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Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted April 27, 2006 03:06 PM |
Edited by Vlaad on 27 Apr 2006
Heroes V Modding
Thanks to akrav, Maquiladoras, xManiaCCx and other hackers out there 
Heroes III and Heroes IV had two unofficial add-ons - In the Wake of Gods and Equilibris. Due to the lack of the source code, modding the prequels was not easy. However, it seems that the Heroes V data have been more accessible, at least so far.
While we are waiting for real mods, here's a simple way to modify the demo files and replay the three scenarios with different creatures and/or heroes. Although the beta testers will not find this info interesting and some fans might consider it cheating, here's hoping this is just the first step in modding HV. 
Just open the Data > data > Maps > Scenarios. In e.g. C1M5 file edit (not open!) e.g. Godric.xdb.
The properties are in text format and look like BB code. Change whatever you want, then simply repack the file.
For example:

Vlaad's mighty army 
You can modify most of the demo properties this way.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted April 27, 2006 05:08 PM |
Nice to see those previously unseen critters this way. :-)
One thing, I had to uncheck 'read only' in file properties before I could save the document.
And Deadly strike still sucks.

Known Hero
posted April 27, 2006 05:56 PM |
What program can I use to edit the file? Yes, I am a noob at this kind of stuf.
Truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head.

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted April 27, 2006 06:05 PM |
Quote: What program can I use to edit the file?
WinRAR! Seriously though, you'll see the option if you right click instead of trying to unpack the file. After that just close the window and answer "yes" when asked if you want to repack it.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted April 30, 2006 03:03 AM |
Not sure yet, but think duel heroes can be edited. 
I edited Jhora, added 10 Titans, went online, created room, and right clicked on her. Titans were there.
But there were some problems then, as I could't join anyone, nor they couldn't join me displaying error "Client Game Database checksum does not much (heh guess here should be 'match') Host Game Database checksum - check installed Mods and Patches."
Therefore, think it might work, if both players have the same modifications.
And this could bring new excitement to duels!

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted April 30, 2006 03:54 AM |
It worked, yay!

Supreme Hero
posted May 01, 2006 03:17 AM |
First, I invite all of you modders to use that knowledge wisely, as Ubi and Nival have been working hard to deliver a rich and balanced game (whatever success you might think they had). So try to respect their work when editing those data.pak files.
However, as I trust you to handle that respectfully, here are some comments. 
Most important one is that you usually don't need to repack your data.pak file: just extract the file you want to edit in the data/ directory (with the exact same path), edit it and leave it there. The game will take the modded file into account in mmost cases.
Even better, if you mod several files, you can put those in a zip file, rename it to WhatYouLike.pak (in the data/ folder, with the same internal path as data.pak), and it works!!
That way, you're sure to be able to come back to the original game (and not f**k it up), and you keep your data/ clean.
To edit the file (if notepad is complaining) use any real text editor, as notepad is nothing like one I use EditPad Lite, but they are many available out there.
If editing your preset duel heroes, I thought it only worked when both opponents had the same files (which would only be fair)... It that what you meant, Nebuka?

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 01, 2006 04:17 AM |
Yep, both players have to have same modifications. One edit in 5 pixies, other has to as well for game to work, or wont be able to connect to each other, or anyone else.
I was thinking about that to balance a bit those duel armies before complete game arrives. But now, if you check that 'Play with all 18 heroes' thread, think it wont be needed. Atleast to me. Those 12 new heroes are likely to keep my interest until game arrives. And will just exit game when one picks Orris. 
Btw, just to say...this modding. It's not really modding as I imagine one to be, just simple editing, what could map editor do. No changing the stats, abilities, appearances...just editing so we could play with different factions, not just haven, inferno. Good for testing as well.

Supreme Hero
posted May 01, 2006 05:32 AM |
Quote: Those 12 new heroes are likely to keep my interest until game arrives. And will just exit game when one picks Orris. 
You mean Ossir I guess. 
(lowers his voice) If you play that mod, you might find this or this interesting. I'll let you figure the other urls yourself...

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 01, 2006 06:52 AM |
And bloody excellent job with pages, yet again. :up:
Cloak of Death's Shadow - one great artifact.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 10, 2006 12:59 PM |
I'm glad the game is moddalbe as I was planing on modding it anway, but DEAR LORD! Is that ugly thing the Phoenix???????
elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2006 08:08 PM |
I think the worst part of it is that it's drooping its head!

Adventuring Hero
posted May 11, 2006 09:24 AM |
I think the worst part of it is that it doesn't even look like a bird...more like some sick dragon...damn you Nival, damn you!!!
elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

Adventuring Hero
posted May 20, 2006 01:30 AM |
As far as I know, no modding tutorials or tools out yet.
For any real modding you would need a unpacker tool of some sorts.
Teh models, textures and sounds are all in some .pak files
elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

Supreme Hero
posted May 20, 2006 04:12 AM |
.pak files are .zip files renamed. WinRAR works like a charm on these.
Basics of modding is that you can add files in the data folder, respecting the names and folder structure found inside the .pak files. In most cases those files will be used instead of the originals. That allows to mod the game without messing with the original .pak files.
The added files can even be .zip compressed and renamed to a .pak file.
For example, here's a fix for the missing artifacts description (in english):
Some files, however, won't let new copies being used, and need to be replaced directly inside data.pak. So if your mod doesn't work, it may ba a reason (there are lots of others reasons to check first, like the pathname).
Before the release, Ubi took position against mods in the demo version, but that was because some were enabling content that was only to be seen in the release. Now that we got out of this spoiler area, I guess they'll endorse user mods (as long as they respect their game). However, I'd like to have an offical statement from Ubi before making such a page here on AoH.

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted May 24, 2006 10:59 PM |
Edited by Vlaad at 23:26, 24 May 2006.
I've copied this info from CH, in case someone is interested:
Arstahd's Black Knight mini-mod
Quote: I whipped up a little mod that replaces the necro's Wights and Wraiths with Black Knights and Death Knights. The BK has the stats of a vanilla DK and costs 1600. The new DK is a bit beefier and costs 2000.
Here is a screenshot:

And a DL link:
Black Knight Mod
Unzip the contents into the Data folder to use.
The bad news is...
Quote: The data files for this game are a mess, they look like the work of a six year old, there is no consistancy. Some folders have subfolders for all 6 factions, while others may only have 4 or 2. Some creature folders have 8 files per unit, others only 2 or 3. Also the actual models for the creatures seem to be compiled as binaries with no reconizable file names. All this make swapping out graphics quite a chore.

Supreme Hero
posted May 25, 2006 03:27 AM |
Thanks for the link.
About the last comment, I completely agree. I guess the fact that some of the devs are non-english speakers using english words explains part of it. I also know we're not really supposed to look at the game under the dress. But come on, it's really a mess down there!!!

Adventuring Hero
posted May 25, 2006 11:42 AM |
So the internal sturcure is a mess eh?
I'll look into this when I get back home..
In the meantime, do you know what are the mesh types or do they have any naming convention whatsoever?
You cna't edit meshes without knowing with what to open them, now can you ? ;D
elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted May 25, 2006 12:27 PM |
A question about the modding - will this affect all games, or just one scenario?
Specifically, for instance I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate that they've given the dead knight this Death Strike thing that will kill 25 % of units. That is simply ridiculous, because that potentially makes this unit infinitely powerful. Will I be able to go into the data file and wipe this feature out forever?

Adventuring Hero
posted May 25, 2006 02:50 PM |
That's hwat modding is all about...
You should be able to change any powers/abilities or invent new ones
elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo