
Famous Hero
AI Wizard
posted December 25, 2014 02:49 PM |
The time draws near for the first 3.2.alpha release. News will follow with its completion and public availability. In the meantime our dedicated board at www.eternal-essence.com will be down and after the release we will be relaunching on www.eternalessence.eu.
You can still download the original AI mod from www.bonddisc.com/ref/H5AI_31.zip. This zip archive contains a readme with installation instructions. While 3.2 is a fully developed non-cheating AI meant to challenge players competivitely, 3.1 is still good if you want a bit shorter turn times and play the impossible sized maps.
Do you love strategy games? Join us on Discord: discord.gg/JKU6tey

Supreme Hero
posted December 25, 2014 09:56 PM |
Thats great news This is actually the only HoMM that I am looking for
"Occam's shuriken: when the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas." -- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)

Tavern Dweller
posted January 01, 2015 03:00 PM |
First I want to say it's a great idea to develop a real AI for H5.
Your MOD is welcoming !
I take this opportunity to reference some bugs for AI:
Context of test:
I have created a random map with RMG of H5 3.1. The map parameters are 216x216, without water, without underground, 4 players, strong monster and random cities for all.
What's more, I also used an additionnal mod called RTMG (mod which enables to create team on random map and others options).
I just use the option to create team to play 2vs2 (me + 1 AI vs 2 AI).
For AI, I have chosen theses parameters:
Difficulty: hard
Lookahead depth: heroic
Neutral champion: easy
Hall of decision: off
8 skills
First, I saw AI choose a build order really strange. For example, they rush all monster building in their castle without choose build first city + capital city.
The thing strange is they still can buy everything in spite of I have chosen "no cheat AI" ^^. A bit strange.
Secondly, my AI ally had a strange bug. He had something like 13k gold on day 3 (week 3). He still didn't have his capital city. He could buy but finally, he built nothing until I send him 5k gold...
Finally, my AI ally didn't use vortex portal even if he killed neutral monster in front of it. I absolutely don't understand because another AI used vortex portal.
Strange behavior:
I also don't understand something. An AI ennemy used vortex portal and could attack a neutral city. He had an army equivalent of mine. For me this castle fight was announced "easy". So it should be also easy for AI. However, he absolutely didn't take this castle.
It's important to notice I have discovered this castle something like 2 weeks after AI...
I hope I could help you to find others bug.
I also forget to specify I used the MOD 3.1j and also H5AI_31n_beta.zip
Bugs was found on both version. So I think it's maybe due to the random map.
NB: Sorry for mistake, I'm french and don't speak english very well so ^^
[EDIT]: Happy new years by the way ^^

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 02, 2015 03:19 PM |
Congrats on major progress!
I just noticed script functions appear to be missing in 31j, I tried to use GetTownRace(), but it isn't recognized. Is it possible to provide a list of the available script functions or better: add the TOE ones?

Tavern Dweller
posted January 03, 2015 11:32 PM |
I want to ask this mod ever will be available for all heroes 5 versions not only tote?

Supreme Hero
posted January 04, 2015 12:47 AM |
As far as I know, it is planned ony for Tribes of the East for now.
"Occam's shuriken: when the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas." -- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted January 09, 2015 06:09 PM |
I found more issues with scripting, for some reason 31j doesn't recognize arithmetic operators like math.floor and math.ceil. 3.1 recognizes 'floor' and 'ceil' without math, but 31j doesn't recognize any of these options.

Supreme Hero
posted January 12, 2015 08:43 PM |

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted February 11, 2015 01:04 PM |
Sligneris said: http://i.imgur.com/VMSmPMq.jpg
Sorry just saw this. General info.
My DarkWorld map has a script that might misfire in MP other than hotseat. Make sure you only have one map in the "Maps folder" and no Mods inserted.(unless you already know they work fine)
You also have to use a 4/3 rez. or there may be video-glitches.


Hired Hero
posted February 19, 2015 12:52 AM |
So,I made a separate thread about it too and decided to comment about it here also.Can I know how the level limit was changed?

Tavern Dweller
posted February 22, 2015 09:58 AM |
I'm guessing that the AI cannot deal with heroic difficulty and equal starting resources when using this mod?

Tavern Dweller
posted February 25, 2015 02:55 PM |
Hi H5 community ! 
I would like to tell that one more soul is waiting for this magnificent mod, I mean 3.2 version

Known Hero
Can I link to my own avatar?
posted February 25, 2015 03:07 PM |
Zowie said: I'm guessing that the AI cannot deal with heroic difficulty and equal starting resources when using this mod?
Anymore your difficulty setting is a slider to set how long you want to let the AI calculate basically, it does make a difference in how effective the AI is.
As for equal starting resources, Q got rid of all the cheats the AI was using and it is now on equal grounds with the human.
Is that what you were asking?

Tavern Dweller
posted March 05, 2015 11:16 AM |
Game crashing during AI visiting thieves den (tavern with info about players). Is there any way to overcome that crash, because many hours has been spent on this game.
Version^ 3.1j, Map: HoD_Duel.
PS: Anyway thank you for the mod - the game if not the crash became enjoyable because of reasonable ai thinking time.

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted March 05, 2015 04:02 PM |
Edited by markkur at 17:04, 05 Mar 2015.
Triadasoul said: Game crashing during AI visiting thieves den (tavern with info about players). Is there any way to overcome that crash, because many hours has been spent on this game.
Version^ 3.1j, Map: HoD_Duel.
I made the map so I'll take a look but I never had a problem with it. You have no Save before the crash?
The game can corrupt while Saving, so if you do have an earlier Save, delete "all other saves" and go again from there. Usually I would just go back 1 but other times 2 and the crash would not happen again. But iirc, this map caused me no problems.
Btw, H5 CTDs usually point to a memory problem, so make sure your drive is clean and play off-line and never Reload I always Exit the game to start over.
Edit= Took a look and the Den's were aok. So it is NOT the "infamous double-object bug."
Btw, {for mapmakers} I was a rookie in 2011, and I noticed a rookie mistake. 2 Dwarven Treasuries are not accessible. Fyi, the DT's green trigger-cell is almost invisible, much like the Warrior's Tomb is. It's the side w/ the small circle thing that has the trigger.
I fixed those if you'd like a corrected copy of the map. Send me a HCM and I'll send it.

Known Hero
Can I link to my own avatar?
posted March 05, 2015 06:51 PM |
Triadasoul said: PS: Anyway thank you for the mod - the game if not the crash became enjoyable because of reasonable ai thinking time.
It is awesome! Now if he could just tweak it to plan during the human's turn on a second CPU core we would hardly have any AI turn time.

Tavern Dweller
posted March 06, 2015 12:18 PM |
Here's the save:

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted March 06, 2015 01:34 PM |
Edited by markkur at 13:36, 06 Mar 2015.
fulano said: It is awesome! Now if he could just tweak it to plan during the human's turn on a second CPU core we would hardly have any AI turn time.
C'mon "Seven-Core w/ faction assignments!" {Note: to cover solo play completely.}<L>
"Do your own research"

Tavern Dweller
posted March 19, 2015 11:30 AM |
[url=http://gyazo.com/0ff9e06064fde3b703aa9484b7a225b3]im currently having this problem[/url]. I have tried changing the settings in single player custom games and hotseat to no benefit, and I've reinstalled the mod twice. Maybe I'm installing it wrongly?(i just extract it into the HoMM V folder, i suck at computers). I'm playing via steam and using windows 8.
Ty for the mod and ty in advance

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted March 19, 2015 01:04 PM |
[quote name=Skepter...i just extract it into the HoMM V folder,
Idk Win8 but 1st; follow exactly the installation instructions that were included with the D/L.
Note: before installing, I would; Create a new folder under your drive, name it "original H5" and put the files that you replace doing the install there. At the same time, you make the folder for the original files, also make a "J A.I." folder so that later, you will already have a folder to put "J.s" files if you need to run the original game for some reason; like wanting to run another Mod that you think conflicts with J. And keep the installation instructions there too.