Thread: *****HOW TO RESIZE PHOTOS. READ THIS!!!***** | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV / NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted August 15, 2006 03:38 AM |
sorry mab i shoudnt have tryd readin it when i was haf awake and watching tv! :-P

Supreme Hero
posted September 09, 2006 10:17 PM |
Quote: Section 4: How to put your pictures in posts.
When you are typing your post you just add this:
{img}put the complete web address of your picture here{/img}
{url= put the complete web address of your picture here}put the text you want the reader to see here{/url}
for the second option the reader will see this phrase:“put the text you want the reader to see here”. When they click on that phrase they will see the picture that you are linking to.
Note: for both of these options you have to replace the girly brackets {} with the manly brackets [].
You can put square brackets in, so you don't need to demonstrate with squiggly ones:
"[img]put the complete web address of your picture here[/img]"
written in a post as
[img[url][/url]]put the complete web address of your picture here[/img[url][/url]]

Legendary Hero
posted September 09, 2006 10:22 PM |
That's interesting.
While you have this bumbed. I would like to request it be stickied at the top of the Tavern, VW, and OSM please

Tavern Dweller
posted December 12, 2007 01:23 AM |
I like the topic and It's very wonderful information but.....
YOU EXPECT ME TO READ ALL THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If i live like I'm a drunk I'm taking my money bath again and I left the money running
signed-Richer than you becuase I'm chocolate

Legendary Hero
posted December 12, 2007 01:49 AM |
The sections in bold are called "subheadings" these allow you to find the information that is pertinent to your needs. Marvellous invention really

Known Hero
I hear voices in my head.
posted December 25, 2007 10:40 PM |
I have a question; where is in the avatar list the pic of the arhilich?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted December 26, 2007 09:54 AM |
Edited by radar at 09:55, 26 Dec 2007.

You can find it in your profile's settings.

Supreme Hero
posted January 17, 2008 02:12 PM |
Could anyone tell me how to post "print screen" pictures here on HC? I think the problem is how to save it in the right format on open office.

Supreme Hero
Digitally signed by FoG
posted January 17, 2008 02:18 PM |
Open Paint and paste what was saved with Print Screen. Then save as jpeg and you are done.
The empty set

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 18, 2008 05:10 AM |
or just use Photoshop, if you have it.

Famous Hero
posted September 17, 2008 03:27 PM |
Edited by razor5 at 15:28, 17 Sep 2008.
This is really offtopic here,but I really need an answer for this question,please....
Is a program that can cut a part of a picture (example: One man's head) and then put it to another picture?

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 17, 2008 03:29 PM |
Even Paint can do that

Famous Hero
posted September 18, 2008 07:22 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted September 18, 2008 08:03 PM |
You can use the Free-Form Selection (the icon is a star) or the Rectangle next to it, to select parts of an image. Then Copy that using CTRL+C and Paste it somewhere else (you can open another image) with CTRL+V.

Famous Hero
posted September 19, 2008 08:18 PM |

Tavern Dweller
Fairytale Anachronism
posted September 21, 2008 06:17 AM |
I know it isn't one of the free programs that would already be on your computer, but I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for my resizing and cropping.
If anyone has this and wants to resize, not knowing how...
Open your image into it (file->open->select image from folder).
Select the tab on the top, titled 'Image'.
It'll bring up a size chart of the current measurements of your picture. I recommend using/selecting pixels, as it's more of an actual size comparison.
"Ride on my gallant huntsmen. When shall we meet again? For you should never want for a fox to chase all over the glen." ~ Heather Dale's 'Black Fox'

Famous Hero
posted September 22, 2008 06:04 PM |
Thanks for the help But the problem was solved

Adventuring Hero
Professional Cat Lady assasin
posted February 11, 2009 05:25 PM |
nice guide but, wouldn't it be easyer to upload your pictures with imagebam? it gives you codes for thumbnails... and you can upload masive amounts of pics at a time

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted April 05, 2009 01:46 AM |
How do you decrease the depth? I need some 8-bit pics, but if I simply load the originals and choose "save as" they look real bad.

Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted April 05, 2009 12:32 PM |
8 bit pics (gifs) only have 256 colors, which is why they're only used for cartoons, logos, and text. It makes me ask why the pic you're referring to has to be 8 bits.