Known Hero
posted October 28, 2017 11:23 PM |
great thanks
I can create plugins for everything I already have example code for.
So eg. I can create plugins for any town building and it's dependencies now (thanks to RoseKavalier). I can also give the secondary skills I already made plugins for some different values.
But I don't know anything about this assembly and those hex values (I guess this is the same?) So I can not make plugins for other skills or something different I don't know the hex values from. And for some new things I also don't know which functions I have to use.
This just to inform you what I can do and what not, if you have any requests
Famous Hero
posted October 29, 2017 05:30 AM |
Edited by Ben80 at 05:39, 29 Oct 2017.
Erdamon said:
You found your man. I've been hitting the Russian website and download the plugin ever since you first mentioned it. Just let me know what aspects are you interested in and where should I submit my feedback.
Nothing special. Simply use scripts as you want and if something goes wrong or seems suspicious - please let me know
I have tested all only for SoD/Complete. AlexSpl have tested also for HotA (and have modified respectively), however recently we rarely can see AlexSpl on heroes sites - this is why new scripts will be produced very rarely - because of my programming skills are very very small comparing with AlexSpl ones.
Supreme Hero
posted October 29, 2017 05:40 AM |
Following the same logic as town building requirements, I made a similar header/example function on how to modify Combination Artifacts. I guess this may interest some people with the fuzzies
HotA combination artifacts have an extra 32 bit of room so I made 2 distinct structures. The ChangeArtifactCombination() function handles the SoD/HotA switch by itself.
argument 1: combo id (must be greater than 0x81 ~ Angelic Alliance
argument 2: the number of required artifacts to form the Combination
arguments 3....: the list of artifacts you want. The number of artifacts in this list should match argument #2.
New header: artifact_combinations.h
**removed by request**
End result: AotD now only needs the 3 listed artifacts.
What's missing?
HotA artifact IDs are not part of the includes.
(h3m_artifact.h is based off VCMI/WoG so the new HotA combinations are not available)
If anyone has them or wants to map them, it'd be nice to share.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Supreme Hero
posted October 29, 2017 08:18 AM |
My fiend told me to ask you if possible to change native terrain of given town (Conflux for example) to sand or any other soil.
Known Hero
posted October 29, 2017 09:24 AM |
avatar said: My fiend told me to ask you if possible to change native terrain of given town (Conflux for example) to sand or any other soil.
Yes. Possible
© 0xFea
;Replace standart terrains for towns
;0 Грязь Dirt
;1 Песок Beach
;2 Трава Grass
;3 Снег Snow
;4 Болото Swamp
;5 Скалы Desert (former Rough)
;6 Подземелье Wasteland (former Underground)
;7 Лава Lava
;8 Вода Water (will cause bugs when placed as native)
;9 Пропасть Rock (will cause bugs when placed as native)
;Units' native terrains
006436A8 02;Knight
006436AC 02;Sorc
006436B0 03;Wizard
006436B4 07;Heretic
006436B8 00;Necromancer
006436BC 01;Warlock
006436C0 06;Barb
006436C4 04;Witch
006436C8 05;Gypsy
;RMG native terrains
006408D8 02;Knight
006408DC 02;Sorc
006408E0 03;Wizard
006408E4 07;Heretic
006408E8 00;Necromancer
006408EC 01;Warlock
006408F0 06;Barb
006408F4 04;Witch
006408F8 05;Gypsy
;Sand corridors
53300E 01; replacement of UG wasteland with sand
;Redirect some spec checks for wasteland to sand
532FB8 01
532FE8 01
;No wasteland battles at Z=1
464044 EB
;RMG preferences for neutral zones
; Default
;006824A0 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF;Dirt -> Castle, Rapart, Necropolis
;006824B0 06 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00;Sand -> Stronghold
;006824C0 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00;Grass -> Castle, Rampart
;006824D0 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00;Snow -> Tower
;006824E0 07 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00;Swamp -> Necr, Fort
;006824F0 06 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00;Rough -> Citadel, Conflux (instead of Forge)
;00682500 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF;UG -> Inferno, Necr, Dungeon
;00682510 03 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00;Lava -> Inferno
;00682520 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00;Water -> None
006824A0 0400000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Dirt -> Necr, Knight
006824B0 030000000400000005000000FFFFFFFF;Beach(UG)-> Inferno, Necromancer, Warlock
006824C0 0100000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Grass -> Sorc, Knight
006824D0 02000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Snow -> Wizard
006824E0 0500000007000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Swamp -> Warlock, Witch
006824F0 08000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Desert -> Gypsy
00682500 06000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Waste -> Barb
00682510 03000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;Lava -> Inferno
Hired Hero
posted October 30, 2017 03:32 PM |
Thanks to this thread i was quite succesfull in changing percentages of different skills in the original game. But HOTA confused me a bit.
1) For example, i dont understand where new Scouting numbers (5-6-8-10) (05000000-06000000-08000000-0A000000) are located. In h3hota.exe offsets for necromancy and scouting are the same (10-20-30% and 5-6-7-8), as if there were no HOTA changes at all.
2) What i should change to make hero starting army always had 3 slots? (like in Hota).
3) In the end - my wet dream is changing probability of some spells for the Cove, like in SPTRAITS.txt for original towns. But i have no idea where i should look for it - hota.dat, h3hota.exe?
Famous Hero
posted October 30, 2017 04:32 PM |
Edited by Ben80 at 16:35, 30 Oct 2017.
nmesa said:
3) In the end - my wet dream is changing probability of some spells for the Cove, like in SPTRAITS.txt for original towns. But i have no idea where i should look for it - hota.dat, h3hota.exe?
o_Spell[number_of_your_spell].chance2get_var[number_of_your_town] = probability_you_want
Hook at address 0x59E437
You should have HotA headers.
Supreme Hero
posted October 30, 2017 05:48 PM |
nmesa said: Thanks to this thread i was quite succesfull in changing percentages of different skills in the original game. But HOTA confused me a bit.
1) For example, i dont understand where new Scouting numbers (5-6-8-10) (05000000-06000000-08000000-0A000000) are located. In h3hota.exe offsets for necromancy and scouting are the same (10-20-30% and 5-6-7-8), as if there were no HOTA changes at all.
2) What i should change to make hero starting army always had 3 slots? (like in Hota).
1) Scouting values are at 0x63E9D8. You probably need a hook at the same location as my previous post, I did not check when it is changed.
Same thing for Necromancy, the %necro is changed by patcher_x86.
I have a post earlier where I showed how to restore it to original value without plugin.
2) Don't have time to look right now, it should not be too difficult to find with a breakpoint on army slot during map creation.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Hired Hero
posted October 30, 2017 06:27 PM |
Now i am completely lost. In which file this offsets located? In h3hota 0x002afff0 is maximum, so 0x59E437 and 0x63E9D8 just empty fields.
To clarify - i am using just hex editor, no coding at all.
Supreme Hero
posted October 30, 2017 06:40 PM |
nmesa said: Now i am completely lost. In which file this offsets located? In h3hota 0x002afff0 is maximum, so 0x59E437 and 0x63E9D8 just empty fields.
To clarify - i am using just hex editor, no coding at all.
Memory vs Hex address
With hex editor you are very limited to mod what HotA changed. You can check one of my previous posts as to how to restore Necromancy in HotA but your other requests are not possible through hex edit.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Hired Hero
Map Renovator
posted October 31, 2017 11:13 PM |
This is such a great thread, I was unable to read through all pages yet but I've managed to find some cool plugins with QoL improvements and bugfixes. I still don't understand why some people are afraid of changing Artillery or First Aid Tent yet they are ok with changing Eagle Eye There's no good reason why warmachines should be as useless as they are in this game.
They definetely should be changed into something more fun that's challenging your creativety in the way you play the game instead of thinking to yourself: "great! another good hero down the drain" whenever you lvl up and get one of those.
Since you can't buy more war machines than 1 of each type, Artillery and First Aid skills buffs should scale with hero level.
Let me give you an example:
Artillery no longer gives you a chance for double damage, instead:
Basic: Gives hero manual control over Ballista. Makes Ballista shoot 2 times.
Advanced: Ballista deals 8+(2*Hero_Lvl) to 12+(2*Hero_Lvl). At hero level 10 Ballista would deal 28 - 32 damage.
Expert: Ballista health = 250+(50*Hero_Lvl). At hero level 10 Ballista would have 750 hit points, because let's be honest, there's no reason this thing should be killed by mosquito sneezes.
Similarly First Aid
Basic: Gives hero manual control over First Aid Tent.
Advanced: First Aid Tent resurrects 25+(25*Hero_Lvl) hit points, undead units included. Now before you scream "OP!" Let me say why it isn't. At hero lvl 10 First Aid Tent would resurrect 275 hit points, but random enemy hero with expert lvl Earth Magic and 10 Spell Power can resurrect 660 hit points. And has other Mass Spells to cast. Seems fair to me.
Expert: First Aid Tent health = 75+(40*Hero_Lvl). At hero level 10 First Aid Tent would have 475 hit points.
Bonus: Expert Artillery also modifies Ammo Cart Health the exact same way. 100+(50*Hero_Lvl).
What do you think about it?
Known Hero
posted November 01, 2017 01:01 PM |
RoseKavalier said: Following the same logic as town building requirements, I made a similar header/example function on how to modify Combination Artifacts. I guess this may interest some people with the fuzzies
Nope, not intrested at all I'll not download it because its already done and won't try to use it... In the 10 20 30 40 next minutes (because I'll be typyng this answer).
avatar said: My fiend told me to ask you if possible to change native terrain of given town (Conflux for example) to sand or any other soil.
Aha ! I knew you were evil too ! How's your fiend ? Looks a bit red like pit fiends ? Muahahahaha(cough, cough)ahahahahaa !
przemo877, this thread is trying to help persons to explain "how they can do those things" but not "what shall be done".
I say that because some of your opinions were (and still are) discussed many times. So if we add tons of questions about what we can do, this thread shall be harder to read for persons who just want to know "how they can do this or that".
=> For ballista : Have you tested your values to know if they are good at start and not too powerful ? For advanced it will make 28-32 basic damage *2 because you shoot twice for level 10 hero (not considering caracteristics so normally makes more damage). Its more than a magic missile... For HP, do not forget ballista have many defense points, so 50HP/level may make it quite "not destructuble"... A level 10 hero is not at "end" so 750HP is quite heavy. At level 15 your ballista is an "Azure Dragon" (not same defense but same HP)... I fear IA shall jusst attack it for "nothing" because it'll be hard to change IA's intelligence on this point...
=> For fist aid, the problem for resurrecting is "if you blind you can resurrect all your army" so that makes it too strong if so...
I suggest more a resurrect but not keep the resurrected at end of battle... But the problem of actual resurrection is you count all the lost and sum it. So you frequently loose all your army even if its resurrected... It counts the number you lost in battle and delete this number... I'd prefer something like "you keep the lower value in a slot of creature you had in a fight"... So if you loose one time 10, resurrect, one time 15 resurrect and one new time 10, at end, the number of creature shall be the initial number -15 because its the highest lost you had in battle.
But if you cast a real resurrection, how to make it work ? Complecate...
So I think all these intresting suggestions may be discussed but maybe not here. If you want to make them work, feel free to ask "how" here.
My question of the week... Hard to just have one...
I'm still on artifacts, on creature to finish my lineup and intrested in creature native terrain... Lets go this week for last one.
I had in mind to make "native terrain" different for different creatures of one faction... For the the Conflux faction. I do not find logical they got bonuses on grass... For equilibration, 3 factions have the same bonus, not fun, and that give them some advantage because we'll frequently make more "grass" on map because many factions have this "speciality". And why on earth elementals they got bonus on grass (this sentence is not proper english but I find fun to write it like this ) ? Samly why fire elementals or water or air elementals shall have bonus on grass ?
For creature native terrain, I had some idea for Conflux :
- Creature 1 : I'll replace them with some Oozes. Fairies are nice on grass but Oozes, may have bonus on Dirt.
- Creature 2 : Air elementals (and Storm) may have bonus on Snow (the more "windy and air land")
- Creature 3 : Water elementals (and Ice) may have bonus on Swamp (and maybe on sea too ?)
- Creature 4 : Fire elementals (and Energy) may have bonus on Lava
- Creature 5 : Earth elementals (and Magma, I'll replace in roc elemental) may have bonus on Subrerran (and maybe Rough & dirt too ?)
- Creature 6 : Psychic elementals (and Magic) may have bonus on... I don't know. Magic fields are "not" normal ones but it sounds logical they got a bonus on them. Grass is the most "living" one so still grass may be the best ?
- Creature 7 : Firebirds (and Phoenixes) may have bonus on rough terrain ? I don't know for now, I intend to change them but I don't know for "what"... And I still don't know how to change phoenixes in game. For all other creatures, changing the .def is good but for them, I don't know if there is an other .def used but the "Cphx.def" one is not used...
So is it possible to change separately the bonus for creature in a faction ?
I have difficulties to understand well Igrik's answer. I don't know what Gypsy is. Neutral creatures ? Conflux ?
Sorc are planeswalker/elementalist or Rangers/Druids ?
Thanks to RoseKavalier, OxFEA, Igrik and Ben80 for answers and posts.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Famous Hero
posted November 01, 2017 05:29 PM |
why most fans sure, that all secondary skill should be very very mighty ? During all game phases and stages...
First Aid and Artillery surely are useful skills, mainly at first game stages. They could be strengthened a bit with exactly the same mechanics.
What I would do in future - force Arrow Towers to choose target for shooting randomly instead of current algorithm, which is quite good, BTW...
Known Hero
posted November 02, 2017 12:58 AM |
I like the suggestions of przemo877
And yes, I agree this thread is not about discussing if any change is good or bad.
But this does mean:
If someone knows how to put these skill improvements into a plugin, please tell us (if you have time left). Also the ressurection ability, even if you personally don't like it.
With help of this missing answer, everyone will be able to change these skills to whatever they like. They can make it overpowered or medium or whatever and upload the plugins at handbook forum.
Famous Hero
posted November 02, 2017 04:46 AM |
Edited by Ben80 at 05:04, 02 Nov 2017.
Serp said: I like the suggestions of przemo877
And yes, I agree this thread is not about discussing if any change is good or bad.
But this does mean:
If someone knows how to put these skill improvements into a plugin, please tell us (if you have time left). Also the ressurection ability, even if you personally don't like it.
With help of this missing answer, everyone will be able to change these skills to whatever they like. They can make it overpowered or medium or whatever and upload the plugins at handbook forum.
1) Usually modders have no time left because they are making something useful. 2) Yes, this thread about how to edit, but many people often describe in detail what they like or dislike instead of simply asking how to do something. 3) przemo877 have asked why we can make EagleEye but don't make War machines and something else - I answered him. 4) many suggestions described here much better fit into WoG than HotA - they are eclectic and unharmonic, but can give joy for first modding experiments.
Supreme Hero
posted November 02, 2017 01:06 PM |
igrik said:
While you can change a specific creature's town affiliation easily enough (even with hex edits for SoD), you will get unwanted side-effects. For example, that creature cannot be upgraded in the town it is produced because there is a town comparison in the upgrade function. This one you can get around without too much trouble, you just need a hook to trick the game into thinking this creature's affiliation is different when upgrading.
My worry is that there are more unforeseen side-effects that can break stuff. If you want to start testing around for possible issues, open up SoD and change creature's affiliation starting at 0x6703B8, struct is here.
Ex: Very first byte is Pikeman's town, try '02' for snow terrain.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Supreme Hero
posted November 04, 2017 10:33 AM |
igrik said:
avatar said: My fiend told me to ask you if possible to change native terrain of given town (Conflux for example) to sand or any other soil.
Yes. Possible
Thanks for answer igrik! But this brings another question.
There are also rows in hota ex and H3. The following hota exe lines were indicated by you:
could you to specify which line in H3 are there hota lines?
Supreme Hero
posted November 04, 2017 01:50 PM |
avatar said:
igrik said:
avatar said: My fiend told me to ask you if possible to change native terrain of given town (Conflux for example) to sand or any other soil.
Yes. Possible
Thanks for answer igrik! But this brings another question.
There are also rows in hota ex and H3. The following hota exe lines were indicated by you:
could you to specify which line in H3 are there hota lines?
This isn't HotA/SoD.
This part of the edits is to make RMG change underground terrain from 'Subterranean' to 'Desert' or whatever other you choose.
If you're interested by the unit's native terrain ranked by town themselves then you have:
SoD: 0x6436A8 (8x DWORD total, 1 for each town) [hex, plugin]
HotA: dynamic address at *(int*)0x5C1847 (9x DWORD total, 1 for each town) [plugin]
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted November 07, 2017 12:43 AM |
Anyone have code for creatures to recruit and dwelling guards accumulation?
Or teach me basics how to do that in Visual Studio?
Supreme Hero
posted November 07, 2017 01:30 AM |
RoseKavalier said: Make external dwellings guard accumulate:
0x004B8771 = 0x9090909090
Make external dwellings accumulate creatures:
0x004B87A1 = 0x01
If my previous analysis worked fine, then the equivalent would be:
_PI->WriteHexPatch(0x4B8771, "90 90 90 90 90");
_PI->WriteByte(0x4B87A1, 0x01);
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2