Famous Hero
Overlord of Tililea
posted July 12, 2007 10:28 PM |
Quote: Ok the wolves will replace the pixies, but in mothers nature, what will be its upgrade(s)?
And how are you gonna solve the extra tier of upgrades? It will seems a bit outstanding that 7 other towns have 2 upgrades, but Conflux not...
Btw why replace Fortress? Couldnt you just copy a town, lets say the Fortress then or take random elements from other towns and voila' you get a Conflux town without removing a town and its creatures, IIm sure Im gonna miss the dwarves in this patch
But otherwise! Alot of credits to you folks who accomplish this, i guess this will be some sort of aperitiffe while we wait for the Legends of the ancients and Ghosts of the Past mods and the next expansion Tribes of the East
1. I think that the Wolves upgrade will be White Wolves, but I'm not sure.
2. Waiting is the easiest option. But how can it help? Ghost of the Past mod, is irrelevant now, in my opinion. So many things it offers come with Tribes of the East, in a better way. For example, why do we need 3rd upgrade if we have the alternative upgrades? Why do we need to change the Shadow Dragon to Red Dragon, if we get it as an alternative upgrade on TotE? And how will it help to wait for Tribes of the East? I just don't get it.
not necceserely in a better way - the point is for the game to became quite like H3 (gamepay - like not stroyline like) and besides nobody spoke of a 3d upgrade so I think of having them both installed.
Forgive my spelling!:<
[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Characte... too long to display...
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 06:07 AM |
This mod sounds great, i should very much like to play it.
i think magma elemental should either gain alot of initiative or unlimited retaliation because i have alot of memories of beating down some earth elements and i would have gotten in about 10+ attacks,they of course could counter and much damage was had. imagine if they didnt, id be left with nay but ascratch
also if anyone has the +kukla.pak original Homm V, (i think thats its name)could they send it to me via email or summit.
are storm elementals still calling lightning, if so i think it should be 2 dmg p/creature
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted July 13, 2007 10:23 AM |
Edited by radar at 10:30, 13 Jul 2007.
I will apply some changes then:
Spirits moved to tier 6,
Earth Elementals to tier 5,
Fire Elementals to tier 4.
You can expect masterpost update in few hours.
Btw - Nikos, I know you are reading this thread - I'll emial you soon. I have these saves.
Guys, It's time to send me textures. I hope you are working on portraits too. Damn, where is Vokial?
JORDY: I'm glad more people are interested in this mod. About Magama Elemental, Magma Shield will be boosted to work instead of unlimited retaliations. He is a strong, durable tank unit so his initiative will be low though. Don't forget all Conflux creatures will use runes.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 12:50 PM |
transformation pack
I have a couple of questions.
1. Is this a fan created expansion pack?
2. Is this going to be available as a download?
3. When is it going to be available?
Famous Hero
Overlord of Tililea
posted July 13, 2007 01:59 PM |
It's not a fan made EXPANSION PACK - It's a MOD and It's going to work with Hammers of Fate and Ghost of the Past (which IS a fan made expansion but HoF isn't). Ofcourse It'll be available as a download - the HC modders are doing this for fun - NOT mony (I hope). And nobody knows when is it gona be available
Forgive my spelling!:<
[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Characte... too long to display...
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted July 13, 2007 02:17 PM |
yeah, I'm working on textures. Do you want me to send you the storm elemental textures?
Still working on wolfves, I have several versions I'd like to try.
How exactly is luck a skill?
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 04:04 PM |
Edited by pti4arq at 16:08, 13 Jul 2007.
I want to make a suggestion for GotP.I know it's stupid and it would be difficult to do,but someone may like it.I would like another new town-fortress from H3(in dungeon instead of hydra(it must be more-powerfull) there'll be manticore-scorpicore or werewolf-"upgraded werewolf")
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted July 13, 2007 04:06 PM |
Quote: Comments,critics?
It's not GotP thread.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 04:10 PM |
What do you think about this Radar?I could try to make the scorpicore.
Famous Hero
Overlord of Tililea
posted July 13, 2007 04:18 PM |
Indeed it sounds good but we can't unfortunetly resotre H3 dungeon. Besides you realy oght to post this at the GotP topic or E-mail Vokial.
Forgive my spelling!:<
[URL=http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest]Which Final Fantasy Characte... too long to display...
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 06:36 PM |
P.S. to transformation Pack
I have a couple more questions-
1. Does this "mod" use H5 or H3 graphics?
2. Will this Mod be easy to use? I am not a programmer nor do I intend to become one I am a person who just likes to play the Heros of Might and Magic games.
3. Will I have to make any modifications myself? so that I can play this game.
I will probably have more questions as time goes by.
Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted July 13, 2007 06:46 PM |
1. Both. Creature graphics will be H5 style, but inspired by Heroes III. Probably the same with hero portraits as well. Obviously we can't put 2D objects into 3D aspects of the game. And why is the word 'mod' in inverted commas?
2. Of course it will. Drop it into your core data file and play. We will provide easy-to-follow instructions.
3. No. Just buy the Hammers of Fate expansion pack, if you haven't already got it.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 07:59 PM |
P.S. to transformation pack
Maybe English is not your fist language. but those are quotation marks not inverted commas.
I have Hammers of Fate which I have played at least twice. Where so I get Ghosts of the Past.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 13, 2007 09:29 PM |
Doesnt this whole elemental thing add a bit of unfairness to some spell casters? Being elemental they can't be effected by poison (destroying the assassin and the Dungeon Hero that gets poison as special), nor any mind-, or blind- related spells (destroying any dark magic caster). That is also not to mention them all being immune to their elements (which, yes, would seem wierd if there wasnt, but i am just throwing this in), causing any destruction spell caster to have to carefully pick and place their spells, and hope to god that they have one of every element, otherwise they are screwed.
I am not a programmer of any sorts, so I am not expecting these things to be able to be changed easily, if at all. Just saying what I think.
Hired Hero
Minotaur Hunter
posted July 14, 2007 02:00 AM |
good point. almost every unit will be immune to poison. and a few more things. that just means you have to take them out with different attacks. i also imagine there will be several spellcasters?
Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted July 14, 2007 02:12 AM |
Well, undead are also immune to poison and mind spells. In both cases, it comes as a two-edged sword: You get immunity to some harmful spells, but also to some benificial ones. You cannot resurrect elemental creatures, for once.
What will happen now?
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted July 14, 2007 05:36 AM |
Question: How easy will it be to swap the game to Heroes V: Elements of Chaos and back?
It might be fun to play through the HoF campaign with elementals, are there any scenarioes that require dwarf units specifically?
How exactly is luck a skill?
Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted July 14, 2007 08:22 AM |
When Neckie and I learn how to get new creatures able to attack and give it to a hero the Mod will be reworked and it'll be fully new
Tavern Dweller
posted July 15, 2007 10:10 AM |
i'm curios as to where this ghost of the past mod is, i saw one but that was homm 3
Supreme Hero
posted July 15, 2007 06:52 PM |
If you haven't solved these issues yet, here are some comments. If you have, sorry to come so late.
Quote: In Fortress, there is a horde building which boosts their growth by 4 - this is way too much for lvl 6 creature. Maybe it is hardcoded, maybe in text file. If I could resolve this problem, I'd put them in sixth tier.
The number 4 can be easily changed. It's specified by the Fortress_Arena_BrawlerGrowthAddition variable in the GameMechanics/RPGStats/DefaultStats database.
About abilities:
- as far as I know, there is no way to create a new one. Some changes can be made though, when settings are set by variables in the DefaultStats db. Just look at the combat/Creatures section.
Another place where things can get changed is GameMechanics/Spell/Creature_Abilities. There, some abilities can be tweaked, like Call Lightning's damage for each mastery level. This allows to give a less damaging Call Lightning to some creature, while not changing it for the Titan.
- Currently, it's a pain to choose which abilities a creature has. Even in 2.1, you cannot just specify them in the creature's xdb file. However, considering the path Nival has been following (by setting more and more variables in the xdb files), this might change with ToE. Now, you said that you would release this for HoF. But I suggest you keep this possibility in mind, as it would really give you more freedom to mod creatures.