Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 08, 2015 05:32 PM |
fred79 said: and i doubt you would want to hold my hand with all this anyway
As long as is only the hand, I can help.
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 08, 2015 05:35 PM |
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 09, 2015 09:11 AM |
Edited by fred79 at 10:49, 10 Dec 2015.
ok, i made a new homm3 complete install, then installed era 2, then tried the copy and paste function, and it worked.
then i installed the xxl mod, and tried the same thing. what i did, was first make a random xxl map, then i tried copying the underground to the above-ground.
and there i came across my first issue: all of the above-ground objects stayed during the paste, and i subsequently received a multitude of errors(all of them stating "so-and-so object has reached it's count limit"), which makes sense, being that none of the old above-ground obejcts were removed in the paste process. the terrain was all replaced correctly in the above-ground, but that was it. everything else stayed the same. so instead of having the above-ground match the underground, the underground is duplicated, but with all of the above-ground objects still on the above-ground, as well.
edit: and even if i overlook that issue and continue, i still cannot copy/paste once i transfer my old files over(and only the files needed to replace what is already there).
i'll see if i can use the wog mod folder to transfer my new data files over, instead of replacing stuff in the data folder.
edit 2: ok, i transferred my data files and replaced the old wog folder stuff. everything shows up how it should(just like before), but i still can't copy/paste from one map to another.
...not getting anywhere with this. could it be due to the fact that i'm copy/pasting homm3 original files into a new folder, instead of using a clean install? because i haven't had an issue with that so far.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 10, 2015 10:51 AM |
Try first a clean install of era 2 on Heroes, then try the editor copy/paste to see if there is not another problem coming from your computer stuff. if it works this way, then it will be clear that you mess things by manually moving folders.
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 10, 2015 10:56 AM |
Edited by fred79 at 11:13, 10 Dec 2015.
Salamandre said: if it works this way, then it will be clear that you mess things by manually moving folders.
which would mean it's a registry issue. maybe it creates too many registry entries the way i'm doing it, and causes a crossed-wire issue in the registry.
can that even happen, when the game folders are installed on my desktop?
edit: nope, there are no duplicate entries in the registry. so that's a dead end. i'll try re-installing with the cd. hopefully, the cd/dvd drive will work when i reinstall it...
Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 10, 2015 11:36 AM |
Hmm I got a new computer and Hms, army management and upgrade all are not working (icons display but nothing happens when I click on them). Only other mods I use atm are WoG Revised, Bigger SB and some graphicals (NIM, Skins, Darkened players, Morn BF).
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 10, 2015 11:46 AM |
Usually this happens when you use a mod which has a"block other scripts" txt file, can you paste here your list of mods?
@Edit: or if you use HD mod. I recall it has a block for other buttons, which can be modified in ini, but don't know where.
Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 10, 2015 11:56 AM |
Yes I use HD mod but I also tried without it to see if problem was there but it didn't change anything.
My list of mods:
- Random Skins
- Darkened Players
- Morn Battlefields
- Bigger Spellbook
- Secondary Skills Scrolling
- Yona
- Fast Battle Animation
- WoG Revised
- WoG
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 10, 2015 07:44 PM |
Okay, this means you do a very common error, install mods then load a saved game from before they were installed. Only graphics will be loaded in that case. To load the scripts with, press F12 when in game, and you will see bottom "erm is refreshed". Then will work and that's all you need to do.
Era II mods and utilities
Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 10, 2015 09:03 PM |
some mods need starting new game too.
Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted December 11, 2015 12:19 AM |
Ok thanks, I was playing a custom wog map and I guess is the reason it doesn't work, because when I create a random one all is fine.
Adventuring Hero
wandering hero
posted December 13, 2015 11:04 PM |
Hey Salamandre, I love your Conquistador mod, but when I select neutral growth I get some serious neutral armies like swarm of skeletons on first day. Was this intended or does it overlap with something? Because unticking neutral growth won't work.
Freedom comes at a price
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 13, 2015 11:25 PM |
Yes, on first day a custom number is added to each neutral stack, depending on its level. If you find them too many, search for this line inside:
!!MO1:G?y3; get number
!!VRy3&y2=0:+100; !!VRy3&y2=1:+80; !!VRy3&y2=2:+60; !!VRy3&y2=3:+40; !!VRy3&y2=4:+20;
!!VRy3:*x2; multiply by player choice
And change to
!!MO1:G?y3; get number
!*VRy3&y2=0:+100; !*VRy3&y2=1:+80; !*VRy3&y2=2:+60; !*VRy3&y2=3:+40; !*VRy3&y2=4:+20;
!!VRy3:*x2; multiply by player choice
This will ensure only growth selected is applied and will disable first day bonus.
Adventuring Hero
wandering hero
posted December 14, 2015 06:24 PM |
Yeah, it worked, thanks! But I had lots of dwarves and also lots of gorgons... so I let !!VRy3&y2=2:+60; the same. The y2=2 means creature tier 2, right?
Freedom comes at a price
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 19, 2015 02:08 AM |
found out what i was doing wrong when trying to copy and paste maps. now that that kink's worked out, i can move forward; to make sure that i can fill that map with what is within the bounds of scripting.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 19, 2015 02:10 AM |
qoty said: The y2=2 means creature tier 2, right?
No, actually ERM codes level 1 as 0, so always add one. y2=2 means level 3.
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 19, 2015 03:15 AM |
fred79 said: found out what i was doing wrong when trying to copy and paste maps. now that that kink's worked out, i can move forward; to make sure that i can fill that map with what is within the bounds of scripting.
ok, i'll have to take this back. i keep getting error message pop-ups. even after i removed everything but the initial top and bottom half of one map. the snow. i removed one of my installs, and that worked temporarily. but only for a second; then it seemed that the flaw played catch-up, and now i'm back to where i started, with the errors.
anyone else get the pop-up error after closing the map editor, about a program not working correctly? has to do with windows, i know that much. what bothers me, is the era 1.8 + wog standalone works just fine, but after installing era 2 and running the map editor, i get an "application crash" error upon closing it.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 19, 2015 05:43 AM |
Well, knowing your manipulations, first you should make sure that this happens also on a clean Era 2.46 install. Without any adds from your old 1.8 folder. Then, if it happens too, then it may be possible that you are trying to copy/paste too huge areas and the editor memory can't handle them. For example after generating 3 consecutive random 244x244 maps, mine crashes, out of memory.
I can also test on my OS if you send me the proper files.
Undefeatable Hero
posted December 19, 2015 12:46 PM |
Salamandre said: Well, knowing your manipulations, first you should make sure that this happens also on a clean Era 2.46 install. Without any adds from your old 1.8 folder. Then, if it happens too, then it may be possible that you are trying to copy/paste too huge areas and the editor memory can't handle them. For example after generating 3 consecutive random 244x244 maps, mine crashes, out of memory.
I can also test on my OS if you send me the proper files.
i copied first, the front and back of the largest non-xxl map, onto a blank(water-filled) xxl map(which i have saved as a template for future maps). it copied and pasted with no problem. then i copy/pasted a piece of another map(just an island) into the xxl map along with the rest. still, no problem. the issue came when i was doctoring the map, removing mines and other visitable objects, and changing the towns to random towns. when i clicked on the "validate map" button, that's when all the errors started popping up, and continue to pop up, even after i close the map editor down, and open it back up. so maybe the xxl mod wasn't made with the "validate map" option in mind, i don't know. but in order for a map to be playable and dependable, i always check using that option.
i'll keep working on it(i haven't re-installed the disc drive for this computer yet, as i have been busy; and it's not likely to work anyway. i may try to get everything running right on a different computer). i still have potmdehex's tools to try as well, since the xxl map size still doesn't give me the adequate size and quantity of objects i need to copy/paste multiple maps(and all their objects, without limitation) into one.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 19, 2015 02:23 PM |
Thats NOT the way of designing maps. Copy/paste was probably made to allow us to get tiny parts faster if already in other map -and very little to none tested. I used it in TEW4 for a 50x50 part, and that was the start of my nightmare, as from then the map was corrupted and unstable.
You can't cheat a map restrictions by mass paste from another, it will just corrupt map structure.