Thread: Addon Impressions! | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted August 08, 2016 06:26 PM |
What leak thing? Jesuschrist how much did i miss while i was away.
Oh and whats the Sephinroth scenario about?

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 08, 2016 06:39 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted August 08, 2016 09:34 PM |
Edited by blob2 at 21:41, 08 Aug 2016.
Heroes 6 was a mediocre game. Forgettable, but playable. Even with all it's downsides I've completed it from start to finish and even wanted to play it some more after a while (though it crashed on me so I didn't ).
But Heroes 7 being a mediocre (let's be tolerant here, shall we?) game in itself is it's smallest of faults.
Heroes 7 is a a BAD game for various reasons. It cemented the hatred (let's call it in name) towards Ubisoft. It broke the community: some people from the community were 'lured' by them only to be casted away, while they're reputation was damaged. Some were either scarred for life (total dissapointment or sadness that nothing can be made to make things better, or some of them even being accused of creating leaks etc), driven away or brought to a state in which they're looking for scraps to make something worthwile from the game - sorry if I'm exxegarating have fun with modding guys And finally it hurt me personally, cause I almost lost my interest in the franchise overall and live only on a pipe dream that a 'Unicorn' Heroes game will be made at some point (yeah, right).
So, a big f*ck you to Limbic and Ubisoft, I hope you'll pay for your atrocities. I couldn't care less for your games (Far Cry Primal being the only Ubi game I played recently) so you can disappear from players radars if you ask me (though I suppose they still have a big fanbase).

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 09, 2016 06:27 PM |
... and you got to the some point as in 90% of all the other threads. Aren't you tired a little bit?

Tavern Dweller
posted August 09, 2016 09:43 PM |
Edited by Alki at 22:06, 09 Aug 2016.
Hello, if you ONLY own the standalone addon "Trial by Fire", but NOT the vanilla game:
-Can you still play the factions from the vanilla game in skirmish, or are they blocked?
-Does it still contain the random map generator?
-Does it still contain the map editor?


Hired Hero
posted August 09, 2016 10:33 PM |
Edited by Mageus at 22:34, 09 Aug 2016.
Alki said: Hello, if you ONLY own the standalone addon "Trial by Fire", but NOT the vanilla game:
-Can you still play the factions from the vanilla game in skirmish, or are they blocked?
-Does it still contain the random map generator?
-Does it still contain the map editor?
I am guessing all of the above since it is a standalone. The only thing you won't be able to do is to play the other campaigns.
Now I don't have the addon, even less so the addon only but they advertised the answer I just gave.
As for the addon impression all I have is the 2.0 patch. Quite a few bugs remain (to many at this stage) yet the random skills system is really really nice (that plus the war machine buff). I just love this game and by the time patch 2.0 becomes old news the addon may even become affordable

Supreme Hero
posted August 10, 2016 03:35 AM |

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 10, 2016 06:58 PM |
One interesting addition was that you can choose to leave out of combat your ballista, tent or any of the runes. Except..
They are bugged and the game can randomly disable any of them. If you are not observant before starting the battle, the game may deprive you of your ballista or an essential rune and screw you over It has cost me a few reloads already.
Have also had some more crashes during or at the end of combat. Not frequent but guaranteed. If firing up the game and loading the 3rd mission didn't take roughly 10 mins I would mind less
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Famous Hero
posted August 10, 2016 09:15 PM |
Edited by Momo at 21:17, 10 Aug 2016.
I bought the standalone. Didn't want to give Ubi 60 of my hard worked euros for HOMM7.
Well turns out I might have wasted my money nonetheless. It gets from 10 to 20 minutes just to get into the game. The game isn't looking dislikable per se, it just feels like everything is a chore because everything takes so much time and has such an high probability of crashing the game altogether.
Then again, perhaps I would find it unenjoyable if I actually could bring myself to wait all that time to play it more frequently than I do.
For instance, my Valkyrie keeps dieing in small skirmishes and autocombats. They might be doing so because of my inability to understand their role or they might be doing so because they're just meant to be fragile or, it could be a bad oversight in balance like HOMM6's Cerberi. Which means I could have so much fan with dwarves once I learn how to use it, or that they are delivered poorly and I should be angry. One should have to play a lot more to understand which is which, and this game certainly doesn't work toward that goal.
I know I had red most of the complaints already before purchasing, but I still am apalled. I mean, even if I wanted to enjoy HOMM7 with all of my willpower and self-convincing, it's like the game itself punishes you for trying to play it. Their amount of disregard for the content they created themselves leaves me bewildered.


Hired Hero
posted August 11, 2016 03:23 AM |
I don't know about the dwarves (I don't have the expansion) but the game sure is not balanced.
The funniest race to play seems to be orcs (those who like the game the most often play orcs).
Another very fun faction is the wizards (very strong spells and don't underestimate buffing spells).
The most OP is probably undead but I don't think they are a good choice to start with.
Short recap :
Orcs: full offense, fast cheap and numerous archers and they can do many fight without loosing anything. Both of their legendaries are fun.
Wizards: They have fewer stronger units than the other factions. With them you can try all the different spells and find those you like most.
Undead: slowly amassing a massive army of skelettons. You should earn more skelettons than what you loose except maybe the first two weeks.
Elves: A surprising mix between defense and offense. They are kinda hippies like friend with the nature and mastering water and earth magic.
Haven: if you like to play defensively, to have strong formation that reduce the damage that you can complete with heal to negate the losses. They are the most irealistic faction: theorically humans but always happy, WTF!?
Dungeon: If you want a bit more challenge. They are squishy and don't have much range attack. They rely mostly on your capacity to make ennemy unhable to retaliate... except if ennemies are undead in which case you're screwed. Or you could just play perfectly but you would probably still get owned by either Necros (but those are OP) or orcs (but those are strong too) or wizards (nasty spells) or Haven or maybe even elves or ... well against another one who chose dungeon too you have your chances.
Dwarves? Dunno.
I think I may have stoppped giving a somewhat objective description at the hippies, sorry :s

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 11, 2016 07:40 AM |
Edited by Elvin at 08:08, 11 Aug 2016.
Haha yeah, humans and happy is not a realistic expectation. But it was more likely for knights to be feudalist @ssholes than legendary heroes so.. 
That post genuinely made me sad. It was not unexpected but it is still sad to see a disappointed loyal fan Truth be told, no amount of content can prevent a tiresome game from feeling like a chore and trials isn't exactly brimming with new content either. H7 in general is a curious mix. They had some good ideas but many more disappointing/unexciting ones. But the real issue is that it just takes ages to play and the gameplay is not rewarding enough to overlook it. I will be happy to put it down when I'm done with the campaigns.
PS has anyone seen the new spells? I've only seen the fire sentry spell which shoots firebolts but didn't have the opportunity to check the rest as my Hathor lacked arcane knowledge. I think all schools got a t4 spell, of which I only remember the light martyr spell but don't know what it does.
Another thing, where are the new music tracks?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Hired Hero
posted August 11, 2016 01:14 PM |
GenyaArikado said: So Sephinroth scenario?
She marries an elven lord Vyniris, whom Sephinroth herself describes as "loyal but dim", said lord is then subsequently poisoned by mysterious shrooms the day after the wedding, and Sephinroth, feigning justified anger gathers armies to have revenge for the premature death of her husband against nearby lords, anti-dark elf elven lord Ivor, dark elf Lethos, big fan of poisons and a dwarven lady Herdi.
tl;dr she's an ambitious dark-elven overlord and conquers the world. Or the nearby lands anyway.

Supreme Hero
posted August 11, 2016 05:35 PM |

Known Hero
posted August 11, 2016 07:48 PM |
Edited by SoilBurn at 19:50, 11 Aug 2016.
My impressions of the game
I posted this in the stickied H7 discussion thread, but I think this is the appropriate place for it. Sorry for the double post.
After relentless pressure from my flatmate since a year (yay hotseat games) I decided to give in and buy the complete edition of the game (bye bye 50 EUR) directly after the hamster expansion came out. I was very pleasantly surprised by a few things so I wanted to leave a message here and share with you my impressions of the game so far (based only on scenario maps and the beginning of the Dwarves campaign):
- Overall: I expected a slow, bug-ridden, badly animated slugfest. What I received is a (after 2.0) very stable, correctly paced game, that kept me interested to play a first hotseat session of 8 hours non-stop. I think this speaks for itself. The game overall does have some flaws, but is enjoyable and good.
- Comparison to predecessors: The game is much more stable than H6 ever was (my H6 crashed on large maps continuously and the Ubi helpdesk wasn't able to help me). The graphics & animations are clearly worse than H6, but still at an acceptable, good level (more on this below). I would even dare say that I enjoy the game more than H5, but this is only due to my strong dislike for cartoony graphics (otherwise the H5 skillwheel and random skilling was clearly superior). I will not start a comparison to H3 and H4, as both those games are largely outdated in my opinion (personally I enjoyed H4 more than H3, but I know that the improved graphics played a large role in that).
- Technical issues: A bit slow (2 minutes to start the game and enter a map), I also encountered several bugs (shantiri titan doesn't regenerate, unupgraded centaur does not run away after being hit etc.) and - the most frustrating one - the game is not memory optimized and clogs the RAM progressively. This has as a result that every 3-4 hours I have to restart the game as it becomes almost impossible to play. But at the moment I consider this of minor importance and I honestly hope that the gameplay bugs will be addressed in upcoming patches.
- Graphics: Worse than H6 but still enjoyable.
Positive aspects:
I am a big fan of Ashan (contrary to most people here I know) and I am happy that they kept true to their lore (mostly) and most games that came before (incl. Duels of Champions). I am happy to see some unit designs that I first saw in the Ashan compendium, like the Valkyries and Dryads. I am a big fan of the female units that Ubi has brought into the game since H6 (Ghosts, Yuki-Onnas etc.) so I am happy to see them staying true to that despite the old world fixated-macho-anachronistic views of a certain part of the community (which unfortunately includes people in this forum.
Negative aspects:
On the other hand some creature animations are horrible and lazy, so I have to live with that. Clearly an issue of lacking budget and it is simply sad that they did not deliver a product graphically equivalent to H6 (applies also to the disgusting frozen cutscenes of the main game campaigns).
- Gameplay:
Positive aspects:
The pace of the game is fine, and so is the progression of the main and secondary heroes. The implementation of random skilling is worse than H5 but acceptable (I would like to know what options are available to me in total, similar to H5 skillwheel). My main problem with H6 was the BORING hero progression (cookie cutter builds) and this problem is mostly solved in H7 in my opinion (at least I never had the impression that my hero was too predictable).
Combat is enjoyable and I find flanking an interesting mechanic, leading to new strategic options (do I flank a unit or do I stay in front of it and block a shooter at the same time?). I have not used a lot of Magic yet so I cannot comment on that, the warfare units however seem to stay relevant in all stages of the game (which is amazing and was imho less optimized in H5).
The addition of RMG and sim turns (I heard they work correctly now? I haven't tried them) was a must for me and I am glad that it happened, even after a full year from release.
Negative aspects:
One big complaint that I have here is that unit abilities are too few and repetitive. Why not "steal" some ideas from H5 and H6 which were diverse and interesting? Why does Necropolis need 3 vanilla core walkers? Give me back the Ghost heal and make it less potent if necessary, but as it stands it is simply lazy and boring.
Also why do you have to increase the rare resource amount to one million different resources?? Clearly H6 had too few resources, but adding one or 2 would have solved the issue, you don't have to go to the other extreme...
- Sound:
Positive aspects:
The music was awesome as always, I have not played that much to notice if it becomes repetitive or not.
Negative aspects:
The unit sounds however... omg. What a disaster. Every time a unit gets hit or dies I wish I could smack the responsible Limbic programmer on the head.
Anyway, my overall impressions of the game are so far positive (much more positive than I expected), and I feel that the state of the game as it is right now is not given enough credit in this forum.
Yes, Ubilimbic sucks for delivering such a faulty game and for enraging the whole community with their bugs and lackluster product and for completely botching the marketing of the game.
But on the other hand I think we have a solid game right now in our hands, with a high replayability value and clearly superior to the last entry in the Heroes series (equivalent to H5 in my opinion, except for the technical issues).

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 11, 2016 08:06 PM |
Good to know soilburn A friend of mine had a similar experience and I wholeheartedly believe that he was lucky to have avoided the first year alltogether.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Famous Hero
posted August 12, 2016 01:24 AM |
For the vanilla creature problem, I think they went from making every unit too rich in abilities and therefore the battlefield too unpredictable - or saying it better, too convoluted - to a "return to the roots" of HOMM3 where creatures weren't just defined by the number of specials they had. I think it was a good call in principle, but too extremely delivered in practice.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 12, 2016 02:50 PM |
Momo said: For the vanilla creature problem, I think they went from making every unit too rich in abilities and therefore the battlefield too unpredictable - or saying it better, too convoluted - to a "return to the roots" of HOMM3 where creatures weren't just defined by the number of specials they had. I think it was a good call in principle, but too extremely delivered in practice.
Their big fault in my opinion is that whenever they decided to do any changes for core mechanics, they went too far.
Let's take for example the amount of resources. They could have reduced it to 6 for example. Or the same with H7 abilities - agree with you, it was too far again. Each creature does not have to have 5 special abilities like 20% might damage reduction. On the other hand each one needs some ability to become unique and needed for hero's army.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 12, 2016 03:00 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 15:02, 12 Aug 2016.
H5 was perfect in this regard, with every unit feeling special and unique but not overcrowded like in H6. But lizzie has proven that it's really easy to bring back unit abilities from previous games so lack of resources cannot justify how poor in abilities the units are. Nor can we argue that there was a"focus on fewer abilities so as to highlight a unit's character" when there are so many repeated abilities, which does the exact opposite thing. Making units look like clones of other units.
Whether lack of imagination, laziness or poor knowledge of the engine, the results are plain bad.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2016 03:08 PM |
Momo said: For the vanilla creature problem, I think they went from making every unit too rich in abilities and therefore the battlefield too unpredictable - or saying it better, too convoluted - to a "return to the roots" of HOMM3 where creatures weren't just defined by the number of specials they had.
I know that's what they said they were going for, but I don't see it. H3 units were very different from one another in its respected tier because of abilities but mostly stats. In h7 I see mostly three kinds of units: fliers, walkers, and shooters. While h3 units came in all different kinds. They had not just fliers but beefy slower ones and super fast and fragile ones. Melee walkers ranged from slow moving golems to weak but quick Cerberus. (H7 dire wolf moves one tile further than the golem )
Unit stats were completely over looked in the game and I find it kind of idiotic the way they make it seem like the units are tightly balanced with their hp values lol. We get these random a$$ numbers like 27, 39, 42...lol as if adding that extra hit point throws off the balancing of the whole game. New fortress dragon has I think 397 hit points or something random like that. So 400 hp was ludicrous but 397, that's super chill

Known Hero
posted August 12, 2016 03:55 PM |
Edited by SoilBurn at 19:36, 12 Aug 2016.
Elvin said: Good to know soilburn A friend of mine had a similar experience and I wholeheartedly believe that he was lucky to have avoided the first year alltogether.
Thanks mate. I hope they iron out the bugs now, they are still annoying.
Re. to the unit hurt sounds and clunky animations I am not expecting anything. I think I can live with those. But if I buy a Shantiri Titan from the Menagerie I want it to goddamn regenerate.
Elvin said: For the vanilla creature problem, I think they went from making every unit too rich in abilities and therefore the battlefield too unpredictable - or saying it better, too convoluted - to a "return to the roots" of HOMM3 where creatures weren't just defined by the number of specials they had. I think it was a good call in principle, but too extremely delivered in practice.
I feel exactly the same way. Like they went from one extreme to the other.
And in my opinion the same applies to the rare resources. They reduced them in H6 to 2 in order to reduce randomness and increase strategic options, and they clearly proved to be too few. They just had to increase them slightly by 1 (or 2), not go back to the full 5.
EDIT: Antalyan said exactly the same thing, lol :-p