Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 07, 2014 10:33 PM |
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 08, 2014 09:53 AM |
My first impretion of "Base set two"
So, after reading through the new base set, I must say, that the intentions of the creators were clear. As much as possible limit the current strategies. Some changes like no epic spells or cutting out over-used heroes are understandable, but on the other side, some cards they did left, and some choices they made somehow surprised me.
I’ll start with the heroes. It looks like they chose to cut the most and least played heroes for each faction and if there is a gap, somehow fill it up. The biggest changes are in the heaven lineup. Cutting Sandalphone and Jezziel were understandable, but why did Keiran replaced Siegfried? A similar thing I don‘t understand is why they left out Xorn, but left Dhamiria in, or why Nergal was replaced by Ariana?
When I look at the factions themselves, those that hit my sight the most are Stronghold and Necropolis.
I understand that necropolis was somehow underpowered for many players but the fact that they left in the 3 most broken cards this faction had makes me furious. Leaving in Atroppos and Banshees is bad enough, but leaving in the Decay spitter is Imho a crime, especially when you take some of the best cards from other factions away. (I see only dead in our futures now.)
On the other hand there is Stronghold. And I really dislike what they did to their line-up. First of all I know they had the largest number of creatures, but they had one more than anybody else. Now they have up to 5 more than other factions. This would not be so bad if it was not for the price of fortune cards. Stronghold now has only !4! fortune cards. STRONGHOLD, the faction that had some of the most interesting ones. And on the top of it, one of the cards that did make it is Famous last blow. I know it’s a card with potential but they lack so many of the other useful cards now. Shamans hut aside, where is Blood of my Tribe, the Blood horn, War camp or any of the other really interesting cards stronghold used to have.
The biggest changes I feel and fear are in the fortune cards. When I saw the list of them i was somehow shocked. You see that they took out all the control cards. No Altar of Shadows, no wastelands, no broken bridge or Altar of Asha, and most of all no mother of all OTKs Kat’s grand finale. But with all these cards out, I wonder why they left the Venerable kappa in, whit out all these cards, isn’t he somewhat useless?
The card I’m going to miss the most is surprisingly campfire, with the honorable mention of Tainted orc and Sayama hunter.
Some combinations that are still in, and I noticed them are: Battle trance + Altar of wishes, Hellfire bloater/Doombringer + Weak of the dead and Mizu-Kami + Ice armor.
I’ll have a look at the rest (events, spells, buildings) later.
Famous Hero
posted February 08, 2014 12:36 PM |
I wonder if the dev's are open to suggestions, with some early testing and review of choice of cards, i believe that dharm should get the axe as well - the meta is certainly going to change and every game has to evolve - i believe personally that the depth of doc was it's 3 requirements, might, mag, fort - with this new game change, fort has taken an absolute beating, magic has been neutered leaving might as an initial go to - perhaps setting up the new meta as a creature heavy meta - that being said, new combo's are already being formed, and on doubt these will appear instantly on release of update.
ps im not too far off in suggesting that zardoc also face the firing squad [but thats another list]:-
Along with her ability, her card selection still remains insane - remember dharm was always competitive before everyone copied JKKK's build
Doom Bringer <----- only board clear that i can see, insane advantage
Lurker in the Dark
Hellfire Imp
Caller of the Void <---- *&&**%
Hellfire Bloater
Chaos Lacerator
Hellfire Maniac <----- $^#^@$@#^
Void Arbiter <----- $%^&&%^#&$
Lashing Lilim
Void Wraith
Moon Phoenix
Insect Swarm <--- i would go as far to say the strongest aoe spell in BS2
Stone Shield
Symbiotic Barkskin
Fire Bolt
Inner Fire
Mass Rage
Gold Pile
Arcane Academy
Stolen Supplies
Revised Tactics
Altar of Wishes
Time Of Need
events have remained unscathed
i truly believe that dharm with these cards and with restrictions placed on all other factions - will dominate!!
Supreme Hero
posted February 08, 2014 12:50 PM |
Ok, guess I will copy my comment from the previous thread.
We will still see. I am also for cutting her out and replacing her with Xorm, I had enough of Dhamiria in BS1.
What I am really looking forward is Necro recursion, and that will be with my dear Seria which I have alternative art of, and Dhamiria's only problem was Necro to begin with. And btw, I still think that Dhamiria will be quite beatable without Might of the Nature and Forbidden Flame, she really isn't as good without them and with only Insect Swarm as her early game cleaner. We will see though, we might see some other kinds of Dhamiria that are heavier towards the aggro.
I am pretty positive that any kind of Necro will dominate in BS2 now that meta is changed into more aggro since a lot of powerful spells are gone(lighting strike being the one, FREAKING YES!).
Rushy heroes are mostly gone. No Sandalphone, Kelthor and Ishuma(yey for all three!), Cassandra isn't playable anymore the way it was in BS1 because there is no Prison, Wolf Captains, Altar of Asha etc. THe only heroes that are kind of capable of rushing are Acamas and Garant, but on the other hand there is no more Altar of Destruction(!!!) so the Inferno rush is a lot weaker, and two very important cards for those decks are missing and those are Tainted Orc and Lilim.
So, Necro with all needed tanky cards(Hangman Tree, Untamed Wraiths especially now when there is no Lighting Strike, Vampire Knight and Undead Minotaur) together with Decay Spitters, Banshees, Deathseals and Soulreavers is going to be king of the aggro in my opinion.
But we will see, maybe something is going to change in the future especially that they are already working on the next expansion and we don't know which cards are going to be included in BS2.
A lot of people are really sceptical but I am really looking forward to this.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted February 08, 2014 01:00 PM |
About rush.. Do not underestimate Keiran for rush potential.. with llight healing and Crusaders and AoE and board whipes he is a force to cont with
Supreme Hero
Child of Malassa
posted February 08, 2014 02:10 PM |
I see no reason why I should play on any other format than the open one. As far as I'm concerned this is not an expansion but new modes for the game which I find bad and will not play them. This is my 2 cents on this matter.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 08, 2014 03:39 PM |
watcher83 said: I see no reason why I should play on any other format than the open one. As far as I'm concerned this is not an expansion but new modes for the game which I find bad and will not play them. This is my 2 cents on this matter.
Come on, the open format is boring seeing the same heroes over and over, especially in high level jackpot (cass, kelthor, etc). Now with BS2 jackpot, we could see a variety of heroes in the top tier....refreshing indeed
Famous Hero
posted February 08, 2014 03:53 PM |
i appreciate that there are new modes, but i think that this is probably a cop out for lack of being able to balance the current cards, some easy solutions would have been for eg: cosmic singularity, cannot recycle uniques or even rares
Supreme Hero
Child of Malassa
posted February 08, 2014 04:05 PM |
DoubleDeck said: Come on, the open format is boring seeing the same heroes over and over, especially in high level jackpot (cass, kelthor, etc). Now with BS2 jackpot, we could see a variety of heroes in the top tier....refreshing indeed
The game could have been made less boring by introducing new options (new cards or twicked old cards) to deal with the more popular decks not make half the used cards unavailable so they can basically introduce more or less similar cards to those taken out in the next expansions so they can make money easier, and after that when it comes to a new stand still hey they'll make base set 3 and erase half the cards.
In some cases less is more but here less ( which they call standard) is just plain bad.
Supreme Hero
posted February 08, 2014 05:44 PM |
Dave_Jame said: About rush.. Do not underestimate Keiran for rush potential.. with llight healing and Crusaders and AoE and board whipes he is a force to cont with
What AoE? And I don't really see him rushing without Wolf Captains, that were core creature in every Haven rush deck.
I don't know why so many people are crying about BS2, it is not an expansion, it doesn't add any new cards to the list, it adds new modes etc. If anything, I would say it is more of a big patch than expansion. If you don't like BS2, don't play it, simple as that. I for one know that I won't be playing BS1 ever again probably and I am happy that people can choose.
So we will have new 2 metagames in different sets, and when people grow tired of one they can switch to the other. And with new expansions, metagames will be changing in both sets(if the cards are good enough to change anything at all).
Balancing huge number of cards would take a lot of time, and since we know how slow Ubi is with those things, I like this way more.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 08, 2014 08:01 PM |
Good, most of the auto-include cards have been removed. This should change the meta considerably.
But.. resurrection and clashing tides? Why? Some removals seem rather arbitrary.
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Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 08, 2014 10:20 PM |
Agree, not sure why they taking out those...also mass inner fire and monsoon, really?
But some removals are good like FF (esp with vulture riders) and Prison, those are game changers and one card should not swing any duel.
Think I might bring out my old Garant deck again
Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted February 08, 2014 11:56 PM |
It's gonna suck. I'm calling it!
Supreme Hero
posted February 09, 2014 12:51 AM |
The_Polyglot said: It's gonna suck. I'm calling it!
For me, it can't really suck more than it currently does.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted February 09, 2014 01:10 AM |
Trust me, everything on this godforsaken rock can and will suck more.
Supreme Hero
posted February 09, 2014 11:19 AM |
The_Polyglot said: Trust me, everything on this godforsaken rock can and will suck more.
No, what I wanted to say is that I don't play this game currently at all. It can't get worse than that for me.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 09, 2014 01:19 PM |
The meta will change a lot, so the game won't suck anymore
Erm, why did they take out Xorm? Cos he won favorite pet or what?
Changed the list above to show what's remaining in BS2....(not what's coming out).
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted February 19, 2014 07:22 AM |
Base Set 2 Card List Update
Dragon Golem is out, Rakshasa is in.
Radiant Glory is out, Sun Rider is in.
Vindicator is out, Tithe Collector is in.
Fate Sealer is out, Vampire Assassin is in.
Blind Brother is out, Wandering Bard is in.
Pearl Priestess is out, Naga Tide Master is in.
Kappa is out, Naga Yokujin is in.
Sand Kame is out, Wanizame is in.
Venerable Kappa is out, White Fox is in.
Sahaar Brute is out, Cyclops Brawler is in.
Blackskull Vulture Rider is out, Raging Smasher is in.
Volunteers is out, Altar of Asha is in.
Gold Pile is out, Campfire is in.
Stolen Supplies is out, Broken Bridge is in.
Forked Lightning is out, Father Sky’s Wrath is in.
Chain Heal is out, Word of Light is in.
*** My original list above has been updated ***
Damn, most NB removals are Gold Pile & B/skull Vulture riders are out!
Most NB inclusions are Tithe Collector & Broken Bridge are back in!
Not sure whether to test my BS2 decks or not, as cards might still be amended....
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 19, 2014 09:57 AM |
Good. That's more like it.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb
Famous Hero
posted February 19, 2014 10:08 AM |
DoubleDeck said: Base Set 2 Card List Update
Dragon Golem is out, Rakshasa is in.
Radiant Glory is out, Sun Rider is in. [terrible change]
Vindicator is out, Tithe Collector is in. [good change]
Fate Sealer is out, Vampire Assassin is in. [terrible change]
Blind Brother is out, Wandering Bard is in. [stabilising change]
Pearl Priestess is out, Naga Tide Master is in. [loss of hyponotise, does it matter, ishu out]
Kappa is out, Naga Yokujin is in. [necessary, lack of shooters]
Sand Kame is out, Wanizame is in. [good change]
Venerable Kappa is out, White Fox is in. [terrible change, take out fortune ward, and replace with fortune buff creature - with bb back venerable would have been great]
Sahaar Brute is out, Cyclops Brawler is in. [terrible change]
Blackskull Vulture Rider is out, Raging Smasher is in. [terrible]
Volunteers is out, Altar of Asha is in. [1st card stupid bad, altar crazy god]
Gold Pile is out, Campfire is in. [campfire better]
Stolen Supplies is out, Broken Bridge is in. [ho ho, welcome back bb]
Forked Lightning is out, Father Sky’s Wrath is in. [akane CoM recursive still strong]
Chain Heal is out, Word of Light is in.
*** My original list above has been updated ***
Damn, most NB removals are Gold Pile & B/skull Vulture riders are out!
Most NB inclusions are Tithe Collector & Broken Bridge are back in!
Not sure whether to test my BS2 decks or not, as cards might still be amended....