
Tavern Dweller
posted January 08, 2024 06:00 AM |
Phoenix4ever said: @deusmisereatur
I'm interested in finding where HotA's values for Estates, Intelligence and Mysticism are stored, not to turn them back to original values, but to have my own values.
I found Advanced Intelligence, but there are too many of the other instances to find the others though or I will have to go for a major trial and error quest...
I also had another value for Mana Vortex, that does'nt work anymore...
I haven't tested any of my findings, so do please proceed with caution.
For Mysticism:
0x00182616 for Basic
0x00182620 for Advanced
0x0018262A for Expert
For Estates:
0x001825CE for Basic
0x001825DE for Advanced
0x001825E8 for Expert
Changing Intelligence values is a bit trickier, as the values used are found in a common area where said values might be used for other things like other skills or even artifacts.
Perhaps what you can try doing is first nullifying the forced changes made in HotA.dll by using what I found in my previous post. This should then tell HotA to use the original values found in HotA.exe instead of the new values found in HotA.dll. Then, you should be able to edit in your own values using the skill offsets many others have found for HotA.exe.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 08, 2024 07:50 AM |
Ahh that's great, I need to try this. 
Any idea where they have the First Aid min. and max. values?
My First Aid skill was better than HotA's...
Edit: So I just tested it and the addresses for Estates and Mysticism were correct. 
I also found Expert Intelligence myself.
Only First Aid is a little underwhelming now, not that a few more HP healed would make First Aid a great skill anyway.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 08, 2024 12:48 PM |
Phoenix4ever said: Ahh that's great, I need to try this. 
Any idea where they have the First Aid min. and max. values?
My First Aid skill was better than HotA's...
Edit: So I just tested it and the addresses for Estates and Mysticism were correct. 
I also found Expert Intelligence myself.
Only First Aid is a little underwhelming now, not that a few more HP healed would make First Aid a great skill anyway.
I think you can just change the values of the First Aid Skill at the original HotA.exe offset provided in this thread. That's what I did for Learning (works) and Sorcery (works). Still, glad to hear that it went well for you.

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 09, 2024 03:37 PM |
Edited by Juas at 15:40, 09 Jan 2024.
deusmisereatur said:
I haven't tested any of my findings, so do please proceed with caution.
For Mysticism:
0x00182616 for Basic
0x00182620 for Advanced
0x0018262A for Expert
For Estates:
0x001825CE for Basic
0x001825DE for Advanced
0x001825E8 for Expert
Don't say they changed adresses in HotA... 
Please, do you have a list of the adress of all skills?
Super important to me, I don't know how to find them

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 09, 2024 05:36 PM |
Which skills are you looking for?
Estates and Mysticism are the ones you quoted, but must be edited in HotA.dll

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 09, 2024 05:51 PM |
Edited by Juas at 17:52, 09 Jan 2024.
phoenix4ever said: Which skills are you looking for?
Estates and Mysticism are the ones you quoted, but must be edited in HotA.dll
I want to edit all of them (90% of them)
How would that HotA.dll edition be?
is it Hex? is it something else?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 09, 2024 10:21 PM |
In HotA.dll you can edit the skills that HotA changed.
So skills they have changed, you won't be able to change in the exe file. That is because HotA's changes "overwrites" the ones in the exe.
HotA.dll can be hex edited just like the exe file, you just have to find the correct addresses to change.
Skills not touched by HotA, can still be edited in the exe file.

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 09, 2024 10:33 PM |
Allright, thanks for the info.
So now all I need to know is how to find them in all that hex code. :/

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 09, 2024 11:04 PM |
Yes, you already have Estates and Mysticism.
I know where Advanced and Expert Intelligence are, not sure about Basic Intelligence.
Logistics I have at the original values.
Necromancy and First Aid I use HotA's values.
I think that's all the skills changed by HotA, right?
I can maybe help you change some of them tomorrow, if you want?

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 10, 2024 01:45 AM |
If I am not mistaken I believe those are all that has been changed, there also is Interference.
Yeah, that would be nice, man.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 10, 2024 12:48 PM |
So all of these changes are in HotA.dll, except Logistics, which I edited in the exe.
So Advanced Intelligence can be edited at 1CF9C8 and Expert at 1CC8C4.
Logistics back to original can be edited in the exe at E4EE9, you need to change 68 EA to F8 E9. (Logistics can probably be edited in HotA.dll as well, but I'm not sure where.)
Necromancy I use HotA's Values, I have however the Necromancy artifacts like in the original game, otherwise they are almost useless.
Amulet of the Undertaker can be edited at 1CD09C
Vampire's Cowl at 1CD0A0
Dead Man's Boots at 1CD0A4
First Aid's healing I had at higher values than HotA and I had it always heal maximum HP, but HotA's change seems to overwrite mine from the exe and I don't know where it is in HotA.dll or how to make it heal maximum again.
Interference I have not touched at all, I don't use Interference, but Resistance.

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 10, 2024 02:02 PM |
Edited by Juas at 14:20, 10 Jan 2024.
Allright, I guess HotA's Necromancy nerf might be ok. I'll check about the artifacts.
Phoenix4ever said: Logistics back to original can be edited in the exe at E4EE9, you need to change 68 EA to F8 E9
Why do you say to change those values like that?
PS: You can tell me more about your mod by PM if you want.
PS2: Bro, I'm in a doubt now... the Secondary Skills that ain't changed by HotA, keep the same direction than in Complete, but in HotA's .exe?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 10, 2024 05:08 PM |
If you want the original Necromancy, I believe someone has asked about that in the past in this thread, so you might be able to find the answer here, but I personally think HotA's version of Necromancy is fine.
About Logistics, I can't explain to you why, but it was the solution I was given when I asked about getting the old Logistics back.
I believe you can change this skill in HotA.dll as well if you want some other values, the question is just where the addresses are.
If you wanna know about my mod, you can find the thread "My gameplay changes to Heroes 3" here on HC. I have listed most of my changes in the first post, it is not 100% updated though.
The skills not changed by HotA can be changed in the exe you use to launch the game, so HotA yeah.

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 10, 2024 05:15 PM |
That's great. 
Allright, I'm gonna check that post of yours.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 10, 2024 05:43 PM |
Actually it might be time to update my thread, I think a lot has happened since I last updated it, but you might find some inspiration anyway.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 11, 2024 06:56 PM |
Hello everyone, this is my first post, so I wanted to say hello 
I'm starting my journey with hex editing, so any advices are welsome.
I'm trying to find where are hero special abilities set up, mainly I would like to boost Luna. Unfortunately I didn't find anything regads that.

Known Hero
posted January 13, 2024 11:14 PM |
Karyoplasma said:
Progress on my hero editor right now looks like this: https://ibb.co/j8Yj4Cs
It's somewhat ready for release, but still there are some things that annoy me...
your tool is great! thank you very much 
I would suggest adding a method for the user to edit the relevant hex addresses (I mean a way the user can update the tool on their own for a new hota version in case you no longer maintain it).
And if you have time to even expand this tool for editing the secondary skills itself, like everyone here is talking about to make useless skills valuable, this would be fantastic for users like me who do not know enough about hex editing But that is up to you of course.

Adventuring Hero
Dragón Rojo
posted January 14, 2024 12:58 AM |
Kabanos said: I'm starting my journey with hex editing, so any advices are welsome.
I'm trying to find where are hero special abilities set up, mainly I would like to boost Luna. Unfortunately I didn't find anything regads that.
Hello, how are you doing?
You can check the post "HoMM 3 Complete & HotA Modding Guide", there is some stuff about Hex editing Secondary Skills there.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted January 14, 2024 06:55 AM |
Looking forward to the release of the hero editor (if it hasn't been released already)


Hired Hero
posted January 15, 2024 12:09 AM |
NimoStar said: Looking forward to the release of the hero editor (if it hasn't been released already)
Not yet.
The internals are working properly, so it's usable but some things that I want to be in are not implemented yet. I'll do a pre-release later today if you want.
Here you go.
Note that it only changes things that can be changed in the exe and hota.dat (if using for hota). The specialty icons and descriptions are actually stored somewhere else (in some .lod archive i believe). That will potentially be added at a later date. No ETA tho. For the gameplay, it makes no difference tho. If you set Orrin to generate +1 crystal, he will generate +1 crystal even if his description says he's an Archery specialist.
It will automatically create a backup of all the files it changes before it writes anything. The backups will be in your game folder under "backupHeroModder" in the format %filename%_%unixtime%.
Repository: https://github.com/Karyoplasma/HotAHeroEditor
Release page: https://github.com/Karyoplasma/HotAHeroEditor/releases/tag/0.9