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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG!
Thread: Trials: Lord of Tanaran RPG! This thread is 6 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 27, 2004 08:04 PM

"Damn, an obstacle."

The forest was not beautiful to Xerxes, but instead served only to bar his exploration of the area. Stepping back a bit, he surveyed his surroundings, looking both for a way around the forest and for the source of the stare of whoever it was that thought it wise to follow him. Both produced unsatisfactory results.

The forest seemed to go on forever in both directions, and, save for the madding crowd that had gathered on the beach, he saw no one but himself. Whoever it was that was following him could not yet know that he knew. Being undead, Xerxes was very shrewd and decided that cutting through the forest would be the quickest way to see what lie beyond it. He chose the nearest pathway and entered, unsheathing his broadsword just in case he should encounter trouble, or his follower, along the way.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 27, 2004 09:12 PM

RSF: "Thanks for getting straight to the point. But how much is a small percentage? 5 percent? 10 percent? What is exactly will this... guild... do for me?"
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted February 28, 2004 02:38 AM

A few careful probe spells reveal the plant has at least two interesting properties that are readily identifiable. As far as I can make out, the sap from the stem, if added to alcohol will produce  a VERY volatile liquid. Useful in extreme emergencies, but I'm not about to go risking my neck in the pursuit of 'knowledge'. I's much rather pursue power, which is why the second property of the plant could be extremely useful. It seems the flower contains the active ingredient in a powerful hypnotic drug, sprinkling the pollen on someone's food will make them extremely suggestible, perhaps lowering their will to a mere one stat point.....the dosage will have to be researched before I use it though.
Floting above the tall grass I can make out many features of the jungle, strange lizards and snakes abound, and many birds and insects can be heard. But I have yet to see a single rodent or any other warm blooded creature. Perhaps there may be -
What was that!
A movement ahead. Not an animal, too loud. Using my illusion I make myself look like the grass around me and slowly creep forward to investigate......

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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posted March 01, 2004 02:16 AM


Back on the shoreline another away boat glides up to the shore.  This one contained a man with long locks of blonde hair and a stubbled goatee.  Around him were a number of gorgeous ladies.  Madigard had arrived.  His arrival drew the attention of a number of people.  Once his boat hit the shore he leapt off and clapped his hands to get the attention of as many people as possible.  A few of them gave him their attention.  With a huge smile on his face he raised his arms and said, "Greetings brave adventurers.  I, Madigard, am pleased to announce that I shall soon errect a tavern on this very shore.  A watering hole...a gathering place for brave adventurers to share their stories over a tall tankard of mead with good music in the background and some..hehe..nice...ladies to bring you your drink.  So go forth and pluck the riches from this world and make sure you bring those riches by my tavern.  I shall call it... The Slippery Corset."

So it seemed the Ver-man thief was trying to eliminate his competiton but ended up eliminating himself.  With that mess behind you, you move to the far northern area of this region.  The city you saw, is actually a ruin.  The ruins are old, toppled, and forgotten.  They are of very primitive design.  They have strange designs and carvings with the images of creatures with large eyes and mouths.  The crumbled and busted up tan stones that are entangled with dark green vines form a sort of maze of pillars and broken walls.  As you float around and explore the ruin you can see that there are still a few stairways and tunnels that lead down to darker areas.

The heat of the jungle has worked up tremendous steam.  Soon your chopping and hacking has brought you to waterfall of sort.  This waterfall in particular seems to be pouring out a strange, blue, frothy, glowing substance.  This substance runs down into a long stream and a number of large and strange plants that you have never seen before are sprouting from this stream.  The birds and animals native to this area are frightened to death of you and they all scatter as you approach the stream.  You go closer to the stream and the flowers and plants begin to wither.  This forces your follwer to reveal himself.  You turn around behind you and you see a large, gorilla that is walking upright and wearing a number of colorful feathers and headress.  He is carrying a large spear.

Jezerah had to pause because of Madigard's grand performance.  After the crowd had settled her turned to you and said.  "Our guild works very closely with Madigard.  He and I have at times been shipmates.  Look around you.  Do any of these fools look like real explorers?  Most of them will be dying of starvation in a week's time.  We know what we're doing.  Stick with us and you will make out here.  This place is not like our old world.  Things are different.  Rules are different.  You want to be on our side... trust me.  All you need to do is gives about say....10 percent of what you make and we will guarantee you success.  Just sign on this paper.  And as part of your initiation you must bring us a valaube item from this new land.  We have plans to construct a camp soon.  We have 12 men as we speak scouring the jungle searching for these so called, magical crowns.  Once we have a base of operations...the sky is the limit my friend."

You give yourself the appearance of plants and you creep forward.  Soon, through the brush you can see two strange figures.  You see two creatures that appear to be men with antlers on their heads; thick, furry hair and beards; green and brown robes and they are carrying wooden walking sticks with leaves and feathers tied to these staffs.  They seem not to notice you there eavesdropping on them.  One of them turns to the other and says.
"Do you suppose they will be a threat to us Ayelk?"  The other says, "I cannot tell.  We must consult the stones.  At the very least they do not seem to be allied with the Evrees.  Perhaps we can communicate with them."

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 01, 2004 05:12 AM

Dingo heard the mans words about a Tavern.  He thought that this tavern would benefit him.  He checked his wallet to see how much money he had.  

Dingo: Hmmm, I thought I had a little bit more.  

Dingo realizing he was a little low on money went into the jungle.  He hated the jungle, too many living things.  He noticed that a path was already made, so he followed it.  The footprints in the ground looked familar, and reminded him of home.  This chopping and hacking of plants was definatley a style of the Undead.  He remembered seeing a Death Knight earlier.  Dingo hears some violent movements.  He quickens his Pace.  The Death Knight is fighting a huge ape.  The ape is clearly losing and starts to retreat.  The ape is much faster than the Death Knight and its getting away.  Dingo cuts the ape off by teleporting in front of it.  Dingo starts bashing the huge ape with his staff.  As the ape raises its huge arm to attack, the Death Knight jumps on top if it and sticks his sword in the ape.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 01, 2004 02:35 PM

RSF: “Jezerah, I think you are definitely selling me a good story, but it doesn't look good when you don't even have a good base of operations. I will return when things have settled for you. Can I assume that you will be running your business through the Tavern on the beach?”

Jezerah: “That’s a decent guess. After the tavern is built just come in and ask for Jezerah.”

And so RSF sets out into the plains to the south to begin his adventures. He hopes that he will meet more people such as Jezerah. Knowing people like him will give advantages to RSF greatly, because it never hurts to have connections. The plains seem to stretch as far as the eye can see. It will definitely take a day or two just to find anything. After a couple hours RSF decides to take a break near a watering hole. He opens up his pack and takes out a meager portion of bread. He drinks some water from his canteen and refills it.
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 01, 2004 03:15 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 9 Mar 2004

"Hmm.  I wonder where this leads?"  Vadskye pondered on the stairs for some time before finally deciding to go in.  After all, what else could he do?  The passage was even darker from the inside, but Vadskye's eyes quickly grew accustomed to the darkness and he saw that bones littered the ground.  Stepping carefully, Vadskye moved on.  The passage continued for some time before ending in a stone wall.  Or was it a wall?  "What's this?"  Vadskye began to detect a design in the arcetecture.  Stepping back, Vadskye saw the design.  It was a altar to the ancient god Torak, lord of the Murgos, who had been extinguished thousands of years ago.  That explained the bones- the Murgos believed in human sacrifice.  Vadskye quickly decided to leave this unholy place.  Stepping out, Vadskye was momentarily blinded by the light before his eyes grew accustomed.  Vadskye rested and ate, and then moved on, away from the city and out into the wild plains to the south.  
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 02, 2004 11:44 PM

Xerxes removed his sword from the giant creature, doubting that it was dead. For now, though, it was unconcious, so he turned to face his helper. Xerxes stood a good head and shoulders above the necromancer, but was mildy surprised that the two happened to meet again so soon. However, it was still too early to form an alliance with this man. Instead, he offered comradery to the necromancer and left it at that. In the future, they would likely ally.

The death knight gazed down at the waking beast, then quickly acted to slow him, aging the mammal to the point that he was no longer a threat. The now old and feeble native could not move anymore but was still very much alive. Getting answers out of him would not be difficult now.

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted March 03, 2004 02:29 AM

So. At least two tribes, or races live here. The two deer-men look like shamans, and they spoke of conulting 'stones'. Diviners? Or maybe a temple to one of this world's deities. I don't know what made me take such a bold action,but I severed my flows and appeared before them.
'Yes' I said. 'You can communicate with me. My name is Asmodean'.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 03, 2004 04:15 AM

The Death Knight had not killed the gorilla, he only weakened it.  Dingo wanted the Gorilla dead.  The Death Knight started talking to the beast.  The beast should have been killed, why was it still alive?  The Death Knight was definately from a different undead community.  Dingo grew up always killing the living, never giving them mercy.  Dingo wanted to kill the Gorilla, but the Death Knight wouldn't allow it.  When the Death Knight wasn't looking, Dingo took the beasts necklace.  Hopefully it would be useful in the future.  Dingo left the area.  

Dingo wanted to get out of the jungle soon.  He was walking for hours.  It was hard for him to go through the jungle quickly because his staff didn't cut through vegetation very well.  A small branch broke off a tree and hit Dingo in the head.  Dingo filled with rage started Cursing at the branch, tree and the Jungle.  Then he realized he was lost.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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posted March 04, 2004 01:38 AM
Edited By: SillyWabbit on 3 Mar 2004


As you kick and scream the powers inside you also seep out with your rage.  By accident fling a bolt of  magic and you totally decimate a few trees.  Just then a few strange moans and rumblings could be heard coming from all diretions around you.  It was strange, but it almost seemed as though the jungle istelf actually reacted when part of it was destroyed.  Much like what happened with the Death Knight.  Finally you calm down and glance about you.  Nightfall is fast approaching and you are still lost.  There is litle else to do but pick a path and go forth.  There are a few before you.  Some seem more ominous than others.

You spend the better part of the rest of the day traveling to the lowlands of the south you had heard about.  It took you a great deal of traveling but with luck by your side you make good time.  As you travel, you begin to notice some very extravagant looking trees.  These trees actually turn out to be signs or posts of some sort.

Being a fairy you stick out like a sore thumb in this massive jungle.  You make up your mind to travel east.  You move along though the jungle for quite some time.  As you get further and further away from the shore, you begin to notice a number of monoliths and stone posts and pillars that also bear the same carving.  The designs were of creatures with large, behemoth like eyes and mouths.  Perhaps you were getting closer to something.  It was hard for you to tell whether these pillars gave direction or warning.

The dark elf necromancer had given you quite a lot of trouble.  Finally he had departed and you were again alone with your captive.  Your powers weakened the massive beast and now he was lying on the ground before you heaving and moaning in fatigue.  Your powers were something that he had never experienced before and the mighty creature began to shiver before you in fear.  You leand down over the creature to further reinforce your presense.  The gorilla seemed terrified.  Then he did something that surprised even you.  He spoke.  The gorilla said, "Arrgg.  Let me go.  Your friend stole my medallion.  I have nothing else to give."  You then inform him that you can still take his life.  The gorilla man develops a shocked expression on his face.  He seems prepared to tell you anything you want.


When the two creatures see you materialize from the ground they jump back in shock.  They did not seem like hostile people, but one of them readies his staff.  It begins to glow a soft green light.  But rather than advancing they simply hold there ground and look on at you in amazement.  To calm them down you repeat to them that you mean them no harm.  You tell them that it is safe for them to communicate with you.  The two creatures stroke their beards and look at one another.  Now that you are higher up and in front of them you get a better look at these creatures.  They seem to be regular men, only they have large antlers on their heads and lots of hair.  Their legs are also jointed back like an elk, but they stand upright like men.  Thier green and brown robes display nice craftsmanship.  These obviously were not savages.  The two creatures whisper and converse with each other for a while.  Then one of them steps forth.  He says, "Stranger.  I am Agorln.  I am an Ayelk.  Do you know what that is?   We are a race of nature dwellers from the plains and rolling hills of the south.  We would love to get to know you better...but since you say that you are peaceful we ask but one question.  You see we must make certain that you are not a creation of the Evrees.  And so my friend wishes to cast a spell on you to prove whether or not you are an Evree.  Do you consent?"


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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted March 04, 2004 02:25 AM

Strange. I never said I was peaceful, just that I meant no immediate harm. Nature dwellers. That must mean druids of some sort, whatever they may call themselveshere. Still here was an obvious sign of conflict in this New World. And where conflict breeds I may find a use for my talents.
'No Agorln, I do not know what an Ayelk is. Nor have I heard of these Evrees that you speak of. Before I consider submitting to any foreign magic you are going to have to explain these things to me'.
He hesitated, not knowing whether to believe me. I felt myself growing slightly irritated.
'Nor am I a 'creation' of anyone or thing. My name is Asmodean. I am of a race called The Fey. I am also a highly skilled mage. Do not test my patience. Now explain'.

The two looked at each other warily, still unsure. The light from the other's staff winked out and he nodded slowly.
'I will explain', said Agorln. And I sat down, smiling inwardly. If these two were that easily cowed then perhaps they were of more use than I initially thought.....

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 04, 2004 09:48 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 12 Mar 2004

Vadskye stopped, considered the signs before proceding any farther.  He decided that although there was little doubt that it was a warning, the possibility of treasure being guarded by this creature was too enticing to pass up.  Vadskye continued on, cautious of an ambush, but also looking for gold.  
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 05, 2004 02:53 AM

"Are there any more of you?"

The death knight knew that this creature was not alone, and since he was brought down rather easily, the others he was with would probably end up trembling in fear of Xerxes prescence as well, especially with this witness, providing he lived to see his tribe. Already his plans to amass followers had started on its way. The death knight just hoped that whatever tribe this creature belonged to would cooperate with him until he seized control of it. If he was successful in assimilating this race of apes, he'd have quite a nice army at his disposal.

Xerxes waited as the beast whose chest was heaving violently, struggled to gain his breath, and began to think of the next question he would ask. He definitely wanted to know where the best pick of the landscape was. The death knight awaited the first answer of the beast and prepared to ask his second question.

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 11, 2004 05:24 AM

Dingo was examining the damage he had caused.  After the jungle stopped rumbling and making stange noises, he left.  He felt uncomfortable being in this jungle and if he stayed where he was, trouble would surely follow.  He walks for hours and hours.  

Dingo decides to take a break.  He examines the necklace he stole from the Ape.  The necklace seems to have markings on it in red, blue, yellow and orange.  It was crafted in a very unique way.  This was obviously made by the Apes.  Dingo didn't know that animals could make jewerly but these apes were different.

After recollecting his thoughts, Dingo was wandering the jungle again.  Dingo thought he heard something.  He teleported up into a tree and saw that there where five more of those Apes.  On of the Apes had a more lighter fur, an almost red color.  The Apes where in a line marching though the forest.  In front was a big Ape carring a spear, as was the last in line.  Behind the front ape was the redish colored ape, that was carring a staff.  This ape was smaller but had more jewerly and was definately a spell caster.  Then behind this ape where two apes pulling a wagon.  Dingo wanted to know what was inside that wagon.  He definately couldn't take on these Apes but he had to know what was in the wagon.  He thought up his plan.  Dingo summoned a skeleton mage.  The skeleton casts ESSENCE OF THE WRAITH.  Dingo now floats, so he can quickly get to the wagon and away.  Dingo has the Skeleton mage cause a distraction.  The apes notice the skeleton and attack.  Dingo realizes he doesn't have much time, he teleports behind the wagon and looks inside.  The wagon contains big flasks.  Dingo opens on of the flasks and inside is some strange blue liquid.  Before Dingo can open another one he hears the skeleton's bones crushing.  He rushes out and sees that the red ape has seen him.  The red ape points his staff at a tree and the tree comes to life.  The tree is ready to fight.  Dingo realizes now would be a great time to run.  The Red Ape points his staff at Dingo and whispers some words.  Dingo trys to teleport away but apparently the Red Ape cast some spell to prevent this.  Luckly, the Essence of the Wraith hasn't worn off.  Dingo quickly floats away back from the apes and back into the jungle.  He notices that the apes are angry and are following him.  The Essence of the Wraith wears off and now Dingo is running.  Dingo keeps tripping over branches and rocks.  He gets to a cliff and at the bottom is a river.  It looks deep.  He realizes that the apes will soon get him.  Dingo takes a jump into the water.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted March 18, 2004 09:08 AM
Edited By: Dragon_Slayer on 4 Apr 2004

Agorln: Well you see, Evrees are powerful mages. They are a type of illusionist or mind controllers. These Evrees controlled the minds of some of the most powerful creatures in the land and launched an attack on us. They also created illusions of themselves so they could wreck havoc on our town. I can sense that you are not one of them. If you help us raid the Evrees camp we will reward you greatly. Do you agree?

You decide to continue alone the path. As you proceed further down the weed covered path you notice a large sign hammered into the side of the path. ‘NO COME PAST’, it reads. The language seems like that of a two year old, or a muscle bound barbarian. What disturbed you most was a Behemoths skull pierced on top of the sign. You begin to wonder if continuing further is really worth it.

The gorilla begins to tell you about his medallion. He says it contains powers. Powers that increase a person’s strength and endurance by 1 point each, but it can only be used by those who already know how to use it. The Necromancer would gain no benefit from it unless he finds out what it does. If you help the gorilla reclaim his medallion, he would gladly provide you with on of your own.

Xerxes: Shut up, i care not of this medallion you speak of! Answer my question. Are their ore of your kind? If so, where are they?

Gorilla: Ugh, there are many of us. If you travel due east from here, deep into the jungle, we have a colony.

You jump off the cliff into the water. Due to your average agility you slip before you jump. You begin to fall toward a rocky platform. Due to your high intelligence you manage to teleport above the water, just before your bones are crushed. You hit the water hard and are unconscious. You float down the river and reawaken further down the shore.


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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 18, 2004 04:12 PM



You spend the better part of the rest of the day traveling to the lowlands of the south you had heard about.  It took you a great deal of traveling but with luck by your side you make good time.  As you travel, you begin to notice some very extravagant looking trees.  These trees actually turn out to be signs or posts of some sort.

After carefully examining several trees, RSF notices a foreign language and begins to recognize the different letters or characters. One of them appears to have something that looks like an arrow. He can only assume that the letters before the arrow is a place. He looks in the direction of the arrow, but sees nothing except a river. Apparently that's the name of a river. RSF decides to follow the river until he arrives at a village, since most people settle near sources of water. As I approach the river banking, I see a necromancer lying halfway in the water.

RSF: "Hello, there!"

The necromancer lies still apparently still unconscious. RSF lightly taps his cheek. Dingo wakes up quite startled wondering where he is.
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 18, 2004 04:36 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 18 Mar 2004

Hmmm.  That behemoth's skull-does that mean the behemoth is dead?  Very confusing.  I think I'll float up and look around.  As Vadskye began to float, there was a tremendous jerk on his right leg from behind.  Vadskye fell to the ground, but thief that he was, he landed softly and was on his feet in a second.  Turning, he saw a behemoth, towering above him at 20 feet tall.  Vadskye drew his daggers, judging the monster's weak points.  Without any warning, he dashed up and slashed te moster's middle, forming a gash across his belly.  It looked like something the behemoth might put a band-aid on.  The behemoth looked puzzled for a moment, but quickly recovered.  A claw!  Vadskye ducked instictively.  It passed inches from him, grazing his hair.  The wind bowled Vadskye over, but he rose again.  The beast swiped again, a diagonal stroke.  Vadskye flew towards the beast's body, probably the safest place to be.  The giant paw scraped the ground, and Vadskye drove his daggers in, aiming carefully.  He was destroying the monster's tendons and nerves, incapacitating it slowly.  Suddenly, he was caught by a paw!  Sailing through the air, all breath knocked out of him, he realized that he had been concentrating too much, not watching for attacks.  Vadskye landed hard, but soon got up again.  The beast was semi-helpless already.  It had no control of its legs; it would fall soon.  Soon the beast would die of starvation.  Realizing there was no point in staying, Vadskye wiped his daggers and continued on, unsure of his next destination.
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted March 19, 2004 02:29 AM
Edited By: Asmodean on 18 Mar 2004

I smile, truly whatever Gods govern this land have smiled upon me.
'I will help your people. But I set a condition. When we destroy these Evrees, I must be brought every magical artifact of theirs that is captured. If this is unreasonable then I must part ways with you now. And you must decise now'.

Fools, they have delivered themselves to their own doom. I care nothing for these Evree's illusions. A master of illusion such as I am cannot be fooled. But to be able to control minds. A talent I would be most eager to gain. If these blind idiots find me the secret of the Evrees mind control then I can surely use it on THEM. And with an army of druids behind me I will surely ba able to carve out a considerable kingdom for myself.

They have finished conferring, surely the only answer they can give will be to agree - they are desperate, otherwise they would not have begged help from a stranger.
Agorln takes a deep breath before saying '.......

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 20, 2004 08:07 PM

Dingo awakes from his unconsciousness.  He is feeling strange, his head hurts and his vision is blurry.  Dingo can see someone in front of him.  This person is talking to Dingo but Dingo can’t make out the words.

The Stranger:  Are you ok?  

Dingo finally understands what the stranger is saying.  The stranger appears to be a wizard.  The strange thing about this wizard though, is that the wizard is a Dark Elf.  Dingo has never heard of a Dark Elf wizard before.  He realizes this person isn’t a foe.

Dingo:  I don’t know what happened.

Stranger:  You were unconscious.

Dingo:  I’ve heard of being unconscious, but it has never happened to me.  Since I am Undead, I can’t get knocked out.  

He notices the necklace around his neck.

Dingo:  It must be this evil necklace.  It must have a negative affect on the undead.

Dingo rips the necklace off his neck and throws it into the river.  He begins to feel better.

Stranger:  My name is RedSoxFan the third, but you can call me RSF.

Dingo:  Pleased to meet you.  Where are we?

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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