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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 21, 2013 08:05 PM
Edited by VOKIALBG at 09:06, 03 Jul 2014.

~ Might & Magic X : Legacy ~

Developers: Limbic Entertainment, Ubisoft Paris
Genre: Classic M&M RPG (first-person turn-based gameplay system)
Platforms: PC (Uplay, Steam, Buka)
Status: Released, development finished
Release Date: January 23, 2014 (before it was set around sep'13, but it was delayed)
Official website & channels:
- Website | Open Dev Blog
- Official forums: General Discussion, Early Access Discussion, Early Access Technical Feedback.
- Bugs report thread in the Official Forums
Where to buy the game: Official site (Important technical information to read before buying)

Latest news!:
- Might & Magic X : Legacy development has come to an end.
- All lore books opened
- MAC version of the game is now available.
- Orcksmith: Lords of Metal!
- The Falcon & the Unicorn, first Downloadable Content Pack (DLC) is available!
- Trainer list

Useful links (Classes skills charts, skill trainers, etc..)

Acid Cave:
- Class Skills charts
- Skill Trainers charts

Current Status of the game
Might & Magic X : Legacy development has come to an end.

Previously, Early access to the game was granted through pre-purchase of the game. The early access let you play Act I (out of four Acts), test four classes (out of twelve) and get a first impression of what MMX looks and feels like on an unpolished level. You can learn more about the bonus & goodies you get from pre-purchasing the game in this thread.

After the official release, the game was updated with a first post-release patch and a second patch along with the first DLC: the Falcon and the Unicorn. Finally, almost 5 months after the release of the game, it was announced the end of M&M X development.

In the wake of the events of Might & Magic : Heroes VI, the city of Karthal, once a proud colony of the Holy Empire located in the Agyn Peninsula, is on the verge of secession.

The player will control the destinies of four adventurers, as they become entangled in the political machinations and intrigues unfolding in and around Karthal. Various powers, both old and new, are vying for control of the city.

As they grow in power and fame, the adventurers’ actions will determine the fate of the Agyn Peninsula, and if they are heroic and diligent, prevent the ghosts of the past from casting a dark shadow upon the region’s future.

The Game
- Turn based game. Like in old M&Ms, everything turn based.
- Make a party of four heroes.
- You can choose their race (Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf)
- Each race has three unique classes available, with their own skills and abilities.
- Explore the Agyn Peninsula and its wilderness (new location of Ashan)
- Explore dungeons filled with traps, treasures and puzzles.


Metacritic score: 71/100

PCGAMER - 73/100
What gives Legacy its old school charm though is that as much as it's weighed down by an obviously low budget and the mechanical sacrifices of jumping back a decade, there's a love for its style underpinning the action. The result isn't likely to do much for anyone raised on a diet of The Elder Scrolls, and even at its best is a nostalgia trip rather than call for revolution. Even so, for old-school RPG fans as sad as its creators seem to be that nobody makes games like this any more, it’s a solid way to relive the good old days.

StrategyInformer - 6.5/10
These caveats are not minor ones, and it's important that people don't rush into buying the game from blind nostalgia without some idea of its not inconsiderable technical deficiencies. However, I still enjoyed my time with the game, no matter how gleefully it tried to stop me doing so. This is a genre that, Legends of Grimrock aside, you just don't see nowadays, and it's undeniably good to see it making something of a comeback. Exploring ogre caves, elemental temples and naga towers with my intrepid band of badly optimised warriors still somehow managed to be fun, despite the chugging performance and irritation of grid-based overland movement. If you can look past these blemishes there's plenty of fun to be had with Might and Magic X, but it could have done with a lot more polish.

Eurogamer - 7/10
Might & Magic 10: Legacy feels like a pleasant throwback to dungeon crawls of decades past, but its limited scope and combat-heavy focus might put off those pining for the freedom afforded by the more recent Elder Scrolls games, or the wordy character interaction of a Dragon Age. Nonetheless, for those keen on poring over stats and comparing colour-coded loot, it serves as a modern introduction to those games' precursors, delivers a heady blast of nostalgia, and preserves a little slice of history

GameInformer - 8.25/10
Might & Magic X: Legacy lives up to the quality of its long-lost predecessors. Despite streamlining and accessibility upgrades, it’s not a game for everyone. Turn-based grid walks are a rarity today and the title may feel a bit bizarre to those that never had a chance to experience 90’s era Might & Magic fare, but for those that have always wanted a legitimate heir to the classic series, Might & Magic X: Legacy provides.

IncGamers - 7/10
It’s the sort of game I can easily damn with faint praise, really, but the upshot is this: I really quite like Might & Magic X. It’s a throwback to the big old RPGs of yore – the games which weren’t afraid to smash your face in if you wandered into a high-level area ill-prepared, and required you to take notes of NPC locations and quest hints (which is something that is genuinely important here). But it’s a throwback which offers a bit more help, an intuitive interface, and some graphics that generally look rather lovely. If Might & Magic X sounds at all appealing, or if you went “Oh, I remember doing that twenty years ago” at any point in this review, then I imagine you’ll really quite like it too.

Venturebeat - 65/100
Might & Magic X: Legacy certainly did remind me of fun times I had in the past with earlier entries in the series. I even had fun for several hours. But once the nostalgia wore off, it served as a stark indication that many of these design choices should have been left in the past with its predecessors. What good is a fully 3D world when you can’t touch or interact with hardly anything? What sense does it make that you can’t run away from an encounter in which you’re clearly outmatched (or even move once you’re in melee rage, for that matter)?

These glaring issues, combined with a general lack of polish, make for an experience that just doesn’t live up to my fond memories of Might & Magic. In the case of video games, we have numerous good reasons that they aren’t made the same way as we did 20-plus years ago. Sometimes nostalgia just isn’t enough to conquer outdated or bad design.

Dev blog entries - deeper info about the game

Classes: (Read first about Party creation, Races, Classes & default party)
- Freemage
- Ranger
- Barbarian
- Defender
- Shaman
- Scout
- Druid
- Mercenary
- Hunter
- Rune Priest
- Blade Dancer
- Crusader

Game mechanics:
- Trainer list
- Mind Games and Conundrums
- Secret Doors
- Interactive Objects
- Dragon Blessings
- Monsters
- the Power of Relics
- Puzzles & Riddles
- The Outer World - Time, Quests, Loot, Items...
- Spells & Scrolls
- M&M X Combat System
- Skills & Blessings
- Trainers & Character Development
- Reasons for choosing the Tile system
- Hirelings
- Portraits expressions
- More portrait expressions & character effects

Meeting M&M X Legacy Team:
- Johannes, Level Designer
- Jan, Sound Designer
- Ubisoft Chengdu
- Irina (Ubi_Irina) & Arnaud (Ubi-Nox), Ubisoft Community Devs
- Composers Q&A (Jason Graves and Roc Chen)
- Stephan (LE-Stephan), Managing Director
- Thomas (LE-Thomas), Technical Lead
- Karsten (LE-Karsten), Level Designer
- Julien (Marzhin), Creative Designer
- Anna (LE-Larissa) & Lore (LE-Lore), Communicators
- Marcus (LE-Marcus), Game Designer
- The party that creates M&M X

Meeting the Ancients
- Chris Vanover
- Jon Van Caneghem
- Neal Hallford
- Phela Sykes
- John Romero

Game Locations
- Seahaven and the Crag
- Karthal

Other stuff:
- Orcksmith: Lords of Metal!
- Did you...?
- Lore Books
- Retro Mode
- Ashan Legacy
- a Symphony of Might & Magic
- Uplay and MMX
- About Unity choice
- Behind the Scenes : Dungeon creation
- The role of the M&M Team
- Location Scouting
- The Quest for Might & Magic X
- Ruins artwork
- What is fun
- Limbic Entertainment Studio Tour

Questions & Answers / Interviews:
- Chat with the Developers #3
- Interview with Limbic CEO Stephan (October 2013)
- First Beta patch Q&A (October 2013)
- Chat with the Developers #2 | Complete chat log (August 2013)
- Dev Blog Questions & Answers #4 (August 2013)
- Dev Blog Questions & Answers #3 (July 2013)
- Dev Blog Questions & Answers #2 (July 2013)
- Chat with the Developers #1
- Dev Blog Questions & Answers #1 (July 2013)
- Interview to some VIP fans who attended at the Pax East (April 2013)
- worthplaying.com Q&A (April 2013)
- Celestial Heavens Q&A #2 (April 2013)
- RPGCodex interview to Stephan Winter, Julien Pirou and Gary Paulini (April 2013)
- Celestial Heavens Q&A #1 (March 2013)

Trailers & Teasers:
- Full Cinematic Intro + Animation Breakdown video (September 2013)
- Cinematic intro + gameplay trailer (August 2013)
- Announcement Trailer (March 2013)

- All lore books opened
- Deluxe Edition Unboxing
- Act 1 & Act 2 preview
- Act 2 review
- Deluxe Version & Release Date
- Speed Painting of concept art of 4 classes added to the Beta (October 2013)
- Gameplay video at PAx 2013 (March 2013)

- RPG Codex Act II preview
- RPG Codex Hands-on Preview (August 2013)
- Celestian Heavens Preview by Jeff (August 2013)
- gry-online.pl preview (Polish, April 2013)
- pcgameshardware.de preview (German, April 2013)
- polygon.com (March 2013)
- strategyinformer.com (March 2013)

Other info:
- Some thoughts of an assistant at PAX East (March 2013)

gamespot images gallery


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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted March 21, 2013 08:13 PM

Repost from the old topic

Old school.. you have my interest


You will lose it very fast if I will see to many reused models.... My biggest concern right now.

And WTF is Hangvul, Rolf and Tolghar doing on one of the Screens.... "

I'm just a Mirror of your self.

We see, we look, we gather, we store, we teach.
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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 21, 2013 08:14 PM

As you can see the game features a number of H6 assets and they are looking pretty good if you ask me I really loved the underground tileset in H6 and was pleasantly surprised when I first saw it implemented here. PS the dwarves were more of an experiment to see how they would fit in the engine, I don't think they'll appear. They look much simpler compared to the H6 graphic assets.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 21, 2013 08:17 PM

No one is surprised that the developer is Limbic???

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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted March 21, 2013 08:21 PM

I like the focuse on the 4 faction
Dwarves, Humans, Elves and Orcs..
I think this could be a good lineup

Maybe it would look better if I had i fullscreen, but now, the graphics are not the thing that I would highlight here...

Old-shcool feeling and 4 member party are.

I think UBI has some courage to publish a Dungeon RPG at this time.
BTW whos the developer?
I'm just a Mirror of your self.

We see, we look, we gather, we store, we teach.
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Known Hero
posted March 21, 2013 08:23 PM

Screenshot ¹ 1
Screenshot ¹ 2

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Famous Hero
posted March 21, 2013 08:30 PM

Our hopes for Heroes VIII!

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 21, 2013 08:34 PM

Nice skills lol

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Known Hero
Haiku sensei
posted March 21, 2013 08:37 PM

A new developers, Romero & Co. (so to call them) not working on the music anymore, Ashan again...

This isn't Might&Magic, it's just another retro-styled (mechanics-wise) boring fantasy game...

Where's the old universe? Where's technological aspect of M&M? WHAT IS WITH SHELTEM'S VOICE IN THE TRAILER?!

Ubi, you're playing with fire again - but if you screw THAT one...
We might as well just put the Might&Magic universe away.

A single world? Lame.
No hi-tech stuff (I doubt it would suddenly pop up)? Lame.
Re-using Heroes VI graphics. Laame.

Can't you do something right already, Ubisoft?

I refuse to call it a tenth Might and Magic installment.
It's just using the trademarked name and putting a Roman digit in the title.

You might think that the only thing I am doing now is flaming Ubisoft to bits - and you're kind of right.
But seeing this and not seeing the true, unique aspects of Might&Magic IS frustrating.

Without the aforementioned parts, MM is just another generic fantasy universe, and the only thing that gives it a somewhat sizable fanbase is the nostalgic title, but nothing else, really.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 21, 2013 08:53 PM

What's wrong with you, it looks fantastic. And who cares about Romero making music, there are thousand out as much talented as he is.

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Supreme Hero
posted March 21, 2013 08:57 PM

Romero & Co. (so to call them) not working on the music anymore

"Romero & Co." did music only for MM6-9 with a lot (if not the majority) of work from Jennifer Wang. MM3-5 music was made, IIRC, by Todd Hendrix. I think changing composers is not such a big disaster.

The problem is if the game itself is good or not. And I have mixed feelings about this... but we don't know much about it yet, so I'll be quiet now.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted March 21, 2013 08:59 PM
Edited by Dave_Jame at 21:03, 21 Mar 2013.

A new developers, Romero & Co. (so to call them) not working on the music anymore, Ashan again...

This isn't Might&Magic, it's just another retro-styled (mechanics-wise) boring fantasy game...

Where's the old universe? Where's technological aspect of M&M? WHAT IS WITH SHELTEM'S VOICE IN THE TRAILER?!

Ubi, you're playing with fire again - but if you screw THAT one...
We might as well just put the Might&Magic universe away.

A single world? Lame.
No hi-tech stuff (I doubt it would suddenly pop up)? Lame.
Re-using Heroes VI graphics. Laame.

Can't you do something right already, Ubisoft?

I refuse to call it a tenth Might and Magic installment.
It's just using the trademarked name and putting a Roman digit in the title.

You might think that the only thing I am doing now is flaming Ubisoft to bits - and you're kind of right.
But seeing this and not seeing the true, unique aspects of Might&Magic IS frustrating.

Without the aforementioned parts, MM is just another generic fantasy universe, and the only thing that gives it a somewhat sizable fanbase is the nostalgic title, but nothing else, really.

Actually I think you are acting like a spoiled fanboy and, I hate that term. The old univers is dead. All the old worlds are dead. Suck it up and deal with it. Sci-fi not there? For many people this was the turn-down in the old games. Several people I know did not finish the 6 and 7 game for the Sci-fi features.

You speak of oneworld as lame. But you are the same person that will
love primeraly the "Golden" games in the late 90's that were aswell set in one world.

Sure some things look bad. The reused graphics are on the top of my personal list. But things like Paul not working on the music and a "NEW" studio, which is actualy not new, are just your conservative and fanboy issues.

You speak of what we see. What did we see? 15 seconds of gameplay! Nothing to even give as a shade of the true gameplay and it's mechanics.

And both on the topic of Ashan as the setting. A word is as fun as YOU MAKE IT.

Axeoth was also not a bad setting just because it reused chracters and only "BAD" games were set in it.

You want to hate this game? Hate it. But let it first show you what it is made of. I will not take my sides on it until I can try it out.
I'm just a Mirror of your self.

We see, we look, we gather, we store, we teach.
We are many, and you can be one of us.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 21, 2013 09:04 PM

I never really got into the old might&magic but as a newcomer I rather like the way it plays out. Having tested a few builds I am happy with the way this is shaping up and I see a lot of potential. I am glad that Limbic took over the project, it is good to collaborate with them once again
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted March 21, 2013 09:06 PM

Give us access to the beta or stop teasing us!!!! :-P
I'm just a Mirror of your self.

We see, we look, we gather, we store, we teach.
We are many, and you can be one of us.

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 21, 2013 09:17 PM

The game looks really good (on the trailer). But we musn't forget that is a trailer. What really matters in the end is the game, and we know only the basis of it, it's too soon to call it "boring" or similar. Wait to the game is out, then feel free to critisize it.

Is Ashan boring? From what I played, yes, but this kind of games can help on improving that aspect. Not I am defending Ashan, but it's Ubi bet for the M&M brand and we have to live with that.

If they tried to make a M&M on the old universe, and screw with some lore stuff - would you be so kind to understand that they're trying to work with the old universe and they don't know everything about it, without flaming them? I think not.

No sci-fi stuff? Hold on there, dude, we still don't know the entire game. And even if that is true, it's quite simple to understand. Everybody likes fantasy. Quite a lot'd hate any sci-fi stuff. Not a bid deal, really.

I think you are over-reacting, relax a bit man!

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Legendary Hero
First in line
posted March 21, 2013 09:36 PM

All I can say is...

Ashan No undeads

I'm not playing this, sorry. It's not MM X, it's another game.

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 21, 2013 09:42 PM

I never really got into the old might&magic but as a newcomer I rather like the way it plays out. Having tested a few builds I am happy with the way this is shaping up and I see a lot of potential. I am glad that Limbic took over the project, it is good to collaborate with them once again

If you get keys, remenber who help on the forum

I must admit I'm interested in this project. Hope we get more information in the PAX

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Known Hero
Haiku sensei
posted March 21, 2013 09:44 PM
Edited by DarkDXZ at 21:48, 21 Mar 2013.


Actually I think you are acting like a spoiled fanboy and, I hate that term. The old univers is dead. All the old worlds are dead. Suck it up and deal with it. Sci-fi not there? For many people this was the turn-down in the old games. Several people I know did not finish the 6 and 7 game for the Sci-fi features.

But if it's actually dead, then Ubisoft could stop bringing it only PARTIALLY to life?
It just makes no sense to me for Sandro and Crag Hack to suddenly pop up. While Sandro did survive the Reckoning (not sure about Crag, though)


You speak of oneworld as lame. But you are the same person that will
love primeraly the "Golden" games in the late 90's that were aswell set in one world.

Only thing is - taking place on multiple worlds is what made MM unique - while other golden era games took it off in a completely different direction and I wasn't concerned about them taking place in one place.

Sure some things look bad. The reused graphics are on the top of my personal list. But things like Paul not working on the music and a "NEW" studio, which is actualy not new, are just your conservative and fanboy issues.

But if every single game is now being made by a different studio, we run into a LOT of inconsistency between the games.
Also, without Paul's music it won't have the same feel to it anymore. It might be better, it might be worse, but it won't have that "thing" now.


You speak of what we see. What did we see? 15 seconds of gameplay! Nothing to even give as a shade of the true gameplay and it's mechanics.

Alright, my stance on whether the mechanics are a carbon copy of the previous games or a new (good or not) take on the saga is neutral.
But isolating itself from the roots might not be a good thing, if it actually happens.


And both on the topic of Ashan as the setting. A word is as fun as YOU MAKE IT.

Axeoth was also not a bad setting just because it reused chracters and only "BAD" games were set in it.

Heroes IV didn't do too badly. Sure - ugly as the dark side of Hell, but playable and town screens were kind of plesant (not to mention the music)


You want to hate this game? Hate it. But let it first show you what it is made of. I will not take my sides on it until I can try it out.

A trailer is a trailer - it's supposed to make you want to check out what it promotes and build up the hype (well, that's more of a side effect at times, I guess).

This trailer itself doesn't cut it for me. A good start - I wouldn't say so.

The game was just announced and we've gotta wait.

While I do have a kind of bad attitude towards MMX now, it might and probably will change sooner or later.

I don't disrespect your opinion - it just collides pretty roughly with mine.

If anything in the above text doesn't make sense in one way or another - pardon me, but English isn't my native language. (which I guess you've figured out already)

Just don't turn this into a flame war...
That's the last thing I (and probably also all of you) want to happen next.

Also, I had a random thought - What if they released an "anthology" of sorts that contains Might and Magic games I through IX?

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Supreme Hero
posted March 21, 2013 09:47 PM

Also, without Paul's music it won't have the same feel to it anymore.

Like what game exactly?

Seriously, I don't get it. If MM game without Romero's music has no "the thing", then all MM games are at least partially without "the thing", and so you shouldn't cry about any of them.
Horn of the
Abyss on AcidCave

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 21, 2013 10:01 PM

Ashan's Sandro and Crag aren't the old heroes we knew just like Ethric and Crag Hack have had more than one incarnation in the old universe.

Ubi has a team that makes sure that each might&magic game is faithful to the setting, its rules, its lore. A developer won't just get a few general guidelines and be left to his own devices.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

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