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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Honor Medals
Thread: Honor Medals This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT»

Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 05:30 PM

first of all Faradey didnt have any icons...so he can participate, so no lies here.

and with Antal its doesnt matter for us who is hosting, i can say more: i prefer when my opponent hosts, cause i really dont like any disputes. Antal cant say such thing, dont listen to such players, that talks such things.
ask Antal , if you want.
with best regards, Flamingo

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Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted November 23, 2001 05:42 PM


Jex asked Ves if he could enter the cadet/sgt tournament.  Ves told Jex no because he was a veteran.  The cadet/sgt tournament was supposed to be for the new players in season 3.  You, no matter what name you call yourself, are not a new player.  

Are you saying that if Jex had changed his name to say, Jexy, it would be ok for him to enter?  That's what you seem to be saying.  Am I misunderstanding you?  

You have said that you were Faraday.  That makes Faraday a veteran player!  A rose by any other name.......

Thank you for answering my question about Antal.  I'll be sure to ask him the next time I see him in the zone.

jiels(wonders if he can make Flam understand)

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Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 05:49 PM

ok, Jiels,
if Faradey didnt played in cadets tourney all will be ok? no cheat?
with best regards, Flamingo

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Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted November 23, 2001 06:11 PM

Hey Flamingo,

Yes, if you admit that the Faraday thing was a mistake and that you broke the rules then I will stop arguing with you.

Like I said, you are probably one of the best h3 players.  Do I think you have to cheat to win?  No, I don't.  I think you are good enough that you don't have to use a trainer to win.  I do think that perhaps you obsess about winning a little to much.  Even the best players need to lose know and then, if only to stay humble.  

I'm just upset about that Faraday thing because you defeated a friend of mine in that tournament.  I stick up for my friends.  He was very upset to find out that he had played the ex-fieldmarshal of toh. Surely you can understand that?

Anyways, peace and who knows, maybe I will ask you for a game sometime.

jiels(is sick of posting)

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Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 23, 2001 06:15 PM

but it is strange for me, that man was upset that played with ex-fieldmarshal.
the most intresting games are with good players. i really trying to find in toh more powerful players, and its real pleasure to play with real strong opponent, like :Antal, Alex Killer, Frank and so on...
with best regards, Flamingo

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Adventuring Hero
LFM C'thun, pst.
posted November 23, 2001 06:26 PM

I think my friend was more upset about the willful deception then in the game.  That's what bugs me about that situation.

If I was matched up against you in a div or clan war then I have no problem playing you.  But if I am expecting to play Attila and get Yawacko instead, then I'm a little annoyed.  Does that make sense?

Like you, I really like and enjoy playing/losing to people better then I am.  I learn more from week 2 losses then I do from playing a guy that lets me build 'til month 2.  But, many people don't like that, and that's fine.  Don't look down at them just because they have a different opinion.  

jiels(is sad about how far off the topic we are)

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Famous Hero
Keeper of GrongGrong
posted November 23, 2001 07:29 PM

Sorrry... I guess I am not "keeping up" on this thread.

However... I wanted to say that I love this game.. (Big surprise) and last season, my record was 6-30 or something along those lines.(most of the 6 wins were from games where I had allied with a strong player)  
I learned lots playing with players far more proficient than me in bastards tourney. (Most did not want toh with the 950 point cadet)
But never ther less I loved playing. And if I got killed in week 3 with none of my units upgraded so be it. I asked "how you have so much money/resources do this"..
response.. "I collected them lol" so I watched in ally games and made daily saves of many players "strategys" and played them out.

I think I have improved a great deal now well I hope and I can provide ample competition for many (not all) players. and granted I do have "more" fun when playing now.  Not because I have a higher chance to win. But because I understand what I am and want to be doing.

But if I had taken to this philosophy last season.. or even early this season when playing the likes of MotorSchaff, Andi, Bpanik, Midnight, ArchDevil_666... then I would never have learned how to play much better and would be sitting without a game I love to play.

For for players such as the ones mentioned above.. Play play play.. you will improve and surprise the snow out of some vet someday

I know next to nothing of this Faraday/Flamingo ordeal. But I must agree that the same person is sitting at the comp, therefore although 2 different identities the veteran status ect would certainly carry over.

Well Another Book for all to skip

The Dead Walk!!!

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Famous Hero
posted November 24, 2001 12:46 AM



i think huma song and robert1436 just need to choose other game for their time spending, is it not enough to understand that its not their game? i think after 20th loss without any win, u can understand that its not a game where you can do anything. ITS NOT GAME FOR YOU ((

sad that u think this flammi
i play this damn game because i love , And i think robert and huma ( just examples) love that game too and they are addicted to it ...even when they lose 30 in a row

I dont think i would stop playing homm if i lose 40 in a row  ( once i was very close with 23 in a row ) if i really enjoy this game.

would u stop playing homm just because u are on a huge losing streak ?

in my 3 years of homm i got  a lot more losses than wins and u know what ? i really enjoyed most losses and had a lot of fun and im proud of every of my aprox. 300 losses (maybe more )

Loseing = best way of learning


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Adventuring Hero
Tiffany Taylor
posted November 24, 2001 02:01 AM

how the honor medals were given out

all the players who got the medals were from positive comments and recommendations from other players through the details section, emails and stuff.  Any negative comment that was valid though would essentially negate those positives.  I know for example that vulture was a rob favourite to have an honor medal but he had no recommendations so he didnt get one and also the most addict type players had a better chance of getting one than someone who has played only a dozen games or so.

The honor medal also is a TOH HONOR MEDAL remember that and so it also means what TOH PLAYER made the most POSITIVE contribution to TOH in way of image and comraderie.

Blub to all from California!

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Famous Hero
local pirate
posted November 24, 2001 06:25 AM


every once in a while, I'm a newbie killer / recruiter.

I'll play a guy who's not in toh, convince him as we play to join toh ... and then I gain 13 points while he loses 3.  

Funny thing is ... they often give me honorable mention.  LOL

-wiggs (wants to play jiels on 7lakes)

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Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 24, 2001 10:20 AM


to Motor: if i will play in any game and will lose 15/20 times more often then winning i will stop playing this game(i mean multiplayers). its a shame to me to play such with real people and its just losing his time.
so, if i'll lose more then win even in homm, i'll stop playing. i think that with such explanation you will understand my point of view. that i didnt attack someone personally, only said one idea...

to Melissa: I can say phrase like "what people like this 2, that i mention before, did for toh?" but i wouldnt do it. I hope you both(with Ves) have enough reason to give or not to give HM to someone.
I'm making poisitive comment and recomendation to give HM to Vulture. i know him from may 1999 year, this is date when we played first time, and he is only one person that i know so many time, that didnt dissapointed me with dishonorable manners, cheating or smth like it. Contrary, he has always good manners and real good man personally.

with best regards, Flamingo

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Hired Hero
King of Tossers
posted November 24, 2001 10:50 AM

Like any thread...it is fun to watch the evolution of the posts.  Since I started this one with what I thought was good natured, positive chat about honorable members of TOH I of course find it a particularly interesting evolution.

Not so amazingly..it quickly turned into "losers can't be honorable" and a brief discussion on the definitions of cheating in the cadet/sergant tourney.  Hardly the intent of the thread...yet as I look at it now...it's funny to see how it has gone a little full cirlce back to Flam suggesting vulture should be an honor medal receipent as well.  Hopefully it will continue as such.  I'm always interested in hearing about players I may not have played before that like to play the game honorabley and just have a good time...win or lose.  (and yes..shockingly flam having a good time and losing IS possible)

Wow...it says I could use BB code here..but not HTML... I got no clue what that means

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Famous Hero
who is a Chaotic Wizard
posted November 24, 2001 01:38 PM

You have a lot to learn about playing and enjoying the game Flamingo.

You may think winning is so important above all else that you forgot the basic rule.

If you win so much and get to the top of the ladder of success, you will find it much harder to stay at the top.  The reason for this is because failure will become too easy for you and youy will eventually fall all the way down.

Another fact to note is all the other players might consider you to be too much of an expert that they might not get a decent game and avoid you altogether.  If that happens you will be lonely because no one will challenge you.  

I'd rather muddle my way up the ranks and enjoy the game for what it is worth and that is just playing regardless if i win or lose many games.  Enjoyment of playing reigns supreme.  It will be harder for you to accept defeat in any game because of your winning attitude.

Play to enjoy and forget about the result, that is what gamemanship is all about.

good luck

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Adventuring Hero
Old one
posted November 24, 2001 04:12 PM

Grythandril , when i'm starting the game, i'm starting only a game, bu during the game i have a wish....to win this game, if it is illegal, i'm sorry. but i dont think that some people playing heroes and want to lose all the time.

And its hard to find opponent to me, and it is come from season 1, BUT real good players always playing with me, and receive pleasure, as well as me. Playing against good opponents its the real treasure of a game, especially homm.

and the real good players, will try to find opponent that CAN beat him, not that will give him easy wins(dont ask me about my record, where there are many players, good and not very powerful, i'm participating in some subtournaments, like addict)
with best regards, Flamingo

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Tavern Dweller
posted November 24, 2001 05:15 PM

YA I agree with Flamingo, that the normaly all ppl prefer to win then loose! Even if they loose all there games!

Its like when u start anything, U want to finish it with good result, and not to spend all the time in nothing. IMHO its easy to understand.

About Flamingo in cdt/sg. Tournament. In my point of view, there were no rules broked. COZ the rules is: "No veterans, players with dragons,......."(I dont remember more).
But as u can see, Flamingo dont have any veteran medal. ALL his awards/records were deleted. So If he did not have veterans awards in theory he can play this tournament.

But in aesthetic way I thing it was not realy right! Bu NO RULEZ BROKED, by joining this tournament!
Regrads from Nowhere.

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Famous Hero
who is a Chaotic Wizard
posted November 24, 2001 05:44 PM

Winning is ok up to a certain point.

However i get the feeling that people are taking it far too seriously which in my mind doesn't sound fun.

It starts to become more of a job.  I already have a job and i dont want any game i play to be another one.

Games are meant to be relaxing and huge fun.

I am competitive but not serious about it.  As long as i enjoy playing the game the end results matters not a whim.

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Famous Hero
posted November 24, 2001 06:43 PM


Winning is ok up to a certain point.

However i get the feeling that people are taking it far too seriously which in my mind doesn't sound fun.

It starts to become more of a job.  I already have a job and i dont want any game i play to be another one.

Games are meant to be relaxing and huge fun.

I am competitive but not serious about it.  As long as i enjoy playing the game the end results matters not a whim.

i could not agree more


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Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2001 10:27 PM

Wow Zanuda, you certainly messed up trying to twist that around...fact is Flamingo=Faradey...Flamingo is a veteran, therefore rule broken. And yeah I like to win too. Its fun to win, I enjoy winning. When I start the game, I want to win, and I try my absolute best to get there. But sometimes things dont go right or you get outplayed. Thats when I think, oh well, I will get him next time, and if it takes 7 or 8 games to get there, so be it. The reward will be all the more sweet when I do. Flamingo, I saw you played a player name __danko__ 9 times for 9 wins or something like that. Did you ever wonder why he does this? Its probably because he enjoys learning from a great player, and enjoys the game so much he will keep trying. That is what heroes is all about


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Tavern Dweller
posted November 24, 2001 11:26 PM

Ryche, man!
Flamingo was Faraday. YES at least he says it
BUT FLAMINGO WAS NOT Veteran at the Faraday period, like now!

Have you seen any dragon, or vivern icon near his name? If yes plz show me it  
So he is not Veteran! AND IMO there are a lot of newbys who are thinking that Flammi, is not Veteran! Or at least he was v crap on seasons 1,2,3

P.s. And about Danko I think he like to play FLamongo, coz may be he is his friend

Regrads from Nowhere.

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Famous Hero
local pirate
posted November 25, 2001 03:46 AM


it doesn't matter wheter the rule was broken or not. . . . . this fact remains: IT WAS DISHONEST!

dishonest ... therefore dishonorable .... by definition.
- wiggy ... who has a crush on Rob's models.  Well ... the ones his age (18-26)  

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