

Someone grabbed Dingo from behind.  He went blind with rage.  Back in the undead colonies, grabbing someone from behind meant it was a fight to the death.  He quickly teleported behind the person who grabbed and hit him in the head with his staff.  He kept beating the man in the head.  Then Dingo became entangled in a net.

Knight:  You’re going to the dungeon.

Dingo tried to teleport out of the net, but it had some magic in it.  He couldn’t get away.

Dingo:  Oh ****.

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted April 14, 2004 06:38 AM

All of a sudden, a giant figure leaps out from the crowd, fresh off a victory in the fighter's tournament, and impales both knights in one motion, killing them both instantly and tossing them far away. Then, helping the necromancer from the net, the large death knight muttered:

"They usually come to see it our way once we convert them."

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Supreme Hero
posted April 14, 2004 08:39 AM

The small village is allmost too crowded for a little place like this. The woods are surely not the most frendly of places, and this one is by far as thick as a lion's hide.
Doomnezeu slowly descends from atop of the hill and approaches the village. All arround him, small houses made of wood are the only shelter of the folk here. You actually see some signs on some doors, like "Miko Merchant" or "The healing house". Hmm, doomnezeu thinks, this looks like a good place to make some money and meet some people. The first building he encounters is, naturraly, the Inn. Doomnezeu decides to enter, for the Inn ussualy is the place for learning roumors and such.
Inside, he is surprised to see only a few tables are taken. Reluctantly, he takes a sit at one of the free ones and asks for a keg of ale. The bartender si very quik to anwser Doomnezeu's call:
'Right away, sir! Anything for you sir!'
He looks quite scared. Doom asks the bartender if something is wrong, but suddenly, a large man who was sitting in a far corner, approaches the table and, stinking of pure alcool, yells:
'Hey you, little monk, i have been expecting you."
Doom tries to hide his surprised figure and gives the strange man a calm look:
'Do I know you?'
"'yOU'd better, mister! I have benn send to finish what others have started!'
Quickly, thinking about the dart in the woods and the attempt at your life, you tie all things together and act quickly, jumping backwards to avoid the small dagger that was heading towards you. Without other words, you start the fight/.


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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted April 14, 2004 09:14 PM

The next morning greets me with the beating of wings indicating Slash's return
The archer, whose name by coincidence - is Archer, jumps off and runs to my tent where I had just exited to meet him.

Saluting he reports:

Archer: 'Sir the surrounding jungle has no visible villages or communities. To the north I spied a large town on the plains. There were many people there. In the main square they were holding some kind of Gladitorial Contest. I remember tales we used to get of these annual battle contests when the peddlers came to our village. The most powerful fighters and mages of the land compete for valuable artifacts'.

Asmodean: 'Well done Archer. I'm designating you temporary command of Camp Obelisk. I shall visit this town myself and see if there are any kindred souls who wish to join forces with us. When I return I expext the ditch around the camp and the palisade to have been completed'.

Giving Slash an hour to both feed and regain his strength I mount him and head north, searching for this town.

There may be someone who wishes to join with me, there may not be. At least it will give me the chance to let the heroes that came to this land with me, as well as the locals know that I hold a chieftain's crown and have made my camp in the jungle.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted April 15, 2004 12:48 AM

Catperson- Cat-like; +1 to Agility
-16. Mageslayer -STR(7)/ DEX(7)/ END(7)/ AGI(7)/ CHA(6)/ INT(8)/ WIS(8)/ WIL(8)
- Desummon- destroy a summoned creature
- Witch Slayer- attacks do more damage to magic user
- Magic Resistant- almost immune to magic  

That wis what I'd like to be. My character name is Gorman, and I'd like to add 2 abilities if that is ok?
1. is the ability to have near lightning like reflex's. Being a cat you'd expect to be able to move incredably fast!

Q quick: What kind of weapons, if any, could I weild? I mean, I'm a cat for cripes sake! Would I have 9 inch razor sharp claws or ?

2. An ability to enrage myself to make my attacks stronger

Is this all ok or ? When I find out about the weapons thing I may have to edit this post...
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted April 15, 2004 03:09 PM

OOC: You foo, this is the main thread.  Post in the OOC.
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted April 16, 2004 12:55 PM bonus applied.

It is obvious that he was not the culprit, but you no longer have time to look for the culprit as your fight is starting. You step into the arena a look at your opponent. Another beefy fellow, obviously no match for your agility, but looks can be deceiving so you should stay alert. He has stone armour on him. The armour covers his chest and back, stone pads cover his legs and arms and a stone helmet. He probably cannot afford lighter materials. The fight begins and it is obvious that all the stone is slowing him down. He cannot run and is having difficulty walking. You dart around him and slash behind his knees, but to your surprise, he moves his leg and you hit the stone. The tip of your dagger snaps, it is useless now. Filled with rage you dive behind him and grab both of his legs. He falls hard to the ground, his helmet breaking because of the force. He is out cold and you win. The managers of the tournament present you with another dagger to keep for fighting so smartly.

Man: If you co-operate with me, you will win this tournament and get all the fame that comes with it.
RSF: What are you saying?
Man: I am saying that if you help me I shall help you. If you do not agree just walk away and we will pretend like this never happened.
RSF: What exactly must I do for you?
Man: The prize for winning this tournament is one I desire greatly; when you win, you must give it to me.

The only reason you entered this tournament was to get that prize so you walk away.

Man: So you choose not to accept my offer. Fine, someone else will. If you happened to be poisoned during the tournament just remember that you had your chance…

You walk back to the tournament. You cannot tell anyone of this, the risk is too high. You would rather live through the day instead of being poisoned.

Dingo: You, you are the person from the forest! How did you get here?
Xerxes: Long story I may explain later.

You both run behind a local smithy and stop for a minute. Before you have a chance to talk, a man in a cloak walks up to you both. He pulls out a dart shooter.

Man: I have a proposal for you both. If you help…


Almost ten knights run over to you and throw nets over you all. You are stuck; there is nothing you can do now. The knight sees the cloaked man holding the dart shooter.

Knight: What? So, it was you three who poisoned those mages. I herby banish you all from this town and the surrounding land. If you are seen, you will be killed!

With that, you are thrown out of the town and banished from the surrounding land.

You jump up onto the table, and wait for the man to charge at you. He runs and you jump up and boot him in the chest. You jump off the table and get ready for a dragon palm. Your hand begins to glow and you strike him. He falls to the floor and is thrown outside by some on lookers. Everyone is staring at you. Because they are so isolated, it seems they have never seen someone with powers like yours. The barman brings your ale over.

Barman: Terribly sorry sir, here is your ale.

The barman walks off. You are halfway through your ale when someone grabs you by the arm and brings you into a corner.

Man: You draw far too much attention to yourself young elf. Come, you will stay in my room tonight…

You mount Slash and take flight. The ride is smooth for such a small beast, you are glad you choose Slash as your own. You land just outside the town and see three men being thrown out, no doubt for something mischievous. You walk in and see that there are two different tournaments. You walk around for a while and grab something to eat at one of the stalls. After eating, you decide that it is time to make yourself know around here…


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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted April 16, 2004 03:59 PM

Vadskye walked away from the fighting area, still angry that his dagger was broken.  They had given him another one, but it just wasn't the same.  Oh well.  Vadskye saw the same man he had seen earlier, so he went over to him to finish the conversation.
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted April 21, 2004 03:10 AM

Strolling through the town I kept a low profile to scout things out. The mage fights were exciting to watch, though I'm sure that there's something funny going on. The strongest mages in the last two fights lost. Not as strong as I, but it was strange enough to make me glad I was not a participant.
I noticed that same fey that I saw on the beach. The one that was thieving. He is hurrying towards something, but I intercept him and drop my illusionary guise.

'A fey greeting to you my fellow. We are both a long way from home, and I would like to buy you a drink. I have a proposition for you'.


To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Supreme Hero
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posted April 21, 2004 04:27 AM

Vadskye decided to accept this new man's offer for a drink.
Vadskye: "Very well, let's go.  But I'm warning you, don't try to rip me off.  I am seldom as drunk as I appear."

Asmodean: *heh* "I'll try to remember that."

They walked towards the nearest bar together.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted May 07, 2004 06:41 AM

OOC:  I write a post similar to this, which received a Qp, but sadly the HC Downtime deleted it.

BIC:  Dingo awoke in a dark place.  Nothing was visible, and he had trouble moving.  It seemed like he was in a coffin or box.  After shaking around eventually the thing broke open.  Immediately he was blinded by the sunlight.  Once his vision became clear, he noticed he was in a jungle.  This seemed to be the same jungle he was in earlier.  He noticed another broken crate, with heavy footprints leading deeper into the jungle.  The trees had the engravings of a large sword.  That was the Death Knights work.  Dingo almost followed the tracks but he noticed something was wrong.  He didn’t know what was wrong, but something didn’t feel right.  Then it hit him, where was the his staff?

Dingo:  Oh no!  They took it.  

The staff was missing.  Dingo sat down and thought about what he had just lost.  He started to remember how he got that staff...

...Three daggers flew at Dingo’s face.  He dodged them.  The Undead ninja pulled out his sword and charged at Dingo.  Dingo teleported behind the Ninja and struck him in the skull.  The Ninja fell to the ground and Dingo was declared the winner.  One of the professors came to Dingo.

Professor:  Dingo, the Headmaster wishes to speak with you, he is in the main office.

Dingo carefully entered the office.  In the office was the Headmaster of the University.

Headmaster:  Congratulations on winning the contest.  The Emperor wishes to speak to you immediately.

Dingo stepped outside.  The icy wind burned his face.  Everything was gray.  He could see nothing except for snow flying into his face.  He stumbled across the path to the Citadel.  He was blown down by the wind.  The wind’s howling seemed to taunt him.  He got up and kept going.  After what seemed like hours, a black blur appeared in front of him, it was the Citadel.  He entered, expecting to find a warm welcome.  As he stepped inside, echoes traveled though his head.

Echoes:  Somebody stop him!

A human in white robes was running with a large black book.  The human was scarred out of his mind.  He was definitely under the effects of a Haste Spell.  He ran around Dingo, but Dingo teleported in front of him.  Dingo hit him in the chest with his staff.  The human fell to the ground and the staff went into pieces.

Royal Guard:  Thank you.  This human stole one of the Books of the End.

This enraged Dingo.  He kicked the human in the head.

Dingo:  I hope you die the most gruesome death.
Royal Guard:  I assume your Dingo.  The Emperor is waiting in the throne room follow me.

Dingo followed the Guard.  He eventually entered a room with tall black pillars that had gold on them.  To his sides were two great fires.  At the end of the hallway was an immense black throne.  In it sat the Emperor.

Emperor:  Welcome Dingo.  Thank you for disposing of that human.  He almost stole one of the books of the dead, and that could have cost us The War.  The War seems to be going now where.  All of our Great Necromancers and Death Knights are out fighting the war.  That’s why you’re here.  You won the contest, proving that you can defend yourself.  I want you to explore this land called, “The Tanaran.”  If you claim this land, it could give us an advantage against the humans.

A man in black robes entered.  He was carrying a large gold plate.  On it was a map, a black ring, a staff and some dark robes.

Emperor:  This staff is very unique.  It will greatly improve any spell you cast.  The staff has many secrets; you should slowly learn its abilities.  It can only be wielded by someone, who is wearing this ring.  You will be wearing this ring; the ring will also increase your magical powers.  

The ring was black and had a large red stone on it.  The stone was glowing a magnificent dark red, like a bloody globe.  The ring seemed hypnotizing.  Dingo put on the ring.  He felt more powerful.  Then he grabbed the staff, the rings glow became brighter.  Dingo then put on the dark robes, he felt like a powerful necromancer.

Emperor:  You seem ready.  Here is the map, on how to sail to The Tanaran.  Take the black ship to the far right; the crew is expecting you.  Good Luck...

...Dingo looked down at his robes.  They were now dirty.  The ring was now dead with darkness.  There was no glow.  He needed to get that staff back.  Dingo looked around the jungle.  He knew nothing of tracking people down.  After searching the jungle floor, he found some footprints; he followed them.

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted May 07, 2004 02:48 PM

OOC: I assume that's a dream?  Because there are some definite transition lacks there.  Other than that, it's a good post.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted May 07, 2004 03:08 PM

Xerxes has approached the Ape Village.
Go Red Sox!

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