Thread: Heroes 6 FAQ and QUESTIONS - Please read and ask here first! *08/10/13* | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 40 ... 42 43 44 45 46 · «PREV / NEXT» |
Famous Hero
posted October 12, 2010 04:07 AM |
I have a question regarding Area of Control:
Case: Area of Control contains 2 mines: Ore and Wood, I flagged the Ore mine and flagged the Control Point. What happened to the Wood mine? is it: a. Automatically flagged b. Still need to be flagged manually
Depends on the answer, there are more questions.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 12, 2010 07:42 AM |
The wood mine's control will not become yours unless it was last flagged by an enemy(assuming said enemy does not occupy it at the end of the turn). Neutral mines will be unaffected until someone captures them.
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Legendary Hero
posted October 12, 2010 09:10 AM |
Edited by Zenofex at 09:41, 12 Oct 2010.
This can essentially help the opponent capture your own mines though (and vice versa). For example, you flag certain mines around a control point and then the latter, wasting 10 turns for the entire exercise, then the opponent comes, captures the control point and through this the mines as well, wasting 2-3 turns. Ultimately you are in disadvantage. Is there any mechanism to avoid such scenario, apart from manning the control point?
And speaking about protecting the control point - will the player have to use the population from some of his towns, or the fort garrison will be generated in another way?
Legendary Hero
posted October 12, 2010 09:46 AM |
Can someone explain the sense behind this, you automatically grab all the owned mines in the area, regardless of whether you've ever actually visited them?
Supreme Hero
posted October 12, 2010 11:04 AM |
Quote: Can someone explain the sense behind this, you automatically grab all the owned mines in the area, regardless of whether you've ever actually visited them?
I agree. This is the only point I really dislike in the Areas of Control system. It's "cheap" and makes absolutely no sense.
I do not mind mines being linked to a fort, but the player should have to actually link the mine to his fort by capturing it if it belongs to the opponent.
Why would enemies mines BE converted when neutral mines DON'T ?
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 12, 2010 11:12 AM |
Well, it IS your area of control. Cheap but considering it is unguarded in lands that you control it is not entirely unreasonable. Besides if your opponent can reach your town and capture your minds which you should have gotten by week 2 then there is probably something wrong with the map.
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Supreme Hero
posted October 12, 2010 11:30 AM |
Let's take a case that is often used in multiplayer maps :
- 2 players with a town and mines in their starting zone
- a central zone with mines and a heavily guarded neutral city. Let's say that the mapmaker decides to use the Area of Control system on this map and links the central mines to the random city.
Player A goes fast and opens the way to the central zone. His army is not sufficient to capture the castle, but he can nevertheless capture all the mines. A week later, player B breaks into the area, but he has an army capable of capturing the random town.
Tell me why should all the central mines belong to B ? He hasn't even visited them. Those mines should belong to A until B flags them. Imo, the mines should only be linked to a Point of Control (the city in this case) when the player controlling the PoC captures the mines and not in any other case.
The way AoC are implemented atm, I'm sure I will disable them.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 12, 2010 01:19 PM |
Just like you could easily capture the town back instead of wasting your time picking them one by one, it's a matter of whether you enjoy micromanagement or not. What most people do not seem to consider or simply do not care about is that this way you have a better incentive to control towns and therefore have to play offensively to secure them and push the opponent back.
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Famous Hero
Map Maker
posted October 12, 2010 02:12 PM |
I actually really like this change b/c in most games it becomes too time consuming to handle mines & dwellings. I recently played homm3 and forgot there weren't carts, etc. What a pain to maximize your army potential by visiting EVERY dwelling EVERY week!!
Civilization was the absolute worst for this. I remember that towards the end of every game I'd spend 90% of my time managing cities, building roads, and all of the necessary functions just so I could move my army/troops. For this reason I always found the 1st half of the civilization much more enjoyable and exciting than the 2nd half.
With regards to people here thinking it's a cheap tactic to capture a town just to get the mines, I think that gives more impetus to defend & control the town. Not to mention that it's a cheaper tactic to have a roving hero go around capturing mines in regular heroes. I still think there should be more resource types though..
Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted October 12, 2010 05:22 PM |
Quote: Civilization was the absolute worst for this. I remember that towards the end of every game I'd spend 90% of my time managing cities, building roads, and all of the necessary functions just so I could move my army/troops. For this reason I always found the 1st half of the civilization much more enjoyable and exciting than the 2nd half. Quote:
Had a good laugh. I played Civ.III hours on end and hated the 'Pollution" factor. Loads of peons waiting in cities, then the next turn...off they go on the rails to clean up the mess for the 100th time. Of course an Elite Pikeman sitting over a town and defeating a Panzer didn't sit well either.
They could always give each player; the option of auto-manage or micro-manage-choices. A few games do that well.
"Do your own research"
Legendary Hero
posted October 12, 2010 08:19 PM |
Quote: Just like you could easily capture the town back instead of wasting your time picking them one by one, it's a matter of whether you enjoy micromanagement or not. What most people do not seem to consider or simply do not care about is that this way you have a better incentive to control towns and therefore have to play offensively to secure them and push the opponent back.
This is very simplified hypothetical version of a real situation. Whether you will be able to capture a specific city is not only a matter of willingness, but of possibility. You have to know where the remote town is, for this purpose you have to scout, the scout should be capable of defeating the neutrals on the way, which is normally only possible when they are weak and in relatively small numbers because the main army is with the main hero and when you finally find the neutral town, you will most likely have to bring the main hero to capture it because a garrison behind walls is a problem for weak heroes with weak armies (and that's what the scout is). This is as far as the exploration phase is concerned. When all or almost all towns are discovered, each player is motivated to capture the towns of the opponent anywany in order to reduce the number of his army generators, spell point replenishment bases, defense points, etc. I can't see how the addition of the control points changes anything in this regard.
The question is whether there is any way to avoid the exploiting of the control points. It's easy to imagine a situation when one player captures all the mines around the control point and then latter (the order is actually irrelevant), goes after something else and in several turns the opponent arrives and captures the control point, converting all the mines around it instantly to his faction. The experience gathered from fighting the neutrals guarding the mines apart, the attacker has managed to achieve in one turn what the attacked has done for several (flagging the mines one by one). It's already tedious enough to have your mines captured by the enemy scouts and now they won't even bother running around. This can be avoided only by creating a powerful garrison for the control point, which brings me to my previous question - will the player have to use the population from his towns to man the control points or there will be another way? If this can't be revealed at the moment, just say "top secret".
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 12, 2010 10:38 PM |
Uncertain so not yet. Awaiting an update in the near future.
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Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2010 12:33 AM |
IMO they should have made it so that instead of automatically getting all of the mines, you could just send a section of the garrison (without the hero) to retake them.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 13, 2010 12:41 AM |
We should probably take this conversation in the area of control sticky, this one is for clarifications on the Q&A.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2010 01:20 PM |
Yeah, these post could be moved there, but the thread in question is locked. Maybe if someone unlocks it... I believe this will be among the most discussed topics once we have more information, the (serious) impact of the control areas/points on the strategy is more than obvious.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted November 19, 2010 12:55 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 14:18, 20 Nov 2010.
Gather round!
Some here probably know I had communicated with xhane for a new Q&A some time back but unfortunately a number of setbacks delayed its release. At long last the Q&A is here, kudos to cepheus for helping organize this and a big thanks to xhane for her time
- When can we expect news on the two unknown factions?
It should come very soon. I think you could expect an update in December.
- Could you reveal some units from the announced factions? Any pictures would also be appreciated.
Indeed, they are now being presented on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/MightandMagic. The last ones will be presented in the coming weeks.
- We know there will be 7 magic schools, the 6 elemental schools (including light and darkness) plus primordial. Anything you could share on them, like new twists or descriptions to an idea of what to expect?
Not yet. :> But it’ll come soon™
- While at that, how many will be accessible to each faction? Some will of course favour specifics schools but will the other ones be available and/or effective?
All schools will be accessible. Each faction will favor a specific Magic school among the others.
- There have been mentions of hero customization. We still get "tavern heroes" with their unique bios, skills and specialties, right?
Yes. Customization is in multiplayer, for your starting Hero. You can still choose other heroes and recruit them in town. In solo mode, the customization is limited.
- Will the creature lineups of H6 remain mostly race-based (like in H5) or will they be based around a common theme (like in H1-4)?
Heroes VI is more balanced about this. You’ll get a bit of both; some race-based creatures and some about the theme.
- Will any of the classic units not assigned to factions return as neutrals?
About neutral creatures, you’ll see new ones and old faces. For example, the phoenix you might have already seen on the dev T-shirts.
- What can we expect from the advanced classes? Will they work like in H4?
Not really, it is different from Heroes IV. We’ll soon go in more detail about this. What we can say so far is that each advanced class have 2 unique abilities, including one ultimate.
- How will hero movement be affected on the adventure map?
You’ll have skills and artifacts linked to movement. Creatures in your army won’t affect your movement. Terrain will also have an effect.
- How will spells be learned in Heroes VI? Are Mage Guilds returning? If not, will the skill tree be used instead?
Heroes VI will have a new skill system we’ll talk about soon™ (see question 3 for reference )
- What type of race-unique buildings can we expect in Heroes VI?
You’ll be able to build 2 out of a choice of 4. Buildings are linked to faction strategy.
Here are exclusive examples of unique buildings:
- For Haven: the Statue of Revelation which removes fog of war in a targeted area, once a week.
- For Necropolis: the Altar of Eternal Servitude, which gathers the remains of the player’s Necropolis Creatures that fell in combat, so they can be recruited again (for a price).
- What is the estimated planned map total (campaigns, single scenarios and multiplayer maps inclusive) for the initial release of Heroes VI? UPDATED
We have 24 campaigns and 10 multiplayer maps. While there will be "only" 10 MP maps in the retail game, the goal is to have more maps available for download on the official website of the game right from day 1.
- If many of the mines and creature dwellings are being retired for Heroes VI, what will take their place? How will the adventure map be kept interesting and fresh?
You still have treasures, artifacts and places to visits. Also, re-centering the game on areas of control and strategy will make the adventure map appealing.
- Will mixed neutrals ala Tribes of the East be returning? Pretty please
- Can you elaborate on the Reputation system which was mentioned? How does it work? How will it affect gameplay? What actions determine your reputation? What are the benefits of having one type of reputation or the other?
We’ll develop on this later on
- Are the beloved dialogue and text boxes from Heroes I-IV returning in Heroes VI? Will the campaigns contain a lot of juicy narrative as in H3 and H4, or just cutscenes like in H5?
In the campaign mode, you’ll have some cut scenes, dialogue boxes. You won’t have big texts like in H IV, but for curious players, there’ll be plenty of very detailed text to read in the bios of heroes, creatures, cities, etc.
Also map makers will be able to put all the boxes they want in their maps.
- According to the timeline, necromancy was only discovered in 461 YSD and the rise of the Necromancers took place almost 50 years after H6, in 610. How is it possible the Necromancers are such a strong force at this point in time?
At the time of Heroes VI, Necromancers are just a group of wizards, not a full Nation. They are part of the 7 cities. But their cult is 100 years old. Heroes VI is the turning point where Necromancers come to the foreground.
- Will it be possible to create custom dynamic battles in the map editor?
We’ll communicate on the map editor details later.
- The press release claimed "Might & Magic Heroes VI will include all the characters and features that have made this brand a worldwide success". Is it possible that any classic heroes from the Might and Magic franchise will return in some form for Heroes VI?
This is a request that has been strongly expressed by the VIP fans. As you know, 2011 will be the 25th anniversary of M&M, so surprises are to be expected.
- We are worried that the storyline will ultimately just rehash the Everyone VS Demons plot yet again. Will the Demons be the main antagonists of Heroes VI?
Yes, there is a Demon invasion in Heroes VI.
No, it is not the most important plot element in the storyline.
Even though most factions have the Demon invasion in mind, the political face of Ashan is evolving way beyond this threat.
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Known Hero
Hail Hydra!
posted November 19, 2010 01:18 PM |
I don't know if this is the best place to ask, if it is not, sorry.
"Will mixed neutrals ala Tribes of the East be returning?"
What are these mixed neutrals?
Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted November 19, 2010 01:32 PM |
Creeps consisting of more than one type of creatures.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted November 20, 2010 12:48 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 14:17, 20 Nov 2010.
An update on the amount of available maps.
While there will be indeed "only" 10 MP maps in the retail game, the goal is to have more maps available for download on the official website of the game right from day 1.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Known Hero
posted November 20, 2010 12:59 PM |
Excuse me, but that absolutely SUCKS! Till when are the Heroes developers going to rush every next game with less and less maps that we can play through in a week? We PAY to get enough maps, not to again witness their laziness! I am absolutely sure that they will cease to update the maps after a month or so after the game's release!