
Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2024 09:59 PM |
Hello everyone.
I won't be able to check it in game for quite a while so I need to ask you for help. Will changing the value for stables in movement.txt be enough to revert the 1.7 nerf? Or is there something else that needs to be done? I would really appreciate the help

Tavern Dweller
posted January 25, 2024 10:52 PM |
Yep, it's as simple as that.
You can also revert the nerfs to the Equestrian Gloves and Boots of Speed in that txt file too. For whatever reason, the Boots of Speed are mislabeled as the "Ring of the Wayfarer."
Or you could totally abuse the power of editing txt files and give yourself ten thousand movement points or something.


Hired Hero
posted January 26, 2024 02:54 AM |
The mod I was playing with actually removed the movement penalties for creatures slower than speed 6. That way you could actually have dwarves and zombies in your army without feeling stupid.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 26, 2024 11:35 PM |
Thank you for the help Laserstorm

Tavern Dweller
posted January 27, 2024 01:56 AM |
No problem. I also didn't agree with the nerf and did the same thing.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 27, 2024 07:41 AM |
Karyoplasma said: The mod I was playing with actually removed the movement penalties for creatures slower than speed 6. That way you could actually have dwarves and zombies in your army without feeling stupid.
That is great and I have been thinking about that for a long time, only I would probably set minimum adventure speed as speed 5.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 27, 2024 12:46 PM |
Edited by Julian at 12:47, 27 Jan 2024.
How Can I edit the reward and the number of units from creature banks as Red Tower, Churchyard or Mansion? I searched into CrBanks file but I haven't found them.
Thank you!

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 27, 2024 02:35 PM |
These are HotA objects, so must probably be hex edited in HotA.dat or HotA.dll


Hired Hero
posted January 28, 2024 01:25 AM |
Julian said: Hello!
How Can I edit the reward and the number of units from creature banks as Red Tower, Churchyard or Mansion? I searched into CrBanks file but I haven't found them.
Thank you!
Check HotA.dat, inside are structures for the crbanks. The format looks like this (example for Red Tower):
crbank26 %unreadable stuff% Red Tower %some more stuff like the description%
# State 1
30 # Chance
114 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 # Guards types
35 0 0 0 0 0 0 # Guards counts
50 # Upgrade chance (%)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # Resources award
0 0 0 0 # Arts award: Treasure - Minor - Major - Relic
130 # Creatures award type
1 # Creatures award count
That's how it's structured in the .dat and I assume that to change it from 1 to 2 creatures, you just need to edit the text string to 2 # Creatures awarded. The award type is the decimal numbered index for the creature, same with guard types. The states are the levels. So each structure has entries from State 1 through 4.
Here is a list of all creatures with their decimal ID:
None: -1
Pikeman: 0
Halberdier: 1
Archer: 2
Marksman: 3
Griffin: 4
Royal Griffin: 5
Swordsman: 6
Crusader: 7
Monk: 8
Zealot: 9
Cavalier: 10
Champion: 11
Angel: 12
Archangel: 13
Centaur: 14
Centaur Captain: 15
Dwarf: 16
Battle Dwarf: 17
Wood Elf: 18
Grand Elf: 19
Pegasus: 20
Silver Pegasus: 21
Dendroid Guard: 22
Dendroid Soldier: 23
Unicorn: 24
War Unicorn: 25
Green Dragon: 26
Gold Dragon: 27
Gremlin: 28
Master Gremlin: 29
Stone Gargoyle: 30
Obsidian Gargoyle: 31
Stone Golem: 32
Iron Golem: 33
Mage: 34
Arch Mage: 35
Genie: 36
Master Genie: 37
Naga: 38
Naga Queen: 39
Giant: 40
Titan: 41
Imp: 42
Familiar: 43
Gog: 44
Magog: 45
Hell Hound: 46
Cerberus: 47
Demon: 48
Horned Demon: 49
Pit Fiend: 50
Pit Lord: 51
Efreeti: 52
Efreet Sultan: 53
Devil: 54
Arch Devil: 55
Skeleton: 56
Skeleton Warrior: 57
Walking Dead: 58
Zombie: 59
Wight: 60
Wraith: 61
Vampire: 62
Vampire Lord: 63
Lich: 64
Power Lich: 65
Black Knight: 66
Dread Knight: 67
Bone Dragon: 68
Ghost Dragon: 69
Troglodyte: 70
Infernal Troglodyte: 71
Harpy: 72
Harpy Hag: 73
Beholder: 74
Evil Eye: 75
Medusa: 76
Medusa Queen: 77
Minotaur: 78
Minotaur King: 79
Manticore: 80
Scorpicore: 81
Red Dragon: 82
Black Dragon: 83
Goblin: 84
Hobgoblin: 85
Wolf Rider: 86
Wolf Raider: 87
Orc: 88
Orc Chieftain: 89
Ogre: 90
Ogre Mage: 91
Roc: 92
Thunderbird: 93
Cyclops: 94
Cyclops King: 95
Behemoth: 96
Ancient Behemoth: 97
Gnoll: 98
Gnoll Marauder: 99
Lizardman: 100
Lizard Warrior: 101
Gorgon: 102
Mighty Gorgon: 103
Serpent Fly: 104
Dragon Fly: 105
Basilisk: 106
Greater Basilisk: 107
Wyvern: 108
Wyvern Monarch: 109
Hydra: 110
Chaos Hydra: 111
Air Elemental: 112
Earth Elemental: 113
Fire Elemental: 114
Water Elemental: 115
Gold Golem: 116
Diamond Golem: 117
Pixie: 118
Sprite: 119
Psychic Elemental: 120
Magic Elemental: 121
Ice Elemental: 123
Magma Elemental: 125
Storm Elemental: 127
Energy Elemental: 129
Firebird: 130
Phoenix: 131
Azure Dragon: 132
Crystal Dragon: 133
Faerie Dragon: 134
Rust Dragon: 135
Enchanter: 136
Sharpshooter: 137
Halfling: 138
Peasant: 139
Boar: 140
Mummy: 141
Nomad: 142
Rogue: 143
Troll: 144
Sea Dog: 151
Nymph: 153
Oceanid: 154
Crew Mate: 155
Seaman: 156
Pirate: 157
Corsair: 158
Stormbird: 159
Ayssid: 160
Sea Witch: 161
Sorceress: 162
Nix: 163
Nix Warrior: 164
Sea Serpent: 165
Haspid: 166
Satyr: 167
Fangarm: 168
Leprechaun: 169
Steel Golem: 170
Halfling Grenadier: 171
Mechanic: 172
Engineer: 173
Armadillo: 174
Bellwether Armadillo: 175
Automaton: 176
Sentinel Automaton: 177
Sandworm: 178
Olgoi-Khorkhoi: 179
Gunslinger: 180
Bounty Hunter: 181
Couatl: 182
Crimson Couatl: 183
Dreadnought: 184
Juggernaut: 185

Tavern Dweller
posted January 28, 2024 08:42 AM |

Tavern Dweller
posted January 31, 2024 08:50 PM |
File not recognised message
How do i get the hota.dll change to work? When i edit something in the hota.dll file i always get an error message saying this file is not recognised when starting the game. How can i get rid of this?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 31, 2024 09:54 PM |
I don't know how to get rid of that message, but it does'nt matter, it works fine anyway.


Hired Hero
posted February 11, 2024 05:50 PM |
Edited by CsArOs at 13:48, 18 Feb 2024.
I've already made quite a few changes hex-editing HotA.dat, h3 hota HD.exe and extracting *.lod files with MMArchive, but I can't seem to find a few things. Can anyone help me out with them?
In order of importance:
1. Where is the Intereference buff for the Interference artifacts (Charm, Plate, Seal) located? I can only see the artifacts themselves in HotA.dat, is that where the buff values are located?
2. I read that HotA's resource silo's pull up SoD's ones. Is it possible to change the pointer for the Factory's Silo so that it produces Mercury instead of Crystal (so to point it towards Conflux or Inferno)? Or is there another method of changing the Res Silos for Factory?
3. Is it possible to reduce the Luck gain from the Pendant of Courage?
4. Where is the Horn of the Abyss (artifact)'s Fangarm HP ratio coded? I want to change it to 1/4 to make it more competitive, but where can I find that value? Again, in HotA.dat I only see plain text descriptions of the artis.
5. I found the Legion Pieces guide by RoseKavalier (I want to also express my respect for you, the information I gained from reading your messages has been invaluable). However in 1.7.0 h3hota HD.exe the offsets seem incorrect: 0x1BFE37 shows a different code than the one stated. Moreover, the code "84 C0 74 06 83 C7" doesn't appear anywhere in the file. Does anyone know where the new offset is located?
6. Is it possible to turn an existing artifact into a combination artifact? I want to make AB blade work like other combination artifacts do. Is that possible?
Thank you from the top for all and any help

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 17, 2024 09:50 AM |
Is it possible to give Kyrre, Gunnar and Dessa a lower bonus than 5% per level without affecting other skill specialists? (2,5% for example.)
Also if it is somehow possible to halve Galthran's skeleton bonus?


Hired Hero
posted February 17, 2024 12:53 PM |
Logistic speciality percentage pointer is at 0xe4f1e in HotA 1.7.0. You can change the value of e4ea6300 at that location for a different pointer to a different percentage. If you want 2.5%, you need to have it somewhere in the file. You could have 3% for example from the spell specialists (unless you changed them) or you could change something else for 2.5%, or paste it in some empty space and have the pointer refer there. The pointer can refer to a chosen start location of reading a Little Endian value by adding 0x40000 to the value of the line in hex, and reversing it: 0x23eae4 would be thus written as e4ee6300 and this is what we see as the current pointer. Do NOT change the value of 0x23eee4 (cd cc 4c 3d, or little endian for 5%), as it will change all skill specialists who also refer to this value with their appropriate pointers.
Galthran's specialty can be changed at 0x278f38: 01 means creature specialty, 38 is skeletons, 00 and 00 later are empty as 01 specialty uses only one argument. I personally changed it to +3A +3D, no speed.
If you want to change % gain from his spec, I don't know how to do that.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 17, 2024 12:58 PM |
Thanks CsArOs
Yeah I guess 2,5% does'nt exist, but I might change it to 3%, if I can remember how.
Your change for Galthran seems quite reasonable, though I was looking to just cut his bonusses in half, instead of a possibly little boring static bonus.
Edit: I always thought it was weird Skeleton Warriors have 6 attack and 6 defense, but Zombies only 5 attack and 5 defense.
If it's was the other way around, Galthran would be slighty worse and Straker slightly better...


Hired Hero
posted February 17, 2024 01:51 PM |
Edited by CsArOs at 14:19, 17 Feb 2024.
Galthran's strength primarily resides in giving 1 speed to Skeletons and starting with 100 of them. But if you want to reduce Skeleton's stats (f.e. to 5/3 and 5/6) you can do it by extracting with MMArchive the HotA_lng.lod and opening the CRTRAITS.txt
The 3% value f.e. is used by spell specialists. If you don't have it modified, it's here: 0x23ac08. You can reference it by changing 0xe4f1e's e4ea6300 into 08ac6300. I believe 3% only appears once in the file.
Other offset you can use: 2% - 0x0023AC40 (so in code 40ac6300)
Also I don't think Little Endian values will work for the % referenced. These values used are different and I honestly don't know what type of number they are (probably IEE 754? I guess?) and that's why they're 16 letters long, not 8 like Little Endian.
Edit: The 5% value appears in the entire h3hota HD.exe (1.7.0) only at the 0x23ac58, which I supposed is what is used for creature specialists (but not only them). This offset is referenced plenty of times in the file and I have no clue how to figure out which one is the pointer for Galthran or the creature specialists in general.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 17, 2024 02:21 PM |
Yes, I know how to change creatures stats in crtraits, but I don't think I will actually change Skeleton Warriors or Zombies stats, it was just an observation.
I think I have decided to go with HotA's Ranloo instead.
Galthran is a creature specialist, but since the skeleton specialty is as powerful as it is, it should be another creature specialty. Since level 2-6 creatures are already covered by other Death Knights, the only thing that makes sense is having a Ballista specialist. (Though I have given Ranloo Shield, instead of Haste, as Galthran started with Shield.)
Okay, I'll go test if 3% Logistics specialty will work, I really hope so.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 17, 2024 02:46 PM |
CsArOs said: You can reference it by changing 0xe4f1e's e4ea6300 into 08ac6300.
Ehm, I just tested this and it makes Logistics specialists have 0 out 0 movement points every day, something is not right...
Maybe it has something to do with HotA...


Hired Hero
posted February 17, 2024 03:01 PM |
Edited by CsArOs at 15:03, 17 Feb 2024.
I got it wrong earlier, sorry about that, but I know now how to make it work for 2.5% so eh, not that bad, right?
Here you go, knock your Gunnar out of his shoes:
0xe41fe e4 ea 63 00 -> 9a e8 63 00
0x23e894 (you can do it in another empty space if you want to, but then you have to change the pointer above) 00 00 00 00 -> cd cc cc 3c.
Just tested it and it seems to work alright.
I confused their specialty with spell specialties earlier. It IS the little endian that logistic specialists use, while spell specialists use a IEE 754 or smth along those lines (the 8 byte long numbers). No, I don't know why that is.