Thread: Honor Medals | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV |

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 03, 2001 12:29 PM |
I dont understand... Is this JUST a game? well... Is TOH just a game?
Did i ever sign up for TOH because i think that i wanted to make friends? did i ever sign up to use 4-6 hours to say.. thx for game it was "fun". No i signed up because i want to win. I play to WIN. Thoose of you who dont like me sayin this, well i guess You are NOT be in TOH. But i must say i learned alot during my years in toh. I learned new individuals around the world (some more fun than others, you know who you are tim ) and i learned its not about bein the best, But doin your best. Doin your best to try to make a game as honorable and fun as possible. No matter what, i try to be polite to any who ask me for game.
People complaints about that some people plays the same map over and over. I think its time that people start mind their own business. Has TOH become full of members wich only path is not concerning game but to cast curse on them who eventually plays the game as they like it and not like the mass people in toh like it. Maps/rules/opponents whatever you decide you will always be 2 players of final choice.
its like everyone wants to play police... Hey you did that.. Hey you did so and so and so.. Sickeness i say..
Nothing more on my mind right now.. than GL and HF whoever you are and whoever you play and whatever map you choose and whereever your from and and and....


Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 03, 2001 12:32 PM |
Ups, forgot a line....
*Its nice to be important, but more important to be nice*

Known Hero
Wind of Change
posted December 03, 2001 12:36 PM |
forget something else..
No offence Tim... tim and i had dispute some time ago.. but i hope we both laugh at it this day.

Known Hero
Hero of Chaos
posted December 03, 2001 12:46 PM |
to chunhyangi
I remembered you I played with you 1 time during season 3 speed demon and on first week you leave game saying that I have several ToH accounts because I captured 2nd city faster than you and ToH plebe cant do it the good thing that you sent lose report but is this style of behaviour nice?

Famous Hero
posted December 03, 2001 12:49 PM |
Talking to urself again Titan 
Well imho TOH is begining to resemble a family, for better and for worse.
Some of the arguments among players are begining to sound like sibling rivalry 
U suck, I suck, we all suck, like Titan_888 is saying, lighten up, more than enough room for all of us.

Tavern Dweller
posted December 03, 2001 01:11 PM |
to undeadknight
yes i did..
but plebes never do it that fast..
and sorry for my attitude..
i expected easy win at that time..i killed puskin(he became the title holder of speed deamon) if it was pusking then i didn't quit at that time cuz he was not a plebe
and i can expect he can do it
i quit the game with u because i thought u are not a plebe
so i quit any more question?
and yea i am so sorry about my behavior
i agree that i am far from true honor

Famous Hero
posted December 03, 2001 01:32 PM |
Hmm in Denmark we have a saying.
Sweep before ur door first 
I have no grievances with u Chun, and prolly never will have any. But I will give u some aadvice, free off charge offcourse 
Take a look at ur own behaviour before u start telling everybody how unfair ur always being treated. Perhaps there is a link between the 2 things? I dont know, Im just guessing here 

Tavern Dweller
posted December 03, 2001 03:09 PM |
i actually don't complain much..
i just reply..
i never start the discussion but they do so i reply..
don't wanna be a tamed animal because mocara threatens me" i am the friend of vesuvius"" u will be in hall of shame soon"
defreni u can guess anything u want..
i know that i am far from the true honor
i don't know about u defreni..but i am not sure that u are such a perfect man to advise something for me
i don't insult defreni if defreni doesn't start it first
yea i complained a lot during game.."huh u are too slow..can u play more fast " like this..
this became one of the reason i don't play many veterans(but 30 of my games are with veterans) this season
cuz i may complain about their slow games
i am sorry to 2persons especially
to titan888 and to tim554..cuz i was very rude to them
"hey play fast" i told this during game many times
especially to tim554..
so i have the feeling of apolization to tim554
defreni..i hope u will understand me..but i am not sure
i talk to mocara though he always threatens me" i am the friend of vesuvius" and i don't wanna be out of toh
so it really threatens me lol
if someone tells it then some may agree on that..
so americans win in zone chat cuz english is the word using in zone chat that's why i don't wanna stay calm in zone chat
i even try to look rude to americans cuz i think it's brave
i do that risking all 50 american's insults..
if it was korean zone and korean was used in zone ..then could mocara insult me? no way ..

Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted December 03, 2001 03:26 PM |
this was a nice thread
I think it has very much strayed from the topic to the chunyangi/mocara debate (and very much unfounded)
thread closed!
Winner or Whiner?