Thread: Do you use Eternal Light skill ? | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 18, 2008 10:02 PM |
Poll Question: Do you use Eternal Light skill ?
I'm curiuos is somebody taking this skill as a main weapon against dark magic caster: Demon Lord, Necromancer, Warlock, Wizard
So the Question is:
Do you use Eternal Light skill ?


Hired Hero
Death before Dishonour
posted August 18, 2008 11:42 PM |
Depends on what faction and to what faction against you are playing. If you are also playing dark faction (Dungeon, Inferno, Necropolis) then it is a very small chance that you will even get it (2%).
But if you are playing a light faction and e.g. against a necro , then i would definitely take it , along with master of blessings , if i get cleansing spell . Against Inferno or Wizard , then I am not so sure , generally they take destructive and concentrate on other skills. A big influence, whether to take it or not relies also on the map and the town, if you get the spells Haste , deflect Missile ,Endurance and Cleansing and playing against Dungeon or Inferno , then i would just go for all three basics and leave Eternal, or not maybe even all three , maybe want to spare one level for something else.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 18, 2008 11:48 PM |
thnx for reply
I just want to know how many of you REALLY use this skill or used in the game and is it really worth taking.
or it is just an additional unused(useless) skill in the game

Known Hero
posted August 19, 2008 03:33 AM |
Agree, if I am playing against heroes who have dark magic, and it is offered, I will pick eternal light. Eternal light is great when paired with mass spells, like mass haste, so your opponent can't dispel your haste easily with mass slow.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 19, 2008 11:31 AM |
Quote: Agree, if I am playing against heroes who have dark magic, and it is offered, I will pick eternal light. Eternal light is great when paired with mass spells, like mass haste, so your opponent can't dispel your haste easily with mass slow.
Hi, Did you saw the efects of this skill
Second Question Did you had by the time when you had this skill also Magic Resistance

Known Hero
posted August 19, 2008 12:13 PM |
Quote: Hi, Did you saw the efects of this skill
Second Question Did you had by the time when you had this skill also Magic Resistance
I have only picked this perk once. It grants you resistance to opposite dark magic (twice as hard to dispel, I think it means 50% ). After casting mass haste, my opponent casted mass slow and two out of seven of my stacks resist the slow spell.
And for the second one, I never have magic resistance. I don't pick Luck usually, and even if I do I prefer soldier's luck more.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 01:31 PM |
Why don't you choose luck often? No matter the game (Heroes 1,2,3,5, haven't played 4), no matter the faction, I always choose luck. For some reason getting double damage is an addiction. Luck can be obtained in other ways, of course, but for me a basics of 3 luck is unmissable and allows you to get other artifacts instead, not to mention its skills being handy for specific factions (soldier's luck, swarming gate, warlock's luck).

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 19, 2008 01:36 PM |
Edited by nebdar at 23:35, 22 Aug 2008.
Quote: I have only picked this perk once. It grants you resistance to opposite dark magic (twice as hard to dispel, I think it means 50% ). After casting mass haste, my opponent casted mass slow and two out of seven of my stacks resist the slow spell.
And for the second one, I never have magic resistance. I don't pick Luck usually, and even if I do I prefer soldier's luck more.
Only once?
So it's rarelly used skill
I have to test it myself i see
Now i must wait for all patch 3.1 changes will be discovered(stay tune on Discovery Channel(Thread)Heroes 5 TotE latest patch information - Patch 3.1 )for more news

Known Hero
Level 20 Vassal of Light
posted August 23, 2008 03:32 AM |
No, because
(1) it interferes with getting unstoppable charge and nature's luck,
(2) there are not many opportunities for its effect to work, imo, opponent would rather cast the nastier spells (Blindness, Frenzy, PM or AoE/mass destructive spells) than try to dispel/counter your light spells
(3) even if I do not want the ultimate abilities, I would prefer to get the more attack-oriented MoW (mass haste, RM) or MoB (mass divine strength), though certainly MoA is a good ability be it for attacking or defending.
For Haven, they have many ways to counter dark magic.
For Sylvan...well they are meant for fast strikes (by crystal dragons, AA or MH, druid elders' lightning) to decimate half of the enemy first before the enemy can do anything...

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 23, 2008 11:38 PM |
Quote: No, because
(1) it interferes with getting unstoppable charge and nature's luck,
(2) there are not many opportunities for its effect to work, imo, opponent would rather cast the nastier spells (Blindness, Frenzy, PM or AoE/mass destructive spells) than try to dispel/counter your light spells
(3) even if I do not want the ultimate abilities, I would prefer to get the more attack-oriented MoW (mass haste, RM) or MoB (mass divine strength), though certainly MoA is a good ability be it for attacking or defending.
For Haven, they have many ways to counter dark magic.
For Sylvan...well they are meant for fast strikes (by crystal dragons, AA or MH, druid elders' lightning) to decimate half of the enemy first before the enemy can do anything...
(1) with value of nature's luck i agree but who takes unstoppable charge which is IMO useless, or you have some tactic....
(2) I think the Eternal Light Skill is targeted to weaken the power of Necromancer mainly and it's army. Yes i agree that it would cast High Lvl Spells, but to increase survivabilty of his army and ultimatly the Hero itself it should(of coures depending on situtation) cast at least M. Slow Confusion. The EL skill would prove usefull to block/defend thies spells
(3)MoA can prove good against Necro because it lack natural Att progresion it' levelup focus on Spellpower and Def mainly so aditional Defence could prove devastating for damage output of enemy army
Maybe because it is hard to play with Necro(or nobody like's playing this faction) there is few Necro players outthere that people hardly take the EL as for counter skill.

Known Hero
Level 20 Vassal of Light
posted August 25, 2008 04:32 PM |
Maybe because it is hard to play with Necro(or nobody like's playing this faction) there is few Necro players outthere that people hardly take the EL as for counter skill.
Seems like the ratio of different faction players is more imba
At the beginning of H5, HC people has been commenting on the lack of haven players (and dungeon and necropolis were hotly discussed, seemed that there are a lot of dungeon/necro players) and now with more haven players coming to discuss in HC (I am one of them, although I don't play multiplayer games) it seems like all of a sudden there are few necro players...wonder which faction is next?
Actually DE is a very interesting add on to necromancy (I know, necro players scorn at this as well, because this means no more 1K skeleton archers) in that it gets the necro player to think of what troops to add on to current army. But perhaps that makes playing necro more challenging. Having Dark Magic helps a bit (which may force opponents to get eternal light asap)

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 25, 2008 04:42 PM |
Necromancer become and DM & SM Sorccery dependant it is a must now IMO.
And there is many new skills that can easily counter the last power that Necro player have Magic. Chalenge i would call luck gambling if you don't get right spells and right artifacts at the begining of the game you are doomed and destroying Necro is just formality
Eternal Light is aimed at DM users but because Necro(the main DM casters rely on M.Slow)is so weak you can easily win without it.
I made this poll/thread to chceck out my theory.

Legendary Hero
posted August 25, 2008 05:03 PM |
So you only use Dark magic and Summoning when you play Necro?

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 25, 2008 05:21 PM |
Edited by Nebdar at 23:47, 26 Aug 2008.
Most of the time. Once i took LM i was silly that i can use Ressurection spell On Undead(because it has 10% Hp reduction only).
And what do you use PhoenixReborn

Legendary Hero
posted August 27, 2008 12:10 AM |
hmm...well Resurrection may work but it doesn't keep the undead monsters alive after battle (thought I never tested it). The light magic isn't a bad idea if you can get it at a witch hut and there are many castles on the map.
I almost always go summoning and destructive if I'm doing a magic build with my necromancer...I like master of fire.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 27, 2008 12:23 AM |
Hmm i tested LM with Necros in HoF probably, and you can't use it on undead(you can not bring back to life something that is lifeless).
LM can be usefull and for Necro hero it only needs IMO 1-3 lvl LightSpells for those Mass Efect Ones.
Destructive Magic you say hmmm.. have any replays to share and show 
Master OF Fire with Ignite or with Master Of Ice and Cold Death.
Tried that strategy wit Raven but it was long ago, now that there are more Destructive spells fire and ice based maybe i should try

Legendary Hero
posted August 27, 2008 07:18 AM |
I only keep replays of my final battles. My creeping sucks anyway. Just look around some replay threads and you can find some good stuff.

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted August 28, 2008 05:04 PM |
Edited by Nebdar at 23:37, 24 Sep 2008.
Watched a lot but i don't remember to see Necromancer using Destructive Magic Expertly. There lot of talk that DM & SM is Necromancers best friend if you want win.

Supreme Hero
posted March 14, 2009 05:19 PM |
Yes I use it but not in the game 
that's false. in fact, I can use it for a secondary hero, rarely for the first.

Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted March 18, 2009 06:19 PM |
I've taken it a couple times. It can be an awesome ability if it actually ends up mattering, but you run the risk of the enemy not going dark magic at all, and so the perk becomes 100% useless. I'd be more prone to take it against Necromancer or Demon Lord. I have a phobia for leaving things to chance, which is why I hate the stronghold faction because those Shatter skills are a complete guessing game: they can either ruin you because you don't take them, or they can ruin you because you take them but they don't end up mattering and so you waste valuable skill slots, or they can save your life. It's the same way with Eternal Light and similar perks. It drives me nuts. I like prefer skills that I know will benefit me.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."