Famous Hero
posted February 17, 2007 02:17 AM |
Edited by Asheron at 03:08, 08 Jul 2007.
Burden Of Faith
Known Hero
posted February 17, 2007 03:46 AM |
Interesting idea, but WOG was an amazing addon, and unless you can convince a lot of people to try and help, you will have very little success.
Known Hero
Shadow of death
posted February 17, 2007 11:24 AM |
well..I think it is impossible to change EVERYTHING.
Famous Hero
posted February 17, 2007 08:39 PM |
First of all, I don't want to change everything, just almost everything For example, Acid changed the appearance of messengers to Blood Minotaur, Efreet Rajah etc. First I want to change at least change level
of some creatures for example: Dendroid (Tree Ant) lvl 6 creature, Cavalry lvl 5...
Next we want to change the look of ALL creatures in the game and spells properties.
In next post I will put my view castle alignments and maybe some concept
art. I said it before, but any help you offer will be welcomed and useful. Just don't crap all over it, if you don't like it, don't post anything
Oh yeah, please tell some good programs for this kind of job. I already have some, but maybe there are better ones than those that I already have
Known Hero
Shadow of death
posted February 17, 2007 08:49 PM |
Quote: Next we want to change the look of ALL creatures in the game and spells properties.
you will be making only THIS with team <10 people more then 2- 2,5 years..
Famous Hero
posted February 17, 2007 09:59 PM |
I'm not in a rush. But I think 2 years is a little too much don't you think? But newer mind, even if it takes 2 years, it will be worth of it because heroes are a great game and if I improve it just a little, I will be happy
Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted February 17, 2007 10:17 PM |
Sounds cool. I'll probably be busy playing Heroes 8 by the time you finish the project with such a small crew, but it's possible...
Seriously now, if you CAN finish this it would be great. If you need any ideas for creatures, towns, anything, I'm here... I just suck at programming
By the way, if you put cavaliers on level 5, what will be level 6? The only logic solution would be to put griffins on level 6, swordsmen at level 3 and monks at level 4. You'd also have to make griffins look more powerful, cause the way they are they don't really look stronger than level 4 at most...
By the way, why do you want to change the look of ALL creatures? Some look awesome, like dragons, minotaurs, beholders (remind me of that bad guy from teenage mutant ninja turtles) and many more. Actually most are quite good.
About castle alignments, what's to change about that? It's great the way it is now...
And about balance, try to make inferno and conflux more powerful. They are crap. They are in fact such crap that I play with them only when I'm in the mood for a real challenge... Just be careful not to make them overpowered.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf
Famous Hero
posted February 18, 2007 12:34 AM |
Edited by Asheron at 10:24, 21 Feb 2007.
Well crew isn't that small and it's growing larger,but it will take time do. OK now this will be my (ours) way of creature tiers : lvl 1 - regular, lvl 2 - adept, lvl 3 - elite, lvl 4 - magical, lvl 5 grand,
lvl 6 - epic, lvl 7 - divine
Here we go...
lvl 1 - Conscript SW - ?
CL - ?
Upgr. - Footman SW - Additional Defense Bonus When Defending
CL - Improved Def. Bonus
Lvl 2 - Archer SW - Shooting Ability
CL - No Obstacle Penalty,Shoots Twice
Upgr. - Marksman SW - Shooting Ability,Ignore Defense %
CL - No Obstacle Penalty,Improved Ignore Defense %
Lvl 3 - Crusader SW - Hatred Damage Skeletons,?
CL - Improved Hatred Damage,?
Upgr. - Templar SW - Improved Hatred Damage Possessed & Brute,?
CL - Improved Hatred Damage,?
Lvl 4 - Witch-hunter SW - Hatred Damage Vampires,
CL - Improved Hatred Damage,?
Upgr. - Inquisitor SW - Hatred Damage Occultist & Summoner,Succubus & Succubus Mistress,?
CL - Improved Hatred Damage,?
Lvl 5 - Cavalry SW - Jousting Bonus
CL - Strike & Return
Upgr. - Champion SW - Jousting Bonus
CL - Ignores Defense &,No Enemy Retaliation
Lvl 6 - imperial Griffin SW - Unlimited Retaliations,Immune To Blind
CL - ?
Upgr. - Griffin Rider SW - Bash & (Paralyze)
CL - Improved Bash &,Additional Retaliations
Lvl 7 - Diviner SW - Casts Mass Buff,Hatred Damage % Azaghal
CL - Additional Casting,?
Upgr. - Angel SW - Resurrection,Hatred Damage % Galamoth
CL - Additional Casting,Improved Hatred Damage
Might Hero - Knight
Magic Hero - Cleric
Commander - Warden
That it for now... By the way i made a mistake using the word alignments My bad
Hired Hero
posted February 18, 2007 01:10 AM |
(Opens post and takes a look)
...Remakes tier...
(eyes wide open)
...Griffin at 6, interesting...
...A new look to it, may be...
My good sir, a couple of my friends and I (to you also known as Nikolas) would be honored to participate in remaking a classic such as HoMM.
Whit time, i believe, we can make this happen.
Famous Hero
posted February 18, 2007 10:18 PM |
My good friend Nikolas, your help and help of your friends will be appreciated and payed in gold
And for Baklava: of course i need your help i need all the help i can get.For now i need everyone opinion on creature tiers. C'mon what are you waiting for? Comment my view of human castle
Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted February 18, 2007 10:39 PM |
Edited by Ted at 22:40, 18 Feb 2007.
ok, i give a hand , ok, i'm serious now
renamed the castle? interesting
Quote: lvl 1 - Conscript
Upgr. - Footman
no aguments here
Quote: Lvl 2 - Archer
Upgr. - Marksman
again, good
Quote: Lvl 3 - Crusader
Upgr. - Templar
nice name, although i thought that to have a templar you need more than 1 person, correct me if i'm wrong
Quote: Lvl 4 - Witch-hunter
Upgr. - Inquisitor
ok, i dont like this one, at all, first you've got a witch, witch is said to be bad, but that upgrades into something good, secondly, you've got a hunter here, thats more might oriantated, and witch is magic, best to pic one or the other, not both, way overpowered
Quote: Lvl 5 - Cavalry
Upgr. - Champion
Quote: Lvl 6 - Griffin
Upgr. - Griffin Rider
isnt the H3 Griffein standiang on 2 legs, so unless you can get it to sit on four, you animation will look weird
Quote: Lvl 7 - Divine Protector
Upgr. - Angel
well, a see the conection here, but i think a person can not become a angel in a day, in the Heroes universe they are more like a race
Quote: Commander - War Priest
i'll quote myself from the top
you've got a war here, thats more might oriantated, and priest is magic, best to pic one or the other, not both, way too overpowered
its funny i'm sure i read something like war priest for KD's Settlement idea, and i said the same thing (if you dont get it, ask Baklava, he will tell you who KD is)
Visit my Site!
The Nothingness
posted February 18, 2007 11:53 PM |
I don't think this can be done unless you don't start making stuff, graphics, creatures. Show what is done, if something is done.
Famous Hero
posted February 19, 2007 12:34 AM |
Edited by Asheron at 19:57, 19 Feb 2007.
Ok now,this is what I like! Looks I some explanation to do...
Templar is a single person, templars were some kind of cult, not really sure but i think they had a connection with Christian church. And it sounds cool
Witch-Hunter is a person who hunts witches Seriously now it is a man who is trained to battle undead forces. Something like this...
If you played Disciples you'll know what i'm talking about. Inquisitor is the logical upgrade
About Griffin... Well use OUR model so it will look good
Divine Protector is something like an angel, only lesser... it sounds cool to me but it anybody else dislikes that i will reconsider about changing the name
And War Priest... It looks like this
It the boldy guy from warhammer but this is only temporary.If 3.59 enables two commanders (might & magic one) then i will use paladin too
and it's suppose to be bothmight and magic(commander) it depends how you make him
For wog_edn: im sorry we are only beginning our work so... i will post some concept art soon and when we do something i will let you know.
The point of this project is to make heroes better, prettier and more balanced so that non-upgr. creatures have point
Pheh... thats that for now... keep 'em coming
Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted February 19, 2007 02:14 PM |
i would like to see,this new griffin...this project sounds interesting
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior
Famous Hero
posted February 20, 2007 02:02 PM |
Edited by Asheron at 14:38, 20 Feb 2007.
Well it seems that no one has any comment about my view of the Empire (Castle) No matter,I shall move to the next one...
Okay now, I will explain the basic idea. The point to what i'm I doing is making non-upgraded units, if not different, then at least useful. Sure, upgrade is stronger, but maybe he wont be good for your way of playing. Also I will update my first post so that it will show creatures skills(for example:shooting ability etc.)I will mark them like SW(start with)and CL(can learn).Simple,no? I will not put them all because I haven't come up with all of them Anyway I shall post factions one by one because I wanna hear your opinion. I don't need the situation like:"ok made a creature,animated it and lose half of my life doing it."Answer:"I don't like it. Please change it" I take out gun and shoot my brains out So please, don't be lazy to comment.
Anyway,we are planning some changes with magic and skills(i'll post that later) but for now,i'll concentrate on units. Oh yeah,the name like Empire will be when you choose fraction and names like *Valeris* will be name of that country(in campaign).
As soon as we do something,we will post it here (we have some concept art and will post it soon).
Ok now the next faction:
Lvl 1 - Blade Dancer SW - Strike All Around
CL - No Retaliation
Upgr. - Blade Master SW - Critical Hit
CL - Improved Critical Hit, Attack Twice
Lvl 2 - Centaur Archer SW - Shooting Ability
CL - No Melee Penalty,More Shoots
Upgr. - Centaur Lancer SW - Champion D. Bonus
CL - ?
Lvl 3 - Sharpshooter SW - Shooting Ability,No Obstacle Penalty
CL - No Distance Penalty
Upgr. - Swiftstriker SW - Shoot Twice,No Obstacle Penalty
CL - Enchant Haste On Self
Lvl - 4 Druid SW - Shooting Ability,Casts Mass Buff
CL - Additional Casting
Upgr. - Elder Druid SW - Shooting Ability,Cast Lightning Bolt
CL - Additional Casting
Lvl - 5 War Unicorn SW - ?
CL - ?
Ugpr. - Rune Unicorn SW - Magic Resistance
CL - Improved Magic Resistance,?
Lvl 6 - Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,No Melee Penalty
Upgr. Ancient Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,Can Attack Siege Walls,No Melee Penalty
Lvl 7 - Green Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,?
CL - ?
Upgr. - Gold Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,?
CL - ?
Might Hero - Ranger
Magic Hero - ?
Commander - Guardian
And for Baklava,Ted and all others who want to help:try to come up with neutral creatures,artifacts etc.
I just remembered,every Lvl 7 raises morale(Except Undead's and Demon's they lower enemy moral)
Thats that, now let me hear your opinion...
Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted February 20, 2007 03:16 PM |
Quote: Well crew isn't that small and it's growing larger,but it will take time do. OK now this will be my (ours) way of creature tiers : lvl 1 - regular, lvl 2 - adept, lvl 3 - elite, lvl 4 - magical, lvl 5 grand,
lvl 6 - epic, lvl 7 - divine
Here we go...
lvl 1 - Conscript
Upgr. - Footman
Lvl 2 - Archer
Upgr. - Marksman
Lvl 3 - Crusader
Upgr. - Templar
Lvl 4 - Witch-hunter
Upgr. - Inquisitor
Lvl 5 - Cavalry
Upgr. - Champion
Lvl 6 - Griffin
Upgr. - Griffin Rider
Lvl 7 - Divine Protector
Upgr. - Angel
Commander - War Priest
That it for now... By the way i made a mistake using the word alignments My bad
hmm...i have some suggestions..instead witch-hunter u may use......Priest, Monk or Zelot, but not Witch-Hunter..the name is too long.LvL 7...Diviner -> Angel
and about the commander...maybe Warden
Quote: Nature
Lvl 1 - Blade Dancer SW - Strike All Around
CL - No Retaliation
Upgr. - Blade Master SW - Critical Hit
CL - Improved Critical Hit, Attack Twice
Lvl 2 - Centaur Archer SW - Shooting Ability
CL - No Melee Penalty,More Shoots
Upgr. - Centaur Lancer SW - Champion D. Bonus
CL - ?
Lvl 3 - Sharpshooter SW - Shooting Ability,No Obstacle Penalty
CL - No Distance Penalty
Upgr. - Swiftstriker SW - Shoot Twice,No Obstacle Penalty
CL - Enchant Haste On Self
Lvl - 4 Druid SW - Shooting Ability,Casts Mass Buff
CL - Additional Casting
Upgr. - Elder Druid SW - Shooting Ability,Cast Lightning Bolt
CL - Additional Casting
Lvl - 5 War Unicorn SW - ?
CL - ?
Ugpr. - Rune Unicorn SW - Magic Resistance
CL - Improved Magic Resistance,?
Lvl 6 - Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,No Melee Penalty
Upgr. Ancient Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,Can Attack Siege Walls,No Melee Penalty
Lvl 7 - Green Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,?
CL - ?
Upgr. - Gold Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,?
CL - ?
Might Hero - Ranger
Magic Hero - ?
yeah....pretty cool...an ability for Centaur Lancer can be 'can shoot close' i mean if the enemy is close (in the next hexx it still can shoot ) like Lava Sharpshooter.Unicorns........
Lvl - 5 War Unicorn SW - Magic Resistance
CL - After attack casts Slow
Ugpr. - Rune Unicorn SW - Improved Magic Resistance
CL - After attack casts Blind,imune to non- beneficial spells
and about lvl 6
Quote: Lvl 6 - Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,No Melee Penalty
Upgr. Ancient Tree Ant SW - Bind
CL - Shooting Ability,Can Attack Siege Walls,No Melee Penalty
maybe it is better to rename it to Treant (TREe ANcienT)it's easyer..and the upgrade to Ent(from LoTR) or Elder Treant.
Lvl 7 - Green Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,
CL - Imune to all spells(Excluding Impolsion)
Upgr. - Gold Dragon Rider SW - Breath Attack,
CL - Imune to all spells(excluding beneficial)
And MAgic Hero...Raven
I gave you some suggestions... Nice ideas and Good Luck
Hired Hero
posted February 20, 2007 08:01 PM |
Hmm,don't You think Nature have too many shooters ? Imho treants shouldn't shoot,instead of it You may give them other skill (resists some dmg or smthing)
Adventuring Hero
I am living in Pandemonium
posted February 20, 2007 08:20 PM |
I don't think it is posible to make all this.I don't think yuo know about creature making.It is realy had and peopl don't working much on this just forget this idea .Yuo can make some changes but don't think about changing almost everything
Famous Hero
posted February 20, 2007 10:42 PM |
Edited by Asheron at 22:44, 20 Feb 2007.
Why do everybody dislike Witch-Hunter? Ok i'll consider changing it to something else. He's suppose to be something like Vampire Hunter D(if anybody watched it) only armed whit whip (my tribute to castlevania ). Maybe i'll change it to vampire-hunter or zealot(monk and priest are different)
LvL 7...Diviner -> Angel I like this .Will probably change it
Also Warden is cool,will probably use it
You misunderstood me. Centaur Lancers are NOT range. They are stronger,with more defense,speed and health but no range.I said i'll try to make you think about upgr.(well at least most of the time)
War Unicorn is in full armor(never understood why is he so strong when he's made of flesh.No scales,no protection,just flesh.It like 2 m height naked man attacks full-armor knight who's only 1.80 m).He's suppose to be strong bad-ass fighter And Rune Unicorn is covered with magical runes (maybe armor,maybe not.Will think).Anyway he is magic resistant and perhaps casts blind(why blind?Another mystery to me.He pokes your eyes out or something?)
Will definitely use Treant.Thanks. And Upgr... there is already Elder Druid...
Raven is great. Will use it
About Greeny and Goldy... Will think... Anyway thanks man keep 'em coming
For Tolberti: well maybe, but Centaur Lanser is stronger than Centaur Archer... And Treant have to learn shooting ability.You know, from LoTR they use big rocks (like cyclops).And they are suppose to be range fraction IMHO...But hey,if anyone else disagree...
Well Fighter,I know it's hard.IT IS SUPPOSE TOO BE HARD or we could all mod heroes for five minutes. After all,humans made Heroes and humans made WOG(mighty humans but still humans).If you can tell me some good programs then go ahead.Have ideas? I'm all ears. Wanna help? Welcome! But if you're just gonna tell it's hard and impossible... Then don't bother me
Supreme Hero
Always loyal to HC
posted February 21, 2007 07:08 AM |
Edited by Dj at 07:10, 21 Feb 2007.
Quote: Why do everybody dislike Witch-Hunter? Ok i'll consider changing it to something else. He's suppose to be something like Vampire Hunter D(if anybody watched it) only armed whit whip (my tribute to castlevania ). Maybe i'll change it to vampire-hunter or zealot(monk and priest are different)
we don't like this creature because the name is too long and tell me if witch-hunter has something to do with Inquistor..
Quote: LvL 7...Diviner -> Angel I like this .Will probably change it
Also Warden is cool,will probably use it
Quote: You misunderstood me. Centaur Lancers are NOT range. They are stronger,with more defense,speed and health but no range.I said i'll try to make you think about upgr.(well at least most of the time)
ohh....i thought it was ranger...then Centaur Lancer CL....return after attck
Quote: War Unicorn is in full armor(never understood why is he so strong when he's made of flesh.No scales,no protection,just flesh.It like 2 m height naked man attacks full-armor knight who's only 1.80 m).He's suppose to be strong bad-ass fighter And Rune Unicorn is covered with magical runes (maybe armor,maybe not.Will think).Anyway he is magic resistant and perhaps casts blind(why blind?Another mystery to me.He pokes your eyes out or something?)
Hehe...War Unicorn is a magical creature...without it's horn it would be a simple horse, so it's horn is kinda magical shield for unicrons..in mithology it's horn can cast spells..one of the spells is blind
Quote: Will definitely use Treant.Thanks. And Upgr... there is already Elder Druid...
maybe Ent...u said that u used the ability to shoot from LoTR
Quote: Raven is great. Will use it
About Greeny and Goldy... Will think... Anyway thanks man keep 'em coming
I have one simple question ...What's the name of this project?