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Heroes Community > Heroes 5 - Temple of Ashan > Thread: Schools of Magic : Destructive Magic
Thread: Schools of Magic : Destructive Magic This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted February 16, 2009 06:46 PM
Edited by Towerlord at 23:21, 18 Mar 2009.

Schools of Magic : Destructive Magic

Destructive Magic is the most "famous" magic school of magic in the heroes world, and a very dreamy one, as your hero becomes very similar to cartoon super-heroes, killing whole armies by himself.

Also, Destructive Magic is the most powerful rush Magic in the game, a good destructive rush being almost impossible to counter, unless you have your own destruction tools . Also Destruction in Heroes V is a little different from the previous versions of heroes, and it does a little more than just big damage.

So, what makes destructive so good? Let's go deep into the secret chambers of destruction.

Eldritch Arrow is the basic spell for creeping, at low levels. It has no use latter on, the only good thing about it is that it surpasses Fist of Wrath in damage.

Stone Spikes is a very low damage/high mana cost, area spell, which has only one good use: counter for Blind, when the situation requires that. Apart from that, it is a very weak spell, useless in almost all the situations.

Lightning Bolt is the first real damage dealer, very good for heroes with high spell power. The mana cost is very low, so it can be used for creeping and if you get Master of Storms on top of that you get to delay the turns of your rivals by stunning them. Still it is  surpassed by higher level spells including Chain Lightning, so it's not very usefull for final encounters, unless you are short on mana supplies.

Ice Bolt is similar to Lightning Bolt, but it has a different flavor, as it starts with a good damage right from the beginning, low spell power casters will appreciate that greatly. Actually, until the hero reaches 10 SP, Ice Bolt is better than Lightning Bolt. Also Master of Ice has it's own slowing (freezing) effect  , which is even better than Master of Storms in my opinion, and on top of that you can add Cold Death, a great ability against powerful creatures(and evil war machines), making Ice Bolt a pretty important spell. The downside is that Circle of Winter is like a couple of Ice Bolts at once, so you'll usually use that instead.

Fireball is the first top Destructive spell, with a very nice area effect, a good damage, and a very nice Mastery. Master of Fire is my favorite ability from destructive, and it is a truly awesome one, reducing the defense of creatures by 50% for one turn, is like a gift from the gods for some factions. Also Fire Spells can Ignite, dealing extra damage over time, somewhat similar to Decay. The total damage output of Fireball, with Ignite, is equal to an Implosion, on a single target, and you can hit multiple targets. That's what makes Fireball a force to be reckoned, and one of the best spells in the Destructive guild.

Firewall is similar to fireball, but has lower damage and it lasts over time. It is a very nice against shooters, but Fireball is better usually, or a high damage spell, as you want those shooters dead right away.

Circle of Winter, like I said before, is like a couple of Ice Bolts cast at once. It is a good spell, as you can take out a Phoenix and some other creatures at the same time, with the adequate skills. Also it can be more powerful than Fireball at low Spell Power, so it is good spell for sure. I would rate it better than Chain Lightning due to abilities.

Chain Lightning is the second Lightning spell in the game, and it does really nice damage, but it is kinda hard to control, when the enemy troops are near your own. It is useful, if opponent has protection against other types of spells, or if you get Trident. But still, everybody wants ...

Meteor Shower is a great area spell, with a nice damage also. The total damage output easily matches and surpasses Implosion damage, all you have to do is hit 2 or more targets. A truly awesome spell, the only downside is the lack of a Master of any kind. That's why I usually like Fireball more.

Deep Freeze, is a single target spell, with spices. You deal a big amount of damage(a little lower than Implosion though, but Cold Death might disagree with me ), but on top of that you make the target vulnerable to physical attack, which is great against very big stacks, that don't die from one shot. If you add to that the Master of Ice, slowing the target, you have the perfect counter against 2000 skeletons stacks... too bad they are gone

Implosion is the most damaging single target spell, and that is enough to make it a top spell. Sure you can deal more damage with meteor shower, but sometimes you want a stack put down at all costs, and that's where implosion comes into play. Why would you want to kill some treants and some druids on top of half of the arcanes stack, when you actually can kill the whole arcanes stack at once ? That's what implosion is all about

Armageddon, the most powerful spell in the game, can change the outcome of a game. Dwarfs and academy can use it without any stress, but other towns can also try to swap the opponent with Armageddon before they swap themselves. And the fact that you can use it with Master of Fire and Ignite makes it even more deadly. This spell is so deadly, that the creators of the game invented an ability with the sole purpose to counter it.

The newest thing in Tote is the fact that Destructive can actually heal, the Magnetic Golems, adding another dimension to this school of magic for Academy.

What I forgot to mention about Destructive Magic, is that it requires very careful planning, and good assessment, in order to reach the final goal, which is victory.

Basically, you have to weight the following things before you choose and decide to cast a destructive spell:

1. Potential damage of the spell, compared to other spells you have (you must consider risk resistances also)
2. Mana cost(if you are short, or feel like you will be short, in that field)
3. Special effects, provided by the "Masters" or by the spell itself
4. Overall power of the targeted creature, considering the following factors : defense, potential damage of creature, potential damage removed by spell, position on Atb
5. Extra damage provided by the special effects from creatures, that will attack that target, or the damage that you escape by stunning "Masters"
6. Sometimes, you have to asses damage done to your own troops, and if it is worth the sacrifice, for killing enemy troops
7. Also, you need to manage your troops according to your spells, and field situation. Like some times, you might want to have defend all the way, but other times, you need to put some damage to the ground with the creatures

Of course, you are not going to be able to do all this calculations in the heat of battle, but you must make good assumptions.

Also, I have a couple of recent replays, that might provide good knowledge, strangely all of them have one thing in common (Inferno for me), but only once I am on the Destructive side: CLICK HERE

This is Destructive magic, a very distinguished magic school, with a whole philosophy of its own, and some tasty spells. It may not be the best at times, but it certainly plays in the league of the best ... and I am sure Dungeon lovers know what I mean, as the whole town is crying and living for Destructive.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 16, 2009 09:37 PM

I mostly agree with you. Stone Spikes is useless in most cases since it deals a little less damage than Eldritch Arrow and costs more mana, and, because those level 1 spells are useful only early-game when creeping (when you don't face creatures near each other for an AOE much, if at all), why use it? Ok, I'd say if you get the Emerald Slippers right from the beginning then it may have some use (will probably deal more damage than the Magic Arrow)

Lightning Bolt is excellent compared to its mana cost. It deals only half the damage of Implosion, but costs 5 mana instead of 18! It can also be improved by Master of Storms, Implosion not.

Ice Bolt is pretty good, especially for low spellpower heroes, as you said. Indeed, most of the time you'd use Circle of Winter, but there are also cases when you can't target multiple creatures with that one so Ice Bolt may be useful (if the enemy doesn't have Magic Mirror, that is, in which case I'd still use Circle of Winter even for one creature stack )

Fireball is to Lightning Bolt like Circle of Winter to Ice Bolt: a mass version of it that deals the same damage. This one is a little different though, since it's a fire spell and is improved by Master of Fire instead of Master of Storms.

Firewall is a little less useful IMO but still has its uses, for example it's good against Academy's Titans and/or mages.

Chain Lightning pretty much sucks IMO, for its level and high mana cost. It deals only 25% more damage to the first target than Lightning Bolt, and the other targets receive a lot less damage. What's worse, Master of Storms works only for the first target. I definitely prefer a mass spell over this one, although it still has its uses.

Meteor Shower is exactly like Fireball but has a larger radius. One disadvantage over Fireball is, as you said, the lack of any ability that increases its power.

Deep Freeze, the best single target spell in the game. It uses only 11 mana (compared to 18 Implosion ), deals 75% of Implosion's damage but also adds that effect which increases all physical damage done to that target, and the amount of damage increased is not a joke, especially with high spellpower. Even more, it can be improved with Master of Ice and Cold Death, while Implosion can't be improved whatsoever (except with Emerald Slippers, but then Deep Freeze can also be improved with Evercold Icicle)

Implosion is weak compared to its high mana cost in my opinion. It is great when you need very high damage short-term, but otherwise I prefer Deep Freeze for the reasons I explained above.

No comments on Armageddon, as I never played any serious game with it. Most just ban it outright, or in the other few cases, I didn't get it.

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Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted February 17, 2009 01:01 AM
Edited by Nebdar at 01:05, 17 Feb 2009.

Nice review TowerLord

The Destructive Magic School it some what luck dependant you can get in mage guild:

Best case scenario:
Eldritch Arrow, Ice Bolt, FireBall/Circle of Winter, Meteor Shower, DeepFreeze

Worst case scenario:
Stone Spikes, Lighting Bolt, Firewall, Chain Lighting, Armageddon

and the gameplay experience will be totaly different. Only the right spells are worth knowing other are very situational.

The best spells in destructive magic school are: IMO

1. Water spells
* the frozen effect 0.3*10/Init reduction
* Cold Death bonus
* Deep Freeze physical damage bonus
* Circle of Winter special shape ideal for MotW + Elemental Gargoyle Combo
- The Master of Ice special Frezing effect is divided between the targets

2. Fire spells
* The Ignite ability with 3 turns time, makes high morale army elimnator(the more times the act the more damage they will take)
* The -50% Defense reduction means more physical damage for one round
* Armageddon what say more

3. Earth spells
* Great damage potential

4. Air spells
* Weaker special, only effective when creature is just about to act

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 17, 2009 04:17 AM

we miss solmyr

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Supreme Hero
Hero of Good, Slayer of Evil
posted February 17, 2009 09:07 AM

I rate Fire Spells as top destructive spells, and only after those come Water spells, which are equally good with Earth Spells. I think I like Earth Spells more actually, because you don't need any boost for them and they are very effective anyway.

In the Implosion vs. Deep Freeze field, Implosion is better for Warlock(as you kill the whole stack at once), while Deep Freeze is better for Ranger/Wizard, as the spell doesn't have enough power to kill the whole stack, and the troops do the rest of the job. I think this extends to all the earth vs water spells argument. Normal heroes appreciate water, while Warlocks like Earth. Anyway Meteor Shower is a one of a kind spell, and it makes Earth very appealing.

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Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted February 17, 2009 09:46 AM
Edited by Nebdar at 09:47, 17 Feb 2009.

Yes agreed that Earth spells are ready to use without additional skills/perks. But here should be an Master of Earth ability for it maybe combined with Master of Earthblood.

Meteor Shower and Implosion creates craters on the battlefield that reduces speed by 33% for example.

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 17, 2009 09:50 AM

Woot TowerLord! :D Now My Idea of Destructive Spells!

Eldritch Arrow
Cost: 4
No: 48+8*Power
Expert: 72+8*Power
Effect: Eldritch Arrow is a Simple Spell which has little to no use in the End-game. Yet, it's INVALUEABLE in Creeping. If your Hero has Low spellpower and/or no Magical Masteries, it's easily the best Spell of the First Circle. It's very cheap too! However, like I said, it had practically no use later on though.

Stone Spikes
Cost: 5
No: 24+8*Power
Basic: 32+8*Power
Advanced: 40+8*Power
Expert: 48+8*Power
Effect: I'll be short on this one: this spell SUCKS. If you do your math, You'll see that any Hero with Expert Destructive and 10 Spellpower will do around *drum roll* 128 damage. 128 damage with 10 Spellpower? Is this a Joke? Either way, If you have Expert Destructive You'll probably already have Circle, Ball, heck, Even Firewall to replace this... "spell" with. Imo the second weakest Spell in the Game, right after Fist of Wrath.

Lightning Bolt
Cost: 5
No: 11+11*Power
Basic: 14+14*Power
Advanced: 17+17*Power
Expert: 20+20*Power
Effect: Lightning Bolt is a mixed bag imo. It's damage is very, VERY low if if you have Low Spellpower and/or no/low Destructive Mastery. It's real power lies in Mid-Game, where Destructive Users usually have either HIGH Spellpower or means to Spawn Lightning Bolts all over the place (Aveger + Rain of Arrow OR MotW). Overall, the spell is not that bad, but it IS weak Early-game imo. Stunning can save your hide more often than once though, so if you use it, make sure you have Master of Storms.

Ice Bolt
Cost: 6
No: 60+12*Power
Basic: 72+12*Power
Advanced: 84+12*Power
Expert: 96+12*Power
Effect: Ice Bolt is another good Creeping Spell, and invaluable for Inferno's early-game in particular. Despite it's High Cost, I'd rate this spell better than Lighting Bolt, mainly because of it's HIGH base damage. Untill you have High Spellpower (which can take a while) it can do much damage, much more than LB anyway. Master of Ice gives Freezing Effects (No ATB increasements for 0.3 turns), which is great with Units that Just acted or those with high initiative.

Fire Ball
Cost: 10
No: 11+11*Power
Basic: 14+14*Power
Advanced: 17+17*Power
Expert: 20+20*Power
Effect: Use the same damage Formula as Lightning Bolt, Fire Ball is arguably the best Lvl 3 Spell, right after Phantom Forces. Eventhough it's near to useless early-game (because of the Absence of Master of Fire and Spellpower), it WILL become your best damage dealer later on. Like Towerlord said, 50% damage is really handy, so even if damage is low early, once you have Master of Fire, battle will be so much easier, especially vs Haven, Sylvan or even Fortress (Despite the many units  with "Armored" or "Immune to Fire"). Especially with Ignite, it becomes a Piece of Cake

Fire Wall
Cost: 16
No:9+9*Power 11+11*Power13+13*Power15+15*Power
Expert: 15+15*Power
Effect: Fire wall's main use lies in battles with Many obstacles, during creeping or battles against many shooters. It lasts Three Turns, making it some kind of "Ignited Mini-Fireball". Fire Ball is tons better imo tho, as it does MORE damage and will KILL more units faster, since some factions simply cannot afford a delay of three turns in killing their foes.

Circle of Winter
No: 60+12*Power
Basic: 72+12*Power
Advanced: 84+12*Power
Expert: 96+12*Power
Effect: Circle of Winter is an extremely good Lvl 3 Spell. It has the potential in matching 8(!) Ice bolts, if you have lucky enough (or have a dumb opponent). Circle of Winter is surprisingly Cheap and may not harm your own units. With Cold Death, clearing the Map with this spell is a piece of cake. Later on, it's surpassed by Fire Ball, but in the Mean time THE Formula is Circle of Winter + MAster of Ice + Cold Death. Simply divine.

Chain Lighting
Cost: 16
Expert: 25+25*Power
Effect: Chain Lighting is able to do insane damage in the End-game, and is a very Good spell to use with Swift Mind. A Warlock with Master of Stoms, Swift Mind and Lucky Empowered, is able to devastate and enemy army before the battle even started. That's where is ends tho; First of all, Enemy War Machines tend to soak up the Chain's Damage, making sure you hit only one creature . In addition, the spell's quite a liability, as it can hit your own units. Use it at your own risk, but myself would prefer Meteor at any time of the day.

Meteor Shower
Cost: 19
No: 9+9*Power
Basic: 12+12*Power
Advanced: 15+15*Power
Expert: 20+20*Power
Effect: Quite expensive for your Mana Supply, Meteor Shower use the same Formula as Fireball. In essence, MS is a 5X5 Fire ball, that dishes out Earth damage. However, overall, I'd prefer a Circle of Winter and a Fire Ball to One meteor, but you simply don't have the time to cast two spells. If you run out of time (but not out of Mana ), Meteor, especially with Slippers, is your way to win. Otherwise, especially with Cape and/or Master of Fire, Fireball is your spell to cast.

Deep Freeze
Cost: 11
No: 10+10*Power
Effect: The Cheapest lvl 5 Spell, Deep Freeze would be expected to deal mediocre damage. This is not the case, as it's damage is quite Decent (though it's lower than Armageddon and Implosion). With Master of Ice, and with Icicle, I'd prefer this spell to any other the other two. Deep Freeze has it's best uses with Avenger and Motw imo, but a High Level Warlock can certainly destroy an enemy with it. Deep Freeze also makes the target more vulnernable to magic at 3% per Hero Spellpower (1% with no Mastery) for one Turn, making it a good pairing with Druids Elders and Archmagi (in particular)

Cost: 18
No: 12+12*Power
Effect: Implosion is probably my favourite Destructive Spell, as it's Damage, especially with High Spellpower is simply ENORMOUS. Best used Empowered, as it's damage then, even without Slippers, is too much to ignore. Only weakness it that, without a Master of Earth, you have no extra side effects, and sometimes Fire Ball will simply serve you more.

Cost: 20
No: 9+9*Power + 5+5*Power
Basic:12+12*Power + 10+10*Power
Advanced:15+15*Power + 15+15*Power
Expert:30+30*Power + 20+20*Power
Effect: Armageddon is insane. Empowered Lucky Armageddon is simply devastating, destroying both yours and the Enemy's army. Armageddon is best used WITH Ignite/Master of FIre AND Last Stand. Simply take two creatures (Blood Furies, Berserkers, Flame Lords, and such) and Cast Armaggeddon to devastate the opponent. Fortress and Academy's Armageddon is more dangerous than Dungeon's though, because they themselves aren't (fully) affected by it. Use with caution... but when you do, I guarantee some nice Fire Works ^^

Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted February 17, 2009 10:00 AM

And as for faction best spells:

Knight: Water spells, do not need high SP to deal high damage and add to it Cold Death and i may deal a decent damage.

Demon Lord: same as Knights i think...

Warlocks: All kind of spells are usefull with Elemental Vision

Rangers: Now with High SP thank to Druids and Imbue Arrow All kind of spells are deadly

Necromancers: Water, Fire, Earth in this order

Wizards: Same as Necromancer

Runemage: Water, Fire

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Famous Hero
The Pathfinder
posted February 17, 2009 10:38 AM

From a different point of view, artifacts play some part here. We may adore fire spells more than earth, but artifacts contending emerald slippers are less significant, both in number and effect, compare to those contending phoenix cloak.
But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 17, 2009 11:16 AM

Nice work there it's always good to hear an educated opinion on these subjects.
For complementary info I guess one could check this out.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 17, 2009 12:27 PM

Agreed with towerlord. Except it's not so much a matter of preference rather than availability as each element complements each other. Normally you'd want to start a battle with fireball/implosion/meteor if you have high spellpower but that will eventually depend if the opponent has powerful warmachines - in which case you may opt for circle, you may have cape, trident or slippers, opponent may have shield of crystal ice/cloak which forces to cast chain lightning. Other than that there is the possibility of rune of elemental immunity where you must be more careful about which spells you cast so as to reap maximum benefits.

When it comes to masteries I obviously prefer fire and ice. From fire usually the armour breaking effect is enough but ignite with high spellpower or fiery wrath for a might boost are sweet. People with dungeon experience already know how ignite hurts magnetics when cast by a warlock
Freezing effect is another favourite since it also brings initiative control into play, it's not just about damage. And when a unit is frozen you cannot use divine guidance on it not to mention the delay that gives you the chance to strike first. If the ice spell was deep freeze so much the merrier. Cold death I don't even need to comment on Except for one thing, make sure your opponent has no bearhilde wraps or dragon sword because cold death may not be enough to kill a unit outright, say a powerful phoenix.

Basically ice spells have an anti-rushing purpose being an excellent counter to ballista or phoenix while fire is about good explosions. Earth is a matter of circumstance and unless you have some combo in mind crazy earth damage will do the trick nicely. Necromancers can certainly put it to good use since they hit 20-30 spellpower easily.
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Famous Hero
posted February 28, 2009 09:43 PM

Sorry for reviving,but I simply don't saw this Destructive Magic Thread,so I'll make an analysis only now:

                Destructive Magic Analysis

excellent spell  good spell  weak spell          D.Magic - Destructive Magic (not Dark!!!)

Eldritch Arrow

It's a good spell,with some good damage,remember that when you get the Expert Destructive Magic,you can get more than 72 damage power,and with No D. Magic you'll have the basic 42,which is the max one at the Stone Spikes.Well,anyway,it's like an simple arrow so it we can't call it an excellent one,and some creatures can simply delay the D.Magic (like the Squires,if they are in front of other creatures).Finally,a good one,and also the cheapest Destructive one,and Empowered version it's very useful,simply,useful cheap spell

Stone Spikes

I found it really weak because of its verrry low damage,even in Expert D.Magic.Well,anyway,if you challange a noob,or stupid Al,luckly you will hurt some creatures,but c'mon,hard to kill 1-2 creatures in one attack (I mean higher tiers).So,weak,cheap,but not powerful

Lightning Bolt

Again a weak one,because of its damage.Agree,with the analysis of Lex,even with maximum spellpower,remains weak and I don't find it powerful

Ice Bolt

Now,a much better one than the Lightinig Bolt,not only because of its damage,which is very good,with high spellpower even excellent,and a pretty cheap spell,I find it very useful in mid-game,with the (probably Advanced D.Magic which gives 84 damage) it can deal a lot of damage against enemy creatures

Fire Ball

An ok spell.You can use it to attack  more creatures (if again you fight against a noob,which will choose the creatures position - one-near-one)It deals too little damage for an level 3 spell,but having the high spellpower,which will give you plus 20 power,with the Expert D.Magic,you will have 40 damage,which is a good one if you can think that you can hurt 3-4 creatures at each time.Now here comes a trick,the "bigger-brother" of it,the Meteor Shower,deals the same damage at Expert,but less one at No,Basic D.Magic or Advanced,and it costs WITH 9 MORE MANA for only 2 more creatures hurt,then you can use better the Fireball 2 times

Fire Wall

This spell is good for only 1 thing - blocking and hurting enemies.Anyway,it's useful to cast it when the enemy has 2 shooters and a melee unit near them,probably the rival will move his shooters,but they will be hurt,and they'll lose a turn.It's a excellent spell for now,but look at its cost:16 MANA!!!Sorry,but it's very expensive,so i give only Good rating

Circle of Winter

This one is excellent if you know how to use it.Its damage is powerful,isn't expensive.So,when the rival has a large-creature near 2 small ones,that one small is in front of other,and the large one is left or right of them,cast it!

Chain Lightning

Is good when you have it at the Sky Daughters,not at hero,they can sacrifice the goblins for mana that lets you to cast it more times,but the problem is that you can't cast it at Advanced or Expert,so it's also good with the hero.As I know,there is a trasfering mana ability,but not that from the Druids,well sorry for the offtopic.Then it's good to know to use from what position to cast it,with what creatures to start the Chain Lighting attack,because you can spent even 16 mana,and most of your creatures

Meteor Shower

It's useful to cast it with the Pit Lords,not with the hero.As I said at the Fire Ball,it's very expensive,and it simply doesn't have any damage improvements,even with good Spellpower

Deep Freeze

Well,let's see,it has medium damage,the cheapest level 5 spell,it can have some bonus damage with high spellpower,depending of having Basic (or Advanced,or Expert).No more comments,a good one


It has good damage,with the high spellpower bonus,it deals A LOT.You can best use it against several higher level creatures,instead of hundreds of low tiers


The most expensive Destructive spell,but also the best IMO.It simply devastates all 2 armies on the field,I'd recommand to use it Empowered if you are out of time (this doesn't happened to me on all HoMM games,so I don't know who wins if your hero casts Armageddon and all creatures are killed) Now,this one has another trick,I lost a game while playing Dungeon vs Academy,I cast Emporwered Armageddon and all my creatures died,and the Academy ones,but the Steel Golems only got ressurected,dunno why,but don't use Armageddon when playing against Steel Golems

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Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 28, 2009 09:48 PM

Lightning Bolt and Fireball... weak damage?! I take it you only play with low spellpower heroes?

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Famous Hero
posted February 28, 2009 09:53 PM

Lightning Bolt and Fireball... weak damage?! I take it you only play with low spellpower heroes?

Well,the weak damage is that without the high spellpower.And yes,I play with low spellpower heroes when I wanna test the gamplay without the spellpower,seriously

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted February 28, 2009 11:46 PM
Edited by Lexxan at 23:48, 28 Feb 2009.

Sorry Razor, but with a Powerfull Warlock, Runemage Ranger (with Channelling) or even a Necromancer, Fireball and Lightning Bolt simply overpower Ice bolt and Circle of Winter. Easily. Every single time. Throw in Phoenix Feather Cape or Titan's Trident, and you have a mini-armageddon. Yes, with let's say, Inferno or Haven, Fireball/Lightning simply suck, but even if you take Destructive (which is a bad decision anyhow) you go for Ice and Cold Death, and not Ignite.

EDIT: Meteor Shower bad? Have you ever played as a Warlock?

The only weak spell in Destructive Magic is Stone Spikes, which is, like I said, the second weakest Spell in the whole game.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Famous Hero
posted March 01, 2009 09:07 AM
Edited by razor5 at 18:20, 01 Mar 2009.

Sorry Razor, but with a Powerfull Warlock, Runemage Ranger (with Channelling) or even a Necromancer, Fireball and Lightning Bolt simply overpower Ice bolt and Circle of Winter.

Well,here depends of how faction are you using,because against (let's say Haven) the Fireball is good to use,well Warlocks have the best spells because the Empowered (just imagine,a high-spellpower Warlock,with Expert D.Magic can simply devastate stacks of creatures,even with powerful spell power increasing arties).The Fireball and the Lightining Bolt have the same damage,but I find the Fireball more powerful.

Easily. Every single time. Throw in Phoenix Feather Cape or Titan's Trident, and you have a mini-armageddon. Yes, with let's say, Inferno or Haven, Fireball/Lightning simply suck, but even if you take Destructive (which is a bad decision anyhow) you go for Ice and Cold Death, and not Ignite.

That exactly why I said above,adding arties will make them much powerful,and yes,vs. Haven,the Fireball and the Lightning Bolt are good to use,but not with Knights which are low in spellpower

EDIT: Meteor Shower bad? Have you ever played as a Warlock?

I mean bad,because it better to use twice the Fireball,than the Meteor Shower one time.But well,the Enpowered Meteor Shower is all the way better

The only weak spell in Destructive Magic is Stone Spikes, which is, like I said, the second weakest Spell in the whole game.

Yes,check also my analysis,I also find it weak

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Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted March 01, 2009 04:12 PM

Well,here depends of how faction are you using,because against (let's say Haven) the Fireball sucks
What do you mean "against" Haven? Fireball is excellent against Haven, it depends what your faction is (should have high spellpower)

With a Knight, of course Fireball and Lightning Bolt aren't as good as Ice spells, but then Haven has better magic schools to take than Destructive.

In my opinion in end-game Fireball and Lightning Bolt will always be better than Ice Bolt/Circle of Winter. Factions with very low spellpower like Haven shouldn't take Destructive anyway.

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Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted March 01, 2009 05:41 PM

Yes, with let's say, Inferno or Haven, Fireball/Lightning simply suck, but even if you take Destructive (which is a bad decision anyhow) you go for Ice and Cold Death, and not Ignite.

Ehm what? You don't play inferno do you? Fireball and Firewall are excellent spells for Inferno. Of course you don't cast it for the dmg but for the 50% armour reduction and that's very useful with Inferno (and Haven for that matter).
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted March 01, 2009 06:13 PM

Let's put it a bit simpler here!

Fire: (with Ignite, Armor-damage, Cape)
use WITH Dungeon, Necro, Fortress, Sylvan, and sometimes Inferno (50% armor decreasement can win a battle with Inferno)

use AGAINST: Necro, Sylvan, Haven, Stronghold (Sylvan and Necro only, others will struggle with Shatter - Dungeon only with ENORMOUS spellpower), Fortress (Dungeon only, only they can penetrate Fortress's default Fire/Magic-Proofness)

Ice: (with Freeze, Icicle, Cold Death)

use WITH: Haven, Inferno (!!), Sylvan (Rain of Rings Cold Death),

Use AGAINST: Fortress, Sylvan, Dungeon, Stronghold (good rage counter; Don't got destro with Fortress against them tho)

Lightning (with Trident, Stun)

use WITH: Dungeon, Necro, Sylvan

Use AGAINST: Sylvan, Stronghold, Haven, Inferno

Earth (with Slippers)

use WITH: Dungeon, Necro, Sylvan, Fortress(!!!)

Use AGAINST: All, but watch out for Fortress (Rune of Elemental Immunity) and Stronghold (duh).

(If you have Arcane Intuitionn you might want to check for the Cloak of Sylana, Bearhide Wraps, Crystal Ice Shield or the Ring of Lightning Protection)

Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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Famous Hero
posted March 01, 2009 06:26 PM

What do you mean "against" Haven? Fireball is excellent against Haven, it depends what your faction is (should have high spellpower)

With a Knight, of course Fireball and Lightning Bolt aren't as good as Ice spells, but then Haven has better magic schools to take than Destructive.

In my opinion in end-game Fireball and Lightning Bolt will always be better than Ice Bolt/Circle of Winter. Factions with very low spellpower like Haven shouldn't take Destructive anyway.

Noobish mistake,I write first "vs.",so the "against" remained in my mind so well,it resulted a huge mistake,I'm still a noob Well,I corrected now that mistake.

Well,thanks for notice that,yes,factions with weak spellpower,as you said Haven shouldn't take the destructive as their atributtes are primary: defense and the secondary: attack,being really an Might faction

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